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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. Also living in Thailand I must have a UK bank account where the pension will be paid in to, as Thailand is not one of the Countries that UK pensions are sent to.

    They told me that as I no longer have a UK address and as a result no UK bank account they will post a sterling cheque to my Thai address, though friends have told me they have encountered delays in getting these cheques cleared.

    I understand that there are a number of other options, I believe that they will pay into bank accounts in counties such as Singapore, though I have not confirmed this. I have asked that if I open an offshore account, with say The Nationwide in The Isle of Man, can they pay my pension into that account, they have confirmed they will and The Nationwide have confirmed that I can open an account whilst in Thailand. The Nationwide does not offer an atm card on this account but will transfer to a Thai account via Internet Banking.

    I am sure there must be other ways round this.

  2. Hence the reason why the UK is looking allocate money to refurbish a prison in Nigeria so we can move approx 400 prisioners back to their home country.

    Almost right, the UK Government is looking to fund the refurbishment of the Nigerian prison to be able to remove a number of Nigerian prisoners who are serving their sentences in British prisons and who would be removed from the UK at the end of their sentence, freeing up space and of course saving money.

  3. He said if at least 1.5 per cent of the population are infected with the A/H1N1 flu, it would be necessary for the government to abide by the international standard and seal the country.

    So with a population of nearly 66m, plus a few expats, there will need to be a tad over 988,500 cases for the country to be sealed and both of the tourists forced to remain.

    I think today's figure is in the region of 2,950 so still a way to go but not beyond the bounds of possibility.

    Just to put it into perspective the latest worldwide update is here http://www.who.int/csr/don/2009_07_06/en/index.html

  4. When you say you sent a messenger to the embassy I presume you mean to the VFS in which case they certainly should give out the most recent form which has been in use since November 2008. The form is actually available online which is certainly a lot easier than sending a messenger and of course it can be submitted online, though that info is probably too late now.

    I wouldn't worry about the £1000 too much, whoever is the sponsor will have to prove the amount available to the applicant is in fact available and affordable and not simply transferred into her bank account, in fact such an action might arouse suspicion. The actual cash is only one part of the equation, if she is staying with you she wouldn't as much as if she was staying in hotels. As long as the sponsor, be it you or your mother, has been able to convince the ECO in your covering letter that you can afford to sponsor and it given your background together it is reasonable to do so, then that part should be ok. The reason to return is always the biggest hurdle.

  5. As I'd also enquired about using travel agents in both the Bangkok Post and in Bangkok itself, following "theoldgit's" advice, and spoken to my Thai Bank regarding a money transfer to pay for the ticket, which they didn't seem to know too much about, :) (I live upcountry), so I decided better to be safe than sorry. :D

    Sorry I should have explained that a bit more, it's just a case of paying the cash into the Thai travel agents bank account, I have done that loads of times, actually electronically from my Kasikorn account but I'm sure you can pay cash into any account at a bank branch, mainly to save the fee that travel agents charge [not all airlines charge this fee] and of course the 2.95% that the UK card issuers charge.

    At the end of the day you have paid for the convenience and all that remains is to enjoy your trip.

  6. You can apply for re-entry permit by email, much quicker.

    procedure here:

    — For a re-entry permit,if you are in Bangkok area and you have an Internet access, you could fill in a TM. 8 form and send it to [email protected]

    — You should e-mail the completed form 1 day in advance.

    — You have to submit a 2" photo and pay a permit fee at counter 7, the Immigration Bureau (soi suanplu office.)

    — Fee for re-entry permit:

    1,000 Bahts for single

    3,800 Bahts for multiple


    Never tried doing this before, is it as simple as you describe, is counter 7 the one I have used for the traditional method and if so does it mean I don't need a queue ticket?

    I need to do my 90 day reporting the same day, is that practical though I suspect a different counter? Sorry to ask pretty basic questions, whilst I have lived here a couple of years I have always exited the county before the 90 days was up, I miss it by three weeks this time.

    Sorry to jump on the back of your thread OP.

  7. Yes you can use a UK Credit Card, but your card issuer will give you a pretty poor rate and your supplier might also impose a fee, but yes you can do it.

    Have you thought about using one of the myriad of travel agents that advertise in The Bangkok Post or indeed on Thai Visa, they will be as cheap or even cheaper than booking online, and you can pay by bank transfer thus avoiding any fees, or of course you could go into a travel agent, book and pay cash.

  8. Travellers Flights Taxes

    2 adult(s) x (178,700.00 + 11,325.00) = 380,050.00 THB

    1 child(ren) x (133,270.00 + 11,325.00) = 144,595.00 THB

    total for all travellers 524,645.00 THB

    Seems pretty steep, but I suppose it depends on the actual dates you wish to travel and your flexibility.

    Just out of interest I checked out the price on Thai for the dates I am travelling to UK in August, and came up with a far cheaper price, though still too high in my view.

    Travelling out on 15th August and returning on 29th and the price is:

    2 adults(s) x (56,595.00 + 10,445.00) = 134,080

    1 child(ren)x (42,445.00 + 10,445.00) = 52,890

    Total for all travellers 186,970

    I think you are probably unlucky with you choice of dates, a friend of mine travels this route regularly tells me that the the flights are pretty full and they have reduced the frequency thus reducing the need to offer bargain, or even competitive fares. My mate travels up the front and he says that even that is pretty full.

    Just a thought, you didn't look at business or first by mistake did you? on my dates they total 375,620 and 543,900 respectively.

  9. what i don't understand is why emirates tax is only 3,000 baht out of lhr when all the other airlines are over 10,000 baht . same airport ????????????

    I think you find that the Emirates base price includes all fuel surcharges whilst most of the other airlines add a fuel surcharge with the tax. So the Emirates tax is just that, and the others quote a figure for tax and fuel surcharges. Certainly the ads I have seen in the Bangkok Post, where the price they quote is the base price, indicate that that Emirates price includes any fuel surcharges.

    Adverts in the Europe, and I think Australia, and probably others, have to indicate the actual price in their headline ads, so if they can do it then why can't it be done in Thailand, transparency in pricing would make it so much easier to compare prices - oh, of course that's why they don't do it.

  10. Seems that I got the conditions of this offer slightly wrong, the offer is from 1st of July until the end of September, with the 1st - 14th July being an advance booking period for Amex Card members. So after this advance booking period the offer is open to all ROP members.

    As I said before, you book one award ticket and can get a second one free. The second ticket must be used by someone travelling on the same flights and is available in any class. You have to pay the taxes for both tickets.

  11. I presume the OP was asking if he can bring cigarettes into Europe legally, I think the short answer is yes providing they are declared and the tax and duty paid. In the event that they placed in luggage or unaccompanied baggage and not declared then all bets are off and you would be subject to a heavy fine and a multiple of the tax and duty due.

    Not sure about the rules for all European countries, but these are the rules for the UK.



  12. You dont need to register the marriage in the UK.

    Abolutly correct, providing the marriage is legally registered in Thailand it is legal in the UK. Consular Section can arrange for a copy of the certificate to be lodged with the General Register Officer and whilst there is no requirement to do so it means you can get a copy later, I think there is a fee of about 2000 Baht. It might be worth having translated in Thailand for your own use as I imagine that would be considerably cheaper than in the UK.


    Edit - I have just noticed that you are in The UK, sorry you can forget most of what I have said.

  13. In the end I couldn't wait. I paid about 8,0000 return for two with pre-booked seats both ways - still a lot cheaper than travelling by a major airline.

    Hope that's a typo and you have added an extra naught.

    My trip to Bali is 2,440 for the two of us, and that includes reserved seats, checked baggage and a gourmet meal :)

    I suppose it's all a matter of luck really, finding the cheapo flights in time and then having the flexibility to be able to take advantage.

  14. We would have got married in March but we had been told that it is illegal to remarry in Thailand until after 350 days past the dissolution of a previous marriage. My Divorce came through in March so we planned to marry in the UK.

    It turns out that this info was incorrect! Dope!!! Unless anyone knows otherwise???

    It's only correct for woman, something to do with the fact they could be pregnant.

  15. [and in any event, the Border Agency doesn't stamp UK citizens in/out the UK.

    No, but they swipe passports in, and the airlines swipe them on the way out, this info will shortly be going into the UKBA, e-borders main frame.

    Big Brother is getting nearer.

  16. Thai ROP have just started a promotion where you can get a free award ticket with any reward flight booked, has to be booked by 14th July for departures up to 30th September.

    I have the Thai branded Amex card so I don't know if it's conditional on using that, but it's an option when you book award flights on-line.

    Worked for me.

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