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  1. I was told that Honda stopped making the entire lawnmower a few years ago, hence Honda engine but third party other parts. I am in Chiang Mai and like the Rapter but don’t want to send a Rapter back to Bangkok. Any suggestions for CM on a place I can get service without shipping?
  2. My self propelled mower is no longer self propelled and the company seems to be defunct as well. I see the Rapter (unknown to me) brand at a good price on line but I don’t want to send it, possibly, to Bangkok for service. Where can I find a shop with these machines in Chiang Mai? Thanks Note: Honda no longer makes lawnmowers. Their engines are on some other brands, but I haven’t seen one of those I liked. Makita is probably too pricey for me.
  3. Put in 400,000. Pay a much smaller amount to agent to prepare correct paperwork and walk you through process. Cut wife’s role to absolute minimum needed. Get multiple reentry permit. Rinse and repeat
  4. What are the starting points of all these fires? Almost all start with human action, some accidental, most not. Lightning is not a real factor here.
  5. When I went to Patara elephant farm a few years ago, I enjoyed riding on top of the elephant sitting as a mahout does without a platform. A bit scary and not cheap.
  6. Looks good, thanks.
  7. Chiang Dao. Regarding other comments, I have a chipper shredder, make about a cubic meter of compost a month, and have prunings too large to chip (over 10cm). I value biochar for it’s soil benefits and to reduce the smoke from burning.
  8. Certified Rolfers will be in their institutes on line directory, usually with a division into countries and areas. Rare in SE Asia. Note that there is now more than one organization training people in Ida Rolf’s work.
  9. I have too much material for a small concrete pipe and a larger one would be much heavier than a metal barrel. Want to tip over the barrel to get the charcoal out, so lighter is better for me. How long does your pipe last using it that way?
  10. Anybody know where I can get a metal barrel that never contained toxic materials? I would like to use it for a burn barrel to make bio char for the garden. Also, looking for the kind of plastic buckets that construction materials often come in would like that to be food grade but not as fussy about that. Never seem to see ones for sale.
  11. Is that black humor? Never mind.
  12. Still available?
  13. Lampung has a weekend evening walking street which I enjoyed very much. It is at a historic preservation district which has places to stay.
  14. Thanks for the helpful suggestions. Maktec might be plenty good enough for me if they have similiar models.
  15. Is that the place at corner of 107 and 11?
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