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Posts posted by waders123

  1. Clearly, the video shows the driver is in violation of not getting over for the ambulance.  The driver should be imprisoned, fined heavily, and receive a life ban from driving.  Video all of what happens to the driver through the legal process, then use the video to create a campaign to show what will happen to ALL drivers that do not obey laws when it comes to emergency vehicles.  I bet you will get more cooperation with giving right-of-way to emergency vehicles after the government shows the video on TV and Social media.  It will be a slow process to educate the public but it will be better than talking about it and doing nothing.

    • Sad 1
  2. I heard through the grapevine that there are some students deeply involved in hopscotch at local schools.  They need to swoop in and break some legs.  Oh dear! The sheer terror of it; this disgusting, addictive, and impulsive activity has to stop!!!   Wait!!!!   And while they are there they should check out the frog hopping bets; they have been increasingly growing in popularity in the shady areas. 

    What is this world coming too!!!  Swarm...Swarm...Swarm  


    APRIL FOOLS .....  Me thinks this is

  3. This isn't new News!  For some time, airports around the world have had a high pricing model on products/services available to the consumer.  The rent and other fees associated with the privilege of doing business there are passed on to the consumer for sure.  We all know why this is in the news; but it shouldn't be.  Forty baht for a water isn't that expensive in the overall scheme of things.  Like it was mentioned earlier, you can take an empty container with you and fill it with fountain water at most airports after you are checked through security; convenient, no, doable, yes.  

  4. On 12/9/2017 at 12:27 PM, hawker9000 said:

    LOL.  OK, so let's just abandon all other law enforcement, take all other laws off the books, worry about no other criminal activity, and just "focus" on what you think is important.


    It's law enforcement.  They need to be able to enforce more than one law at a time.  Even a school crossing guard has to be able to look in more than one direction at a time.


    The defense of smokers always seems to depend on dragging something else into the discussion to point a finger at.  It's called deflection, and it's juvenile, tired & lame.


    WOW!  You like to "twist" people's comments to get your own worthless two cents in.   So clever we are.

    To address your sorry a** comment:

    I said nothing about, "abandon all other law enforcement",  nor did I say, "take all other laws off the books, worry about no other criminal activity".  That is something you came up with; which is stupid by the way.   I simply stated there are more urgent priorities for law enforcement to attend to before they go to the beach with an undue amount of manpower to prosecute the smokers.  

    You really should get back on your valium and stop misquoting people's comments.  

  5. 18 hours ago, webfact said:

    Cops led by Chainarong Chai-in had set up the checkpoint to guard against crime and illegal activity when they saw a suspicious Mitsubishi car approaching.

    Hmmmmm I should have known....another "suspicious" Mitsubishi car.  Why that poor girl didn't have a chance driving a car like that!  She was doomed from the start.....Why oh why are they letting these "suspicious" Mitsubishi cars roam free like this?!??!  Oh, the horror of it all!  

  6. I am not a smoker but I would much rather the law enforcement focus on the burning of toxic materials that are burned in the surrounding areas of Pattaya.  These horrendous clouds of fumes from miscellaneous materials burning are way more harmful to everyone than someone smoking on the beach.   Stop the burning; stop the raw dumping of waste into the waters of Pattaya then the tourists will be happier and more of them will come to spend their money.  

  7. Wheather you are walking on a sidewalk, riding a bike, or driving a car, you should always try to remain vigilant to what is happening around you.  You may not avoid an accident such as this one but you can sure as heck give it your best shot to try.  My condolences to her family and to her, may she rest in peace.  

    Better routine and spot inspections on commercial vehicles could help reduce accidents.  

  8. 1 hour ago, Get Real said:

    As I see on the picture, there are no health concerns there. Or maybe all persons in need of a toilet are considered to be smokers.

    I agree with you.  Everybody has to walk through the group of smokers to reach the toilets?!?  Move them away from everyone if you are going to limit the smoking to a designated area.  This was the same as some universities in the US when they first stopped smoking in buildings on campus.  The smokers would gather around the doors and everyone passing through would get a dose of second-hand smoke.   

  9. 13 hours ago, Kolantaman said:


    Fees needed are:

    1) enter Thailand as a single foreign male over 18 years of age, pay a 8,000baht fee. Ladies over 18 pay a fee of 6,000baht. Funds go to undergrounding utilities and building state of the art sewer infrastructure and treatment plants and to provide social security fund.

    2) get cought seeking sex trade activities, pay 300,000baht fee go to putting thai children through university and provide seed miney for Thai social security system and black listed from ever entering Thailand again for 5 to 10 years. Not able to pay the fee then blacklisted from ever entering thailand again= lifetime ban.

    3) drunk in public fee of 30,000baht for all foreigners, fee to go to orphanages schooling, mass transit, acquiring additional national park lands. Lose right to enter Thailand for 3 years.

    4) foreigners affiliated with organized crime, 20 years in Thailand jail or pay 15 million baht fine and lose right to ever enter Thailand.

    5) cought selling or importing/exporting drugs, forfeit entry rights forever, 7 million baht fine, unable to pay fine equals 1 million baht reduction for each year served in a thai jail under good behavior.

    6) entering Thailand, for all foreigners with criminal records consisting of felony charges including rape, murder, child pornography, embezzlement, physical assault, hit and run, domestic violence, non payment of more than 2 months of child support, bank fraud, car theft, is immediate ticket home. 

    7) disrespect thai culture in a flagrant manner is expulsion from Thailand for 10 years minimum up to a maximum to life depending on level of flagrantcy. 


    Am sick of seeing foreigners in Thailand doing all of the above, especially the sex addicts, and rude Russian and Germans fighting. You are ruining Thai culture.

    I get that you would like to see Thailand be as it was, say 50 years ago, however, the reality is if these "rules" are implemented you would see a mass exit of foreigners and an almost complete halt of incoming tourists.  The economy would tank and what is in place would crumble.  Everyone, ( except possibly the wealthy), would fall on hard times which nobody has seen in their lifetimes.  In other words, Thailand could fall into such chaos that even the military couldn't keep control of law and order.   It has taken a long time to get to this stage; you can't change the rules abruptly without major consequences ensuing. 

  10. A simple solution would be to use cameras to snap photos of violators and send the fines to the owner of the vehicle.  If they don't pay their vehicle will be impounded.  This method could reduce the corruption and danger of the regular "pull over" stops of violators.   I am not a fan of cameras but this would bring in a ton of revenue at first to pay for the system install and then because people would realize they are going to get a fat fine for breaking the law and start doing a better job at obeying the rules.  This system would be monitored by more than a few people so there is a better chance for less corruption.

  11. I was in Pattaya a few years back and had a similar incident happen: 

    My Thai friend and I boarded a very small elevator to travel one story to the beach; it's weight capacity rated at 500lbs.  When the doors were closing a couple of really heavy set Russians, (man and wife I assume), came running up and grabbed the door, forcing it to open and tried to crowd in.  The overweight alarms immediately started to sound off.  We put up our hands and tried to kindly explain to them that this elevator could not take all of us and they needed to wait for the elevator to return to pick them up.  They both tried to grab our arms to drag us out of the elevator and we had to get physical with them; they wanted us out and they go first.  We did succeed in fending them off and going duo on the elevator.  So the Chinese aren't the only culture in the world to try to crowd onto an elevator that is not rated for their weight.  It was a crazy experience for sure.  I did learn some new Russian cuss words though.  The woman was very good and using them. LOL 

  12. 1 hour ago, Khun Paul said:

    All the technnology in the world is no substitue for driver education and training and for some reason they ( The Government ) REFUSE to address that.

    I certainly agree with you.  However, in developing countries' driver, education and training programs are not generally a priority. Whereas technology of this sort could force the hand of the government to pursue tightening up on their traffic laws and improving driver ed/training.   

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