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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. miracle of the year of amazing Thailand...

    that still so many overseas buyers accept all the problems, too late response, difficuties, narsisstic behaviour , stupidities and laziness of the Thais as suppliers.

    For me: over 90% of my originally from Thailand coming business is already switched away.

    Or.. as the argument between me and a French living in Krung thep is: according me, the Thais loose 90-95 % of their business opportunities. He, living there, estimates it on 96-98%

  2. Why English native speakers always go out from the presumption, others speak English ?Even in films, where (English speaking) humans meet aliens, automatically they should speak and understand English.

    Why not simply learn the languiage of the country your income comes from / future lies ?

    As a London food trader me once told:

    when you know two languages, you are bi-lingual

    when you know three languages, you are triple lingual

    when you know four languages, you are a genius

    when you know one language, ... you are British

  3. The task of the prime minister is to take very unpleasant decissions, which hurt a part of the population maybe very much, but necessary to protect a much bigger part of the population.

    The other ministers should be task professionals for the Ministry they are responsable for.

    Sorry, but THAT's why I hired in a (prime) minister and not a comic on TV.

    When HE or SHE is not able to do so, sorry, has to be replaced.

  4. I import already since 1994 food products from Thailand to Western Europe.

    Already the first retail organisations insist on my declaration, no products and ingredients are from Chaing Rai area ( sure, everybody here understands the difference between Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai ? ? Of course not )

    Go on like this Thailand, and your agro business - what is not already taken over by Southern China like baby corn, bamboo shoots, mango slices, lychess, longans, papaya, pineapple, soya sauce, noodles) - disappears towards Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Birma, and India.

    One advantage: you then will have enouigh time to pray in temple.

  5. The EU politicians came to this conclusion already some time ago,

    They are only buying time, to prepare all for a "soft landing". For Greece the catastrophy will be a lot bigger as the Tom Yam crises in S.E. Asia in 1998. Maybe also Portugal has to leave, maybe even Spain, as in fact their main earning module was (building) houses for pensionarios. No real competatrive industry or agriculture. And tourism.. can be from everywhere.

    For the other member states: All will be a LOT more careful to what and why they are spending tax money, less tax avoidance possible, pension age adapted to life / health expectation, and in 5-10 years this crises will be seen as a blessing is disguise.

    Remind: a lot of fiscal and other measurements noiw can be put through, while a few years ago nobody could even dream of it.

    In the same time, Burma will take over the Thai tourism, Vietnam and southern China the agricultural business, cheap industrial labour will be brought to Laos, Cambodia, Birma and Vietnam, high level industry to China, and the Thais.... will pray in temple.

    • Like 1
  6. Great job.

    Again a Thailand lover converted to a Thailand hater.

    I know a Thai professor, who was refused a student visa to the USA. She wanted to see Mickey Mouse in Disneyland, NEVER to stay illegal there. It is many years ago, and still now, she does not like to speak any Americam.

    Bye-the-way: in EU is is not a crime to overstay. But time, we act the same to Thais as they do to us: not bye, see you next time, and ask for an appropriate length of visa, but.. in JAIL.

    Knowing how many Thai's in overstay there are in Netherlands.. we will not have place anymore for our criminals..

    • Like 1
  7. I started in 1994 to import especially food products from Thailand. Thanks to COMPLETELY ignore demands and possibilities from at least Western Europe, over 2/3 of the Thai vbusiness already went to the couintries around, especially southern China.

    When now alos the tourist industry will see the by far more beautiful ancient architecture in Birma, 30 % of "Thai despoination" tourists will disappear.

    How the Thai's react ? As usual: continue dreaming how important / vital Thailand is for the woirld. N O T !

  8. I buy food products - amoung from other tropical countries - from Thailands since 1977, I lived in Thailand from 1993-95, and have my own import company into EU since then. My experience: all Thais see you ONLY and ONLY as a potential target to swindle money out. When I can find TODAY alternatives, my last parts of business also will be switched away to other origins TODAY.

    They NEVER stand behind their contracts, promises, always have excuses, always farang must understand their way, and compromise. Never find a way to solve a problem, always waiting for a farang to find out, so they can copy, copy, and copy

  9. Every nation gets the government is deserves. If against, fight , as they did in all Eastern Europe, Lybia and now Syria.

    Could not anybody, who was willing the get the info, know the present prime minister had ZERO experience ?

    Still the Thais massively voted for her and her party.

    So, be stuck with this government and prime minister till the end of the by YOU = voters, given mandate.

    Vote buying: sorry, still YOU = voter, who was so stupid to SELL, without thinking why a potential member of parliament was willing to invest so much to get that position, without ever thinking he/she might be completely incompetent and only willing to do so as then to have a chance to steal more tax payers money back.

    Therefore I have ZERO and I mean: ZERO pity with any Thai at all.

  10. And, so again.. the Thai voters got, where they voted for... a bunch of nothing.

    So, waiting till the next election to get theri 20-50THB election money, to get in persons, who can steel their investment for therio parliament seat back a dozen times at least from the tax money..

    And the flooding... will come back just as since 1942 and 1995... with also this time.,,,. NOTHING done.

    Who is to blame: the politicians or those who gave them their mandates = voters ?

  11. A Thai takes care for somenbody who is family OR pays sufficiently for all is my experience since I started to do business there in 1977.

    YOU think there are Thai's who will take care for you when you do NOT have sufficient finances at a certain age ? Or.. when your mental situation is, you have to give her / him full attorney over your bank account? My idea: it will not be "cleand off" and you are put outside, or at the max 50 mtrs away from your embassy !

    Thailand is a nice country if your fysical situation and your bank acount are still fit enough. Without bnoth.. better NOT to be on the mercy of the Thais.

    Remind: as farang you have only one right: to leave your money there as quick as possible, and then.. leave !

  12. Why YOU think, any western Country want travelers coming in to appy for a visa ?

    To use up paper? to have somethin g to do at their embassies ? to earn some money ? ?

    NO, to keep unwanted persons out.

    Who are unwanted?

    Criminals and persons, who whant to stay on the costs of the host country.

    So: show, you will leave again and.. during thatt time will NOT be on the expenses of the host company.

    So, a return ticket of enough other reasons to return, like property, in the country of origin.

    AND>>>> a health insurance during the time you are in the host country.....

    Reason why my Thai business partner got difficulties to obtain a Schengen visa: forgot her copy of the health insurance world wide / EU wide during the trip !

  13. At the coasts along the North sea and riveres, now called Netherlands and northern Germany, we have over a 1000 ( thousand) years of experience with a struggle agait the water. Special water nobles were appointed to lead this fight, called: dike count and water schout. When they did not perform well, they were granted a "sky vieuw" over their territory, alsk called: "heaven view".

    Result: already centuries dry ( except 1953) , and big parts of the sea floor is now land.

    VERY concerned about water, under a special, completely independant from the normal elected government authority

    • Like 2
  14. Will not just topple Thailand in rice exports, Vietnam is becoming a destination of choice for tourism in S/E Asia as well.

    When I compare Thai attitude with that of Vietnam, but especially China, I am astonished the Thais are still on ANY market. Being in food business since 1977, I see Thai sellers waiting at their e-mail inbox till an order drops in, NEVER any market update, price quotations ONLY when you specifically ask for, and close-to-zero activity to convince foreignt buyers to buy from THEM.

    A far below standard product knowledge , never any idea about the products of their competitors, Thai or other S.E Asian or even other tropical origins, never check how much really can be loaded in a container ( is it 1700 crt or 1800 or even 1850crt.. why bother farang pays always, the heck to their transport costs)

    Just see Myanmar, who is getting soon a lift in EU and other " Western" boycots: soon many tourists want to see the much nicer temples in Myanmar and not for the second or third time the new build Thai temples again, so tourism will go down too.The Th

    ais are so narsissistic, they have no idea what is happening around and in the rest of the world.

    For myself: over 90 % of my business already is switched away from Thailand.

  15. Welcome in Curruption Country. When you farang morons finally learn: you have one right here and one only: P A Y ! !

    See it as a direct way of paying tax: police has the unwritten right to distort money from everyone, and as farangs have so much money they get a hart attack of it., for sure farangs are more in sight than ordinary Thais.

    Once a French friend of mine got a fine.. because the police officer could not see his eyes through the wind shield he had on his motor bike helmet..

    Go in court? You as farang are guilty by the only fact you entered the country of smiling .. Whatever. Take care you are not fined for the flooding of Krung Thep.

    When you do not like it: leave this country. Oh, your money, investements etc .. are the heritage of the Thais anyhow.

    I took my losses in 2006 and left, together with nearly all my business.

  16. This is beyond stupidity. How should the government guarantee that there won't be a flood next year? Especially if nothing is done to prevent one.

    I remember the floods of 1995 still. What is done since then ? Only a lot of tax payers money disappeared in the pockets of government officials and politicians.

    Are they really so stupid to think, overseas customers again will wait till Thai production is at the old level again ? NOT. Many already switched to other origins. No computer brand will stop sales, because a Thai hard disk supplier is flooded. Same with cars and any other item. Even the simple baby corn or bamboo shoots customer like me is gone to southern China.

    Thai officials are also good in promising. I did not forget their promises how often Thailand was this time really free of bird flue.. N O T !

  17. I hope they haven't left a polluted mess. Semiconductor production may have very toxic hazardous waste that might be cheaper for them to abandon but Thai government should require cleanup.

    Hahaha, in Thailand ? Hand full of small papers, locally known as Thai Baht, and the field is declared as clean as a virgin jungle...

    Bye-the-way: most is already flushed away. That's why so many have allergic reactions after going through the flood waters. Who cares ? All will be washed away in the sea.... and the fish will acumilate it in their bodies.. so will end upin people eating seafood. A few more who die of cancer in Thailand, nobody will notice that.

    Amazing, you need a miricle to solve this !

  18. Then I don't think companies like Singapore Airline, Cathay Pacific, United or Lufthansa will accept to land or take off on substandard runways.

    Be wiser: every airliner thinks of: earning money and fulfill their liner obligations

    In 2003-2004 I had to go often to Port Harcourt - Nigeria, with Lufthansa.

    Every time before a plane couild land the runway had to be cleard of buffaloos. Till Dec 2003: when a football match was on TV, and the control tower had other to do...( YES! )

    So, the plane landed, and crashed its nose wheel on a buffalo. Plane was stuck for weeks at Port Harcourt.

  19. I don't know how you can get Thais to understand this problem, in my village all the trash and garbage just get tossed into the water where it drifts to the end of the road and vanishes into a klong. Out of sight out of mind. I asked a few people where they thought the rubbish would go, they just looked at me as if I was asking silly questions.

    i have toughed out the floods but am seriously wondering if after the floods I should go before the epidemics start.

    A Thai ( and other South-East Asian + Chinese) who give a dam_n about the environment, polution, etc still has to be born. Everything what is further away then arms length from their front door, does not harm them, so why bother.

    When this results in tourists to stay away, customers for the Thai food industry, who now are rushing to find alternatives, not only for now but for a lojg way as nobody trust the bacteriological rubbish spread out over soil and factory, their only response will be to go in temple and pray.

    All filth will float and polute the Bay of Thailand for generations, resulting in poisened seafood and fish. But, what a Thai's eyses cannot see, does not exsist. And when the casualties caused by cancer increases.. yes, we go in temple.

  20. Already 15+ years pain in my back ( L5-S1). Several doctors in Netherlands visited, fysio therapists, chiropractors. April 2010 it went wrong again, like I was standing on an electricity wire. Also "sparks" in my fingers. So, again fysio. Two months for nothing, so back to my family (first line) doctor. 15 June he gave me a letter to go to a neurologist in the hospital (needend in NL for the health insurance). Made an appointment for... 6 Aug ( yes, 7 weeks later, not possible to come earlier. The Dutch hospital service: does it hurt today, maybe we can see you in 1-2 months from now).

    As I had to go to Bangkok for a fair, I went Saturday morning 3 July into a real hospital: Bumrungrad. No appointment, so had to wait long for a neurologist. Maybe 3000 seconds. Investigated and.. "sorry, you have to be at a spinal doctor, not me. Dr Verapan, he will be coming Tuesday here. When does it suit you ? ". Doctor, it hurts, so.. up to you !. O.K. Tuesday afternoon !

    Investigated. "I need a MRI scan, what time ? You are always available, ..Thursday 05:30 , you are the first and.. 10:30 at me. Then.. we need a second MRI scan,.. Friday 23:30, as you are last. Monday at me again.

    Tuesday morning 13 July 06:00 in the hospital for 2 injections. Probably they will not help sufficiently, and we will see you back in 3-5 months for an operation, but.. we have to try this first.

    Worked, first time in 15 years no packpain.

    Back in Netherlands ( Breda), I went still to my local hospital, with the Thai MRI scans. Nerves investigated, all o.k. Radiologist looked at the Thai MRI, but.. could not find the reason for testing ( I would say: look in your patients histoy files) and no dates ( so I sent him, as were on the CD), even not under which system all was made.

    In Dec pain came back again. Happily my health insurance sent me to Brasschaat, Belgium ( Dr Croese). He needed, with the Thai MRI scans,maybe 90 sec to come to the same diagnose: spondylo listhises = the back bone out of the allignment, taking the nerves with him, as a tunnel fragment sunken down taken with it the electricity wires still in.

    Same operation as Dr Verapan already forecasted. L4+L5+S1 all screwed together.

    Good docter, good hospital ? Sorry, I only have one case, one solution to judge at. But.. VERY acceptable, better as Breda-NL hospital. Yes.. I have to lie flat for 6 months, only short walks, not allowed to sit even, and hopefully all about normal.. in 11-16 months.

    Bye-the-way: Dr Wanna, also Bumrungrad cured my muscle pain in my back shoulder. First who ever succeeded.

    Regards, Harry, info at thaitrade dot nl

  21. As a farang when I saw how upper Thailand was being seriously flooded , images of the water coming to Bangkok never entered my mind. But those "old timers" (Thais) and experts should have known this massive "lake" would have to flow out of the basin. It seems nothing was said until it was at Bangkok's back door.

    But THAT would have meant: loss of face to several government officials and all politicians in charge since the floods of 1942 and especially 1995. Better bring entire 15-20 mln Greater Bangkokians + all north of that in danger, cause a loss so big nobody can pronounce it and hurt Thai economics for at least a decade. So, send all Thais to temple to pray seen their bad karma, and for next election pay 30 baht per vote instead of normal 20 baht.

    Remind: the worse still has to come: toilets and sewers are flushed the other way, bringing a lot of filth and bacteria in the flood water. Many drowned dogs, cats and rats in the water. So await diseases.

    Many factories are closed for quite some time. You really believe, overseas customers did not switch to other origins, and will return ?

    This all aside of the huge loss of personal belongings and present incomes, as.. for many weeks and months nothing was earned.

    Every nation gets its government is deserves. ( too lazy and too stupid to watch their own nations' interests)

    My opionion: bring all responsable politiciens of at least the last 50 years in court for doing nothing after the 1942 flood. Especially those after the 1995 flood. Other nations, like the Dutch, Germans, and Flemish built dikes along their rivers already 800 years ago.

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