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  1. I'd agree if it was the vehicle owner paying for the repair, otherwise it is generally it is not up to the insured to get independent quotes, the insurance company should appoint an assessor to assess the damage and make a recommendation to the company. Whether the repairs go ahead or not would be their decision, which would be based on the cost to repair versus the insured value of the vehicle. Any dispute should be resolved immediately. In my experience, the car will be taken to the repair company by the insurance company, exactly where will depend on the clause in the policy, i.e. dealer garage or an approved insurance repair company, the insured may have a say in the preferred repairer, ultimately though it is entirely up to the insurance company as they are ones who will (should) be paying, the insured would forfeit any deductible if any and the repair should then proceed, some insurance companies do seem to have a bad reputation with the dealer garages in terms of payment and can be slow to give the go ahead to repair, however, after 8 months in the case of the OP, then something is badly wrong.
  2. Far too many unknowns! - Reputable Insurance Company? - Was the accident involving only the MIL car and no other vehicle / property? - Is it First Class Insurance? - Any Excess (deductible) payable? - If the answer to the first question was yes, then is there any limitation of the repair cost for self damage? - Dealer Garage repair or insurance company repair shop? - Why is it taking so long to repair, extensive damage, rare vehicle? First thing to do is get hold of the policy and read the small print, absolutely no point in making any complaint until you are 100% sure of all of the facts and the T&Cs.
  3. I don't know about a sudden death overseas of a UK citizen, however, if a person dies in the UK under these circumstances it is a legal requirement for a coroner's inquest to establish the cause of death. After a bit of research, according to the Government info available on the web, there would usually be an inquest to establish the cause of death and the body cannot be cremated in the UK without a coroners certificate. As Sheryl states, the post mortem examination here gives little to no info on the cause of death, in fact I know of one that stated that the cause was that the heart stopped and the person stopped breathing, not why that happened! A UK post mortem would be factual and dare I say it, truthful. RIP young man.
  4. Try AdenZa on North Road, I have had 3 done there and at reasonable prices. AdenZa Dental 159/187 Moo 5, North Pattaya Road, Naklua, Banglamung, Chon Buri 20150 033 072 684 , 091-752-9530 https://maps.app.goo.gl/5Tu51
  5. Were they deducting income tax? If so, then 100% they were filing the return on your behalf, it is done online nowadays.
  6. 1. I am not 100% sure, the code states the previous tax year and not years, but this could also be a mistake in the translation, the statute of limitations for tax liability in Thailand is 10 years AFAIK. 2. It would be up to you to prove. The TRD will only question those tax returns that that they believe warrant such, I'd imagine that most will be accepted, to investigate all would take a massive amount of resources.
  7. I would agree with @card that Thailand will only apply income tax to funds earned or remitted to Thailand, below quoted from the Thailand Revenue Code: "Section 41 A taxpayer who in the previous tax year derived assessable income under Section 40 from an employment, or from business carried on in Thailand, or from business of an employer residing in Thailand, or from a property situated in Thailand shall pay tax in accordance with the provisions of this Part, whether such income is paid within or outside Thailand. A resident of Thailand who in the previous tax year derived assessable income under Section 40 from an employment or from business carried on abroad or from a property situated abroad shall, upon bringing such assessable income into Thailand, pay tax in accordance with the provisions of this Part. Any person staying in Thailand for a period or periods aggregating 180 days or more in any tax year shall be deemed a resident of Thailand." There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding from some posters (not your good self) that if their income earned or remitted into Thailand is below the allowances that they do not need to submit a tax return, technically this is incorrect, any person deemed resident in Thailand for tax purposes must submit a tax return, regardless of the level of income. This applies only to income from the previous tax year that is earned or remitted to Thailand. None of this is new, it has been a part of the revenue code for years, what is new is the authorities deciding to look in to those deemed tax resident in Thailand and not paying any income tax, this applies to both Expat and Thais. I would think that for most it is going to be a case of seeing how this evolves.
  8. This is correct, DLT issue the numbers, so if you are getting any number rather than a special one, then DLT can issue there and then so long as all the paperwork is in place. Most of the delay from the dealer is to do with paying the money out to various entities.
  9. on the right side of immigration as you go up the ramp.
  10. Illegal not to have? If you refer to insurance for 3rd party property, then unfortunately the only insurance required to legally drive or ride on the road here is the CTPL (compulsory third party liability or Por Ror Bor), there is no requirement to insure the vehicle or 3rd party property damage. Most Thais on Motorcycles (and some cars). only have this lowest cover, partly because they see no need for any other cover and mainly because they cannot afford the additional cover. They also know that generally the police will side with them, I know of several times where accidents have happened through the fault of the motorcyclist and yet the car driver has been made to pay for the damage to the motorcycle, compensate the rider and any pay hospital fees, with the police saying that the rider has no money and the car is bigger!! Hopefully one day the level of minimum cover is increased to include third party property damage. Until such time, the soundest advice is to make sure you have the best cover available. Oh and there would be no point in suing him or her, you get no blood out of stone :)
  11. You need to clarify, when did you last enter Thailand? (I'm assuming from the post title that you left and have recently reentered) Your 90 day report will be due 89 days after that date, the 90 days resets upon entry.
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