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Posts posted by BeauKarl

  1. Can't be sure of if the 90 day rule is abolished. We don't have a complete translation yet of the whole document. I must say it seems that way, but I'm not sure if this new police order is replacing the 90 day police order. It does look that way, but can someone who can read Thai confirm it replaces police order 608/2549?

    The new rule clearly says the Article 3 of police order 608/2549 established on 8 September 2549 has been discontinued and replaced with a new Article 3 of Police Order 778/2551 of 25 November 2551. So the 90 days in six months rule has been discontinued officially by the new order which does not have the 90 day rule in it at all.

    Does this mean that border runs can be done every 2 weeks for nomatter how long?

    Guess visa run business will be booming :o

  2. But its also gonna hurt those who have good cash but not a proper visa, like me. But Im leaving Thailand pretty soon anyway, so it doesnt affect me much.

    I think you won't be the only one, both cheap charlies AND money spenders.

    Doubt many will still buy condos if they're not sure about visaregulations because they can change them anytime when they want. What visas will get changed after this? All those who applaud the new rule, might soon be next.

    Guess the gouverment has enough money and doesn't need tourists. :o

  3. I think that Thailand wants to get rid of what it sees as the riff raff falangs. Those who cannot be bothered or just cannot get the right visa. If you have a legitimate visa there is no problem in staying here.

    Well said Sir!

    This is a particular beef with me the "border runners" working here illegally.

    I'm a border runner like you say, I spend as much time here with my family (wife and daughter)that I can.

    Due to my work I sometimes don't have enough time to get 2 month visas from the embassy abroad as I travel on a last minute base. Does this make me riff raff????

    Some professions just can't get a wp here. Sometimes understandable, sometimes not.

    In 2 months time I'm getting married so I could get 1 year multiple entries, but looking at the way it goes, this might soon end aswell.

    If they really wanted us here, they could simply ask bankbooks and let us go to the immigration office every 2 weeks with 2000 thb to get a stamp. The gouverment would get the money from the border runs straight in their pocket and it would be easy to check who stays here.

    But that's IF they wanted us here.

    I don't think it's a great loss for Thailand - big spenders generally don't do visa runs but get proper long term multiple-reentry tourist or non-o visas in their home countries.

    There's big spenders from all kinds, short time tourists AND border runners

  4. Er..., I think you are talking about someone else's vehicle! I don't have any 'police' written on the sun visor! (That's where I carry my car insurance documents). The police volunteer stickers on the side of my pickup were placed there by my Thai supervisor, not by me. Why? Because that pick-up is used solely by me when I am on duty and the Phuket police wanted to reinforce the presence of the tourist police, especially in the north of Phuket where I live. All volunteers who had dedicated vehicles, including motorbikes, were encouraged to place tourist police volunteer stickers on their vehicles.

    See? there is a reasonable explanation for everything :D


    A farang next to my wives shop got one of those stickers to put on his car, from his friend TPV. When he handed it over, he said: Now you're ok to drive and park everywhere you want. :o

    I'm not saying you're one of them Simon, but if you go to Walkingstreet in Pattaya, you can see TPV walking around with a bigger attitude then cops back home.

    I've seen them trying to catch flower sellers, phototakers,...

    Looks to me that most of them are so frustrated that they have nothing to say at home, so they wanna be playing cop and look important on the streets. Guess they miss the looks and laughs from farangs and Thais when they pass by :D

  5. Fast moving progress here, with lots of little breaking news on the Nation:
    Constitution Court president Chat Chonlaworn has confirmed that the verdict will be handed down today following the morning's hearing for closing statements on the party dissolution case.

    This is much much fatser than anybody could expect, even the most optimist had thiugth the verdict would not be before tomorrow.

    Does that mean the PPP will really step down? Anybodies guess, as they are boycotting the hearings already and have not sent anybody to them (the two other parties have).

    edit: the hearings also started on time at 10:00.

    Will it really matterif you read this?

    The PAD leaders would also reassess the country's political situation after the Constitution Court hands down its verdicts in the party dissolution cases against the People Power, Chart Thai and Matchimathipataya parties. It will continue to rally if the new government is still a proxy government of deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, however.
  6. First lesson in crowd control: if you see a group of protesters/hooligans moving towards an no-go area, you make sure you block the roads toward it.

    PAD's move from GH to the airports could not have been a surpriese. It must have taken them at least an hour to get there and hours to get fully mobilized! The police just let it happen!

    This is something that I've been wandering all the time, how was that all possible?

    perhaps they were lookng around to much for farangs without a helmet :o

    Im surprised that people dont understand yet how it could happen. It happens very easily when:

    - you are under strict instruction not to use force

    - your boss agrees with the PAD action

    ISnt it obvious by now that the police and military fully support this?

    Yes but this means that the PM has no control or what so ever and will never have.

  7. First lesson in crowd control: if you see a group of protesters/hooligans moving towards an no-go area, you make sure you block the roads toward it.

    PAD's move from GH to the airports could not have been a surpriese. It must have taken them at least an hour to get there and hours to get fully mobilized! The police just let it happen!

    This is something that I've been wandering all the time, how was that all possible?

    perhaps they were lookng around to much for farangs without a helmet :o

  8. good to see reports on the Nation that the thai stock market has opened up today. it closed lower in Australia today, and we have fully functioning transportation system.

    Amazing Thailand

    Even the Thai Bath is up against the EURO (70 Satang) since closing time friday

    Amazing country indeed

    Just noticed that aswell, you just can't predict anything here :o

  9. I believe it was Taksin that started the crackdown on bar trading hours. That if nothing else would explain his unpopularity on TV. As for the corruption etc anyone who has been here a while knows that was SOP for any government and had nothing to do with his ousting.

    His drug crackdown is also cited as why he should have gone. Both my ex wife and girlfriend claim that the drug problem was better under control in those days and the streets safer. Personally don't have answers for that.

    Right about the bar hours and also he made the first move to tighten up Visa on Arrival and work permits. They needed tightening up and it was a scandal how bars were allowed open round the clock and girls made to man them and pole dance etc. Cleaned that up and it needed it.

    Lot of shady falangs hate him for reasons that make him acceptable to most ordinary folk here.

    Makes me laugh how so many farangs complain about bars and girls (maybe they're married)

    The nightlife is what brings most farangs here and always have done, if you like it or not.

    On top of that it brings in loads of money and jobs, if they would make the visa regulations a but easier, even more would come (bring 2000 every month to the station and you get another 30 days stamp instead of paying for visaruns)

    Everybody knows where the bars are, if you don't like them, don't go there, but stop complaining about it or ask to clamp down on them. (and no I don't go there everyday, I'm married :o incase some think that's why I write this)

  10. A significant number of tourists visting Thailand do so in the naive believe that it's just a more exotic version of Spain. The current situation is now convincing most tourists (except the hard core mongers) that LOS is actually a lawless third world country with a very warped attitude towards their welfare. It's also a long way from home when something goes wrong. And it very clearly has gone badly wrong.

    This, together with the problems in Bombay and shrinking disposable incomes in the US and Europe, means that long haul travel to Asia in general is going to decline, and to India and LOS in particular.

    My parents are here at the moment. Travelling first class on TG and spending 10000b/day plus a day, plus accomodation. They won't be back; money is too hard to come by to waste it on jokers who care little about delivering value, only for short term profit. There are plenty of other places to visit on the planet when you're burning 15K sterling for a couple of weeks away.

    I'm suspect Pattaya will revert to a pre 1997 play pen and the back backers in KSR and Samui will be amzed how far their 10$ us a day goes in the next few years. For those who apologise for and excuse whatever nonsense spews out of this country I'm sure they'll still feel right at home. Their money will go a bit further too.

    If your parents travel 1st class and spend 10k+ accomodation a day, I doubt their money is hard to come by and they are really wasting money :o

    If they wanna burn money, give it to some poor hotel maids who didn't ask for this and who don't have anything to do with this instead of complaining. Or wouldn't you be able to bragg enough about it then?

  11. Wouldn't surprise me if it kicks off today as all red shirts are heading towards the protest.

    ???? Can you document this?


    I thought you meant "On The Move" ... not ... planning on a rally tmw (later)

    Misunderstanding I guess, I ment if they are all going to the demonstration, chances are that there will be confrontations, police doesn't seem to be able to handle big crowds very well :o

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