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Posts posted by Michaelaway

  1. 2 hours ago, BudRight said:


    Don't you think I've tried that? It's dangerous - I want normal food, not hot-by-Thai-standards food. I actually used to do this and it backfired. I got so many chilies I don't think an Isaan farmer could have eaten it.


    Besides, I don't want to have to give an intricate description of how many chilies to add to the sauce in crispy morning glory salad or remind them to use the them at all (the dried ones) in the chicken with cashew nuts, three times a day.

    Whoa. What a coincidence. At a local hotel in Hua Hin, I once ordered chicken with cashew nuts/please add dried chilies and was kinda stunned when the lady taking my order asked me: 2? 4? 8? to which I quickly replied, "Huh?" And then she said: how many chilies 2, 4 or 8? I was kind of amazed, having ordered that dish, in Thai, at least 35 times over the years. and never had anyone asked me to work so closely with the chef! So, anyway, I don't really mind asking for prik tod, and to tell the truth... that hotel chicken was one of my all-time favorites.

  2. Still trying new things. Yesterday, I decided to try steaming. I love back bean sauce, but had never made it really well... so after checking YouTube for a few ideas, I began the mission: pork ribs with fermented black beans (half with ginger, Chinese wine & sesame oil/ 1/2 without); today was red snapper. Happy to say, both were dee-licious!


    Pork ribs with black beans.jpg

    Red snapper with black bean sauce.jpg

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  3. America has had many good presidents in the past. Looking back, the best were all intelligent, strong, thoughtful men who truly strove to do the right thing in their role as the leader of the strongest nation on earth. Some of the most fondly remembered were soft-spoken; they walked softly and carried a big stick. These men made Americans proud, because we had faith that these leaders, elected by the people, these men of such vast power and influence over so many people, would always stay strong, but take the high road... and make America proud. 


    The election just witnessed changes everything; we've never seen an election like this in modern times. We've never had an outspoken, snap-tempered, megalomaniacal, billionaire, non-politician winner before. We've never seen mass protests the day after election day, against the elected President of the United States. All bets are off.


    Good luck to President Trump; it doesn't matter a bit what you think of him- just, good luck... Americans are praying, and the world is watching.

  4. To start with: apple cider vinegar, kimchi, sauerkraut and probiotic yogurt are all good for your digestion (and it seems there are a lot of digestion problems in the LOS). After that, if you don't have any lactose issues and want to gain weight, you can eat all meats, fish, seafood, fruits, vegetables, cheeses, pasta dishes, potatoes with butter, fried rice, noodles... you know, proteins and carbohydrates... until you fill out. Good luck (from someone who has filled out a bit too much)!

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