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Posts posted by dyertribe

  1. Thunder you could be busy all night as it sounds like a rampage


    They are members of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), a group that wants to replace the one-man, one-vote system with a system in which some of the representatives are chosen by professions and social groups rather than the general electorate."

    Is this true? I try to keep up to date with the deveoplments but this is new to me!!!

    Yes, as I understand it, that is exactly what PAD want. Seems the alliance for democracy is anything but ... and they still have not explained why they think the appointed representatives would be less corrupt.

    Funny world isn't it?

  2. This is still a demonstration.

    At no point have the PAD gone on attack without being first provoked or attacked. At no point have PAD used anything other than defensive weapons or maneuvers.

    Until the PAD start using offensive tactics and weapons they are simply demonstrating and protecting their right to do so.

    And please feel free to make oh so witty and offensive comments about the use of offensive above. If that's the best that you can come up with for justifying unnecessary and violence provoking actions by the Police and the PPP cronies then I will not be surprised. Trolling will just make your position weaker than it already is.

    No wit, no offense, no agenda ... but didn't the PAD take back the gates of parliment from the Police (don't they represent the law?) with clubs and stakes? Is not one policeman dead, is not another in critical condition.

    Take sides with PAD if you must, but at least acknowledge that they are a violent mob.

  3. Guy's

    Thanks for looking at that for me ... When I travel to Thailand I stay not far from Suan Lum and quite like the place (I have simple tastes). I'm coming back in October and hope it's still alive.

    Thanks for your replies.

  4. Guys,

    I know that Suan Lum was to close last year, however I've heard that the night bazaar still exists. A search of google turns up recent links to Suan Lam such as You Tube clip

    The clip looks similar but not the same as Suan Lum (note the portable shade structures).

    Can anyone confirm of deny this for me ... or is this just a transliteration error?


  5. Can anyone please tell me what date Mae Jo is holding Khom Loy this year?

    Is it usually the Saturday after Loi Krathong (ie the 15th) or is it likely to be the Saturday before (8th)


  6. In Australia, there is no requirement to speak English to migrate as a spouse. You must however, be able to speak some English to become a Citizen (you must also have lived in Australia for 2 years as a "Permanent Resident"). We also have a newly introduced test on Australian knowlege and "Values" ... the verdict is still out on the value of this test.

    My wife has taught herself English and can converse well with English speaking family and friends ... she still turns back to her English-Thai dictionary from time to time.


  7. Guys,

    I've just checked the Australian Government Travel advisory site http://www.smarttraveller.gov.au/ and I can find no reference to Thailand in either the "We advise against travel to ..." or "Reconsider your need to travel to ..." sections on the front page.

    If you search by destination and choose Thailand then you get this (I consider sound) advice to allow people to plan their travel.

    This advice has been reviewed and reissued. It contains new information in the Summary and on Safety and Security: Terrorism (possible bombings in April 2007 including on significant dates). The overall level of the advice has not changed.


    We advise you to exercise a high degree of caution because of the high threat of terrorist attack. We continue to receive reports that terrorists may be planning attacks against a range of targets, including tourist areas and other places frequented by foreigners.

    On 30 January 2007, two small explosions occurred at the Rama Gardens Hotel and the Daily News, both in Bangkok. A series of bombs exploded in various locations in Bangkok on 31 December 2006, killing three and injuring over 30 others, including six foreigners. Further attacks cannot be ruled out.

    There is uncertainty over the political situation following a military takeover of the Government on 19 September 2006. Martial law remains in place in parts of the country.

    Demonstrations have been taking place in Bangkok regularly in recent weeks. You should avoid demonstrations, political rallies, and concentrations of military personnel. You should monitor the media, and follow any instructions issued by local authorities.

    We strongly advise you to reconsider your need to travel at this time to the southern provinces of Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla or overland to and from the Malaysian border through these provinces, due to high levels of ongoing violence in these regions, including terrorist attacks.

    On 14 March 2007, in Yala province gunman attacked a passenger van killing eight and injuring two. On 18 and 19 February 2007 a series of 38 bomb attacks and around 26 arson attacks took place in Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla provinces resulting in approximately 72 casualties including seven deaths. Targets included entertainment venues, power grids, petrol stations, telephone lines and other commercial sites, including a department store. The targets of the arson attacks included two government schools and Narathiwat central mosque.

    Thai authorities have previously warned of the possibility of further coordinated bombings in Thailand to coincide with symbolic dates, including in Bangkok and the Southern provinces. They have mentioned the Buddhist festive season of Songhkran (around the period 11-17 April 2007) as a particular time of concern. We assess these warnings are credible.

    Over 2000 people have reportedly been killed and many more injured, including a number of foreigners, since the level of violence began to increase in Thailand in the southern provinces in January 2004. Terrorists have warned foreign tourists not to travel to these areas. Further terrorist attacks could occur at any time, anywhere in Thailand.

    Be a smart traveller. Before heading overseas:

    organise comprehensive travel insurance and check what circumstances and activities are not covered by your policy

    register your travel and contact details, so we can contact you in an emergency

    subscribe to this travel advice to receive free email updates each time it's reissued.


  8. Australia is having another crack at ruining Thailand’s tourist industry, by putting the frighteners on traveling in the Kingdom. The second time in only a couple of months.

    australia has one of the worst human abuses records in history; they have always been Asia’s natural enemy, the yellow peril and keep australia white policies. It is only in the last few years that they have come to realise the importance of good relations with it’s Asian neighbours, especially after being dumped by Britain & Europe who no longer require importing in bulk australia`s lamb produce.

    In these troubled times, it is no longer absolutely safe to travel anywhere in the world, including all major cities. It appears that australia still regards many Asian countries as backward, dangerous and of inferior infrastructure.

    Sadly australia is a leopard that cannot change its spots.

    What a load of drivel. Where are your facts (let's not let facts get in the way of a good rant)

    Human abuses - you don't see Australians cutting the heads off other Australians (women - children - teachers) based on peoples faith ...

    Asian immigration ... I think as I walk around any Australian city that I can see a higher percentage of Asian people than the number of farang people I see when I visit Thailand (which I do regularly)

    As for the inferior infrastructure ... thats a fact you cant ignore ... even the footpaths in Thailand aren't safe (not to mention the motor bikes)

    I really don't understand the xenophobic attitude you have to Australia.

  9. Hello,

    I previously posted this to the Bangkok forum so to the 20 of you who have previously read this, I'm sorry :o .

    I live in Australia. My wife is Thai and has lost contact with her sister. Her sister works at the Piya Apartments Sathorn.

    Does anyone have contact details for the management agents (either an email address or a phone number)?

    Is anyone going to Immigration in Soi Suan-Plu? Maybe you could stop in for me (it's not far .. just near the corner of Sathorn Rd and Soi Suan-Plu)

    I've tried a google search and have appealed to some Condo agents that had it listed, but I'm still not lucky.

    I would like them to pass on our contact details if the sister still works there (House Keeping)

    If anyone knows how else I might find the contact details from here in Australia then I'm open to suggestions


  10. Hello,

    I live in Australia. My wife is Thai and has lost contact with her sister. Her sister works at the Piya Apartments Sathorn.

    Does anyonehave contact details for the management agents (either an email address or a phone number)?

    I've tried a google search and have appealed to some Condo agents that had it listed, but I'm still not lucky.

    I would like them to pass on our contact details if the sister still works there (House Keeping)


    Moderators ... if this is the wrong area, could you please move my post to an apropriate forum.

  11. They're not "insurgents". They're Muslims.

    Virgil, Out!

    Aside from religious bigotry being against forum rules, your comment shows not only a lack of knowledge of the particular situation at hand, but also does a huge disservice to the other one billion+ Muslims who aren't behaving the way you seem to think they do.


    stating the obvious does not make someone a bigot. I don't hear about Buddhist people cutting people heads off. Nobody is saying this is the way of ALL Muslims.

    Just for your own interest, google "terrorist groups" and check out the lists that are available from the resulting page.

    Facts, not Emotion.

  12. Don't believe everything you read in a newspaper. Don't worry, they're not taking anything out of your money transfers. Do you guys worry about the world spinning slower too?

    So you mean that BOT just posted this on their website just for fun?


    I think a wise idea is to get a definition of Captial Inflow


    Seems to me that this is directly relating to the purchase of Thai Assets and or currency.

    The US$20,000 sounds as if it covers most situations for most people, if it doesn't cover you, ask someone from a financial institution what does apply?

    Cheers Guys

  13. Don't get me wrong. This is my democratic opinion and nothing personel :o:D:D

    And when might we have the pleasure to read your educated opinion?

    Educated or not, every person has a right to an opinion. That opinion could be informed or emotional, but to the person who expresses it, it is still valid.

    Lets be honest about why people vote for the person of their choice. ME ... I'm not going to vote for someone who is going to make my life harder or less pleasant, even if it does help everyone else who lives in my Soi. I'm going to vote to get the best deal for me.

    And now - not responding to nasa, but a general observation about some other posts ... some people seem to have a little personal hate going in here (like for instance Breconman and his sparring partner Jaapfries). Guys, grow up - if you don't like someones post, go on to the next one. At least try to stay "On Topic".

    That my lot ...

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