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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 22 hours ago, lungbing said:

    Good.  I was starting to wonder who ran the country, unelected judges or Gina Miller.

    So, you prefer lying candidates above knowing legal specialists to be a Judge ?


    Bye-the-way": is Cummings or David Frost ( negociator at the EU ) elected ? The director of the bank of England / Scotland, the UK representative at FIFA, WHO, UN, etc ? The members of the House of Lords ? 

  2. 17 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    Its not just anti "no deal brexit", they are anti any kind of brexit. Every part of the British automotive industry will be negatively affected. Ironically Nissan may now leave having shelved any new models or expansion.

    As everybody with some knowledge could expect.

    The British ( but mostly German of Japanese owned) car makers are welcome in the EU. BMW-Mini already decided for Borne - NL and Honda.. goes back to Japan, as from there no (10% ! ) import duty for Japanese made cars in the the EU. 

    55% of the components are already made at this side of the cod pool

  3. 5 hours ago, stephenterry said:

    Exactly, that's the norm in the real world. People living their lives. Vassal state - load of BS.

    I love it to be a EU vassal state, with our (prime) minister(s) in the EU council ( and decission making cremium), our commissioner as one of the 28 member-state "ministers", and our 26 Dutch members in the EU Parliament.

    But especially, when I want to cross the heavily defended borders, with fierce dogs, and angry immigration officers asking for my visa... and can use the same money from Helsinki to Cyprus and Cádiz.

    border between Belgium and Netherlands.jpg

    heavily fortified and inpregnable NL-D border sm.jpg

    incrossable NL-D border.jpg

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Blue Muton said:

     The irony here is that because it was advisory, the Electoral Commission cannot declare the vote void or order a re-run.

    48,11 % the British voters voted for only ONE form: "Remain", 51,88 % for "LEAVE". WHICH form of leave… tha'ts another story and.. referendum worthy. So, has nothign to do with a "re-run". Maybe even a lot of voters now discovered, all is not so easly and with no consequences, as they were lied to before. 

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  5. 9 hours ago, robblok said:

    This will stimulate the economy and will help them have more money for the poor too. This is not just vanity research often helps the economy and drives it. On the long run this is a good strategy. I wish Europe would put more money into research of medicine for instance to beat pharma companies. Research is good on whatever field it may be.

    When reserach goes for trhe direct way, I agree with you, but... nonsense to tell trips to the moon are good for the economy as... teflon etc was a spin off. 

    And for a wealthy economy.. I can understand different selections as for a country, where hundrds of millions even do hot have the guarantee of two meals a day.

    This indian space program is only THE GLORY for the top-elite of India.

  6. 1 hour ago, AAArdvark said:

    And why is there typically a difference between the "UK" pound and the Scottish pound.? 

    In 1971 the Scotish pound was even not accepted in shops in Newcastle ( UK).  As these Thai exchanger banks probably also experienced hesitation, when people want te exchange THB into Pounds, and do NOT want Scotish pounds, a good reason for a difference in Echange rates.

    Maybe a reason for the Scots to change of Union ?

  7. 1 hour ago, billd766 said:

    Unfortunately they also have the people of the UK screwed up also.

    650 MPs with different agendas all trying to run the country of over 65 million people.

    Yes the lunatics are definitely running the asylum and the UK is much poorer because of it.

    Every UK MP has a very simple agenda: how do I get re-elected in my constituency? The interest of the constituency "next door": the hack. 

    I can imagine the UK split up in a 10 or so " regions", as with the EU Parliament elections, so never the winner = one vote more as the others, get the seat and the others nothing. THEN we have a representation of the people. Now it is.. get as much as benefits from the "crown" for MY constituency, and the rest... burst. As THEN I get re-elected.

  8. 1 hour ago, vogie said:

    Labours Richard Burgon makes it crystal clear on their position on Brexit.



    Yes, bla bla blablabla, 

    A typical "politician"  not the truth, turn around the "hot pot:, never give a straight answer.

    I very well can accept as answer: "I am NOT able to give that on TV" or " NOT in the interests of the strategic negociations of my party". 

  9. 50 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    Keep telling yourself it's all project fear.  The chant does sound pretty pathetic now but I guess that is all you have as a response.

    Ask the British pensionario's in TH: GBP from € 1,40 to now € 1,10 in just 3 1/2 year... all Project Fear… to be forced to LEAVE Thailand.

    In 2-3 years a Brit on pension in TH will be as seldom as an Indian with a feather ornament in Manhatten.

    • Haha 2
  10. 20 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Golly, I certainly hope this is not true.

    I only hope the best for the British government and its people.

    Let´s hope everything works out for the best.

    Hope, believe, think…. are of ZERO interest. Figures, data, .. THAT's important. All exactly as about every finance and business person already is telling for over 3 years.

  11. 16 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

    When the executive goes rogue, how do we control it?

    That's where we normally have a parliament for, being the legislative body and the one, whio controls the government. But in the UK, the gov. decides, when any discussion, voting etc is, when sent home , and even for an election: get 2/3 together and.. next week again an GE, where the candidate in one of the 650 obscure baronies,. with just one vote more that the others, get the seat, and the others… nothing. 50% + 1 = government with nearly dictatorial powers.

    Only the HoL = appointed, but complaining,. in the Union of States, gov emoployees are appointed ( the representative of the UK in.. FIFA, UN, WHO, Bank of England... are elected ? 

    British democracy.

  12. 10 minutes ago, JAG said:

    The people appoint (elect) parliament. The two main parties in this parliament both stood on manifestoes to honour the results of the 2016 referendum, and to take the UK out of the EU. In 2016, and in the 2017 election, the people voted to leave the EU.

    TILL they discovered wqhat the consequences could be….  GBP from € 1,40... to € 1,10 in just 3 1/2 years. Not so many "Western" countries achieves someting like that the last 60 years.

    • Like 1
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  13. 5 hours ago, Sticky Wicket said:

    Countries don't need a trade deal to trade, duh!

    ONLY for special preferences, like.. reduced ( or zero) import duty. The UK will soon file it … if Parliament ( I mean… the one elected = HoC as well as the NON-elected  =HoL) is not overrun again.

    Second: I can imagine, in some countreis, they like to know- and put restrictions- on what is imported. Or.. would you accept e.g. Chinese baby milk powder -without any scrutiny - in the British supermarkets ? Bye-the-way: if not a miracle happens, 1 Nov the British are out of RASFF and EFSA.

  14. 6 hours ago, vogie said:

    I wouldn't build your spirits up too high just yet, your high elation could be a little premature. There were reports of Nigel Farage saying he would not contest any Tory seats if Boris agrees to leave with a no deal, but even without him saying that, the Tories would still be favourites to win a general election, but of course this is according to polls, but we have to have something to go on.

    Alistair Birt is the latest to announce he will not be contesting his seat at the next election, he joins a long list of Tory rebels who have said the same, it would appear thay are jumping before being pushed, either way it would be nice for the party to have MPs that share the same values and belief in democracy. Voting againgst your own party and siding with the likes of Corbyn has never been the Tory way, nor should it ever be.





    Remind: in the UK it goes per barony ( constituency), like in the MiddleAges, whose representative must try to get as much as possible from ther "Crown" for his barony. Interests for the country, my….. 

    In those, the LibDem will be the largest, the others get nothing, and visa versa. 50%+1 of the baronies = government with dictatorial powers. 41% at average over the UK says nothing. Think of UKIP with 4 million votes and not one single seat.

    • Like 1
  15. 6 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    Likely this will come down to either a Lab/LibDem coalition or Brexit/Conservative coalition. My money is on the latter. London is just a small part of England, the rest of the country overwhelming wanted to regain sovereignty.

     Of course, should Lab/LibDem win an election they will let us have a 2nd election. A second vote, to make sure people really understood what they voted for. And then maybe a 3rd? All this time without actually assuming power and governing as per the electoral mandate. Right?!

    When just as much is lied as during the referendum, these politicians belong in jail, not in parliament.


    But.. seen the UK election system per baronly ( constituency).. Imagine: Ukip 4 million votes, no seat...

    5 parties: 17%-19-20-21-22%... the winner takes it all, and,., with 50% + 1 of the baronies.. have the government


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  16. 16 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    So you decided to 'do a little research' eh? 

    Or did you just copy this verbatim from a FB group because when I googled a few of the 'facts' you brought up, someone has gone to the trouble of disputing every single one of them on a website in June 2019 and has clearly demonstrated your facts to be anything but.



    Now that's got to be embarrassing.

    What a nonsense...


    I will add a few:

    - The UK stole all gold reserves from all countries occupied by the Nazi's and thought to be safe in the UK

    - The UK will be master of the EU ( 1963 to the German Min of Foreign Affairs: invite us in, so we can take over the EEC) 

    - All British drink tea with MILK in it and lukewarm beer

    - The UK wants to forbid the "continental breakfast ( croissants with some marmelade = French ) and enforce beaked beans, bacon, scrambled eggs with toast


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