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Posts posted by pitrevie

  1. Did you have to wait for yours to arrive? They told us a month to order the unit. Yes my unit also needs replacing. I won't be here in a month though so not sure how to proceed. Probably cheapest price than anywhere is here so maybe I should just order and have a relative pick it up.
    This toothbrush has meant that I always have a good experience when I go for my regular dental checkup but it's on the fritz. Doesn't do anything even though it shows fully charged. Probably battery related. Anyway, when I took it to the service center (with my Thai wife) the lady there suggested they may charge close to 2000 thb to fix it and that's just a little too high if it's a discharged battery so I'm wondering if anybody's seen this model for sale in Thailand and if so how much?

    Boots stock the complete item about 4500 baht. However if its only the toothbrush you can obtain that from their service centre.

    Diethelm Ltd, 2533 Sukhumvit Road Bangchack, Prakhanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel 2332 7140-63, mine cost 2290 baht for the toothbrush unit. My big gripe is that you cannot change the batteries only the whole unit and in that respect they do no seem to be as good as earlier models although when they are working they do a wonderful job on the teeth.

    I went to their depot in Sukhumvit and picked up the new unit, with no wait. I have a good supply of brushes but I would be very suprised if they didnt supply those as well. I must admit it really does an excellent job and I wouldn't want to go back to a normal toothbrush.

  2. This toothbrush has meant that I always have a good experience when I go for my regular dental checkup but it's on the fritz. Doesn't do anything even though it shows fully charged. Probably battery related. Anyway, when I took it to the service center (with my Thai wife) the lady there suggested they may charge close to 2000 thb to fix it and that's just a little too high if it's a discharged battery so I'm wondering if anybody's seen this model for sale in Thailand and if so how much?

    Boots stock the complete item about 4500 baht. However if its only the toothbrush you can obtain that from their service centre.

    Diethelm Ltd, 2533 Sukhumvit Road Bangchack, Prakhanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel 2332 7140-63, mine cost 2290 baht for the toothbrush unit. My big gripe is that you cannot change the batteries only the whole unit and in that respect they do no seem to be as good as earlier models although when they are working they do a wonderful job on the teeth.

  3. It has been suggested in another thread that calling someone from Australia an Aussie is exactly the same as calling someone from Pakistan a Paki and that this is not derogatory in any manner and that the "racism" angle exists solely in my mind.

    I am interested to find out what others think.........

    Put Pat Condell into google, he does an excellent video clip on racism. The most overused and abused word in the English language.

    If you accot find the link to his site let me know he does some wonderfully entertaining video clips.

  4. The ventriloquist was doing his act and all his jokes were much the same as above poking fun at dumb blonds. Eventually this very attractive blond got up in the audience and said I have heard quite enough of this. I will have you know that there are blond scientists, blond politicians, doctors etc etc, not all blonds are stupid you know. The ventriloquist was very apologetic and that he didn’t mean to upset the lady at which she interrupted him and said, "You shut your mouth I was talking to that little sh*t on your knee not you".

  5. Does anyone know the cost of having your insides cleaned in BKK or Pattaya? Also where to get it done

    See if i can get a serious answer befre all the jokes lol :o

    Before I retired I attended the London Clinic and the guy who dealt with me was one of the top specialists in the country for that sort of problem. I mentioned colonic irrigation to him and he said it was a waste of money. I was having what is known as a top and tail where they slide a tube in from both ends and look for any problems. As preperation for this I was given some powder the night before which I mixed with water and had to take several times. Believe me the stuff I was given with a lemon flavour does the job. There is nothing left inside you by the next morning as I was able to see on the camera when they were doing their investigation. My advice is to make sure you are at home once you take the stuff and sitting near a toilet.

  6. The most sensible take on this came from a letter I read in the Nation on April 8th from George Carroll and I hope he doesnt mind me posting it here.

    Government's overreaction to video clip shows everyone how to push their buttons

    Published on Apr 8, 2007

    While I agree with his sentiment, Information and Communications Technology Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom's decision to block YouTube shows a shortsighted lack of understanding about the nature of the Internet.

    "Banning" something on the Internet is virtually impossible, and in fact, only draws more attention to the offensive items and encourages copycats. Firstly, YouTube is still easily accessible from Thailand via proxy servers and anonymisers, so people can still reach it or any other website the government has tried to block. (I've noticed that they have tried to block access to most of the popular proxy servers too. However, it's impossible to block access to them all.)

    Secondly, there are plenty of other video/photo-sharing websites out there, including Revver, Google Video, iFilm, Flickr and MySpace. Does the minister plan to block access to every website that hosts these offensive videos? If so, then he is essentially ceding authority to misanthropes and juvenile delinquents. Now these immature people know that they can "control" what Thai people can or cannot see by simply using an offensive video or photo to goad the government into blocking access to that website. What's next? Will everyone in Thailand suddenly lose access to Google or MySpace just because some lone idiot uses one of those websites to post something offensive?

    On the Internet, we call this type of person a "troll", because he gets a thrill out of annoying or offending people. The more attention trolls get, the more aggressive and numerous they become. The Thai government has let every troll in the world know that they can be goaded into overreacting. What spoiled 14-year-old American brat could resist the "thrill" of getting some faraway government to ban an entire website? It's the ultimate "denial of service" attack (in hacker-speak), and sure enough, several more copycat videos have already appeared on YouTube and more are certain to come.

    The people who control the Internet in this country have a lot to learn about it, and the first thing they should learn is that if they have a particular "button" they don't want people to push, the last thing they should do is paint big red arrows around it and put up a sign saying, "Don't push this button!"

    Blocking a very popular website was a big mistake. Trolls crave attention (don't feed the troll), and so things like this are best dealt with quietly. Unfortunately, we now have CNN reporting on this matter - which is a worst-case scenario because now every troll in the world knows exactly how to goad the Thai government. While the offensive video posted on YouTube was certainly very hurtful to Thai people, it was only one video out of millions posted on that site, and probably would have languished in obscurity were it not for Sitthichai's heavy-handed overreaction.

    What he fails to understand is that many people on the Internet actually enjoy offending other people, and that the best way to deal with these "trolls" is to ignore them.

    George Carroll


  7. I was eating at Grapinno's in the Amari Watergate and the waitress there related how a well dressed woman at the end of her dinner announced that she was going to the toilet which is some distance away from this particular restaurant but on the same floor, they never saw her again. It isn’t only happening here; my Thai friends in London received a letter from a family who had eaten the night before at their restaurant complaining that their young son had been violently ill following the meal. My Thai friend was advised to ask them for some evidence such as a doctor’s certificate and never heard from them again. However another Thai friend who works at the Bluebird restaurant, a rather up market restaurant which attracts a more affluent type of client told me that they have a regular stream of letters claiming that they have been taken ill following a meal at the restaurant. I have a Thai friend who used to work in one of those exchange booths in Pattaya. He told me of the time he changed a rather large traveller’s cheque only to be called in by his manager and told it had been stolen. The money was repaid through his salary (and no he didn’t ask me for it). A few months ago I was given my bill for my stay at a very nice hotel in Krabi. I had booked the hotel through a friends travel company and I was given a good discount. The bill was well under what I had been told to pay so I took it back to them and asked them to check. The young girl had miscalculated and of course I have no doubt she would have made up the shortfall. I have deliberately left out the nationalities of the offenders, believe me they make a good geographical spread. I am sure the people who do this don’t give a d##n that the people who have to make up the shortfall in most cases are not earning a great deal in the first places.

  8. Hi,

    I have been trying all day to access the UK National Lottery Homepage. (Don't know if I can post link but it's easily found on Google)

    I get no error messages IE just sits there for hours saying "Opening Page"

    However if I go through a US based Free Proxy Server the page appears instantly. If the UK lottery were restricting access to UK surely the US proxy would also not be able to connect.

    I could of course just use the proxy But I am not sure if it is safe to enter my username and password while going through this free proxy. Need to connect because just received an e-mail telling me I won. Probably only 2 UK Pound but you never know it could be thousands!!! :o

    Can other people here in Thailand access the site OK?



    I am connecting through True and just tried it with no problem other than being able to access the site as it is always closed until about 9.a.m UK time

  9. I feel this is a bit like those cartoons published in Denmark. Published in an obscure magazine and probably they would have remained unheard of until about 3 months later 3 Muslim clerics decided to advertise them widely in the Muslim world as well as adding a couple of their own for good measure. I doubt that many people would have heard of this clip had it not been for the action of the Thai authorities. I regularly view YouTube as a lot of the links from the Richard Dawkins website send me there and I had not heard of it until I was unable to access YouTube. Anyone remember the play Romans in Britain, panned by the critics as not very good and heading for a very early closure. Then up pops Mary Whitehouse who was going to bring the full majesty of the law to bear (forgive the pun) and it was a sell out from then on.

  10. I am on True and I cannot access YouTube. I would think that whatever they are trying to achieve by blocking this site they undo by all the adverse publicity they get through doing so.

  11. My first choice would be the Intercontinental followed by Plaza Athenee. I tried the Shangri La and enjoyed the location but all my friends that night agreed it was not as good as the Intercontinental. However for Sunday brunch the Four Seasons is outstanding but pricey.

  12. This reminds me of the story about the Manchester United guy who was stopped at the airport en-route to some holiday resort in Spain carrying a small portable television. When asked why he was taking his portable TV he replied that Manchester United were playing in the European cup and the match was being shown on Spanish television but the sound commentary was in Spanish so he was taking his own TV to have the English commentary.

  13. Hello Everybody

    I bought a Netgear router of the model DG834 2 days ago. I got home pluged it in my MAC and my PC witch have Ubuntu. I configured the router with PPoPE and all that but it still won't connect to True. Why is this?

    I talked with a friend and he said that true need to register the reouters MAC address. Is this true? If yes then how the hel_l do I register it with true?

    I am using 1 iMAC with Mac OS X 10.4.8 and 1 PC with Ubuntu 6.10.

    I appreciate all help I can get :D Good info will be given a donation with PayPal or e-gold :o

    Let me know.

    Best regards,


    I am using the same model router with True and the answer to your question is No. They do not need the MAC address. However you need to check the other settings

    ADSL Settings

    Multiplexing Method LLC_Based

    VPI 0

    VCI 100

    Encapsulation PPPoE (PPP over ethernet)

    You need to provide your login info mine is of the form username@truehisp so just insert your user name including the @truehisp

    followed by password you use to access true. Remember it is the router that logs into True not your computer.

    IP address and DNS select dynamicically or automatically

    These are the settings on my Netgear router and I am connected to True as I write this message.

    Once you have connected successfully dont forget to chnage the management password for your router and at the very least select WEP security.

    Please come back if you still cannot connect and want to check any further settings.

    I have changed the settings you said and it's now working :D I can't understand that it was just a little thing like that. I could have checked that on Trues webiste :D Oh well anyway thanks fo your help :bah:

    And as I said "Good info will be given a donation with PayPal or e-gold" so do you have any PayPal account or e-gold account so I can send you a donation? :D

    Let me know.

    Best regards,


    Hi glad it worked for you. In answer to your other question there is no need for any payment. I have in the past received some excellent advice on this forum when I needed it and I am only to happy to help others when I can.

  14. I hope someone can help. I am trying to connect a laptop to the internet with adsl. The instructions say "connect to the ethernet connection on your computer" I only have a built in modem slot. Is this the ethernet slot or do I need to do something else. Ta

    The modem connection on your computer is known as a RJ11 connection and is different to and smaller than the ethernet connection which is known as a RJ45 connection. Your laptop probably has both and on my Dell laptop they are adjacent to each other, the ethernet connection is the larger one of the two and looks very similar. An example of the RJ11 connector is commonly seen on telephones and here in Thailand on the telephone socket. If you dont have an ethernet slot then you will have to invest in a PCMCIA LAN card. However I dont know how old your laptop is but doesnt it have an inbuilt wireless card that you can use assuming that the ADSL device is a wireless device?

  15. Hello Everybody

    I bought a Netgear router of the model DG834 2 days ago. I got home pluged it in my MAC and my PC witch have Ubuntu. I configured the router with PPoPE and all that but it still won't connect to True. Why is this?

    I talked with a friend and he said that true need to register the reouters MAC address. Is this true? If yes then how the hel_l do I register it with true?

    I am using 1 iMAC with Mac OS X 10.4.8 and 1 PC with Ubuntu 6.10.

    I appreciate all help I can get :D Good info will be given a donation with PayPal or e-gold :o

    Let me know.

    Best regards,


    I am using the same model router with True and the answer to your question is No. They do not need the MAC address. However you need to check the other settings

    ADSL Settings

    Multiplexing Method LLC_Based

    VPI 0

    VCI 100

    Encapsulation PPPoE (PPP over ethernet)

    You need to provide your login info mine is of the form username@truehisp so just insert your user name including the @truehisp

    followed by password you use to access true. Remember it is the router that logs into True not your computer.

    IP address and DNS select dynamicically or automatically

    These are the settings on my Netgear router and I am connected to True as I write this message.

    Once you have connected successfully dont forget to chnage the management password for your router and at the very least select WEP security.

    Please come back if you still cannot connect and want to check any further settings.

  16. If you applied for a multi entry non immigrant O-A visa for retirement (almost surly what you did if Chicago) you will have to present proof of bank savings/pension, police report and medical in the USA prior to issue. This will provide a one year stay on entry.

    If you applied for a multi entry non immigrant O visa to investigate retirement opportunities in Thailand you may (unlikely from Chicago) obtain a visa that allows 90 day stays for up to one year and no extra paperwork required. You could then extend for one year in Thailand with monitory proof here in Thailand.

    This mirrors my own circumstances. I was given a non immigrant visa in London dated 1st December 2005 along with a multiple entry visa. I used my multiple entry visa for the last time to return to Thailand on the 23rd November 2006 and I am now able to stay until November 2007. My first question is, if at some stage I would like to make a short visit to the UK or just visit another country is there any way of doing this without cancelling my present visa? Secondly I am retired and now have a home here. I have no problem with the financial requirements but what visa should I apply for this November and is there anything else apart from the financial documents that I need to supply to qualify for a retirement visa.

    You obviously must have must obtained a one year extension of stay from Immigration or you had a non immigrant O-A visa from London which provided one year permitted to stay on each entry - as you don't seem to talk about extension will assume you really had the pre-approved retirement O-A visa where you presented income/police report/medical in UK. You now have to obtain a re-entry permit prior to any overseas travel to keep that stay alive. Takes a few minutes and photo(s) and costs 1,000 baht for single entry or 3,800 baht for multi entry (up to expiration date of your current permitted to stay stamp). You should also be doing 90 day address reports.

    If above guess is right, you had O-A visa, you should visit Immigration at start of November or week before and supply proof of 800k baht in a Thai bank account for a period of 3 months, pension/income of 65k per month and letter from your Embassy/proof paperwork or a combination of the two. Take that and 4x6cm photos current within 6 months, bank letter of account balance, bank passbook/copies, passport/copies, arrival card/copy, TM.7 filled out asking for 365 day extension for retirement and 1,900 baht to pay for form filing.

    Yes you are quite right it was the Non O-A Visa after I had presented them with the police report, medical and financial evidence. Many thanks for your reply it was most helpful. I have been doing the 90 reports the last being only last week. I have no requirement to leave Thailand just now but it is nice to know it is possible without having to go through the whole thing again to get a new visa. Once again many thanks for your reply.

  17. If you applied for a multi entry non immigrant O-A visa for retirement (almost surly what you did if Chicago) you will have to present proof of bank savings/pension, police report and medical in the USA prior to issue. This will provide a one year stay on entry.

    If you applied for a multi entry non immigrant O visa to investigate retirement opportunities in Thailand you may (unlikely from Chicago) obtain a visa that allows 90 day stays for up to one year and no extra paperwork required. You could then extend for one year in Thailand with monitory proof here in Thailand.

    This mirrors my own circumstances. I was given a non immigrant visa in London dated 1st December 2005 along with a multiple entry visa. I used my multiple entry visa for the last time to return to Thailand on the 23rd November 2006 and I am now able to stay until November 2007. My first question is, if at some stage I would like to make a short visit to the UK or just visit another country is there any way of doing this without cancelling my present visa? Secondly I am retired and now have a home here. I have no problem with the financial requirements but what visa should I apply for this November and is there anything else apart from the financial documents that I need to supply to qualify for a retirement visa.

  18. I am also getting problems logging into Yahoo and even accessing the various folders when I finally manage to login. It eventually times out or even comes up with the following message. Access denied Your system has been configured to deny access to this URL. Because this url was and improper/obscene website or your package is localnet.

    For assistance contact your network support team.

    This message I guess must be from my ISP True judging by the use of and in the sentence

    "Because this url was and improper/obscene website or your package is localnet".

    I have tried this on two computers now and I am getting the same problem. IT used to happen mainly from late afternoon through until I retired for the day but it is now happening this morning.

    I also have a Thai friend using a dial up connection with Anet who says he is getting the same problem.

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