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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. I think you are heading the right direction but, despite the experience of your boyfriends friend, I think that stating his intention to stay in the UK for six months to get to know your family will arouse the suspicion that he does not intend to return, though you are right to be honest. Are you sure he is not confusing a standard six month visa which most people get on the first attempt?

    There is no legal obligation for any sponsor, and whilst all sponsors are recorded on a central database your Mum wouldn't be carted off to Holloway if he didn't return, it's your boyfriend who would have the problem in the future.

    You should outline the reasons for the sponsorship and give the facts, if you are providing financial support then that's what you say and if your Mum is providing accomodation, then say that as well. As others have said, a concise sponsorship letter from yourself giving evidenced details of your relationship and your plans for the future is vitally important.

    Without wishing to labour the point indicating a stay of six months will be viewed with suspicion whatever the covering letter states, though I suppose it's no different to a gap year, and the end of the day it's your shout.

    Unfortunately even general visitors visas are currently taking 4 - 6 weeks, sorry "learningcurve" it's on the VFS website - though I wish I was wrong.

  2. First of all your boyfriend needs to decide the purpose of the visit, remember it is his application and for him to convince the ECO that it is a genuine application for a visit visa, and more importantly must convince the ECO that at the conclusion of the visit he will return home to Thailand.

    I am pretty sure that the ECO will view with suspicion an application for a six month stay just to test the water, it would certainly seem that there is no reason to Thailand and entry clearance would almost certainly be refused.

    He needs to apply for a visitors visa at this stage, remember even those are taking up to six weeks, he needs to state the purpose of the visit and convince the ECO that he will return home, I certainly wouldn't muddy the waters by talking about settlement in the future as it might appear that he will not return home.

    The most important area to address is the reason to return, this could be property or other strong ties at home or a job with a letter confirming the details of his employment and that leave of absence has been granted, I think this might be difficult.

    It would seem that you are sponsoring the application and from what you have described I think you have sorted out the funding and accommodation issues though it does seem a bit on the low side, is he not going to pay anything? You need to convince the ECO about your relationship, can you prove your time together, were you living in Thailand, travelling or the like, certainly you need to convince the ECO that there is a good reason to sponsor the visit.

    I have just looked this reply and will have to admit it's a bit of a ramble, but I am going to let it go. You both need to step back and discuss the reason for the visit, convince the ECO that the visit is genuine and then convince them that he will return.

    I have to say that he hasn't got a great chance at the moment, read through these threads and then build up a good case for a visit.

  3. Garbage done it often.

    Thai, Royal Brunei, mainly with Air Asia, Air New Zealand, Qantas and Jetstar.

    All in last 6 months.

    Ya doing sumfin wrong matey.

    No he isn't, many Airlines insist that for tickets purchased online or by phone the credit card holder must be one of the passengers, Thai is one of these airlines.

    The was round it is, as they have told him, the card holder going to a Thai ticketing agent or to a travel agent.

    There was a recent thread on this forum recently on this subject.

  4. Seems to me like you must have had well prepared applications to have achieved all this, 3 tourist visas and a de-facto. Could you please describe the evidence that you supplied for your de-facto visa, and any other things that you think may have helped

    You have probably already read up on de-facto visas, if not you might find this fact sheet helpful


  5. Why , you can do it yourself , Just go on the British Embasy bangkok it will tell you what to do ,

    The OP asks about recommendation's for a lawyer for a US Visa, so probably wouldn't be best go to the British Embassy :)

    That said the principal may be the same, visa sections at embassies usually provide sufficient advice regarding the requirements for visas, and it's just a case of addressing all the requirements about the visa being applies, I suspect that the US is no exception.

    I suppose it all depends on the confidence of your girlfriend with the application process, especially if you are currently overseas.

    Edited for typo

  6. Correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to remember if you lose your passport, you're issued with an emergency one and the only way to obtain a full one is to return to your home country (for the UK that is).

    Is the passport the only real acceptable form of ID?

    If your UK Passport is lost or stolen it can be replaced with a new full passport locally, you need to provide a police report, fill in a loss form at the Consular Section, they will then cancel the passport electronically, and of course pay the fee for a new passport, which is more expensive than in the UK. You need to sort out any visas you may have.

    The Emergency Passport which is referred to elsewhere is actually called an ETD, an Emergency Travel Document, and yes it is for travel back to your own country and can be used only once. It might be issued if you have lost your passport and need to travel home before a new one can be issued or for some reason the authorities do not want to issue with a new passport.

    A passport is considered to be the preferred proof required as it not only confirms your identity but your status in the country.

  7. I have found that if you go into the Thai office in London and speak to the staff they will often try and help you, I have even managed to change non-flexible tickets booked through an agent, though it did require a fair bit of grovelling.

    I think it will also depend on the load factor on the flight you want to change to.

    You lose nothing by trying, certainly if you don't ask you wont get.

  8. Well at the end of the day it's the result that counts.

    No i don't agree. "At the end of the day" , we should have a system where those entitled to a visa get it ,WITHOUT HASSLE, and those that aren't don't. So many who are entitled have their lives turned upside down for months or years because although entitled to the visa our deliberately unclear and vague rules mean ECO's can interpret them differently causing a lottery as to whether you get the visa or not. A clearer system should be introduced to take away all the uncertainty.

    Of course at the end of the day it's the result counts, I asked the OP why the decision was reversed, did he call the Head of Visa Section or the ECM as I suggested, no he sent some faxes and it would seem that as a result someone saw sense and overturned the original decision, that's what I meant by it's the result that counts.

    Of course the system that treats applicants in such a intimidating way, makes people wait for weeks for a decision, a process which has recently been priced out of all proportion, and after putting together a reasonable case, only to have the application refused at the whim of an ECO, is a fundamentally flawed system, and it's this issue that needs to be addressed, though I wouldn't hold your breath.

  9. I personally think that if the ECO thinks your girlfriend wishes to come to The UK to enable her to have her baby it is almost certain that a visa will be refused, in fact the guidance makes this very clear.

    Not sure that a NHS hospital would refuse treatment, but you would be taking one hel_l of a chance.

    You need to check with The Consular Section regarding the issue of a UK passport for your child.

  10. This is the advice given on the VFS website regarding changes to the on-line application.

    I've realised that I made a mistake on one of my answers. Can I change it?

    No. Once you have submitted your online application you cannot change it. However, please enter any changes in writing on your printed copy of the application form.

    I think by writting it rather than re-printing the form brings it to their attention.

  11. No problems at all providing she has been given a 6 month multi entry visa, she would still have to convince the IO at the port of entry that it's a valid visit.

    Of course if you have a two year visa you wouldn't be expected to confirm all your travel plans for the visa to be approved.

    Don't forget that she must leave the UK six months after the start date of the visa, not six months after her first entry to the UK.

    Before you promise her Christmas in the UK, check the peak season air fares.

  12. Yes this is why we send our staff with the application now, they just do not look.

    Am I the only one who doesnt understand what you are saying ? :)

    I certainly didn't understand, but what I think he meant is that they send someone with the applicant, who according to the published rules, will not be allowed into the VFS office, to ensure the applicant doesn't leave anything in the envelope.

    If that is what he meant, I think it's as patronising as the system is intimidating.

  13. Unfortunately visit visas are taking much longer at the moment, there is a note on the VFS website saying that because of a deluge of applications you should now allow 4 to 6 weeks, and yes it did only use to be a few days providing no interview was required.

    If the application if refused then a small stamp is made in the passport, usually at the back, I cannot remember the actual wording but I don't think it's as dramatic as reject.

    I personally think the whole process is pretty demeaning but the rules are the rules and they are there for a reason, but the ECO's are only doing their job by applying the rules.

    Providing the guidance is read properly and the issues have been addressed then I am sure she will get her Entry Clearance as most genuine applicants do. I shouldn't worry too much about the uneducated bar girls, they are far more savvy than people give them credit for.

  14. I think the heading "davee58" is referring to is the tab heading on IE, which defaults to British Embassy (at least it does on my pc) when you are on the VFS website, not sure how these tab headings are generated, whilst probably not by VFS it can be a tad confusing.

    I know you and I have disagreed on this point for, but hopefully not fallen out, but I think the dramatic increase in processing times is a scandal, I honestly believe that people should expect that applications will be processed in a timely and consistent manner. You have indicated before that staffing levels are set in the UK, that is not the case, they are actually set locally. The Bangkok post of UK Visas being one one the few that are self sufficient and rely totally on the visa fees, they do not receive extra funding from central government. It will be interesting to see the total number of applications received when the current figures are published for the same period over the last few years, I will be happy to be proved wrong.

    For the avoidance of doubt I have no problem with VFS or UK Visas in Bangkok.

    Edited for typo

  15. I would suggest something more high end. I stayed in a small guest house/hotel for a few nights last year and was involved in an unpleasent row when the night porter/person tried to insist on logging my wifes id card details though I made the booking in both our names. Wifey was not inpressed at the mans presumptions and what he said in Thai does not bear repeating.

    My long term girlfriend were checking in for a return trip to The Hard Rock Hotel, we had actually booked a suite but had to go to the main desk downstairs before being taken up to the lounge to properly check in. Despite the fact that the girl on the desk had seen us arrive together she immediately assumed my girlfriend was a bar girl, or the like, and she said to her in Thai "you want to sleep with your customer here do you", though I wasn't aware of it. There was a look of embarrassment on her face when she checked the booking and found that we were regular "VIP guests" and the booking was in both of our names. She then had to escort us to the lounge and I really didn't pick up on the fact that she was trying to retrieve her error with my girlfriend who was having none of it and just kept her face to the wall. As soon as we had been deposited in the lounge and the receptionist had left, my girlfriend, who is no shrinking violet, broke down in tears and told me what had happened. Have to say that the staff in the lounge were brilliant as was the front desk manager who was summoned as well as the general manager who later came to our room, but the insult had already been made. I wanted to leave and drive home but my girlfriend wanted to stay, she didn't want to lose face. Needless to say the rest of the stay, and subsequent stays, were fine and we were well treated - as I think were most people, we were showered with gifts, and we never saw that receptionist again.

    I think the point of my post is that it doesn't how high or low end the hotel is, and I am not sure what category the Hard Rock falls into, the image of the hotel is judged by the initial reception at the hotel.

    Many people come to Pattaya looking for companionship so it's not unreasonable that you might want to bring a guest back to your room, that guest should be treated with respect as should someone you check in with, though in the case of a new friend security checks probably are needed.

    OK, rant over.

  16. Ignorance is no defence. If you break the law expect to pay the fine. Smoking on the street is horrible and disgusting nothing worse than walking through someones exhaled smoke! yakl.

    Anyone fined for littering som nam nar...you broke the law and now pay for it and stop your mincing and whining on here.

    I have seen that too anyl and which is not built upon becomes a communial dumping ground. one field opposite a condo I used to live at was the same I would watch the secuirty guys from my condo clean up and then throw the rubbish on this land and it just builds up.. But in Thai style out of site out of mind.

    Its too funny that law breakers are now complaining about being fined but admitting they broke the law, <deleted>? c

    What is it that you actually want to happen? eveyone else fined but your crime ignored?

    I am a non-smoker and don't like when people smoke in bars and restaurants so I am happy when they decide to smoke outside, it seems that you don't even want them to do that now, come on give them a break.

    This thread is full of comments on the way people receive on the spot fines, I don't see that people are really complaining just commenting, isn't that what this type of forum is for? I think you are being a tad harsh.

  17. I purchased, and financed, a new car last year, as advised above just passport copies and proof of address, I actually used a letter from my embassy as they gave me two copies when I renewed my driving licence.

    All very easy, the dealer did it all for me.

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