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Posts posted by thaiwanderer

  1. ...and if you cannot read thai , you may translate website with google translate. We also have email address with our domain name but I gave you the email address I mostly use. Professionalism is not about email address It's all about doing what we promise here. We ready have many Thai client got loan from us and I only wanted help foreigners here that has no clue. But it's strange all I got criticism.



    well thats obvious!

    so you can make bad statements look good

    what are your fees?

  2. you can find out from the land office whether a plot is DEEMED by public record to be above or below 80m (how that was decided and whether it is or is not actually correct is wholly irrelevant)

    there is no need for site inspections and arguing the case of how high it is unless land office say its over - you might then get approval BUT are opening yourself for potential problems which you should consider whether you can resolve and keep resolved

  3. Dont forget that GDP figure is a general one for all of thailand..... places like Pattaya/Samui and Phuket in all fairness are definatly relient on tourism. In my opinion that figure means nothing when you talk about these places

    in their current form yes - how did they ever manage to sustain such places before tourists? - oh, they didn't! - the figure covering the whole of thailand IS whats important

  4. These thai officials are forgetting that tourists pay for their lifestyles

    false sense of entitlement & reasoning -

    i am a tourist

    tourism provides 6% GDP*

    i should be personally valued at the entire 6% (regardless of my actions)

    (and remember its only 6% gdp so don't start with the 'where would they be without tourism')

  5. Yes but how do you define 80m ?? Having had dealings with the tessabaan on exactly this they lick thier finger and hold it in the air !! For a start they have no datum points, no set places to calibrate from.. as this is down to the meter they had no answer to if 'sea level' meant high tide low tide or what.. Then they arrived with the oldest cheapest 5 or more year old etrex GPS unit that floated 15 or so meters in either direction.. They then sorta looked aound the patong hillsides for other buildings and tried to 'sort of' guess.. We had called the Kathu office out to get more data as the Patong tessabaan was after his envelope.. When the Kathu guy found out the Patong guy had already assessed it, and with the obvious GPS data showing he had no clue, and no way of getting a clue.. His only concern was 'what did the Patong tessabaan say'..

    Thats the rigorous process of how they precisely define 80m !!

    All you have to do is employ a qualified surveyor, and there are a few around Phuket. The 80 m is measured vertically above Mean Sea Level. The Province has established official bench marks to be used for this very purpose all around the coast of the island about 4 years ago, and each of the approving offices in the local OBoTo's have a copy of the booklet which was produced at that time with very detailed instructions. Do NOT use a hand-held GPS it shows elevations as referred to the mathematical surface of the earth not the gravitational surface which is Mean Sea Level. In Phuket the separation between the Geoid (mathematical surface) and gravitational sea level is about 20 m. In other words if you take your Etrex down to the seashore it will tell you are at an elevation of around 20 m ! Try it !

    a good start no doubt but it doesn't actually matter whether the land is 'definitely' under or over 80m by a large margin

    everything is negotiable except when a decision is made against you no matter what a fleet of surveyors say

  6. he is presenting himself as being from Texas ...

    He is?

    Or is that merely your imagination at work?

    Texpat, a lot of people assume you are both from Texas AND an American. Don't act like you don't understand why, Texpat. It is your total right to not identify your geographical particulars if you don't wish, and based on your response here, I take it you don't wish? OK, I suppose that is settled then. Nobody is demanding anything; I thought you may welcome the opportunity to clear this up, but apparently not. It's all good, international man of mystery ...

    maybe T(hai) - expat was what he meant? - mind if thats the most interesting thing about him......

    as to the OP and the re-establishment of democracy and 'feelings' of people??? i don't detect any recent changes one way or the other - nothing will change due to any amount of posturing, change will only occur (but i am undecided on scale or type) with the eventual elephant in the room

  7. not into sweeping generalisations (except when i slip) and would not agree that ALL aussies are like this but does seem a high % of aussies who holiday in Phuket are like this - cheap flights?

    if it offends drunk and rowdy aussies (or any other nationality) so they don't come then alls the better

  8. >>The company would use up the advance payments from their first buyer and then find a new buyer to cover their debts, he said.

    Ponzi Scheme. What happened to their initial capital that they should have had to build the first phase?

    that and another comment attributed to the guy did strike my cynical side as having ponzi-esque overtones which on first reading i didn't quite understand the need and thought he must have meant something else

    typical phuket business model has for a long time been self financing by buyers staged payments - minimal start up capital as only need the land and sales blurb - don't break ground until high % or all pre-sold - unless over extending selves on numerous projects (itself not usually a problem unless there is a wobble)

  9. Who insiders in this forum can tell between Mar and May before the "official announcement" issued yesterday? Not just no insiders can tell, even no one can check it out because there wasn't any "official announcement" during the last two months. Of cousre, I will not be informed by the immigration officers at airport when I arrive at bankgok but at least I should be able to check it out. Don't forget that usually 40+% owners of high end condo are foreigners. Get my point?

    so how exactly did your efforts to check it out rather than merely reading this thread fail to gather the information you required?

    and if the information you required was in the official announcement now made are you expecting specifics on tax measures to be ascertainable with 100% certainty prior to such a required official annoucement?

  10. Lets be honest thailands reputation is in tatters now and instead of rooting out the problems and dealing with them thet will simply stick there head in tha sand with the answear dont worry its just a farrang there are many more. Well the latest nail was the aussie threatened with 2 years in jail for stealing a beer mat. Well done patong and the aussie bar why did the aussie owner press charge's then realising the damage to his bars from other aussies retract his statement ??? to late mate damage done. Even in the uk we know the unfriendly beermat aussie bar. Can anyone tell me 10 good things about phuket and i will double it with the problems your minister will never address to tempt tourists back.

    reputation now in tatters - please!

    one good thing - people who need to make lists of merits or problems will overemphasise stories like these

  11. So how come Lersuang got caught trying to build over the 80 m limit when other developers are getting away with it.

    those that successfully build and sell above 80m can because they know how - its all part of being a developer

    if not don't buy the land in the first place

    Those who successfully build and sell above 80m should be put in prison i should think because IT IS ILLEGAL to build over that height unless the laws at that time are otherwise, if any officials were to actually become aware of a development that did not meet the required maximum height they can be pulled down. Its not part of being a developer at all, its more about who knows who, as with everything in thailand you can do anything if you know the right people (or pay the right people)........

    all the officials must walk round with bags on their heads then!

    - its about whats negotiable now and whether it remains tolerable / expedient

    i was not defending successful developers i was pointing out what is necessary if (apparently) like lersuang you buy land that is on the cusp to the naked eye, that cannot technically be built on (but you bought it without knowing? - itself an issue of concern) and even when 'find out' can't sort it out

    identifying these issues and then being able to avoid them or overcome them is all part of being a developer - in fact they are basics of just buying land

  12. So how come Lersuang got caught trying to build over the 80 m limit when other developers are getting away with it.

    those that successfully build and sell above 80m can because they know how - its all part of being a developer

    if not don't buy the land in the first place

  13. extortion?????

    hesse and logan were found guilty and are now telling their ludicrous story whilst begging for money

    YOu mean URica and Logan? They were free to leave the country after it happened.. and were not liable the first time around.!!!!!! Many places burn due to electrical wiring here. ..

    sorry on names maybe should have put farang man and farang girl

    by their account they were 'allowed' to leave originally

    subsequently they were found guilty

  14. >>extortion?????

    >>hesse and logan were found guilty and are now telling their ludicrous story whilst begging for money

    I don't know anyone here that doesn't have a decent house without house insurance.

    Extortion or not, these people's backs were up against the wall and instead of fighting on and paying more and more money, they decided to cut their losses. What would you have done thaiwanderer given their circumstances?

    for a start i would not be in their circumstances

    even they could have avoided the problems quite easily

    they cut their losses but are now whingeing (personally i hate that anyway - most of the times farang gets in a spot of bother its always only about 'Thai corruption / system' or whatever - never any consideration as to personal responsibility of farang who pleads being the victim)

    they are now hoping others will absorb the loss out of sympathy or some stupid farang comradre

    (also, part of their stated reasons for not seeing it through was to get back to their student loans??????)

    as to OP - why story not in gazette - i'm not sure but didn't the non-firestarting gentleman work for another phuket publication?

  15. IMHO

    Salih's assessment and reasoning is totally flawed at every turn.

    I can see no reason for a buyer into one of their projects to have any hope (even a false hope for them via a apparently reasoned PR defence would have been nice).

    Matters are worse because by not specifying the land issue affected development/s ALL (existing and incomplete) of their projects are called into question (have my own thoughts on why Salih didn't go into that particular one).

    Lots of other issues as to how the company appears to have been run.

    I could pick it apart but for the moment as the article stands (for better or worse) it stands testament to the state of lersuang.

  16. offensive comment there - some might describe her.....nevermind

    not entirely clear that the bar owner can do anything about it anyway and doesn't seem to have been involved initially

    she made her bed and should try not to make the same mistakes as simon burrowes

    but from reported comments from her i have read suggesting a bribe would have helped she is likely to carry on whingeing about her fate but not her own role in it and eventually will understand its not about the mat at all

    as to 'nail in tourism coffin' - yawn! only 6 per cent and if it puts low renters off alls the better

  17. I find it is always interesting that no one can firmly state what is the SBT level at this moment. Shouldn't the tax and fee of property transaction be explicitly and clearly stated in a country? :)

    becuase layman farangs should be expected to know these things / be kept informed with a publicity blitz about current rates just on the off chance they need to know - rather than just checking if they need to know and or keeping themselves informed if they so desire?

    how many short stay immigrants / 'aliens' are kept abrest of such matters in that detail by the authorities in other countries?

  18. IMHUO

    as above no protection from condo act as not a condo

    major pitfall is not owning the common land

    essentially you are at the mercy of the common land owner (at the very least no real control over management fees and at most (as above) they foreclose or simply refuse to honour any agreement / right of way etc. over the common area, many other disagreeable possibilities)

    this may never occur and you may never have a problem - BUT....... etc.

    if your heart is set on this property (after think about it again and again and checking if still in love with it and then again and again etc.) the ideal structure (in simplest terms) would of course involve all the apartment owners owning the common land and having freedom to decide between yourselves the maintenance company etc. (there are many other considerations but only if you can clear this hurdle with the seller can they even come into it)

    essentially 'owned' apartments are a very very poor third after condos and villas (even where villas in shared estates)

    the whole attraction (to some) of condos is the protection however small that comes with it - an 'owned' apartment has the potential for huge problems regardless of how much you may try to cover all bases by contract evn where you all own the common land

    sorry to pour cold water but on the general information you've given thats my take - others may disagree

  19. Without any knowledge of this matter, I don't offer any view at all on its specifics, but would just like to point something out for the benefit of those who aren't au fait with the newspaper.

    The Daily Mirror is a massively successful money-making machine, at one time owned by Robert Maxwell, and in direct competition with the Rupert Murdoch-owned section of the media (particularly The Sun). It is a low-brow (IMHO) tabloid, relying on sensationalist stories and with a traditional left-wing bias. They are past masters at phrases such as "we tried to get hold of them but they wouldn't return our calls" that may or may not be true but that would be very difficult to challenge in the courts. As they say, never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

    If I read in the Daily Mirror that the sun was out at midday, I'd have a look outside before I believed it.

    and in comparison the gazette is the gold standard of independent journalism

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