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    San Sai

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  1. Just to amplify what you've said, A whole new generation of Thai's under this failed "governance" that see nothing but more of the same in their future. Gives a whole new slant to, "Same Same but different."
  2. It makes you wonder how they pulled it together enough to get themselves over here.
  3. The City of Oxford and the State of Michigan who licensed this business as well as the local daily rag that publicized advertisements for this Business should also bear some responsibility for making this seem like a safe and government approved procedure.
  4. The last one I saw was taking a poop in the canal in the old city in Chiang Mai. Ya, I can do without seeing that again.
  5. I wonder if the bloke speaks Thai? 555
  6. Dick, You look like a nice enough guy but your comment seems more like a "Trump and Elon live in my head 24 7" Knee Jerk comment. When's the last time you were in America? Do you know enough, first hand, to intelligently comment? I think not. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gj92LRIa4AAVw7p?format=png&name=small
  7. President Trump never refered to Thailand as a "<deleted> hole country". Trump has had very good communication and policies in the past with Thailand.
  8. But it is difficult when you're thinking with dick and your western concept of love. I've seen guys who've been here 20 years and know better fall into vagina's they couldn't get out of.
  9. Just finished rereading it. "Joy, I love you too much."
  10. You live here at the whim of the Thai authorities. You have no rights.
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