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Posts posted by Michaelaway

  1. 10 hours ago, SplitInfinitive said:

    I don't mind sacrificing a little tenderness for flavour.  :smile:


    I usually saute with bacon and butter. 

    I agree; great combination; I like to add garlic, too. After sauteing... you can add a TBS or 2 of flour and stir-fry everything a few minutes, until the flour is no longer raw (making a roux). Then, whisk in 1-2 cups of beef or chicken broth (some people add cream +/or sherry, too). After it comes to a simmer, you've got a great, thick, gravy/sauce.

    PS- Fresh mushrooms don't have leathery skins.

    Mushroom Gravy.JPG

  2. 4 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    Tell me if I was wrong no problem.  I have never had a problem with this in a sportsbar here.


    Went to Retox this morning on Lengkee to watch the world series.  About the second inning ordered the 99 b breakfast.

    Still watching the game in the 7th inning and the lady manager kicks me out saying my seat is for customers only.  The place was about 1/3 full.  I was doing nothing wrong but just sitting.


    I will never go back to the place but will ask; should I have ordered a coffee or something more to justify my existence in that seat?



    I would have...

  3. I've always loved salads, and eat them several times a week. For me, salads are only as good as the dressing you put on them. I make batches of these 3 favorites regularly- hope you like them:


    Dijon Vinaigrette

    ¼ cup red wine vinegar

    1/8 cup white vinegar

    1 tsp Dijon mustard

    1 tsp regular salt

    ½ tsp. black pepper

    Dash of chili flakes

    3 garlic cloves, minced

    1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil

    ½ cup vegetable oil

    1 tsp. oregano

    1-2 tsp. minced cilantro

    Anchovies, minced

    Optional: 1 tsp. minced basil, 1 tsp. minced scallions


    Russian Dressing, Amped-up

    2 cups ketchup

    2 cups mayo  

    3 garlic cloves, minced

    2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

    1-2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

    1 tsp. Sesame oil

    Salt … to taste

    White pepper… to taste

    Chili flakes, Chili sauce or Chili Paste… to taste

    Optional: 1 tsp. minced basil, 1 tsp. minced scallions, 1 tsp. minced cilantro


    Blue Cheese Dressing

    4 ounces blue cheese  

    1-2 teaspoons red wine vinegar  

    3 tablespoons whole milk  

    1 small container sour cream

    ¼ cup mayonnaise

    1/4 teaspoon sugar

    1 teaspoon minced garlic

    Salt and ground black pepper  

    2 tsp Worcestershire sauce  

    1 tablespoon minced scallion or shallot

    1 pinch of celery seeds  






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