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Posts posted by dave9988

  1. i was in the lower Sukhumwit area recently and i had not been there since perhaps the first week i was in Thailand several years ago. It did not do much for me then, so I guess its not a big surprise that it did not do anything for me again this time.


    So, just to be sure that I am understanding you correctly, are you basing your entire opinion of the "farang scene" in Thailand on the lower Sukhumvit area?

    Widen your scope a little and you might find something you like. Where have you been staying in Thailand for the several years that you've been living there? What other "farang scene" areas have you visited in Thailand?

    no, i was not implying that these bars scattered around Thailand are equivocal to the entire farang scene. i used that wording because the mods can be sensitive sometimes if you do not pick your words wisely.

  2. "you cant buy champagne on beer money right"

    i think there are many Thai establishments that might not be champagne quality that have attractive employees and sense of respect for the customer. the farang scene is almost a form of self torture. you pay money to be treated like crap by someone who is less attractive than your maid.

  3. i have been accused of being an elitist, so instead of just making broad based accusations I am coming to ask for opinions and try to put myself in other people's shoes to better understand them instead of just assuming everyone is simply below me in terms of intelligence/class.

    i was in the lower Sukhumwit area recently and i had not been there since perhaps the first week i was in Thailand several years ago. It did not do much for me then, so I guess its not a big surprise that it did not do anything for me again this time.

    What I observe:

    All of the girls in these bars are unattractive.

    The bars are dumpy and low class.

    There are obnoxious touts trying to grab you.

    There are people everywhere trying to sell you stuff.

    The customers give off a sense of hopeless desperation.

    All of the Thai vendors, touts, and employees give off a sense of hopeless desperation.

    What I don't get is,

    1. What do the millions of farang tourists coming here for this get out of it?

    2. Why is the whole industry devoid of any sense of class or customer respect?

  4. when i first came to thailand i met these backpackers and they were counting every last baht. like take a taxi ride with another couple and the guy asks "is this split 3 ways or 4 ways because it really feels like you should be counted separate." he was quite relieved when the couple pulled 2 green notes out and paid for everyone's fare.

  5. It really is amazing. So many westerners earning 100,000 bt/month plus in committed relationships with Thai women working low end jobs earning less than 8,000 bt/month. Why? I really don't see the point of it. Is it some kind of lingering sense of propriety from Western culture?

    In this situation any man worth his salt would have his partner quit the job, spend her time taking care of the baby properly, and live in a modest, but comfortable, apartment or condo. It should not be immediate, and absolutely not in the 'dating' phase. That would be ridiculous. The timing would be when the relationship has evolved to the serious and committed stage. To me it is just plain decency.

    Would a man earning $150,000+ per year back home really want his committed partner working a dead end $15,000 per year job with long hours and a 6-day work week, living in a hovel, all while trying to raise a young child?

    I have a different perspective. Why would anyone who earns THB100,000 a month want a relationship with someone whose earning power is only THB8000 a month with a family whose members never save anything and who don't have health insurance, etc., etc? You're asking for trouble right there. What on earth can such a woman have to offer, besides sex? Is she an interesting conversationalist? Does she have any hobbies beyond watching television and reading comic books? Does she have the understanding of what you do that is necessary for her to be supportive of your career, rather than just milk the cash cow? If you took her to your home country, could you go out to a fine restaurant with her without being embarrassed?

    I look for a woman with whom I can have a relationship on an equal footing. That means she needs to be educated and have a decent career (PhD, or doctor, lawyer, vet, dentist, etc.) She needs to earn a decent amount of money so that she doesn't regard me as a cash cow. Her family need to be comfortably off and not regard me as a source of income. We need to be able to talk to each other at the same level. She needs to have some interesting hobbies so that I am not constantly having to think about how to alleviate her boredom. If such a lady decided to stop working full-time, have children, look after the house, and support me in my quest to provide a good lifestyle for her and the children, then I would be most happy to use whatever funds are available. Would I do that for someone who earns THB8000 a month? No chance. I wouldn't even take her out on a date, no matter how attracted to her I was.

    Now, having said all that, I am a lonely dude. Thailand is not a particularly good place for me to find a soul mate. Eligible candidates are thin on the ground and, as I work alone, I have no opportunities to meet them. However, I came to Thailand to build a business. I've now done that, and I will soon be on my way to greener pastures, for example, South Korea, where I lived for six years before. I have been more than willing to endure being lonely, when the alternative is to have a "relationship" with someone who earns THB8000 a month, taps me up for cash for herself and her mother's water buffalo, and with whom I cannot even have a decent conversation.

    This will probably fall on deaf ears, but I recommend that western blokes in Thailand find a woman whom they would regard as their social and financial equal in their home country. If they don't, they are asking for trouble.

    Women and women. I hate to sound like a misogynist, but at the end of the day most conversations and contact with her will not be all that different from the comic book reader. the big difference is the money factor. most rich girls are doing a lot of cartoon reading and shopping anyways. thats just my experience.

    Sigh. My experience is different. Dated any doctors, lawyers, poets, human rights activists, or university lecturers recently?

    its just my experience that her ability to discuss Kant or whatever gets you off intellectually does not amount to much in the grand scheme of your relationship.

  6. It really is amazing. So many westerners earning 100,000 bt/month plus in committed relationships with Thai women working low end jobs earning less than 8,000 bt/month. Why? I really don't see the point of it. Is it some kind of lingering sense of propriety from Western culture?

    In this situation any man worth his salt would have his partner quit the job, spend her time taking care of the baby properly, and live in a modest, but comfortable, apartment or condo. It should not be immediate, and absolutely not in the 'dating' phase. That would be ridiculous. The timing would be when the relationship has evolved to the serious and committed stage. To me it is just plain decency.

    Would a man earning $150,000+ per year back home really want his committed partner working a dead end $15,000 per year job with long hours and a 6-day work week, living in a hovel, all while trying to raise a young child?

    I have a different perspective. Why would anyone who earns THB100,000 a month want a relationship with someone whose earning power is only THB8000 a month with a family whose members never save anything and who don't have health insurance, etc., etc? You're asking for trouble right there. What on earth can such a woman have to offer, besides sex? Is she an interesting conversationalist? Does she have any hobbies beyond watching television and reading comic books? Does she have the understanding of what you do that is necessary for her to be supportive of your career, rather than just milk the cash cow? If you took her to your home country, could you go out to a fine restaurant with her without being embarrassed?

    I look for a woman with whom I can have a relationship on an equal footing. That means she needs to be educated and have a decent career (PhD, or doctor, lawyer, vet, dentist, etc.) She needs to earn a decent amount of money so that she doesn't regard me as a cash cow. Her family need to be comfortably off and not regard me as a source of income. We need to be able to talk to each other at the same level. She needs to have some interesting hobbies so that I am not constantly having to think about how to alleviate her boredom. If such a lady decided to stop working full-time, have children, look after the house, and support me in my quest to provide a good lifestyle for her and the children, then I would be most happy to use whatever funds are available. Would I do that for someone who earns THB8000 a month? No chance. I wouldn't even take her out on a date, no matter how attracted to her I was.

    Now, having said all that, I am a lonely dude. Thailand is not a particularly good place for me to find a soul mate. Eligible candidates are thin on the ground and, as I work alone, I have no opportunities to meet them. However, I came to Thailand to build a business. I've now done that, and I will soon be on my way to greener pastures, for example, South Korea, where I lived for six years before. I have been more than willing to endure being lonely, when the alternative is to have a "relationship" with someone who earns THB8000 a month, taps me up for cash for herself and her mother's water buffalo, and with whom I cannot even have a decent conversation.

    This will probably fall on deaf ears, but I recommend that western blokes in Thailand find a woman whom they would regard as their social and financial equal in their home country. If they don't, they are asking for trouble.

    Women and women. I hate to sound like a misogynist, but at the end of the day most conversations and contact with her will not be all that different from the comic book reader. the big difference is the money factor. most rich girls are doing a lot of cartoon reading and shopping anyways. thats just my experience.

  7. This is inspired by a recent topic posted about the quality of workers.

    I have found that treating your workers here with common decency is taken as a sign of weakness by them.

    Thai's tend to rule them with an iron fist and it is what seems to work best here.

    Being nice and treating them like equals fails miserably.

    i have noticed the same thing. people on this site call me an elitist but i am not overly impressed with the average human being let alone the average human being from the lowest financial echelons of society. i was walking on lower Sukhumwit to go to sunrise tacos the other day and i really don't know how or why you guys do what you do here in regards to the company you keep.

  8. Well I was going to let it slide after reading these comments but it turns out my wife took matters into her own hands. She sms'ed me on my mobile "I am going to handle this situation like Tiny." I had no idea what she was talking about until an hour later when it hit me. She meant Tony. She must have picked his name up from all The Sopranos episodes I would fall asleep watching. I rush into action scared at what she might do in her hatred to this farang but its too late as only minutes later I receive a call from the adulterous farang who now apparently has to kick up 100,000 baht a month if he plans to keep his remaining nine fingers. He begged me for mercy but its already out of my hands.

  9. I introduced a farang friend of mine to a Thai lady who is a good girl from a good family. I did so warning him not to do her wrong or make me look bad. At the time, I thought him to be a honest, worthy man. Boy was I wrong. They get into a relationship 6 months on and he ends up sleeping with another woman behind her back, completely disgracing himself. This women is important to my wife's business and I do believe that this will affect that business relationship, so on top of the loss of face I have suffered there is also a likely financial loss. I introduced him to her because I thought that even though he was a foreigner in this country, he understood the culture and would represent himself according and morally, but I guess I was wrong.

    What action can I take against him legally? I have heard of slander lawsuits but not "loss of face" suits, although I imagine that they exist. I guess this might fall under slander of character? Thanks.

  10. I would see the owner many times as I worked in the same office block as their head office. I would also see his thai police bodyguards, I don't know why he needed them

    probably just an ego thing. i bet it worked wonders with the ladies.

    btw, according to the fiscal report, he owns only 10% of the company now.

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