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Posts posted by heina

  1. http://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2015/nov/24/russian-jet-downed-by-turkish-planes-near-syrian-border-live-updates

    Here are the key quotes from Putin’s statement:

    • “The loss today is a stab in the back, carried out by the accomplices of terrorists. I can’t describe it in any other way.”
    • “Our aircraft was downed over the territory of Syria, using air-to-air missile from a Turkish F-16. It fell on the Syrian territory 4km from Turkey.”
    • “Neither our pilots nor our jet threatened the territory of Turkey.”
    • “Today’s tragic event will have significant consequences, including for Russia-Turkish relations ... Instead of immediately getting in contact with us, as far as we know, the Turkish side immediately turned to their partners from Nato to discuss this incident, as if we shot down their plane and not they ours.”
    • “Do they want to make Nato serve ISIS? ... We hope that the international community will find the strength to come together and fight against the common evil.”
  2. no doubt the sheep will return, blinkered to the fact that they might not make it back home because the lure of the 'all inclusive drinks and food trough' will outweigh the fact that its a muslim country. i expect my brother and his hogs have been there.

    all muslim countries should be avoided now, maybe then they will wake up to their selves and their religion of 'peace'.

    Why did not avoid those countries before. Instead of bomb them and cause wars and kill the peoples.

  3. Do not sure if any posters above know the main difference between French and USA constitution.

    French constitution the head of the state might be elected for as many times as him will be elected. But only two continuous terms allowed.

    In USA a president can be elected for two terms only. Anyway does not care as USA president actually just country`s PR manager or "talking head" as mentioned in post number 4 not a head of the state.

  4. I've just moved into a Condo in Asoke and got Net X installed within 24hrs, Had to pay 6 months upfront. I get 18mb speed which i'm more than pleased with. Having moved from the Philippines where my average speed was 0.9mb



    What is your actual opinion about Net X?

    Can you stream HD content on Youtube, Hulu, Netflix etc?

    Is that has overal good quality, low ping wtc comparing to other available fiber optic internet providers as TOT, True?

  5. Several dozen countries missed from the list.

    Whats about Lybia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Serbia and every single country in middle east and north Africa?

    Ash Carter has got this totally the wrong way round. The threat to world peace is, and has been since WW2 ended, the US. Perpetual war with a brief hiatus after the unmanning in Viet-Nam which eroded the US public support for never ending war. I think WW2 convinced Americans that war was extremely profitable and so the laughably called 'defense industry', carries on lobbying for more and more wars.

    Truman created the CIA, NSA in 1947. And, the rest is History:

    1949 Greece
    1952 Cuba
    1953 Iran British Guyana

    1954 Guatemala
    1955 South Vietnam
    1957 Haiti
    1958 Laos

    1960 South Korea Laos Ecuador
    1963 Dominican Republic South Vietnam Honduras Guatemala Ecuador.

    1964 Brazil Bolivia
    1965 Zaire
    1966 Ghana
    1967 Greece

    1970 Cambodia Bolivia
    1972 El Salvador
    1973 Chile
    1975 Australia
    1979 South Korea
    1980 Liberia
    1982 Chad
    1983 Grenada

    1987 Fiji

    2002 Venezuela.
    2004 Haiti

    2009 Honduras

    2013 Egypt

    2014 UKRAINE

    Now, smart people, give me the Russian Coup list.

  6. Waiting on the cause....no reports yet of reasons for the crash.

    I would not rule out an attack....seems too sureal.

    If it was...then I suspect it is only the beginning.

    If some terrorists moderate rebels shot down the airplane with some anti airplane weapon supplied by the USA, than we can start digging bunkers......

    Lets hope it was technical problem or the pilots fault.....

    Or outside intervention to Airbus` "Fly-by-wire" system for example.

    Do no buy planes from your geopolitical enemies. They got no conscience.

  7. Thats the price NATO countries should pay after bomb and ruin Yugoslavia, Afganistan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria etc

    The migrants, whether genuine refugees, ecomic migrants or infiltrating jihadists are mostly muslim. They should be redirected to safe mulim countries to have their status considered. Europe should only consider genuine christian refugees. The EU and especially Merkel has totally lost the plot.

  8. [quote name="Finkelstein" post="7382090" timestamp="

    - Chuan (democrat) helped by the IMF restored economy.

    Aftr this statement it is getting clear how do you hate thais.

    There is not a single country in the world where they did restore economy but force privatization state companies for their foreign backer advantage and pump out currency. You can seeit all over Africa, Latin America ans Eastern Europe now.

    That was biggest Thailand success to get rid of foreign debt and IMF parazites.

  9. Actually not that necessary to borrow money for thai gov. Thailand is a big US treasury bonds holder. More that 50 billions USD on that <deleted>. Uncle Sam might not be happy as well as american taxpayers.

    It is a bit curious that they would seek loans when they have cash on hand......

    We covered this. The US dollar is the international unit of trade. Thailand is big in import/export, doing billions of dollars of trade with the US alone, and much more with other countries.

    Any country that doesn't have enough US dollars on hand to cover its trades is out of business. This is also the real reason that China holds even a larger amount in US bonds. Its trade with the US alone is enormous.

    Thailand can't divest itself of its US dollars.

    US treasury bonds is low rate credit for US economic and source for USD emission. Without it USA cant spend billions for wars all over the worlds, farmers subsudy, pensions and households consumption which is higher then household earnings. That is why need to keep USD as a trade currency and force others to buy US treasury bonds. Otherwise they can continue Iraq story and so on.

    Well situation slowly changes and some countries like China, Japan, Russia etc begun to conclude agreements in their own currency as there is no faith on US treasury bonds any more. As US debt finance form new debt as budget is unprofitable and soon all later all taxes goes for Treasury bonds interest payments. Thats all is Ponzzi scam.

  10. Actually not that necessary to borrow money for thai gov. Thailand is a big US treasury bonds holder. More that 50 billions USD on that <deleted>. Uncle Sam might not be happy as well as american taxpayers.

    It is a bit curious that they would seek loans when they have cash on hand......

    We covered this. The US dollar is the international unit of trade. Thailand is big in import/export, doing billions of dollars of trade with the US alone, and much more with other countries.

    Any country that doesn't have enough US dollars on hand to cover its trades is out of business. This is also the real reason that China holds even a larger amount in US bonds. Its trade with the US alone is enormous.

    Thailand can't divest itself of its US dollars.

    US treasury bonds is low rate credit for US economic and source for USD emission. Without it USA cant spend billions for wars all over the worlds, farmers subsudy, pensions and households consumption which is higher then household earnings. That is why need to keep USD as a trade currency and force others to buy US treasury bonds. Otherwise they can continue Iraq story and so on.

    Well situation slowly changes and some countries like China, Japan, Russia etc begun to conclude agreements in their own currency as there is no faith on US treasury bonds any more.

  11. What you don't understand is that government bonds are guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the Thai government and attract a risk asset weighting accordingly. A loan that is guaranteed by a caretaker government that might not have the legal authority to guarantee it is a different type of risk asset under prudential banking standards.

    In my personal opinion Thailand do not need any loan as they have 50 billion USD in a US treasury bonds. Just get rid of it before Federal Reserve scam default happens.
    • Like 1
  12. Now let's see - 33 banks in Thailand. There are 16 Thai commercial and retail banks and 15 foreign banks, most of which have only one branch. That makes 31 commercial and retail banks in Thailand, some of which are tiny or only do very specialized business in the case of most of the foreign banks. That means the two other banks are probably fully state owned banks such as the Government Savings Bank and Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives that have already been approached. There is also the Government Housing Bank and Exim Bank, not to mention the SME Bank that is already techincally insolvent due to fraudulent lending.

    All the private sector banks are subject to capital adequacy limits and most are also listed companies, either in Thailand or in their home countries in the case of the foreign branches. If they lend money under a questionable government guarantee that may be voided by a court later, that has implications for their capital adequacy ratios that could cost them money, not to mention the reputable risk of getting involved in the funding of a scheme that is being investigated for fraud.

    I would say this is not going to be a slam dunk for Kittirat and I wonder why he would mention 33 banks, knowing the majority are too small to consider it, even if they wanted to, and that foreign banks can't get involved in political stuff like this. Good luck to him.

    Banks do not have choice. Government bonds interest rate is higher then any bank fixed deposit interest rate. If banks do not buy government bonds then peoples extract their money from banks to buy bonds. Recently it was very hard to buy gov bonds for the peoples. Did not check how is it now. So local banks buy bonds or default.
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