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Posts posted by dave9988

  1. the voters will one day have the right to ask why they voted in Newin's side to support a PPP Government if that faction then decided on their own volition to support someone else.

    It's between Newin and his supporters and I think he has managed that situation already. It's not Nattawut's or anybody else's business.

    I've never heard any Prime Minister in a parliamentary democracy with MPs make the assertion that his mandate to govern doesn't come from his people.

    Err.., Jatuporn, quoted a few posts back: "We did not vote for them. The majority of this country did not vote for them but somehow they are in power..."

    Are you serious? He is on record saying that he was told to join the coalition or else. The thing is, Plus, I would have more respect for you if you just came out and said that the ends justified the means and that as long as your side wins it does not matter how you won. Then I could atleast understand where you are coming from. But instead, its like you know everything you post/say is complete BS yet you keep doing it anyways under the principle that if we can't prove the other side of the argument 100% empirically, then you aren't wrong. Are you one of those defense lawyers who gets child rapists off on technicalities? You have a warped sense of reason, justice, and ethics and apparently, very little common sense.

  2. Plus,

    If the reds were to close the airport what would your opinion on that be? That the army or police should intervene and get them out of there and that they should be charged with a crime (I know you can't think of any, but pretend that they exist)...

    Or is it only OK to seize airports if your reasons are right. The word right of course being subjected to your own opinions, not those of general society, ie, fascism/dictatorship.

  3. Yeah, move your membership from Pattaya to Bangkok ? very convenient - not !

    It is a sinking ship. Overinflated crap at the highest price the sucker will pay. Pattaya that is.

    well, no. obviously it would make more sense to close down asoke/paragon/silom/ekamai

    ---Paragon being the most likely to go assuming the rent is astronomical.

  4. again.... it is never crowded in the morning. if you are going after work than you are screwed regardless. i have never had any problems with the machines being broken or all being used. that said, i see very little in the way of "eye candy" unless you are talking about men. most of the girls are wearing sweats and a long tshirt. you see more skin on a bts station.

    as for the company going bankrupt, it seems more likely that they would just close a couple of locations and move those memberships to other locations.

  5. I have never had a problem at California Wow. I don't know why anybody would want or need to use one of their trainers. And of course, you should expect to have stuff tacked onto the bill once you go down that route of signing up for extra services. Ive never given them a credit card. I pay cash only, so no problems here.

    The Asoke branch is huge. In the mornings, it is dead. There is a huge free weight area and I also got a lifetime yoga membership too. I saw the other guy signing up for 15,000 for 2 years so perhaps they are only giving this deal to existing members.

  6. CA Wow is just another version of the ole Ponzi and/or pyramid schemes...translated into the fitness center genre. Find some product/service that you can oversell, quickly sell allot of it at whatever price the market will bear, collect as much money as you can in advance, recruit ever increasing people into the scheme, take all the money you can out of the business and put it into your Swiss bank account, and then step aside as the business implodes.

    The Post had an article a few days ago about how the gig was almost up on this enterprise.

    can you please link to that article or can someone else confirm?

  7. Reds might go to farmers' protests to beat their heads in for not joining the red rally, they did that in Chiang Mai recently.

    BBC news feed had "Pro-Thaksin protesters" in the headline, as long as they are branded like that no one will take them seriously.

    Abhisit can safely ignore the rally because it's just a show, they don't have any concrete demands or proposals that he can possibly consider. The 65 mil country also has plenty of idiots needing a stage to present themselves, they all go to red rallies now - anti-monarchy, anti-military, anti-democracy, anti-anything, everybody is welcome, everybody comes with a long list of his own demands.

    Is it dangerous for country's stability? I don't think so, people have a place to express themselves and no one else gives a fuc_k - isn't it democracy and freedom of speech in progress?

    No. Not really.

  8. I hope you have known her for a reasonable time and you know she is stable and trustworthy. I once shared an apt with a Thai girl once & she took off with all the stuff one morning, while I was gone. I am also surprised you may have communication problems, if she is a uni grad with an English major. They are the one catagory of Thai, who usually have a reasonable command of Englsih. One room apt also pretty tight for two on al full-time basis. Good luck.

    And he is reasonable and trustworthy or just another typical farang in Thailand?

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