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  1. He was just acting out the script from the last thai drama he had been in
  2. when I meet younger guys who want to live here, I always remind them that its easy to get into thailand, the trick is being able to stay here long term, and that its not as easy to set up some kind of business as they might imagine. I know several girls in their early-mid 30's who have good jobs and they have had to deal with similar age foreign guys that they were in relationships with for a few years moving back home. They feel that they have wasted years on a guy who up and left.
  3. Welcome to politics. Prelection- We will do x,y, and z... Posteletion- now that we have seen the real situation from the inside, x,y, and z are off the table...
  4. Who wrote this article, payut's grandmom??
  5. "Despite the man’s parents making several attempts to bail their son, the court denied their requests, citing that the accused absconded for three years and feared he might flee again. " so they were in court several times and never asked the court to prove that they had the right man?
  6. He's a billionaire. He can buy what he wants.
  7. Sounds like someone realized how much money could be skimmed off the budget of a department that doesn't have to deal with quantfiable sucess. And just the kickbacks on buying chinese solar panels alone will satisfy a large number of snouts
  8. big deal, thousands of bar girls have been learning/teaching themselves to speak english for decades
  9. sounds like some one is eager to get their hands on the kickbacks on the purchases before they get pushed away from the trough
  10. "aims to propel the country’s technological capabilities and stimulate economic growth across multiple sectors, potentially creating more than 400 job opportunities for Thai citizens" so a multi-billion baht project is only going to create 400 new jobs? I guess that is the number of thais needed to transport and uncrate all the chinese tech, while to generals scim off billions
  11. 120 out of 65 million. anything to get his name in the paper....
  12. I typically get the local price when I show them my work permit
  13. Unfortunately, the politicians are more interested in advancing their own personal economies rather than the national economy.
  14. Ah another pride month related statistic.
  15. Based on their previous prophecies, that means we can expect three drys...
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