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Posts posted by pitrevie

  1. I'm not an economist like you guys obviously are but I read a little so open your minds to different ideas

    " European concepts of currency value is SERIOUSLY WRONG. Post-World War II, European politicians used the rise in their currencies as proof that they did a good job. That installed this concept that a strong currency was good for the economy which in fact if you are concerned about trade, you want a weak currency. The entire reason the Swiss put a peg on to the euro was because the rise in the franc was reducing exports and major companies threatened to leave."


    So I guess that Germany and Switzerland suffered as a result of having a strong currency. For some reason having a strong currency didn't put a break on Germany's economic progress based as it was on manufacturing but since the war the UK currency has mostly gone in one direction and yet for some reason with a weakening currency we do not appear to have become an industrial giant.
    I recall my friends telling me that when they were in Germany they can remember an exchange rate of around 11 DM to the pound, when I was there it was around 6 and I believe that before they went into the Euro it was around 2. Yet during all that time Germany went from strength to strength and the UK went downhill with its weaker currency.
    Also, the current fall in the value of the Pound (2016) is partly due to concerns over Brexit (British exit from EU). This is causing uncertainty and will likely to reduce investment from export firms. In this situation, the devaluation will probably do little to boost economic growth.
    Economic growth. In terms of economic growth, the five years after 2007/08 devaluation were very weak. The devaluation was insufficient to stop the deepest recession for a long time, and the recovery was very weak – compared to other recoveries
    UK Devaluation between 2008 and 2013
    Between 2008 and 2013, the Pound experienced a 25-30% devaluation in Sterling, but the UK had only a weak recovery, some cost push inflation and a surprisingly large current account deficit. It seems the depreciation in the pound did little to help the UK economy.
    So anyone who kids themselves that weakening the currency is going to be beneficial in the long run is probably mistaken but then I am not an economist just observed what went on with the German economy which suggests just the opposite
  2. Contrary to popular opinion that a strong currency is good, the fall in he Pound will be a good thing to save jobs and good for exports, wring your hands all you want

    So now I know why Germany was such an economic powerhouse all those years with the DM it was because their currency was weak.

    But just imagine how powerful they could have been if they had followed the Mugabe school of economics though.

    I agree Switzerland take note your strong currency is holding you back.

  3. So who you want to fight? The EU controllers? The immigrants? Who? So when you were a soldier you never employed withdrawal tactics to preserve your forces? You fought to the death because anything less would be cowardly? Not related to General Custer are you?

    Rather shortsighted to take 'fight' literally. Withdrawal tactics? - certainly, but we didn't give up the fight. Let's go way back and consider the Suffragettes and their 'fight' for the vote. Had they given up after a relatively short campaign, half of the UK adult population wouldn't have been able to vote on the 23rd June. You and others can enjoy your lives in TL, while it's people like my brother in the UK who will have to deal with the future consequences of the gung ho brigade, a number of whom only now realise what they have done.

    Contrary to popular opinion that a strong currency is good, the fall in he Pound will be a good thing to save jobs and good for exports, wring your hands all you want

    So now I know why Germany was such an economic powerhouse all those years with the DM it was because their currency was weak.

  4. I guessing if it were 'work or starve, all the Polish, Syrians and the rest of the EU rubbish wouldn't be so keen to move to England.

    '....and the rest of the EU rubbish'. Why do people thinks this type of outright racism is acceptable?

    I dont even respond to his/her racist rubbish any more. In one post I was told if I didn't like the result I should go and live in Syria and that my Thai visa name sounded German. God knows what any Scots on this forum thought who might recognize Pitrevie or even indeed anyone in the RAF who had served north of the border. All this from a person who admits not to have voted in the referendum but has plenty to say about it now that is all over. However that is UKIP for you welcome to Farage land.

  5. The man ( Carney) should be shown the door, his marching orders, sacked. His blatant position for the remain campaign and then his climb back after the vote is unforgiveable. I would not trust him with my piggy bank as a 5 year old. He is/was meant to be impartial as the governor of the bank of England. Mervyn King made him look like an amateur, at the monopoly table.

    What that be the same King that woke up after the banking crisis that was crashing about him and told us how dreadful it all was.

    The B of E board was unanimous in its warnings on Brexit and I think Carney's record as a Central Banker will never sink to the level that King managed to achieve. Even Farage conceded a mild recession well we are going to see how mild is mild.

    Mild is not a Tsunami and politicians have already made themselves look ridiculous. Cameron, Osborne, Clark, Blair and all the other idiots who prophesied a complete Armageddon. So yes King did not run to the toilet and crap himself. He was a little more level headed. As for the BOE board. They are through and through, establishment bankers, totally for the EU. You have lost that argument straight away.

    When the 2008 financial crisis hit all King did was wring his hands and state how terrible it all was. Carney on the other hand was well prepared in the event of a Brexit so your silly remark about running to the toilet is just that.

    You obviously have difficulty reading, Farage said it would be a mild recession well we will have to wait and see wont we after all once we get out of the EU the Brexiters promised that the sky is the limit, well we shall also see about that. Its very noticeable that now we are on the way out the principle Brexiters are running for the hills they don't want any part in the mess they created well apart from Gove and even the Tory party are not stupid enough to make him PM.

    When are you going to stop this infantile response every time some financial body states their opinion? You have no facts its just as Gove says, experts who needs them they were all wrong on the Euro. Just try and find even the B of E advising that we should have joined the Euro even that would justify what you are saying but then you never let facts get in the way of any of your remarks.

  6. The man ( Carney) should be shown the door, his marching orders, sacked. His blatant position for the remain campaign and then his climb back after the vote is unforgiveable. I would not trust him with my piggy bank as a 5 year old. He is/was meant to be impartial as the governor of the bank of England. Mervyn King made him look like an amateur, at the monopoly table.

    What that be the same King that woke up after the banking crisis that was crashing about him and told us how dreadful it all was.

    The B of E board was unanimous in its warnings on Brexit and I think Carney's record as a Central Banker will never sink to the level that King managed to achieve. Even Farage conceded a mild recession well we are going to see how mild is mild.

  7. For the purposes of household budgeting, between 40-45.

    I've stated this in a post above.

    Mark Carney today

    Basic message from @bankofengland: financial system was facing growing problems before Brexit. They haven’t gone away & now we’ve got others


    Carney replies that there is “growing evidence” that the economy was slowing, even before the referendum.

    And it is probably experiencing a “material slowing”, despite the foreign exchange moves.


    How many times has it been said that the UK was in financial trouble, even before a Brexit.

    What is fantastic for all the head in sand people is that they now have something to blame.

    Good grief someone quoting experts and especially the Bank of England whose warnings were completely ignored. I recall pre Brexit any financial reports on the economy and Brexit was being totally ignored after all they had all got it wrong before when they recommended the UK join the Euro. That was the mantra Farage, Gove and Boris sang on every interview when confronted with the consequences of Brexit it was all dismissed because those same experts had said the same about joining the Euro. The problem is that Farage was never able to produce anyone recommending that we join the Euro. When confronted with the IFS report by Andrew Marr that is what he claimed but of course he was lying and we can all remember Gove's dismissal of experts.

  8. Surely you don't believe anything the IMF says or for that matter any other independent financial organization. I gather that was one of the core argument of the Brexiters especially Farage that these organizations had all been wrong about UK entry to the Euro unfortunately they were never able to provide any evidence of that support for the UK entering the Euro.

    I've always thought the £ was over valued and that UK economics were unsustainable. Nothing to do with Brexit.

    Really and what level do you think it should be at and more importantly where do you see it at in the future. Every time Farage was confronted with that scenario all he could say was "SO WHAT,"such empathy.

    For the purposes of household budgeting, between 40-45.

    I've stated this in a post above.

    I recall the flak that Labour took when the banking crisis hit in 2007/08 and the pound went down, well Farage and this bunch of clowns have a set a new low but I guess that is okay. At least then it was not the public finances so much as the private finances that took the pound down, who are we going to pin the blame on this time?

  9. Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

    I don't think you're in the minority. UKIPs performance at elections is shabby to say the least. I don't even think the large Brexit vote had much to do with Farage as basically he's seen as a fool. His performance during the campaign, particularly the shocking "Nazi" poster, has generally been decried even by the Brexit lot. British politics will be far better off without him.

    4m votes is not that shabby.

    British politics will be better off BECAUSE of him................... ironic really.

    Quite right, 4 million votes and 1 seat at Westminster and the SNP 1.5 million and 56 seats, I shake my head.

    Why should you shake your head it reflects the wishes of the overwhelming majority of the British people who were given the opportunity to change the system and voted more than two to one against and to retain the first past the post system. It appears that there isn't much shaking of the head when its a wafer thin majority. The UKIP representation in Parliament is in accord with that expressed decision.

  10. I just watched this, Andrea Battlesom

    At the Hansard Society’s Annual Parliamentary Affairs Lecture on April 23, 2013, Andrea Leadsom has said:

    "I’m going to nail my colours to the mast here: I don’t think the UK should leave the EU. I think it would be a disaster for our economy and it would lead to a decade of economic and political uncertainty at a time when the tectonic plates of global success are moving. Economic success is the vital underpinning of every happy nation. The wellbeing we all crave goes hand in hand with economic success."

    Just the sort of person we need.

  11. Unfortunately the "Daily Mail" (the voice of the Conservative, lower-middle class, hardcore majority) is backing the lovely Theresa.

    You couldn't make this stuff up. The Daily Hail which supported Brexit is now supporting a candidate for PM that was against Brexit. and Gove's wife works for the Daily Hail but even they realized you couldn't trust the UK's future to this clown. After all who are we going to use in the next ten years in all these detailed and complex negotiations as experts have been ruled out and as one person on this forum opined lawyers lie so that excludes them and any academic specializing in EU law will have a vested interest . Where is Boris?

  12. Another one who has reading comprehension problems, or are you just an oil regulation gauge ?

    You will have to excuse me for having principles and believing that politicians should be beyond reproach.

    This does not say I could name any, it very clearly says I believe they should be.

    Ducking and diving, "politicians beyond reproach" you cannot name any and the reason is there is no such animal and never will be. Those of use who live on planet earth deal in reality. That is why I described Boris and Gove as clowns and the present crop of contenders vying for the leadership of the Tory party I wouldn't expect to be saints or they would hardly be in politics. As for expecting them to be "beyond reproach" what a joke. Do come back anytime you can name one.

  13. What a stitch-up! Boris clearly never wanted to become PM and do Cameron's dirty work of trying to negotiate a decent Brexit deal. Nor does Gove. He's just a stalking horse to smooth Teresa May's path to Downing Street.

    May is a staunch Europhile who campaigned for the Reman side. She does not believe Britain can achieve an exit deal which will limit the number of EU immigrants coming to the UK.

    Yet if she becomes PM, she will lead the negotiations.

    I feel for the Brexiters. The may have won a famous battle, but they look like losing the war.

    "What a stitch-up! Boris clearly never wanted to become PM " I gather that's sarcasm or is it irony?

  14. Well for a start you haven't given us any indication as to who belongs in the 5% I am sure that cant be that long a list and now you indicated 5 people out of 600 plus MPs and you somehow think that justifies your statement that 95% of politicians are clowns.Not only that but being a clown and being unfit for office I would suggest are two different things.

    I called Boris and Gove clowns and I can quite easily produce the ludicrous contradictory statements they have made just recently to justify that. Gove his statements on becoming leader etc and Johnson his contradictory statements on the EU.

    I don't know what planet you live on, politicians beyond reproach we are talking about politics. Just try and name one politician ever who was beyond reproach. Even the Church doesn't manage that.

    Are you RuamRuddy is disguise ?

    Yep I thought we wouldn't get any further. Politicians beyond reproach one of the funniest things I have heard in years. However its nice to see an optimist who thinks one such person has ever existed in the history of mankind.

    All I can say is thank < > I do not move in your circles.

    Well I am still waiting for you to name one these these fictional characters, "a politician beyond reproach".

  15. I already backed it up in my previous post.

    The 5 candidates vying for the Tory Leader position and the keys to number 10 are ALL party to scandals that should mean that they should be nowhere near politics.

    I hardly need to provide a comprehensive list of all politicians that come into that bracket.

    I neither have the time or inclination to do so. The list would be very long.

    You will have to excuse me for having principles and believing that politicians should be beyond reproach.

    Well for a start you haven't given us any indication as to who belongs in the 5% I am sure that cant be that long a list and now you indicated 5 people out of 600 plus MPs and you somehow think that justifies your statement that 95% of politicians are clowns.Not only that but being a clown and being unfit for office I would suggest are two different things.

    I called Boris and Gove clowns and I can quite easily produce the ludicrous contradictory statements they have made just recently to justify that. Gove his statements on becoming leader etc and Johnson his contradictory statements on the EU.

    I don't know what planet you live on, politicians beyond reproach we are talking about politics. Just try and name one politician ever who was beyond reproach. Even the Church doesn't manage that.

    Are you RuamRuddy is disguise ?

    Yep I thought we wouldn't get any further. Politicians beyond reproach one of the funniest things I have heard in years. However its nice to see an optimist who thinks one such person has ever existed in the history of mankind.

  16. You are trying to justify your ludicrous statement that 95% of all politicians are clowns when they were elected into office by the voters. So all all you can do is go around in circles trying to justify that stupid statement. If 95% of politicians are clowns.

    I am not trying to justify anything. I made a statement that I believe 95% of UK politicians are clowns.

    If you wish to refute that, go right ahead and refute it providing examples of why you refute it.

    I am not disputing that they are elected by the voters. The voters can only vote for who is put on the ballot paper, they do not get a '' None of the above '' option.

    Further proof, if any were needed that the complete political system in the UK needs shredding and started again.

    Another ludicrous statement from you. You are not forced to make a choice in any election in fact there is nothing stopping anyone standing themselves as an independent. It is the usual practice that anyone making a positive assertion needs to back it up with some facts. You made the assertion that 95% of politicians are clowns with absolutely nothing to back up that statement. However like many on here fond of making nonsensical statements long lists of unsubstantiated claims etc you then ask others do that for you.

    I already backed it up in my previous post.

    The 5 candidates vying for the Tory Leader position and the keys to number 10 are ALL party to scandals that should mean that they should be nowhere near politics.

    I hardly need to provide a comprehensive list of all politicians that come into that bracket.

    I neither have the time or inclination to do so. The list would be very long.

    You will have to excuse me for having principles and believing that politicians should be beyond reproach.

    Well for a start you haven't given us any indication as to who belongs in the 5% I am sure that cant be that long a list and now you indicated 5 people out of 600 plus MPs and you somehow think that justifies your statement that 95% of politicians are clowns.Not only that but being a clown and being unfit for office I would suggest are two different things.

    I called Boris and Gove clowns and I can quite easily produce the ludicrous contradictory statements they have made just recently to justify that. Gove his statements on becoming leader etc and Johnson his contradictory statements on the EU.

    I don't know what planet you live on, politicians beyond reproach we are talking about politics. Just try and name one politician ever who was beyond reproach. Even the Church doesn't manage that.

  17. So apparently none of the above elects the 95% of politicians who are clowns, good one.

    Are you still drunk ?

    Try that one again in English. Try getting the quotes correct so that I can understand what point it is you are trying to make.

    You are trying to justify your ludicrous statement that 95% of all politicians are clowns when they were elected into office by the voters. So all all you can do is go around in circles trying to justify that stupid statement. If 95% of politicians are clowns.

    I am not trying to justify anything. I made a statement that I believe 95% of UK politicians are clowns.

    If you wish to refute that, go right ahead and refute it providing examples of why you refute it.

    I am not disputing that they are elected by the voters. The voters can only vote for who is put on the ballot paper, they do not get a '' None of the above '' option.

    Further proof, if any were needed that the complete political system in the UK needs shredding and started again.

    Another ludicrous statement from you. You are not forced to make a choice in any election in fact there is nothing stopping anyone standing themselves as an independent. It is the usual practice that anyone making a positive assertion needs to back it up with some facts. You made the assertion that 95% of politicians are clowns with absolutely nothing to back up that statement. However like many on here fond of making nonsensical statements long lists of unsubstantiated claims etc you then ask others do that for you.

  18. No it does not. I do not know how many times I have to say this.

    Front runner in the race for PM is Theresa May. Google Theresa May and G4S and make draw your own conclusions.

    You claim that 95% of UK politicians are clowns begs the question, just who it is you think elects them?

    Have you ever seen '' None of the above '' on a ballot paper ?

    Who elects them does not refute my assertion that 95% of them are clowns.

    So apparently none of the above elects the 95% of politicians who are clowns, good one.

    Are you still drunk ?

    Try that one again in English. Try getting the quotes correct so that I can understand what point it is you are trying to make.

    You are trying to justify your ludicrous statement that 95% of all politicians are clowns when they were elected into office by the voters. So all all you can do is go around in circles trying to justify that stupid statement. If 95% of politicians are clowns. In fact it would be interesting to see a list of those you don't consider clowns.

  19. Like many others I'm convinced Boris tried to use Brexit as a vehicle for his own ambitions especially getting into No.10 without having to wait for Cameron's term in office to end years down the track. I'm delighted it backfired big time but as others have pointed out he's an opportunist politician who will simply wait for the next appropriate time and carry on as if nothing had ever happened.

    As for Gove wouldn't it be nice, and most appropriate, if his constituency party withdrew their support, told him he wasn't wanted and should resign immediately.

    I'm no fan of politicians at the best of times and certainly couldn't accept a turd like him standing up in parliament and claiming he represented me.

    On a live feed yesterday ( Not digging out the link, but it was the Guardian ) it was reported that only 5 MP's turned up at Gove's leadership bid speech. I have a feeling that he will not garner much support in his leadership bid.

    Two things have become very apparent over the course of the last week.

    1. All the Tory leadership candidates ( 5 ) have either had to step down from a cabinet role or been involved in financial scandals. In the case of Liam Fox, both apply. Although this is shocking it comes as no surprise, it is nothing more than an indicator of how low Politics has sunk in the UK.

    2. During the mass resignation's from the Labour Party, most of the job titles were utterly ridiculous and shows that vast amounts of taxpayers money is being spent on non - jobs within the political system.

    The whole political system in the UK, including the party system should be abolished. It is clear that it is not working and should be replaced by something else.

    Yeah its called democracy, Winston Churchill acknowledged that it was a terrible system just happened to be a lot better than the alternatives.

  20. No it does not. I do not know how many times I have to say this.

    Front runner in the race for PM is Theresa May. Google Theresa May and G4S and make draw your own conclusions.

    You claim that 95% of UK politicians are clowns begs the question, just who it is you think elects them?

    Have you ever seen '' None of the above '' on a ballot paper ?

    Who elects them does not refute my assertion that 95% of them are clowns.

    So apparently none of the above elects the 95% of politicians who are clowns, good one.

  21. I don't think even the Tory Party are stupid enough to elect Gove as their leader. So now we will have a situation where the two clowns who led the Brexit campaign are shunted aside and the next PM will be someone who was in favour of staying in the EU. Hopefully the gutless Johnson will observe a long period of silence but that would be wishful thinking.

    95% of UK politicians are clowns, unfair to single any of them out. It might be better to focus on the 5% and find some names and try and get them into positions of relative power.

    I am led to believe that Johnson has given up Politics and will become the editor of a fairly large newspaper in November.

    Every nation gets the government it deserves, Joseph de Maistre Does't say much for us then does it?

    No it does not. I do not know how many times I have to say this.

    Front runner in the race for PM is Theresa May. Google Theresa May and G4S and make draw your own conclusions.

    You claim that 95% of UK politicians are clowns begs the question, just who it is you think elects them?

  22. Like many others I'm convinced Boris tried to use Brexit as a vehicle for his own ambitions especially getting into No.10 without having to wait for Cameron's term in office to end years down the track. I'm delighted it backfired big time but as others have pointed out he's an opportunist politician who will simply wait for the next appropriate time and carry on as if nothing had ever happened.

    As for Gove wouldn't it be nice, and most appropriate, if his constituency party withdrew their support, told him he wasn't wanted and should resign immediately.

    I'm no fan of politicians at the best of times and certainly couldn't accept a turd like him standing up in parliament and claiming he represented me.

    On a live feed yesterday ( Not digging out the link, but it was the Guardian ) it was reported that only 5 MP's turned up at Gove's leadership bid speech. I have a feeling that he will not garner much support in his leadership bid.

    Two things have become very apparent over the course of the last week.

    1. All the Tory leadership candidates ( 5 ) have either had to step down from a cabinet role or been involved in financial scandals. In the case of Liam Fox, both apply. Although this is shocking it comes as no surprise, it is nothing more than an indicator of how low Politics has sunk in the UK.

    2. During the mass resignation's from the Labour Party, most of the job titles were utterly ridiculous and shows that vast amounts of taxpayers money is being spent on non - jobs within the political system.

    The whole political system in the UK, including the party system should be abolished. It is clear that it is not working and should be replaced by something else.

    I don't think even the Tory Party are stupid enough to elect Gove as their leader. So now we will have a situation where the two clowns who led the Brexit campaign are shunted aside and the next PM will be someone who was in favour of staying in the EU. Hopefully the gutless Johnson will observe a long period of silence but that would be wishful thinking.

    95% of UK politicians are clowns, unfair to single any of them out. It might be better to focus on the 5% and find some names and try and get them into positions of relative power.

    I am led to believe that Johnson has given up Politics and will become the editor of a fairly large newspaper in November.

    Every nation gets the government it deserves, Joseph de Maistre Does't say much for us then does it?

  23. Like many others I'm convinced Boris tried to use Brexit as a vehicle for his own ambitions especially getting into No.10 without having to wait for Cameron's term in office to end years down the track. I'm delighted it backfired big time but as others have pointed out he's an opportunist politician who will simply wait for the next appropriate time and carry on as if nothing had ever happened.

    As for Gove wouldn't it be nice, and most appropriate, if his constituency party withdrew their support, told him he wasn't wanted and should resign immediately.

    I'm no fan of politicians at the best of times and certainly couldn't accept a turd like him standing up in parliament and claiming he represented me.

    On a live feed yesterday ( Not digging out the link, but it was the Guardian ) it was reported that only 5 MP's turned up at Gove's leadership bid speech. I have a feeling that he will not garner much support in his leadership bid.

    Two things have become very apparent over the course of the last week.

    1. All the Tory leadership candidates ( 5 ) have either had to step down from a cabinet role or been involved in financial scandals. In the case of Liam Fox, both apply. Although this is shocking it comes as no surprise, it is nothing more than an indicator of how low Politics has sunk in the UK.

    2. During the mass resignation's from the Labour Party, most of the job titles were utterly ridiculous and shows that vast amounts of taxpayers money is being spent on non - jobs within the political system.

    The whole political system in the UK, including the party system should be abolished. It is clear that it is not working and should be replaced by something else.

    I don't think even the Tory Party are stupid enough to elect Gove as their leader. So now we will have a situation where the two clowns who led the Brexit campaign are shunted aside and the next PM will be someone who was in favour of staying in the EU. Hopefully the gutless Johnson will observe a long period of silence but that would be wishful thinking.

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