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Posts posted by agord

  1. 'without probation' doesn't say that anything about bail. As usual the culprits will go to court, bail is set at 10 baht and they go free, bloody joke........

    Bail is for when there is trial/verdict/sentencing set for a later date. It seems here that if they already received their sentences, then they must have been put through some super-expedited trial procedure. I'd assume then that their 6-month sentence would begin immediately. If they already confessed and pleaded guilty I don't think there is much chance of an appeal, though I'm no lawyer.

    Didn't they get a deal in exchange for some information? I think in this case they would waive their rights for an appeal when they plea out no?

  2. Hear news from the hearsay of a year card Chor.


    1. Infantry 11th yesterday night April 14th at Don M79 to 20th Infantry child is gone Et Lab.

    2. Suthep belt Suban missing a leg side being 79 to know if ป่าว Suthep lost more than three days then yes I La.

    3. Neck and flat f 11 of splendor and ruin a good move to Director of Hong Prachin then leap away together to sit on at night. 14 after the explosion down

    4. This is the 11th infantry soldiers already watermelon watermelon card military talks said. Coffee blank to sit together to eat it inside the 11th Infantry.

    5. Meta Exquisite to fly abroad on the night of the 14th, but do not know, but it is XD!.

    6. F16 aircraft disappeared without an order of people (good news of the red shirts).

    7. Military friendly fight. Because someone ordered large. The military watermelon comment now

    8. Disallowed content edited out/Scott/Moderator

    9. Magnate red shirts have come back stage (huge), but not broadcast.

    10. Police see red shirts stand empty-handed soldiers are not firing. I Yue interaction of soldiers to help the red shirts.

    11. Military m79 shot put pine Lumpini because irate

    12. Police Host something Resistance because people see innocence not being killed.

    13. Building the World Trade USA. Upcoming building in Thailand (confused Adelaide).

    Let all the predictions of the Angeles Crest Da Samui Airport card the year Chor. Go to the interview.

    News News real breast to spy to tell a friendly and เน้อ.

    All news is written. To know a lot of detective breaking news to the Chua's.

    I must be from another planet, because I understand none of the above!!!!

    Translation by Google from redshirt website, u know google not the best translators

    nothing to do with google you can't translate Thai to English and have it make sense without adding in some English here.

  3. Or see how ridiculous it is? Anyone living here for any length of time can spot guys like this and know what they are about mr two-face farang slams other farang for hitting the girlie bars while exiting out the back door of the katoey bar - pun intended!

    If pun intended wouldn't he then be entering back door of katoey bar?

    too disgusting for me to imagine eh but accept others lifestyles :) AND think that there are OTHER reasons for expat men being in LOS OTHER than cheap girls and beer.

  4. Compare and Contrast.

    The UK has an election and a long time government is removed.

    The New PM quickly forms a government and the old PM quietly and politely steps down.

    All happens in one month.

    All that happened once the labour government had served its term. Were there mobs on the streets in the UK creating mayhem 2 years ago demanding immediate elections? No. People waited for elections. Democracy at work.

    Thailand has an election and the reds win.


    Party is disbanded by a puppet court.

    New election.

    Reds win again.

    Court removes the PM for doing a cooking show on TV.

    You can't even get your mistruths in the right chronological order.

    court removes PM for taking money to do cooking show and for having a nose like a pig and head bigger than a watermelon :)

  5. While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

    I mean really people.

    Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

    If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

    If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

    Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

    Really people.

    You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

    You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

    People want fair elections, and you laugh.

    People want justice and you laugh.

    People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

    The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

    If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

    What a sick post.

    Well... I'm laughing at his post :)

    Yes and everytime you reply, others read his good post.


    Or see how ridiculous it is? Anyone living here for any length of time can spot guys like this and know what they are about mr two-face farang slams other farang for hitting the girlie bars while exiting out the back door of the katoey bar - pun intended!

  6. While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

    I mean really people.

    Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

    If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

    If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

    Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

    Really people.

    You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

    You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

    People want fair elections, and you laugh.

    People want justice and you laugh.

    People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

    The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

    If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

    What a sick post.

    Sick indeed. How dare this poster compare the students at Kent State to this mob but obviously written by someone with not even a shred of an idea what's really going on here just the same brainwashing democracy bs The fact that he is slagging off some guys intentions for being here only makes me belive that he is one of those guys :) usually how that works in Thailand with some expats I have noticed.

    I have no love for Rush, Reagan or Thatcher but <deleted> does that have to do with Thailand and this mess? ever hear of Thaksins war on drugs? nothing right wing about that eh now go home already your tourist visa is about to expire!

  7. Yes slingshot are nasty and quite lethal in the right hands. I know it was a felony to possess one in New York State in the early 70's.... I got off with a warning.

    How about molotov cocktails and spears ... wonder if those would be considered deadly weapons in NY or anywhere else beyond the minds of red mob sympathizers who consider these to be things you bring to a peaceful protest.

    I would be willing to admit that slingshots are not deadly or harmful if one of these red apologists would let me use one on them to prove their point. Any takers? molotov cocktail is a no brainer someone runs at you with one of those in hand shoot them in the face!

  8. Please use your head. If soldiers were opening up on the reds with M16s ... you would see a lot more dead than 24 ... and aren't a couple of the dead now being reported to be soldiers?

    If it turns out that any of them died to injuries sustained from slingshots I will instantly retract my previous statement. Naturally, all armed enemy combatants are fair play in my book. I just feel I could actually do more damage with my bare hands than with one of the most primitive projectile weapons on the planet so I would not consider it any more armed than, say, someone wielding a stick. Granted that walking around a live fire zone while swinging a stick around isn't the smartest idea either. You certainly won't catch me doing that.

    How about not even being in the live firing zone to begin with? How about not having anything in your hand and going HOME on the free bus outta there.

  9. I don't think you can say 'most' people back what the military are doing, it's 51% of the facists who are registered on HERE. The people who make up this figure are more than likely to be white, male and people who have never experienced REAL poverty in their lives. They call the reds 'terrorists' when they are just normal people fighting for what they believe in. Yes, they are getting paid, so what? It's a small amount and since they had to leave their homes for a long time they need money to survive. YES, there are women and children and elderly people in the camp, i've seen it with my own eyes, for them to be there it just shows how fed up they are with their lives. How can anyone condone shooting innocent people? MANY farangs are pro red shirt and this shocks and DISGUSTS me, but it's not surprising as most of the farangs who live out here are male and everything 'ist' and 'ic' under the sun to include racist, chauvinist, homophobic, facist PIGS. It's they who should be rounded up and shot.

    They are paid....Are you paid for posting as well? Or do you really believe that shooting M79 will change the world so everyone is complete equal (like in the paradise North Korea)

    I like how gatecrasher uses 'facist pigs' in one sentence and "it's they who should be rounded up and shot" in the next :)

    Very normal I would say. When you look what fascists did and what communists like Stalin or Mao did, than you won't find so much difference......

    missed the point mate. She is against the actions of so called facist pigs and wants them to be rounded up and shot. hmmmmmm?

  10. I don't think you can say 'most' people back what the military are doing, it's 51% of the facists who are registered on HERE. The people who make up this figure are more than likely to be white, male and people who have never experienced REAL poverty in their lives. They call the reds 'terrorists' when they are just normal people fighting for what they believe in. Yes, they are getting paid, so what? It's a small amount and since they had to leave their homes for a long time they need money to survive. YES, there are women and children and elderly people in the camp, i've seen it with my own eyes, for them to be there it just shows how fed up they are with their lives. How can anyone condone shooting innocent people? MANY farangs are pro red shirt and this shocks and DISGUSTS me, but it's not surprising as most of the farangs who live out here are male and everything 'ist' and 'ic' under the sun to include racist, chauvinist, homophobic, facist PIGS. It's they who should be rounded up and shot.

    They are paid....Are you paid for posting as well? Or do you really believe that shooting M79 will change the world so everyone is complete equal (like in the paradise North Korea)

    I like how gatecrasher uses 'facist pigs' in one sentence and "it's they who should be rounded up and shot" in the next :)

  11. What is the purpose of live rounds?

    Who shot? Who ordered the use of live rounds? Who is dead?

    I think the case is pretty clear.

    Maybe you are right. Maybe it is OK to let armed insurgents come into the capital and take it over. What country do you come from anyway? I am sure a lot of people would like to know where it is OK to take over 2 sq. miles of the downtown sector of a country's capital city.

    You can't be from the country where I come from, because this would have lasted 48 hours and would be over. In fact, in some countries just 2 hours. But, I guess, where you come from it is OK. So where is it again?

    HMmmmm just like the airport situation 2 years ago with the yellows

    That wouldn't fly either pardon the pun. So why is this ok to you since you obviously have a problem with the airport but somehow taking over a whole city is ok??

  12. To have sharpshooters taking head shots at people presenting them no direct threat or actual bodily harm is simply escalating this and not solving it.

    From your keyboard, how are you possibly able to ascertain that the soldiers are under no direct threat?

    Look at Sa Daeng he was no threat he was being interviewed not armed no threat at all

    lol Seh Deang no threat at all :) not anymore!

  13. Ordinary people are dying

    Terrorists from an occupying army are dying.

    As are women and children, medic and journalists..

    Is the outcome worth the price ??

    You are asking the wrong people ask the red shirts if it was worth walking away from the deal they had they all seemed to like it until they call from master who didn't like the fact that he would not be in power in time for the new military terms.

  14. Some of you people make me sick! :) Ordinary people are dying from the work of snipers, not terrorists. And who would be the employer of snipers????

    chicken and the egg mate you want to be angry at someone how about the ones causing all of this? you are blaming the government for wanting to restore order in their capitol? rule of law and the 12 million plus people li ing with this daily bs mean nothing to you eh? You would allow this back home right totally normal for you I guess to have armed insurgents camp out for two months in London, Washington DC....Let's all try and remember your posts when the taliban or other whacko group camps out in your country I think you would be begging your army to put them down as soon as possible.

  15. WOW one black shirt well that justifys all the civilians killed

    you are aware are you not of the grenades and petrol bombs being lobbed at the soldiers?

    that there are persons in the rally area shooting at soldiers?

    not to mention the bricks, paving stones, slingshots, etc.

    what constitutes a civilian in this case?

    The military snipers if any good could easily pick off the guys in black that has a weapon any red that is armed with a rifle handgun etc ok take him out however if he is throwing stones molotov cocktails, slingshots you CANNOT JUSTIFY murdering them plain and simple.

    However we are not seeing guys in black are we we are seeing civilians medic and journalists being shot by the military

    Ever taken a molotv cocktail to the face? how about a stone to the forehead or marble slingshot into your pea brain? They don't need to justify sh**! Surrender, go home or stay put sitting on your hands but advance towards the military with ANY kind of weapon and ANYWHERE in the world under a this kind of emergency situation and soldiers, national guard whatever are going to put you down plain and simple.

    The crap above posted by a known troll about medics and journos getting shot by military doesn't even deserve a response

  16. What a load of tosh, paid terrorists, evil billionaires, using women and children as a human shield

    These are just your opinions. Respectable news stations try to stick to the facts which is why none of your content is reflected there.

    Everyone knows the definition of terrorist by now so no need to go there and yes they are paid so what else can we call it? Do you think the blackshirts are out there for free? red shirt leaders wont get a big pay day if they pull this off? New stations report action and drama mate or a "good story" that's how they pay the bills. What fantasy land have you been living in where journos only report the facts? Fact: red shirt protesters have been paid and now the really nice part where payments are now being postponed to keep them staying there to BE USED AS HUMAN SHIELDS and this has been reported you just don't want to accept it for whatever reason?

  17. I have to agree with Bluegrass, Without swearing or losing ones temper the Op is an out and out idiot. I also cannot believe the amount of people posting that they are in favour of what this guy did.

    All the crap about it is up to him and its his life crap!!!!!!!

    What next mate how about a walk around the Helmund province in Afghanistan just to see if the Taliban do in fact chop the heads off stupid foreigners who go there just to see what it is really like ? or maybe a walk around Baghdad market asking if anybody could point him in the right direction to talk to the local Al Queda representative so he can ask just why they are blowing up innocent men women and children ?

    Reporters have been killed doing their job and yet you think it is fun to walk through a war zone and post / brag about it on a forum ? I think you need some help dude!

    You remind me of a friend from back home in the UK. Whenever he heard on the news that the trans pennine highway, the A66 was shut due to snow he would jump in his Austin allegro with the wife and kids and see just how far he could get before he had to turn around. MADNESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I like MOST NORMAL PEOPLE I fully understand that the media tend to exaggerate things when they report things. I DO NOT need to put myself in danger to prove this point!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Agree. nevermind the fact that if this guy does get hurt it takes away/adds to the already heavy burden that paramedics, doctors, rescue, etc. already have on their plate they don't need 1 more on their charts because he just wants to see what is going on. Insane.

  18. And to the OP, why don't you try doing something constructive like going to a temple away from the war zone and praying for the people who were killed and for the future of Thailand to stabalize

    lol... prayer & "doing something constructive" in one sentence.


    You don't think that a prayer is more constructive then this walk about? I for one believe in the Lord Buhhda so for me this helps pass the souls of those lives taken into the next life. To ME this sounds more constructive however I am only me.

    The Thai Government, people, army etc etc just don't need us wondering around their war zone to make reports on Forums like this. Do they need their eyes to focus on you or what they should be looking out for?

    Buy a television or a newspaper and see the signs that clearly say in English "Live firing zone STAY OUT" !!!!!!!

    Hard enough for these soldiers to do their job they don't need thrill seeking tourists getting in the way of an already tense situation where it has to be next to impossible to tell who is who. With all of these maniacs running around they shouldnt have to worry about one additional maniac farang poking around the area like it's some kind of attraction. common sense - stay out of the way!

  19. savage. Abhisit is now a world class dictator. Congratulations!

    And what is this supposed to show?? some criminals hiding behind barricades that is all

    What is shows is the governments claims that "we only shoot in self defence" are totally bogus lies.. As does the CNN footage..

    Which then makes his "only trust the official sources, we must maintain the moral high ground" type statements also laughable..

    Its currently open season on anything that moves, protesters, journos, medics, etc.. Lets forget this 'only in self defence' PR BS..

    What it shows is that they need to go home. It's a message. If you want to try to take over the capitol, be prepared to be shot. It's a good message. What shocks me about all this is the people that paid them to come to BKK to BE SHOT. Here's 500 THB, go take a bullet for MY cause. I really can't understand why people can't see this for what it is.

    This IS about Thaksin!

    suggest you try the ignore user feature on some of these goons that are only on here to have a laugh while all of this is going on.

    Yes here is 500 baht to take a bullet have fun while I jet off out of here like my boss.

  20. Do you notice Wayne Hay is wearing a bullet proof vest and a helment.

    The journalist shot yesterday was wearing jeans and a black shirt, and was running between the reds and army shooting each other. Idiot.

    It is now part of the job of the security forces to shot at journalists who are not wearing "a bullet proof vest and a helment[sic]"?

    The Apologists of this violent crackdown becoming more and more pathetic.

    Would you say to him face to face that he is an idiot or are just anotheranonymous hiding behind his keyboard seeding hate?

    How's life as a troll? having fun while others are being held hostage by these lunatics?

  21. I thought the reds wanted a truce. They are just back to their old demands. They don't understand compromise do they.
    Update: Weng repeats the 3 red demands today, 1. Ceasefire and withdraw 2. Immediate Dissolution 3. End of SOE /via @terryfrd

    Thaksin demands, Jataporn demands, Reds demand, Phua Thai demands

    demand, demand, demand, or what?

    what about us?

    maybe we should demand they obey the law and go home

    or would that be just more wasted rhetoric for the benefit of the red biased western media.........?

    'someone broke into my house with weapon, robs everything and demands for my bank book; police arrives and he keeps my family on hostage, and demands the police chief resigns; the mediator arrives then he demands the police department dissolution, and demands the court to call off the warrant'

    is this something very illogical !?

    You forgot the part where he blames you and your family maybe even the police for his actions. Nice post!

  22. It's strange how the international media always seem to leave out the 'Thaksin link' when they report on this. It's such an important piece in the puzzle that to me it even feels suspicious that they don't mention this, almost like he's greased a few palms in the west (oh it does happen!). Instead they talk about the 'rural poor' versus the 'elite', and associate the word democracy with the very people who ruin the very idea by happily selling their vote fot the price of a couple of beers!

    I think that the bbc/cnn and the rest of these 'non-biased' organisations should get to the real truth which is far more interesting than the story which they're currently reporting.

    Why don't they ask the red shirts how much they're getting paid? Ask them why they think Thaksin is so great and what he could do for the country should he return. Ask them how they think that Thaksin, as a convicted criminal, could possibly plan to be taken seriously by the international community, should he manage to bully his way back into office.

    Ask them why they are using women and children as a human shield.

    Ask them why they risk their lives for a greedy evil billionaire?

    Why can't the press get an interview with Thaksin? A few well placed questions will simply destroy him.

    Why don't the international media do their job rather than appearing to be the heroes in the danger zone, reporting alongside the red-shirt 'freedom fighters'?

    My point? It appears that Thaksin has more than just a few red-shirts in his back pocket!!!

    :) Excellent post!

    Couldn't agree more..

    Couldn't agree less. If you think that the likes of the BBC are biased in this, then I suggest you consider the possibility that the bias is within yourself.

    For a very long time now very few people on the red side has seemed particularly interested in Thaksin. (With a couple exceptions). They know they're on their own now.

    Secondly, to think that protesters risking life and limb to bring wounded people to safety under live fire are doing this for 550 baht a day is quite sick. Clearly they believe in a cause, rightly or wrongly.

    International news media realize this. Local "mainsteam" (LOL) news media just want to paint one side black. (==bias)

    But do you agree that Thaksin should give an interview and answer these questions or not? How would you answer the questions as a red supporter?Very few people on the red side interested in Thaksin? surely you are joking.

  23. Suggest others try the ignore user feature it's great! Now instead of moronic dribble i see You have chosen to ignore pornsasi

    I do not put anybody on "ignore" because it is my concept of Democracy: opponents are useful for mitigating your judgment. Obviously, you have another concept....

    I would agree jerry when they have something of substance to contribute but when their posts reach the point of being absurd what's the point?

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