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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. 18 minutes ago, Birdman said:

    In case time not enough to make the 7 days granted at the immi on the day of the divorce, what will happen? Pay overstay and the 7 days next time the immi opens? Or at the boarder or at the passport control at the airport?

    Is the divorce going to be an amicable one at an Amphur office? If so perhaps ask the soon to be ex. if the divorce can be delayed until it all aligns, so that you can leave Thailand at the same time as the Non B paperwork is ready?

    • Like 1
  2. On 1/13/2018 at 7:43 PM, Tanoshi said:

    Taking that argument at face value, then many members of this forum are wrong when informing members 'you don't have a visa', when they actually have an extension of permission to stay.

    Your logic would then suggest we actually extended the Visa, so technically I am still the holder of a Non Imm O Visa even though the validity of that Visa expired a long time ago.

    Actually, IMO, you are technically extending your permission to stay based on that original visa.

    If this is not the case, then why do they refer to that original visa and entry on that visa each and every time that you renew your passport, I have been extending the same non b visa entry for over 14 years and that info has been transferred to 3 different passports during that time, it would make no sense to transfer that info if it was not connected. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 1/13/2018 at 5:20 PM, 007 RED said:

    Sorry Mattd but the e-Gate does not work in the way that you described.

    Really, then the good old UK Government is blatantly lying then (not that it would surprise!)

    'To help speed up your time at passport control, there are now ePassport gates at all major airports in the UK. ePassport gates are automated, where a passport reader and camera, rather than a border officer, will verify your identity and check your ‘chipped’ passport.

    The gates use facial recognition technology to compare your face to the photograph recorded on the ‘chip’ in your passport. Once the check is made successfully, the gate opens automatically for you to walk through.'



  4. 19 hours ago, wgdanson said:

    There is no way that biometrics ie retina pattern, facial dimensions etc. can be obtained from a passport sized photograph, the resolution is too small. It would be much better that the Passport people ask for a 10 x 8 at 720 dpi, or a high res jpg file. They could then reduce the size to fit on the passport.

    The photo and the biodata are embedded in to the chip and the photo within the chip is used together with the camera at the e-gate, this camera has facial recognition software that compares certain facial features for ID authentication.

  5. 10 minutes ago, persimmon said:

    It was stated in a previous post that hotels and g/houses must report the arrival of every foreigner within 24 hrs.Is this really happening ? I don`t think so ,particularly as it doesn`t seem possible to do it on-line

    They are certainly supposed to by the letter of the law and most of the bigger hotels will be, whether or not the smaller hotels / guesthouses are is debatable, some will be, some won't, you as a guest would have no clue if they had or hadn't, well at least until you had to deal with immigration for an extension (example) at an office that insists on reporting!

    Businesses can register to report online, individuals cannot.

  6. So long as the marriage was correctly performed within Thai law, then there is no need or requirement to register a marriage in the UK, the Thai Marriage certificate and a translation will suffice.


    Regarding the going to live in UK part, your wife will have to apply for a settlement visa in order to do this, I hope that you have looked in to this carefully, as it isn't as straightforward as it used to be, you will have to satisfy all of the requirements prior to the visa being granted, which includes the yearly financial requirements, English language tests, medical tests and NHS supplements etc. etc. there is a lot of info and knowledge in this regard within the visa and migration to other countries forum.



  7. 20 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Before the coup occurred she was removed from office by the Constitutional Court (for abuse of power?) and replaced by Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan.

    Yes, sorry, you are correct, however, I still standby my statement that the UK would not extradite her to a Military ran government that took power by a Coup D'état, especially one that took place only 3 weeks after she was removed from office and to be honest I do not think that the military government want her back either, far too much hassle for them.

  8. First of all you will need to apply for an eTA (Electronic Travel Authorisation) before you can travel to Canada by air.

    You can apply here: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/visit-canada/eta/apply.html?lnktrk=eta_required

    Help on how to here: https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/ircc/migration/ircc/english/pdf/eta/english.pdf


    It is up to the border services officer at the arrival airport as to how long you will be allowed to stay, but normally an entry of 6 months is allowed, you can request an extension of stay no later than 30 days before the authorised stay ends.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

    The centre spread article in the News of the World was about the Billion giving out the best BJ's in Pattaya, the manager was recorded on every word he said. This was the reason he was kicked out.

    Actually he was eventually kicked out for overstay / minor drug offences, he was kept in Soi 9 for weeks, I know coz I ended up paying for his flight out, never got the money back, nor will I ever, as unfortunately he is long dead.

    It was an area I knew very well in my earlier days, as used to drink around there a lot, as Dave originally had the TCF bar on PL2, ah the good old days............

  10. 25 minutes ago, chrisinth said:


    Forget about the girls, it is selling those darn T-shirts with silly slogans on them that gives Pattaya the bad global name.........:sad:

    You joke, it must have been around 1990 odd when a mate of mine was renting what was the Billion Bar in Pattayaland 1, the News of the World ran a centre page spread about the 'cockroach infested bar' so he thought a good idea to have T shirts made and sold in the bar saying 'I survived the Billion Bar as recommended by the News of the World' with the article on the back. For some reason, this did not impress the local BIB or higher ups, not long after, his feet didn't touch the ground and he was banned for life!

    The UK gutter press drag up the same old stories about here every so often, got to sell the papers........

  11. 21 minutes ago, OJAS said:

    So presumably, unlike in Mattd's case (post #4), the IO at BKK/DMK Arrivals didn't staple the Departure slip to your passport then? In which case it would appear that we are dependent on which side of the bed an Arrivals IO got out of that morning as to whether this gets done or not.

    I reckon so, pot luck me thinks.

    If they don't then best to do it yourself, just in case!

    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, thecyclist said:

    Why don't they follow Vietnam'S example and get rid of this completely unnecessary paperwork in this digitalized computerized age?

    There is no easier and cheaper way to get rid of the long lines at immigration at airports and some land borders like Poipet.I guess it's the Thai's penchant for red tape and superfluous complications.

    I tend to agree with this seeing as most of the information on the form is superfluous, for example, the full name, DOB, Nationality are all contained within the passport being presented and is automatically being read by the immigration computer, if a visa is used, then that info is then entered in to the computer anyway, the address that is put is seemingly not inputted at the time of arrival, otherwise it would not be a requirement in one form or another for the address to be reported within 24 hours of arrival.

    The rest of the data for tourists is just to collect info and most likely not really used for anything useful, why on earth do they need an email address?

    There must be warehouses full of old filled in TM.6's somewhere!

    It really does seem like paper for paper's sake.

  13. 2 minutes ago, jayboy said:

    For the UK authorities and most other people it isn't even clear she has committed a crime at all.

    Lets face it, if all 'democratic' countries were to lock up all politicians that were found to be negligent on policies, then all of the prisons would certainly be full of them!

    There is absolutely no way that the UK will extradite any elected politician, especially an ex. PM, that was ousted by the very same military junta that request it, that will be seen as political persecution.

    The UK would be well within their rights to question the General on why they are so eager to extradite Yingluck, whilst not as keen to locate and extradite the energy drink Grandson, priorities seem a bit wrong.

    In reality they do not want her back here, in fact it is the last thing they want, the lies they spin have to get bigger each and every time they get caught out, I bet they despise social media, it keeps on biting them daily!

  14. 1 minute ago, Langsuan Man said:

    Not from the FBI

    The requirement you quoted was from a state or the FBI, i.e. from an official source with a signature?

    The issue in the US may possibly be that if an applicant had a criminal record in one state, it may not necessarily show up in another state if it wasn't a serious offence? No idea as not American, just surmising.

  15. My last entry in December was with this new TM.6, personally I prefer the old one, probably because the eyesight isn't what it used to be!

    The space given to write in is considerably smaller than previously, making it IMO harder to fill out, especially if on a flight, where it is never easy.

    The IO at BKK airport did staple the departure part in to my passport though.

  16. 6 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

    Or the revenue dept insist that tax be paid on minimum 60,000. Currently it is 50,000.

    Per month, where do you get that information from?

    Even if you take the personal allowances in to account and that the first 150k per tax year is at 0%, then a salary of 50,000 per month would still attract income tax.

    A married man with 3 children would start to pay tax at around 30,000 per month.

  17. I've searched high and low for the answer, however, there seems to be conflicting info out there, does anybody know with a degree of certainty how long a medical certificate is valid for when renewing a work permit (non-teaching)?

    I have to do a company yearly medical this next week or so and my work permit is up for renewal on 28th March 2018 (though likely it will be actually renewed before that), it would be far easier to combine both at the same time, seeing as they do (nearly) overlap in terms of tests, I would just ask the Doctor to issue a certificate for the work permit in addition to the company requirements.

    Seems that maybe they will accept one not older than 3 months, which would work OK if that is the case.

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