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Posts posted by thaiwanderer

  1. oh well, if he did the crime, i hope he's prepared to do the time, anyone stupid enough to do drugs in a land with very draconian drug laws deserves what he's got!!!!!!!! i will look forward to the book he is surely going to write in the future!!!!! :D

    It will at least take another 20 years before he can publish the book! Just finish reading " Send Them To hel_l" by Sebastian Williams. but he was of course innocent!

    Poor stupid b......!

    really, how so??????

    assume you are talking about alan john davies - his apparent experience of british consular staff's 'assistance' might show simon burrowes he got off lightly :)

  2. While the image that the Phuket market is distressed was rejected, the New York Times article concludes: ''Although some Thai banks claim they offer mortgages to overseas citizens, local expatriates say that is window dressing, and no such mortgages ever get approved.


    A single quote from the article sort of sums up the level of research done. You need to bring in 100% of the value of the 'property' (actually probably condo) as a Farang. As always test the market/water yourself.

    The reference to thai banks whilst a little shallow is not incorrect.

    I actually like the NYT article as it is not disproportionately influenced by local advertising revenue as compared to the myriad of 'reports' that are little more than advertorials. A recent article (property report maybe? cannot recall at the moment) had assessments from various 'professionals' on the island (with vested interests obviously :D but we can rely on their extensive knowledge of the market nonetheless :D ) who spun political instability and global credit crisis around to say there are bargains which won't last etc. and 'fundmentals' remain blah blah blah.

    The Larry Cunningham quote sounds incomplete from what one normally hears - things are bad BUT...... - maybe NYT journalist had a BS filter????

    Phuketwan's half hearted attempt at a rebuff relies on Bill Barnet (!!!) and 'FACTS' from colliers researched saying that the number of units FOR SALE (not sales) has rebounded??????

    As always with phuket-pro publications it ends with the cash buyer syndrome - somehow as farang market is mainly cash orientated it therefore only relies on wealthy individuals with liquid cash sitting gathering dust in their pockets who therefore are not affected by credit crisis- absolute 100% fallacy.

    Anyone want to buy a bridge? :D / :)

  3. Simon did nothing to deserve all that has befallen him, getting angry and raising his voice after intense provocation is NOT A CRIME.

    well in Simon's case it is, and he pleaded guilty to it :D

    Tell me Thaiwanderer, given the circumstances, do you think he had a choice under the Thai Injustice system?

    He is now "at risk"of being re-arrested by Immigration :) even though he has complied with their directives and his bail conditions and the court's final judgement!

    of course he had a choice - but turns out he isn't the big man he touted himself as

    he could have relied upon all the eloquent arguments in this thread that clearly 'establish' that he is entirely innocent - oh wait, there aren't any

  4. given the relative cost of the improvements doing the lease on the cheap would potentially be very risky here

    the lease term seems a little strange - appears it is not going to be registered - is that the case?

    (you previously mentioned renewal after 10 years, that may be the least of your problems here - regardless of the 'service' you feel you should have received for 10,000thb (which i still strongly disagree on), it appears may be heading into a very bad deal indeed - depending on the full story there is potential here for your lease to end as soon as the improvements are completed)

  5. I am talking about Thailand and of course yours is an english language contract

    i have no idea where you get the notion that this fee is disproportinate - i would agree if you were saying its disproprtionately low against what you are expecting it to entail

    you will often come across many 'wishing to do much more for much less' (as you say) but that is just it, wishing

    you really expect someone to take full responsibility for the drafting of this document for 10,000thb or thereabouts? you are not buying pad thai

    your talk of a lawyer taking responsibility for his / her work otherwise should change career is a bit much - it would appear you have engaged them to buy a pro forma lease they hold as a precedent - the extent of the work would appear to be inserting the parties' names, property and price perhaps

    typically the fee would not be anywhere near what would be expected for taking your instructions, advising you and drafting a lease for you specifically

    if that is what was promised then thats shoddy on their part but alarm bells should of rung if thats what you thought you were going to get for that fee

    the firm with which you appear to be alluding might perhaps be a legal factory which have their place but not it seems in satisfying your requirments for which i would recommend a 'proper' firm but it looks like you might have a heart attack at their fees

    please take this post in the spirit it is intended, i feel unfortunately your expectations are way off

    what is the value of the lease?

  6. Hello all, i have the impression that this legal disclaimer is just being added to take off any responsability from the "legal expert" that drafted it, in such a way that if a court would find any part of it to be invalid, illegal or incorrect than the tenant, the landlord or both would be responsible for it but not the hired "professional", am i just misunderstanding it or what's your opinion about it? Thanks

    Disclaimer : The Party prepared or provided this agreement in no way accept responsibilities of any claims, nor suits, arising from interpretation, judgment, or understanding of this entire agreement. Both Landlord and Tenant have taken considerable time and effort to read, understand and accept the bindings of this agreement on their own accord.

    Without seeing the entire agreement, IMHUP:-

    The disclaimer does appear to be aimed at absolving the drafter from liability arising from its use. Whether it would be effective is another matter.

    Where a pro forma contract is bought off the shelf such a disclaimer is not necessarily a suprise (the drafter prepared a general form contract, cannot know the *Parties* individual circumstances, is not instructed by any of the Parties and it is for the Parties to decide whether they should use that particular contract)(*i use the capitalised 'Parties' here to indicate those entering the contract - more on this below).

    Such a disclaimer may also be included in a pre-prepared contract package for a development and again is not necessarily suprising.

    However from your comments it appears you may have directly & solely instructed the legal adviser, is this the case? (If so, I would certainly demand a refund if they refuse to remove the disclaimer as it stands). (Although a clause that specifies that the Parties have taken their own advice, fully understand & enter the agreement freely and the agreement contains the entire contract between them is not of itself objectionable).

    Also, are they registered lawyers or legal 'advisors' / 'consultants'?

    In any event, the use of the capitalised 'Party' in the disclaimer is confusing. Is the drafter a 'Party' to the agreement as defined therein? (doubtful - and would raise concerns about the quality of the drafting of the rest of the agreement).

    In relation to Jcon's comment that if the landlord drafted the agreement the landlord may therefore not be liable, I disagree - they would be liable according to their role as the landlord.

  7. unfortunately or otherwise i very much doubt consular officials are empowered to exercise 'common sense' in the way you suggest (or perhaps at all) and to give undertakings to immigration officials in this situation

    Your scepticism is as ill founded as your continued resistance to sweet reason. Of course they are empowered to exercise their judgement and common sense, it's their bloody job!

    In the scheme of things any immigration officer would defer to the authority representing the country which issued the document. There is no " undertaking ", there is simply a reassurance that the document and the holder are as represented or they are not.

    Quite simple really. The consulate here screwed up big time and have closed ranks in protecting the buffoon responsible. Any claim for damages would be founded upon loss and distress suffered as a consequence of their undoubted negligence in not providing appropriate consular assistance. An ex gratia payment in poor old Burrowes' case is quite likely if pursued competently.

    on what basis could the offical give any such reassurance in a 5 minute telephone call?

    there may well be an explanation for no trace being found for the passport but are we really to expect the british official to consider an explanation = the explanation and therefore confirm the validity of the passport over the phone because of it - obviously you have superior knowledge on this

    the official should perhaps have done more than merely saying 'no trace'

    whether this is an actionable negligence is unclear but in any case would only extend at the most until the point which they confirmed the passport was valid, however he had lost his temper long before that and so was the author of his own misfortune from that point forward

    as to Gungadin's comments on arrogance - at the very least the reported comments from SB himself about how big a man he is and how they were all getting on fine when he was showing off his kick boxing videos does not smack of a wallflower

  8. then why do you think he would be entitled? oh, wait you don't

    Why do you think? Because he bought a new hard drive for his Mac - as said above :o

    because the OP added:

    'well it's a little bit more complex than I made out in the OP, my mate had to buy a new hard drive for his Mac, he's got a receipt and he is leaving the country and he's not a resident here, just passing through on his way to Vietnam, whilst he was here he bought a laptop for someone and he was wondering if he could claim on that too - the laptop is not leaving the country with him...'

    I don't understand your point :D

    he bought the laptop for someone else and is not taking it with him - so not entitled to a vat refund

  9. The fundamental issue here is that a British national in possession of a perfectly valid document was incarcerated through no fault of his own. The red herring of a false passport, raised on the flimsiest of grounds, could have been dismissed more or less immediately had the consular official exercised just a smidgeon of commonsense but he did not and the situation was allowed to deteriorate accordingly.

    The whole question of his nationality and identity was and is entirely spurious since there were no justifiable grounds for questioning it in the first place.

    i picked up on the touted idea that a 5 minute chat was all that was needed to establish nationality, identity and validity of travel documents

    unfortunately or otherwise i very much doubt consular officials are empowered to exercise 'common sense' in the way you suggest (or perhaps at all) and to give undertakings to immigration officials in this situation

    they are perhaps at fault for the prolonged delay therefater in resolving the passport issue (running into days) but by then he had already lost his temper

    as to suing the FCO - for what? - losing one's own temper?

    (as to your other comments i am not in the habit of comparing keyboard size so you can stroke your own ego on that all you want)

  10. then why do you think he would be entitled? oh, wait you don't

    Why do you think? Because he bought a new hard drive for his Mac - as said above :o

    because the OP added:

    'well it's a little bit more complex than I made out in the OP, my mate had to buy a new hard drive for his Mac, he's got a receipt and he is leaving the country and he's not a resident here, just passing through on his way to Vietnam, whilst he was here he bought a laptop for someone and he was wondering if he could claim on that too - the laptop is not leaving the country with him...'

  11. Focus man, focus. None of your points were the issue of the day! Wake up! Try and stay with us! It was all about an erroneous judgement that Simon's passport was false which was finally cleared up 3 days later though he wasn't released for another 8 days - presumeably the time taken for the cerebrally challenged brown shirts to come up with plan B! Now go back to sleep!

    they were issues when he was hoping to board his flight and on your version of events remained an issue for 3 days so the touted '5 minute chat' to establish nationality (but not identity?) is entirely relevant up to that point

  12. Actually while out shooting with the airsoft gun I met an Italian guy who did manage to get a permit for his 9mm. Apparently if you can prove that you handle a large amount of cash every day then you can get a permit. He has a Non-B and work permit if that makes a difference.

    if you prove to an official that you handle a large amount of cash every day you will need a gun

  13. An Indo friend of mine just came back from Geylang where she averaged 20 blokes a day. She was there for 30 days....hmmm.

    This was her third trip. :o

    She doesn't particularly like it but she needs the money...which added up to about 3k Sing.

    These girls in Melb. got it easy.

    so you will be recommending prostitution to your mother, sister or daughter (enslaved or not)?

  14. Spot the odd one out? Kam Tin Ho, 40, Ho Kam Ho, 38, Chee Fui Hoo, 42, and Slamet Edy Rahardjo, 53.

    5 women to service up to 750 men? That`s 150 men for each girl if shared equally.

    These women are no more than walking sperm culture banks.

    And to think, there are guys that actually fall in love with them, amazing.

    yes, Slamet Edy Rahardjo is only charged with using a slave, or were you inferring something else?

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