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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. Thanks every one,

    I seem to have everything except some games.

    Got the lecturere chairs in macro,on special offer, there is no

    and ha d to sent home for the boooks.

    What I really need now are large dice.I take it that there is no shop that speachalises

    in teaching supplies.I might do best in the shoping plasa toy shops.

    thanks again.

  2. Hi,

    I'm going to try teaching english to kids in my back yard.

    I need to get some lecture chairs,the ones with a small platform for writing.

    Has anyone seen them in chiang rai,I hope I don'thave to go to chiang mai.

    I also need a whiteboard and books by oxford university press.

    I have to keep this chiang rai specific or the post will be moved,

    so does anybody know where to buy.

    1-lecture chairs in chiang rai/chiang mai

    2-a white board in chiang rai/chiang mai

    3-a good bookshop for ordering foreign made english teaching books.

    Number 3 is hardly going to be chiang rai specific but I might get away with somebody sliping an address in bangkok in.I've tried kinokuniya and SE-ED books.

    Thanks in advance

  3. I'm going to go and learn a martial art.

    I tried this once before and it was a disaster,the only thing I learned

    was that the choosing a teacher is much more important than choosing the style of martial arts.

    The best teacher recomended to me was Paedro.........'the Spanish guy in Chiang Mai.

    He sounds like the perfect teacher who stresses the internal side of martial arts as well as

    the external.

    I would not choose muay thai or chiang mai if it wasn't for him.

    I like the deeper aproach to the martial arts and seem to be drawn to tai Chi/pushing hands ect.

    I just thought I'd run it by this forum before I go.

    Does any body have a better idea...some where a bit smaller and cheaper than chiang mai.

    some thing a bit more tai chi-ish but where the teacher is a master,spiritual as well as

    good at his art.

    it doesn't have to be in Thailand just somewhere cheap.Or are there any forums like this but for all asia insteasd of thailand.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

  4. When I"m on youtube or topdocumentrys.com,2 sites I could download from 2 days ago.

    I get told that there was no flash video found even though it's playing.

    I have Free Download manager used with firefox.

    Please excuse my poor computer jargin,

    and god bless your patience

  5. O.k guys,

    Sorry about the prior confusion.

    I should have got a bit more familiar with my new computer

    before I opened this post.

    But now I think I have everything sorted.My download manager is in.

    I have a file for it and If can work it.everythings set except.............

    When I point to the video screen on a direct download site a menu comes up with a list of things about flash player.

    When I point the cursur off the video screen and right click I get a menu with download with fdm om it.

    When I press here a window opens saying

    No flash video found.make sure it's playing.

    It is playing but I can"t pick it up.

    I'm nearly there, aren't I

    Please don't abandon me here.I'm sure it's very simple to fix.

  6. O.k.

    thanks to all for bearing with me.

    It's crazy,I'm trying to learn how to download and still don't

    know how to use the fileing system,

    Anyway,I've got a folder on my start menu.

    Now when I try to download with fdm it says,

    no flash videos found,check if they are playing,

    but they are playing,

    what's next........

  7. bb1950,

    I'm not mackeing as much progress as yesterday.

    The folders on windows 7 are new to me.

    My old XP had New Downloads on the start menu

    you clicked it and a folder opened with my downloaded filles in it.

    Now I open anything on the start menu and there is another world inside

    the folder including libraries.

    I don't need any of this and never will.

    Do you know how to open a simple folder on windows 7,

    I want to replace all the folders in my start menu with the old

    fashioned empty folders.

    I hope this makes sense and thanks for hanging in.

  8. Thanks bt1950

    What is happening now is that I get the video from the wwebsite to FDM

    but cannot get them to start downloading.

    I will take out all the subfolders out of the downloads folder on the start menu.

    the thing now is how do I get them to start

  9. o.k.

    So I've got a heuge empty fileing system and can't find where the filles are going

    I want to get all downloads going to a file on my start menu

    As for media players,what can the others do that windows media player cannot.

    I've got cyberlink power dvd,nero,winamp and gom player on my desk top,free with windows.

    I've had downloaded media players before wich wouldn't fast forward and such.I don't want that again.

    Thanks again too all

  10. BB1950,another great step for mankind.

    I'm not sure exactly what I've done but I can play

    what I've downloaded with windows media player.

    Not on the FDM page but on the windows file page.

    different downloads seem to be going to different places,

    All the windows 7 filles are compleatly new to me and empty

    on this computer.

    If I could get Fdm to send compleated downloads to a comvenient file

    I would be laughing.

    Thanks again.

  11. bb1950,thank you.

    I'm up and running with Free download manager.

    I have downloaded from youtube,a direct download site and

    am waiting for a torrent download from thepiratebay to finish.

    Now I can't play what I've downloaded.

    I've just got this laptop back from the shop with windows 7,

    origonal copy i think,updated to windows 9.

    I stil haven't got a media player sorted out.

    we're nearly there.....

  12. O.k

    Very sorry about the info,thanks for bearing with me,

    I've got windows 9,Firefox 5,Free DownLoad Manager on my desktop

    and Free Download Manager plugin in my Firefox add ons Manager under extensions.

    As you can probably tell this is all new to me so please forgive my ignorance

    and thanks again for bearing with me.

  13. O.k.

    I will check all these downloders out but at the moment

    I'm stil stuck with the first one I've downloaded

    I have freedownload manager from firefox on my desktop

    but cannot go any further.

    For example when I go to youtube how do I start downloading.

    so close but yet so far

  14. O.k.

    Lots of download helpers to try.

    so far I've got as far as getting Firefox free helper but I

    can't start a download

    i've got the flash player sorted and youtube is playing

    but how do I start a download.

    thanks to all who helped

  15. Hi,

    I"M new to computers and need some advice.

    My laptop has windows7 and both firefox and internet explorer browsers.

    I want a generel download manager,for Utube,direct sites e.c.t

    for the harder to find things i want to get bittorent

    any advice on the best and fastest manager

    thanks in advance

  16. Thanks oljkt,

    I found the website and the detox products so that's that part solved.

    I couldn't find the enema bags but me missus sais that good pharmacts have them.

    I wan't to learn how to do colonic irrigations at home to save money,basically.

    I plan to do a ful detox until the rubber like substance comes out.

    Any body have any experience of this.

  17. I've been on longterm medication for some time now and I'm going to try to clean myself out.

    My girlfriend tells me that you can by a special colonics bag in good pharmacy.

    I haven't looked yet but what I also need is the herbs and pro biotic product.

    there are all sorts of things available in the west like inner cleaning products,

    stuff to mix with the water for the colinics and pro biotics for afterwards.

    Anyone know if these products are available in Thailand.

    "theung detox is the colonics bag and "dee ghleua falang" is Epsom salts,which I'm also trying to locate.

    I'm way up north so I don't expect anyone to know what shop to go to but general information about

    whether or not they are for sale in Thailand and

    what kinds of shops to go to would be great.

    Boots pharmacy for example.

    Thanks in advance

  18. thanks for all replys

    i ran another topic on this forum called 'SIMPLE QUESTION" about how IE was annoying me.

    I think i can figure out how to add bookmarks,thanks,

    If Chrome keeps crashing I will change to firefox.

  19. Hi,

    I'm new to computers and am trying to change my browser.

    Internet explorer keeps interrupting me when a new tab is ready.

    I have installed Google Chrome but it keeps crashing and I can't figure out

    how to add bookmarks to it.

    the crashing is not so bad because when you open it again it restores old tabs.

    but I would love to know how to add to it.

    I have also downloaded opera browser.

    any advice,which is best.how can I prevent crashing

    or how to I add things on to Chrome,

    Thanks in advance

  20. As i said,there is no real heat up here in the mountains

    even Chaing Rai city is twice as hot as here.t's hot for a few hours a day a few months a year

    but morning ,evening and night are cool.

    I think I will chance leaving a laptop fan on underneath.

    So what happens in a powercut after the battery has run out,it shuts off without shuting down.

    How bad is that

  21. Wow,great feedback,so fast.

    O.k. so don't believe the Thai guy(god bless him)

    I don't have to turn off the laptop every 4 hours and let it cool down.

    And the powercut was not what caused me to loose everything on disk C.

    Maybe it was a virus,I have to turn off my firewall when I'm downloading from Bitcomet.

    Most farangs recomend bitorrent but the non english speaking thai guy is the one teaching me computers and he only knows Bitcommet.

    I have signed up with them but does anywone know if there is anything else I can do to speed things up.I use the phone line to connect to the net.

    Thanks to all who replied.

    My only contact with the english speaking world on these matters.

  22. I just got my first computer and discovered torrent downloading.

    I left it on day and night continuasly downloading.

    Eventually we got a power cut,the battery ran out and i lost everything on disc C.

    It's a laptop and the Thai guy who helps me says I shouldn't have had a laptop on for that long anyway because it will overheat.

    Does anywone know what the story is.All the things I like aren't popular so there slow to download.

    Some big filles take 2 weeks.

    I live in a cool part of Thailand(north and high in the mountains)and have the laptop on a laptop fan.

    Can i leave it on 24/7 will it burn out and what if there is a power cut,the battery runs flat and it doesn't getto turn itself off properly.

    I would really apreachiate some advise.

    Thanks in advance

  23. While useing my irish atm card at the TMB ATM it asked me wheather i

    wanted to withdraw useing my own curency or not.

    It took me by surprise and i didn't havetime to figure it out.

    I supose this is just a facility where they show you how much money you are taking out

    in your own currency.


    does it affect the exchange rate,does it mean that they order it in euros and give you their exchange rate.

    because how would they know what exchange rate my Irish bank would give me.

    I hope you understand the question and would I be grateful for any explaination.


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