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Posts posted by pitrevie

  1. I have a number of books I would like to dispose of (mostly non fiction) and was wondering if there is any charity organization that would be interested. If any forum member has a sensible suggestion then it would be most wecome. I am based in Bangkok.

  2. I am very happy with the service I received at Paris Miki at Isetan 3rd floor, staffed mainly by Japanese. The best set of glasses I have ever had. I believe they also have a shop in Siam centre

  3. I have no problem about changing the numbers in my mobile to reflect the recent changes. However I am still unclear about my own phone telephone number. Since my own phone's number is governed by the SIM card does this card need to be changed before November. I know it works now when others phone it but is that going to be the case after November?

  4. Hi am new to all this. I am travelling to bkk soon ans was wonerding about buying a psp and some games there. Anyone know approx cost and a good place to buy. Also need to have some new glasses made.

    Lots of places available, here is two of the biggest for electronics:

    Panthip Plaza (Pantip Plaza) on New Phetchaburi Road. About 6 floors of electronics, computers, and games. Will they work in your stuff at home - maybe yes - maybe no!

    MBK shopping mall, it's on a Skytrain stop. Huge place, lots of stuff besides electronics and computers. Easy to get to using the Skytrain.

    Lots of eyeglass places all over. Hard to walk down a major street and not see one. Bring your prescription with you. Top Charoen is one company I can remember. Several shops in big malls. Check the prices out at discount chain stores back home so that you can have a measure to compare against.

    Okey dokey.

  5. A Thai friend of mine tells me he never lends money as he does not wish to lose both the friend and his money. My own experience is that of lending money several times and never having been repaid. Now I am more older and wiser if a little poorer and any request for a loan is refused.

  6. I like the following quote from an American who said most of the sensible things to be said on democracy.

    "I know no safe depositary of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power." --Thomas Jefferson

  7. I completed my application for a retirement visa at the Thai embassy in London and on arrival at Bangkok was given a stamp indicating that I am permitted to stay until December 2006. This is a multiple entry visa so that I can return to the UK in a couple of months and tie up some loose ends before settling permanently here.

    My query is what the next stage is as I believe I have to attend some office to register my address.

  8. There are only eleven times in history where the "F" word has

    been considered acceptable for use.

    They are as follows:

    1. "Geez, I didn't think they'd get this F***ing mad."

    -- Saddam Hussein, 2003

    2. "Aw c'mon. Who the <deleted> is going to find out?"

    -- Bill Clinton, 1998

    3. "Scattered F***ing showers, my ass!"

    -- Noah, 4314 BC

    4. "Where the F*** are we?"

    -- Amelia Earhart, 1937

    5. "You want WHAT on the F***ing ceiling?"

    -- Michelangelo, 1566

    6. "How the F*** did you work that out?"

    -- Pythagoras, 126 BC

    7. "It does so F***ing look like her!"

    -- Picasso, 1926

    8. "Any F***ing idiot could understand that."

    -- Einstein, 1938

    9. "Where did all those F***ing Indians come from?"

    -- Custer, 1877 !

    10. "What the F*** was that?"

    -- Mayor Of Hiroshima, 1945

    11. "What the F*** do you mean, we are sinking?"

    -- Capt. E.J. Smith of RMS Titanic, 1912

  9. That particular underground excavation is to provide an underpass at that junction. However in addition it is intended to provide a new rail terminal to the new airport from the existing railway station which is located near PhayaThai BTS and very near the excavation you are referring to.

    The junction in question is Sri Ayudhya with Phaya Thai road.

  10. A politician, doctor and architect were arguing which was the oldest profession. The doctor said it must be the medical profession as when Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden God needed a doctor to take the rib from Eve and create man. The architect claimed it must be his profession as in the beginning it was chaos and God would have required to architect to plan things. The politician said in that case it must be his profession as who did they think created the chaos in the first place?

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