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Posts posted by pitrevie

  1. No concession to the UK? oh dear.

    The UK membership has been an endless story of rebates, concessions and exceptions from the very beginning (yes, I'm old enough to remember this).

    I agree and I see the Europeans have now asked us to leave as soon as possible. Makes you wonder what excuses our British politicians will now come up, who will they now blame for their incompetence. Well we all know Farage has got the next scapegoats lined up.

  2. "There is absolutely nothing not to like about the TTIP" - a ridiculous comment by the Telegraph writer, as of course there are things to dislike!

    You do know that the Telegraph writer was Boris Johnson that was his view before he started his campaign to become PM
    Boris Johnson has dismissed critics of a controversial US-EU trade deal as “numskulls” and “left-wing misery guts globalisation campaigners”.
    The London Mayor used his Telegraph column this week to deride the “panic” and “fears” surrounding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which has garnered controversy as critics say it would herald the “irreversible privatisation” of the NHS.
    “There is absolutely nothing not to like about the TTIP. As [Winston] Churchill might have said, it is altogether un-sordid,” wrote Johnson, who has recently written a biography of the wartime leader. “And yet virtually the only commentary we have been offered is absurdly hostile and misinformed.”
  3. This speech by a famous Englishman could have been written last week about the EU and its bureaucrats.

    "It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

    Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

    Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

    In the name of God, go"!
Oliver Cromwell - April 20, 1653

    As an admirer of Cromwell and what he achieved but the result of that speech was that a military dictatorship took over.

  4. It is sad to se your country go down the toilet. The EU was a lie and continues to be so. Sadly the younger generation don't have the same backbone and have a culture of handouts and 'what is in it for me'. The working class have gone. Working class use to mean those who wanted and went to work. Now it means you are a bum. To many people are aspiring middle classes. The country has been diluted with immigrants who as a whole do more damage than good to the nation. The luvvies, lefties and liberals will have you believe that you a racist or extremist if you question or disagree with them.

    Just yesterday on mainstream TV the presenter mentioned the banks and premier league football clubs supported remain. well they would of course. Mostly foreign owned clubs paying ridiculous wages and taking money from those who can barely afford it.

    The banks are just organized legalized criminals. I would truly love the UK to vote leave but as many are sheep and rarely have the time to see what is really happening, I will not be surprised if we end up staying in this farce called the EU.

    It won't be long though before you hear we were lied to, when more immigration happens and Turkey etc join, via the back door. Well I am sorry people of the UK, you were warned and didn't listen.

    Excellent post, all true, pity the British electorate are not aware of the real purpose of the E,U. and its unelected dictators the E.U. Commissioners who decide every thing behind closed doors, and who are following the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan the founder of the Pan European Union in '22 whose ideas include the mongrelisation of the white Christian European Race through mass immigration and miscegnation, a true horror story happening before our eyes.

    Winston Churchill's celebrated speech of 19 September 1946 to the Academic Youth in Zurich commended "the exertions of the Pan-European Union which owes so much to Count Coudenhove-Kalergi Amazing the rogues that approved of his endevours.

  5. The making of the EU is NOT for the common people, just only for financial sector.

    Its just the American style invading in Europe.

    Meaning rich get richer and poor poorer. All older people to get rit of by cuts.

    Other ones to be or get homeless after they arent qualified anymore.

    Rich people in USA pay 0.25% tax , normal working people as nurses, police, fire and so on

    50% of their income.

    Rich people walk away with crime, as Cameron with his money in Panama, common people are hanged and dried out.

    Yep and there will be a much fairer society if we leave the EU. The City of London and the bankers will never dictate to use again and financial skulduggery will disappear. The land will also be flowing with milk and honey.

  6. Please dont go, what will we do without all the money the UK puts in.

    Get out stay out Tusk and his pals only care that the gravy train is hitting the buffers.

    Yeah I see that Soros is now warning that Brexit would trigger a sterling fall worse than Black Wednesday. However as good old Farage always says when confronted with anything from any source, "SO WHAT". After all what does Soros know about anything?

  7. Well, this s one way to get back some of the 100 Billion $$ Obama gave back to Iran, Next thing you know there will be a deal to sell Levi's in Iran (a Canuck visitor told me he was offered $100 for the levi's he was wearing.) thumbsup.gif

    Obama didn't give them one cent, all that happened was they got the money that belonged to them. Most of it in fact money for the oil they had sold and never been paid for. The USA is not giving them anything. However it does sound better your way.

  8. These nutters that come out of the woodwork at times such these saying, I've researched it, it's not a problem, it's all normal, they ignore the worlds leading scientists who are increasingly raising the alarm and saying things like, we can't explain this! It reminds me strongly of those Brexit guys, living in fantasy land.

    And mostly you find its the same people.

  9. She campaigned for Britain to allow refugees to be allowed to come to Britain ,he was a mental patient who had just been let out , he shouted "put Britain first" this was reported by an immegrant , he was a loner, thats it .

    The supposed witness denied he ever heard "Britain first" but alas many rushed to make political capital out of this tragic murder before she is even put to rest. Quite disgusting and cynical behavior.


    Well this was an eye witness and he said he heard just that here he is being interviewed by the BBC


  10. If we leave,then the E.U will eventually disintegrate


    I hope so. Its nothing more than a dictatorship with unelected officials calling the shots.

    Yes it is....agreed...and for those who think not....Junker said that countries need to be careful who they vote in to power (democratically i might add) because if the EU doesn't like them they won't deal with that country anymore....Ummmmm, is that not dictating

    That sounds ... interesting. So, what exactly did Juncker allegedly say and to whom?

    The "dictatorial" EU-Commission is indeed not elected but only approved (or rejected) by the European Parliament. IMHO that would be one of the most important reform steps the EU should take. The parliament should elect all commissioners and not only the president of the Commission. Nevertheless, the Commissioners are appointed by their governments, which are democratically elected. So, a minimum level of democratic principles is met.

    Again, if anybody wants to see a dictatorship, just look at Thailand.

    For that matter its only the President in the USA that is elected the rest of his executive are appointed. In the UK none of the cabinet or the PM are elected they are all appointed and in some cases they are not even elected to Parliament. In the past one PM wasn't even elected as an MP but came straight from the un-elected House of Lords.

  11. Many didn't want to hear and heed the warnings of Winston either during an earlier time about a growing menace to their societies and way of life. They thought it was easier to just bury their heads in the sand and get on with their comfortable lives. How well did that work out for them...

    To compare Donald Trump to Winston Churchill is a terrible idea, with the anti Muslim rhetoric of Donald Trump it would be better to compare him to Adolf Hitler and his attitude to the Jews

    Here are a couple of things Churchill had to say about muslims.

    “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism [sic] lays on its votaries!”

    “…Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step…” If it were not for Christianity, “sheltered in the strong arms of science,” then “the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”


    I think you need to read this http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/11314580/Sir-Winston-Churchill-s-family-feared-he-might-convert-to-Islam.html

    In October 1940, as Britain faced its darkest hour against Nazi Germany, Churchill approved plans to build a mosque in central London and set aside £100,000 for the project. He continued to back the building of what became the London Central Mosque in Regent’s Park – which he hoped would win support for Britain in the Muslim world at a crucial moment – even in the face of public criticism.

    In December 1941, he told the House of Commons: “Many of our friends in Muslim countries all over the East have already expressed great appreciation of this gift.”

  12. The UK might have,we the people didnt as for those toe rags being Labour ,I agree plenty of Tory snouters as well

    I really don't know what you think you are talking about. The UK elected 73 MEP's in the way we normally elect parliamentary MPs, there was a ballot, these people were not appointed by anyone they were elected on a constituency ballot. Its the reason Farage got elected who the hell would want to appoint him with his views on Europe.

  13. The E.U is an unelected body that is only interested on how much they can screw out of us before the whole bloody shambles implodes,just look at the sort of failed politicians like Mandelson and Kinnock,have their greedy snouts deep in the trough

    Strange how it is that all all the people who have served as EU commissioners you could only name two Labor appointees. I guess there were no Tory ones you could think of. Talking of having their snouts in the trough Nigel and Co haven't been shy claiming every expense in sight.

    Just to add the UK elected 73 members to the European Parliament.

  14. Football hooliganism has got nothing to do with anything but football.

    Let someone mad enough in the political sphere even bother mention it. They'll only further increase the desire for Brexit.

    Read what was being chanted again, these so called football fans think otherwise.

    Between clashes with the police, fans sang: “<deleted> off Europe, we’re all voting out.” They also sang anti-IRA and anti-German songs before singing: “Sit down if you hate the French.”

  15. Sadly in the last day or so we are seeing the loutish behavior of those that make you ashamed to be British and will delight those who wish to see the back of us.

    Between clashes with the police, fans sang: <deleted> off Europe, were all voting out. They also sang anti-IRA and anti-German songs before singing: Sit down if you hate the French.

    It's conceivable that various govts 'dirty tricks' depts could be behind this if true.

    I don't think English football fans need any assistance in that respect.

  16. Sadly in the last day or so we are seeing the loutish behavior of those that make you ashamed to be British and will delight those who wish to see the back of us.

    Between clashes with the police, fans sang: “&lt;deleted&gt; off Europe, we’re all voting out.” They also sang anti-IRA and anti-German songs before singing: “Sit down if you hate the French.”

  17. One day people will get over religious beliefs, until then this senseless violence will continue.

    Agreed and these days most Western countries don't give a damn which fairy tale you believe in or not. However there is one country which is a major exception to this rule, now see if you can guess which one that is.

  18. So far a few answers, but none at the OP, about the Brexiters telling lies.

    Probably the most famous untruth is the 350,000,000 pound per week UK payment to the EU which was painted on the side of Boris's Brexit Battle Bus.

    attachicon.gifbrexit bus.jpg

    Next to the claim that any money we save by leaving the EU will be spent on the NHS by the very people who want to privatize the NHS.

    Can't be bothered to check - is that true?

    Well it was Michael Gove who stated as such and the extreme right of the Tory Party who wants us out are not doing it so that they can use the money saved to pump into the NHS.

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