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Posts posted by GuestHouse

  1. ur right....there is a subtle difference

    am glad you like it here, its no so bad esp. with the privelige of a bit of money behind u, what is really sad is the people here with priveliges who dont seem to be able to wake up to the fact they are probably in a very lucky situation.

    the way i read your post it sounded as if a bitter person was trying to feel superior to those who like it here. my mistake.

    Perhaps then since we agree that the perspective on life in Thailand is personal we could agree to replace the thread with a rant against those who, for what ever reason, enjoy a bit more privilege and wealth.

    We could perhaps invent ways by which people in more fortunate positions could be woken up and made to feel guilty for their good fortune (no matter how they came by it).

    There’s nothing like a bit of envy to bring back memories of home, sad that some can't leave it there.

    Grammar corrected during edit.

  2. Someone is going to have to start highlighting 'Thailand Bashers' because I seem to be missing them.

    Most complaints I read of Thailand seem pretty well thought out.

    Perhaps we should conside that the accusation of 'Thailand Basher' might be just a bit of name calling, leveled against those who hold a different opinion from someone who for whatever reason feels the need to defend Thailand and everything about Thailand (Good/Bad or indifferent).

    People have different opinions, moving to Thailand is not a reason to give up having opinions. Nor is it a reason to deny other's their views - Which I think is actually what is at the root of this and other posts berating those who don't find everything Thai to their liking.

  3. why do you think that if a person likes thailand they must have been unhappy before? isnt that rather pretentious? arnt u just looking for a way to look down on those who are happy here; as a way of justifying your own bitter experiences.

    Perhaps you need to read what I said again.

    I do not say that because a person likes Thailand, they must have been unhappy before. I certainly like Thailand and I have been privalaged to have a great life before going to Thailand, while living in Thailand and after moving on from Thailand.

    What I actually say is

    Too often those that defend Thailand as Ambrosia are the self same people who rant about the life they had elsewhere.

    There is a subtle difference.

    As for justifying my own bitter experiences you'll have to remind me exactly what bitter experiences those are.

  4. With the help of the search function and a small amount of effort we might discover that there are two sides to this story.

    Too often those that defend Thailand as Ambrosia are the self same people who rant about the life they had elsewhere. (Particularly about women elsewhere, but that's the stuff of another post)

    That begs the question, is their life so good in Thailand or is it simply good in contrast with their background?

    We have to accept that some people really never have enjoyed life before they came to Thailand.

    Sad really.

  5. A report by one of the UK's leading insurance companies outlines details of risks travellers to Thailand face based on the insurance companies statistics (Claims).

    And at once we have cries of 'Rubbish'.

    Perhaps some thought and moreover some action on the part of the Thai government to deal with problems foreigners face in Thailand might be more apropriate.

    Don't blame the news bringer - Fix the problem.

  6. I look forward to Podcast No.2

    I would also love to hear a podcast from those who are being so very negatively critical.

    The world is full of people who are able to criticize, few are able to produce something of their own.

    When the attacks become so personal, it's not un reasonable to ask, what would the critic be able to achieve.

    Not much is my guess... but prove me wrong!

  7. I think the first question to ask is 'how do you get work for your business?'.

    Since you say you work in the UK, is all your work in the UK and do you come by that work by direct contact. If that is the case then how would you continue to get new business from Thailand.

    I don't work freelance, but I do consult to Clients around the world. I am assigned to the clients by my employer and that mostly is a matter of my CV being aproved, occasionally I have face to face interviews.

    The difficult part, and sometimes extremely difficult, is building a relationship with the client, this only really happens when we've met each other.

    A particular problem with remote working is when the contact you work with moves on, as people increasingly do, this leaves you having to make a new relationship and can mean losing business.

    My feeling is that you need a large client base and a good relationship with those clients before moving offshore. I think the other problem is keeping up with trends, retraining of our overseas staff (of which I am one) is constant work.

    Anyway, just some things to think about.

    Best of luck with the business, I hope you make a fortune.

  8. I'm sure Scouse can correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't marry in the UK on a Tourist Visa and if you did that would not be reason to stay as man and wife.

    Her visa is for a visit, not settlement.

    She'll need to re-apply for a settlement visa in Bangkok, regardless of if you marry in Thailand or the UK.

    My advice would be make sure that she first of all complies with the visa she has and returns to Thailand before it expires. Then re-apply of the settlement Visa.

    If you plan to marry in the UK then expectation is that you marry within a reasonable time, if you want to end any doubt on that, marry in Thailand before she applies.

  9. Tutsi,

    The general advice with respect to Pensions and 'Endowment Policies' is, once you've passed GO, don't Stop until you reach FINNISH.

    There are two sets of penalties that will certainly reduce the money you get: Fisrtly administrative penalties, these are in the contract of the savings plans and can be severe, expect to loose anything up to 50% of your money, perhaps more.

    The second penalty is you loose the taxman's contrabution - 12K you put in your pensions is going to be more like 16K of fund when you take the taxman's contribution into account.

    You also loose out on benefits, not just your pension but also the insurance that comes with it.

    On a more general note, I think it should be sounding a warning, if you are having to draw down on your pension payments then you perhaps need to be considering getting back into western employment.

    I'm not making a personal judgement of you, but as an observation, spending pension savings to support your life now suggests serious financial problems are being stored up.

    Remember the thing about pensions is, they are an income you receive when you can't support yourself because of old age. They are in truth more important than the job we have when we are young(ish) - While we are of working age, we can work, we can change jobs, we can support ourselves - When we are old, we've shot it - (as an example - A UK State Pension doesn't in itself meet the financial requirements for a Retirement Visa in Thailand).

  10. Don't make the same mistake as the Podcast.

    Examine what you are saying. There's no shortage of assumption, exageration and generalization.

    There's no need to attack her, and less reason.

  11. Nice idea and if this is a first attempt not bad presentation. A pitty about the content.

    A repeat of what is said over and over again, generalizations illuminated by unsubstantiated %s.

    For take two, perhaps an attempt at giving us a different view might be a good idea.

    I'd skip criticizing a guy for discovering he's attracted to transvestites too, it might figure high in your own personal experience, but why is it anything other than a criticism of his personal choices?

    But don't be disheartend, I genuinely like the idea, it just needs the same rigour of thought that you would apply to a written article.

    I look forward to take 2.

    Oh and add some pauses.

    Idea - 10/10

    Presentation - 6/10

    Content - Needs some work

  12. They are correct, you are resident in Thailand and therefore the DVLC in the UK will not issue you with a UK license.

    It is nothing to do with nationality, nor the amount of taxes you have paied, it's all about residence and address.

    You need a valid UK address to receive the license, no address - no license.

  13. Surely you all with families have similar or even more amazing cooincidence that you'll share.

    How about this then:

    I asked my cousin what his maternal granddad was called, and he replied ‘John’.

    I thought that’s odd my maternal granddad is called John.

    So I asked how old this granddad John was, and he replied ‘72’

    I thought that’s double odd, my granddad was also 72.

    Now it gets really spooky.

    I told him my granddad has a blue and white stripy tea mug that holds a whole pint of Tea. My cousin said he must have bought it at the same shop as his granddad bought his full pint blue and white stripy tea pot.

    And if that isn’t spooky, how about this:

    He said his granddad had an old clay tobacco pipe with a red Indian shaped bowl that he found in a field. Well, so did my granddad.

    And this next bit made my hair stand on end.

    His mum looks just like my grandma.

  14. As for the point about Arab men, to a certain extent I agree. Whilst my wife and I have had several wonderful Arab male friends who were real gentlemen, on several occassions when existing Arab friends have introduced us to their Arab friends, the new aquantance has sat there leering at my wife with their tongue hanging out.

    I'm working on a project in Rome with a Saudi Client, they have team of young engineers, most of whom are on their fist trip outside Saudi.

    Our office is blessed, and I mean truly blessed, with some of the most beautiful Italian women you are likely to meet. The weather being what it is right now, they are dressing for the summer in the way it seems only Italian women really can.

    The effect on the young Saudis is plain to see - The poor sods are in tourment.

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