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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. On the other hand I recently flew in to Baltimore, the guy at the desk asked me the purpose of the visit and when I replied I was coming over for the weekend to attend my daughters birthday party he simply replied with a dead pan face "you are required to drink as much as possible and party for for the whole weekend" adding, with a wry smile, "I don't make the rule, I just enforce them".

    I little off topic, well a lot off topic really, but it proved to me that they can be human, I know it can be a pretty mundane job, and his cheerful approach cheered me up no end and was a really good start to the weekend.

  2. I don't know if your ID could get everyone a cheap price. Go try it and report back.

    I have seen their ads in "The Bangkok Trader" which clearly state, in English, that foreigners will be charged the local rate with proof that they live in Thailand, it mentions a Thai driving licence as acceptable proof and I believe there are others.

    I have been there a few times and have always been asked if I lived in Thailand and had proof.

  3. You must have power of attorney form signed to collect her passport that's what my company have to do anyway as all applications come back to office via courier generally. Ask her to ring Regent house they will advise her accordingly.

    OK, thanks for that. She is off out buying fish so I will get her to call them.

    Is this a generic power of attorney form or do they only accept something specific?

    It's quite simple really and I think it's explained on the receipt.

    All you need is a signed copy of your passport and her id and a note from her authorising you to collect to collect her passport, and of course the original receipt.

    As I say all very simple and straightforward, I did it recently, though for some strange reason they asked me for my phone number.

  4. This link to the CAB may be of interest, the most important line for me states that if you normally live abroad, and are receiving a UK state pension, and have lived in the UK in the past for at least ten years you are entitled to NHS hospital treatment, it's also interesting to note who else is entitled to free hospital treatment.

    I think the bottom line is that any visitor to the UK will get free emergency treatment.


  5. The thing that concerns me a little is that if I win they will send the cheque to Thailand and I'm a bit wary of the Thai postal service.

    Unless you have the maximum holding you can elect to have any winnings paid in the form of new Premium Bonds. Of course they will still need to be posted bu you haven't got to bother cashing the cheque.

    Don't worry about winning the million. if you win over £5k they will contact you and ask if you want a cheque or more Premium Bonds.

  6. Very well written post Mobi, hard times can happen to anybody for reasons out of their control, you never know what lies round the corner.

    I have friends who work in the Embassy of a Western country, one deals with Visas and one with nationals who find themselves in prison or an IDC, both have said that their workloads have increased dramatically. The number of expats who are returning "home" with their Thai families, not really knowing what the future holds for them, has increased the workload on the visa section, with a knock on effect for all visa applicants. My friend who deals with those in custody has also seen his workload increase, especially in the IDC. I too have visited expats in various prisons and no way to I want to be on the inside looking out.

  7. Warning, Warning - The Anti smoking crew are about to hijack the thread. :)

    Well, I asked the question which was not, IMHO, unreasonable, and whilst I am a non smoker I am certainly not anti smoking I just don't enjoy smoke filled environments, if people wish to smoke, well that is their choice and right.

    I was simply asking what the venue's take on the smoking laws were, so I could then make an informed decision whether to attend or not. I did ponder over whether to ask the question as I was worried about the reaction.

    I have always enjoyed the get together's and have met some very interesting members, I hope you all have a most enjoyable evening, I am sure you will.

  8. NanLaew, thanks for your report your comments were helpful.

    The Hard Rock was ok last year, thought about going back for New Years Eve but they have imposed a three night minimum stay, strangely only on some of their rates, and a compulsary dinner at 6,500 Baht a head, clearly they are not affected by the global recession

  9. Has anybody stayed here yet, or even ventured inside? just wondered what it's like.

    Have booked a Christmas break at 1999++ per night, which I thought was pretty good value.

  10. When my wife came back out after finishing her business, she told me that they (they being Thai security guards at VFS) had searched her briefcase and took her (sealed and unopened) sandwich, which she'd bought for her lunch, away from her. She didn't get it back either. The reason given: "No food to be eaten in here"!

    Those security guards have to eat, they do not need to leave their posts to buy their own food when they can steal from the likes of your wife.

    Me thinks that it would be a good wheeze to make them a sandwich from my own special recipe.

  11. Monthly income increased from Bt12,150 in 2000 to Bt21,135 this year, while expenses also rose from Bt9,848 to Bt16,255.


    -- The Nation 2009-10-06

    So how do they arrive at the figure that an expat retiree needs an income of Bt65,000 per month to qualify to extend their stay here?

  12. I think the thing that still concerns me is that the official seems to have made his/her mind up without looking at the evidence that they ask for.

    My partner and I could find ourselves in a similar position when we plan to visit the US sometime next year. My partner is substantially younger that me, we have a sustaining relationship and are in our our third year of living together in Thailand, she works and goes to college and we have travelled extensively out of Thailand, including the UK and Europe where she received her visas on the first application. You would think that she would have a good chance of being granted a tourist visa, but surely the official needs to look at the evidence before making a decision, and not making up their mind on first impressions.

    Ben, I accept that you are the expert and I am most certainly not.

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