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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. I was wondering what the shelf life of rice was with out all the heat and humidity. People myself included have been talking one year old no good.

    I am very sure there are a lot of safe storage buildings here in Thailand from before it became big money. I was wondering about their shelf life.

    Also in a proper storage building what is the damage caused by rats and their feces? I don't think you could stop the rats from getting in to any place they want to get into.smile.png

    [Even into Government]wai2.gif

    see several publications on Internet, e.g. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/shelf-life-of-rice.html or http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/rkb/index.php/storage

    Rice is a food item that has a considerably long shelf life, provided you store it appropriately. Depending upon the storage factors, it may range anywhere between 1 year to 30 years!
    But.. are you convinced all storage in TH is on perfect condition ? ?
    I am buying rice in TH since 1977 as central buyer of Aldi and since 1995 as my own tropifood trading co.
    I have seen all, from too dirty even to touch your shoos anymore till.. gold olympic medal.
    That's why I ask for: bacteriological data ( total plate count, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, E coli, Enterobacteriaceae , Salmonella spp), years & mould ( max 200 and NOT 1000 as present many in TH), and.. most important of all: aflatoxine B1 +B2 +G1 +G2.

    What is the Shelf Life of Rice

    The shelf life of rice depends on a number of factors. The various storage factors that influence it are as follows:


    Temperature is the most crucial storage factor, which decides the shelf life of rice. Ideally, rice should be stored at 70 degrees F, in cool, dry place. As per USDA guidelines every 5.6 degrees C drop in temperature, doubles the shelf life of dry food items like rice. Similarly every 5.6 degree C increase in temperature halves the shelf life of rice.

    Moisture Content

    The lesser the moisture content in rice, the better its chances of having a long shelf life. Rice has about 10% moisture content in it. Ideally you should remove all the moisture from the rice, if you wish to store it for a long time. However, practically this is not possible, hence, make sure the content of moisture in rice is bare minimum. Moisture promotes the growth of insect larvae, which renders the rice inedible, even though it is not 'bad' in real sense. Placing dry ice in the container containing rice helps to absorb the excess moisture in rice.

    Atmosphere Inside the Container

    Rice should be stored in the containers that are free of oxygen. Oxygen creates favorable thriving conditions for all sort of life forms. Even the airtight containers that are available in the market do not assure 100% oxygen free air. Oxygen absorber packets are a more reliable option as they completely prevent the entry of oxygen in the storage container.

    Storage Containers

    The material of the storage container also determines the shelf life of rice. The storage containers that are suitable for storing rice for longer shelf life are #10 cans, sealable food storage buckets, sealable food quality metal or plastic drums. Plastic sacks, paper sacks are definitely not a good option, if you wish to store rice for a long duration. Again, oxygen absorbing storage containers are undoubtedly the best option for storing rice.

    Rice Variety

    Shelf life also depends upon the variety of rice. For instance, shelf life of white rice, stored under average conditions is 18 to 24 months, while the shelf life of brown rice stored in the same condition is 6 months only. Brown rice tends to spoil more quickly due to an extra bran layer upon it.

    How to Know if the Rice is Fit for Consumption

    As evident from the above information, rice has quite a long shelf life. However, one must still know if the rice that has been stored for long is fit for human consumption. If you detect the presence of rice weevil, a small reddish brown bug, then you can be assured that the rice in question is not fit for human consumption. Brown rice is easier to check for quality, as it emits rancid odor and changes appearance over time. Lastly, take cues from the color, odor and texture of the stored rice. If all seems fine, then you may go ahead with using it.

    With proper storage techniques, you can enjoy your bag of rice for several years. Do not forget to repack the container after use, so that you do not introduce moisture or oxygen in it.

    By Ashwini Kulkarni Sule

    Last Updated: 3/22/2012

    Uncooked Rice see http://www.menurice.com/all-about-rice/using-rice-in-foodservice/storage

    As with many dry goods, uncooked rice should be stored in a dry and cool environment. Rice will absorb strong aromas, so it is very important to store rice far away from foods such as onions or garlic. Keeping rice in securely sealed containers keeps out unwanted moisture and eliminates the risk of infestation.

    Brown rice, because of the oil content in the attached bran, aleurone and germ, is susceptible to oxidation. As a result, brown rice has a shelf life of only six months. Keeping brown rice in a refrigerator or cooler will extend the shelf life. White rice, if stored properly, has an almost indefinite shelf life.

    Milled rice (white, parboiled or pre-cooked) will keep almost indefinitely on the pantry shelf. Once opened, rice should be stored in a tightly-closed container that keeps out dust, moisture and other contaminants.

    • Like 1
  2. Dear Sir,

    We would like to clarify the status of Codex standards : Codex standards are a reference as regards food safety under the WTO SPS Agreement. , and at the same time they are voluntary, which means that member countries may decide to use them or not at the national level as a basis for their regulations, but they have no obligation to do so. According to the SPS Agreement when countries apply more stringent requirements they may be called upon to justify them on a scientific basis, through a risk assessment. This may be discussed as a trade concern in the SPS committees and in some cases differences in regulations may result in an actual trade dispute which follows the WTO rules for that purpose.

    In the framework of Codex most standards and related texts are adopted by consensus by the Codex Alimentarius Commission; in some cases the EU or any other Codex member may put forward a reservation on some provisions, in this case they do not prevent the adoption of the standard in Codex but they express a different view for the record. Codex members may have a different standard or provision in their national legislation as the application of Codex standards is voluntary.

    I hope this clarifies the process.

    Best regards

    Selma H. Doyran

    Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme

    Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department


    Via delle Terme di Caracalla

    00153 Rome, Italy

    E-mail: Selma.Doyran @ fao . org

    Or in other words:

    Codex Alimentarius is for many "developped" nations nothing more as a occupation therapy for food officials, giving an opportunity at least to bring an absolute minimum in quality level in the world as all have to join in the agreement = the lowest quality gets the standard..

  3. Why everybody is checking for a chemical residue of fumigation by methyl bromide ( forbidden already a few years in the EU) of phosphine, but forget the REAL thread: aflatoxine, especially the type B1 ?

    Just look a little around on Internet for this hazard !

    When rice ( and corn and some other foods) is stored in a too humid way, a mould called aspergillus flavus can grow ( yes, the green colour giving mould). This leaves a - call it "shit" - behind, called aflatoxine.

    In the EU, rice above 2 ppb B1 or 4 ppb B1+B2+G1+G2 ( the other types) is NOT allowed to enter the EU. There is no safe limit for aflatoxine, but EU laid it at these levels. Aflatoxine causes liver cancer, with a tremendous increase of risk for those already infected with hepatitis.

    Till recently, Thai rice was harvested, stored a short time in well equipped warehouses, milled and shipped out, so no real serious risk ( but.. Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka had several shipments, which were destructed on the costs of the EU importer ! ) see https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/rasff-window/portal/index.cfm?event=searchResultList

    Now, with rice stored at every corner they can find in Thailand, I even do not want to buy any Thai rice anymore, unless I am sure it is stored well, and investigated for aflatoxine, with as final: EU food autority inspection. When a a ThaI rice exporter does not accept, it says enough of their rice to me.

    For me, only one solution: burn all rice of crop 2011 and all stored too wet till even crop 2012.

    Feeding to animals might cause problems with especially the milk ( afla M1 and M2) or their meat.

    But...you think any Thai MP ( and often big shareholders in the rice industry) will give a damn ?

    Maybe they are even big shareholders in the hospitals, so.. even your liver cancer will bring them money.

    TIT TWA This is Thailand, Thailand wins always.

  4. In a country, where I am not sure to be allowed to stay next year, not allowed to own my own jouse or company, where if ever my son get an accident and will be unable to take care for himself not sure to be allowed to stay with me, where my only right is to pay, where I am as welcome as the plague... explain me, why should I invest in a country like that ?

    It was my dream from 1993-2006 and happy I could withdraw completely.

    • Like 2
  5. Pity, but... did you all think, to reduce the risk of a 5000 planes a day to be safer, would NEVER cause a just person to be treated unjust, so like a potential bomb-layer. ?

    Before 1965 nobody had heared of a lugguage check at the entrance of a plane, no problems with taking any drinks on board, no no-fly lists, but.. also never heard of ISLAMIC bombs bringing planes down.

    Did anybody ever think, what these ISLAMISTS bring a damage to the world flight economy, you and me have to pay with every flight for ?

    Ever used Mahan, Etihad, Emirates and compared the anti-terrorist activities with... any American liner ?

    Then you know, what we have to thank them for.

  6. The same was said in Germany about German jews just before WW2.

    The Thai navy use already some time a similar solution as then: help them to come in open waters, nobody will see they drown. Plroblem solved.

    For me the strangest is: it seems many now telling to be Thai in fact originated from China. See what these persons did for Thailand ( imagine they were NOT in TH now, where their factories would be then ?)

  7. Asians and environment protection ? Look around to all the plastics and other rubbish you see all over Thailand.. It is one big trash dump.

    And animals.. May Buddha prevemnt in a next life they wiill suffer only 10% what they did to them.

    Wild life: the Asians will kill the last tiger, the last elephant and any other animal the Westeners want to preserve for their grandchildren and onwards, only.. for a littlebit of bones and ivory.

    Use your own skin and teeth

  8. I think, the EU first have to understand, Asians are not all fraudulous and... stupid natives from Apeland.

    Here the translated text I got from the Dutch subsidiary of the EU food authorities NVWA ( between brackets, additional info from me) :

    I'm talking only about the food certificates ( BRC, IFS, ISO 22000) which are issued in the Netherlands ( remark: 1/3 proves to be handed out incorrect ! ) .

    If you want to rely on certificates from third countries, then you will agree with me that here even more often these could be classified as "unreliable", not to speak of "fraud".

    signed: Ing. J.F.M. (Hans) Beuger Coördinerend Specialistisch Inspecteur voedselveiligheid Dutch food authority NVWA
    So, in simple: the 103 certified Institutions worldwide for BRC, working in 115 countries, with 1511 registered auditors, certified 15.167 food companies, OR the 67 certified Institutions worldwide for IFS with over 1000 registered auditors, over 12600 certified food companies, 800 registered retail organizations and food service companies, are seen as not for sure correct, till even partial SWINDLERS)

    Sorry, but.. when I was SGS, BVQI, Lloyds or how they all may be called, or auditor working at these organisations I would file a law suit against the Dutch NVWA for criminal defamation, also against Dutch Criminal Code art 261.)

  9. For ING to Thailand: http://www.ing.nl/Images/Tarieven_zakelijk_betalingsverkeer_tcm7-59324.pdf?id=20130210020841

    If "our" the costs is € 25

    For Ben: the receiver = benificiary pays all the costs (in TH), so also have to transfer back for the ING costs in NL

    Shared: 0,1 % over the amount min € 5, ( per € 6 per 1 april 2013), max € 50 + benificiary in TH his share at Thai bank

    I use SHA already in YEARS to pay in Euro to my Thai suppliers, who exchange this to THB at their own bank. Best exchange rate, lowest bank costs

  10. IF it is correct and the Thais let it happen..... who am I to have any comment ?

    Second: all goes so very well in Thailand... no water problems, high dikes along the rivers ready to avoid any new supmersion of the land.. all waterways to the sea open

    Rice is exported at higher prices as ever, Thailand by far the biggest exporter of every commodity, all farmers so rich they can drive a Maserati

    with all these successes... who blames a governor / stuart to be under control by skype form Dubai .. or.. ..

  11. Can they be sent to Iran or Iraq? Let their Arab fundamentalist brothers take care of them.

    Maybe, as they are S.E. Asians, they want to stay in their area, where they already live for centuries.

    But.. knowing how the Thais treated them: pull boats full of refugees, grays, women, children alike, in deep ocean to get drowned, I understand their hate towards Thais. ( same as the Vietnamese fugitives a 40 years ago were raped, plundered of their scarce belongings till cut of fingers to steel their wedding rings)

  12. When you know two languages, you are bi-lingual

    When you know three languages, you are triple-lingual

    When you know four languages, you are a genious

    when you know one language, you are British ( or American)

    And.. People who speak two languages are 'better at multi-tasking and less likely to develop Alzheimer's'

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1358234/People-speak-languages-better-multi-tasking-likely-develop-Alzheimers.html#ixzz2Dsp57rQG

    I can speak Dutch ( native), English ( your funny accent, where do you come from ?), German ( like a Kraut), enough French, littlebit Italian and Spanish, some Russian ( all before 18 ) and learned 200 words Hebrew in the plane from Amsterdam to Tel Aviv, when I was 19, travelling to a girl.

    When I was 45 I tried to learn Thai, for business. Impossible.

    I am now 60... I gave up.

    Sorry, maybe the "storage in the top" does not absorb anymore.

    • Like 1
  13. Thailand is ready to be the hub of everything ....

    Thailand is so great

    Thailand is the best

    Thailand can do it (when it gets out of rehab)

    Seen my experience since 1977 as international purchaser in foods, and since 1994 with my own trading company:

    Thailand never takes any initiative, so let the Chinese already take over a big part of their former exports

    Thailand is always to slow and too late, so is now waiting till Vietnam takes over the rest of agricultural export

    Thai sales staff do not know their products, are not interested to co-think to find new ways, new alternatives,

    Thai sales staff are waiting till orders drop into their in-e-mail box, and even then are too lazy to process

    Thai sales staff lacks adequate knowledge of English to really understand the wishes of their overseas customers, so loose 95-98% of their new opportunities.

    Thai M.D. does not allow any of their staff ( even noyt to the "export manager"), to take any other decission except what to order if overseas buyers are invited to the restaurant the BOZZ decided to go.

    • Like 1
  14. Most of the sodium is on the form of msg surely.

    Ever seen a Thai use a salt shaker?

    Not necessary: Thai manufacturers of whatever food put salt ( NaCl) in nealry everything. Look at even sweet chili sacue, used for chicken etc: Even tehre 4-5 g / 100 g content is ... salt.

    As importer of quite some Thaim foods, with nearly everythign I habve to let the salt level being reduced. Without.. many retailers do not accept it in EU.

  15. Maybe she can get some lessons from the Chinese: Zhangzhou area ( Xiamen port) for vegetables and fruits, or Guangxi ( Beihai port) to see how real developments have to be.

    Vietnam is in the meantime a bigger rice exporter as Thailand.

    All other nations are a lot more active as the slow Thai exporters.

    10 years more, and .. Thailand will be the kitchen for their own hungry people as all overseas buyers are so fed up with Thai suppliers, ythey are willing to put the workd updside down to find alternatives.

    Look at coming food fair: SIAL Paris, 21-25 Oct: 5773 exhibitors of which 983 from China and 155 from Thailand.

  16. well Survanabhumi has just 2 runways as Don muang has it, also the proceedures are more complicated.

    personally i do not see any improovement with the new Airport, since don muang and survanabhumi have the same capacity Don Muang is clearly the winner.

    making something "bigger and more shiny" does not make it more efficient.

    But.. in building a new airport on soil which was not worth much, MANY rich could gain a HUGE profit.

    Thai Taxpayers... just... are only to pay tax.

  17. A budget is a downpayment for the expected costs during a certian period. it is NOT something with an expiry date, like food products, which have to be cleaned up in time.

    So, only one way for surplus in budget: back to the tax payers ( or.. reserved for in case a budget proves to be insufficient)

    Therefore, Thai voters: do NOT accept your 20-50 Baht voting money, but ask: where are the 10,000 bahts I paid too much last year

    OR.. do YOU believe the same goverment officials will pay out of their own "pleasures" the missing, if a budget proves to be insufficient in a certain year ?

  18. And you all in Thailand believe, overseas buyers did NOT learn of last flood by looking around for alternative supply ?

    Again a 1-3 months: 'oh solly, no have", simply ends in.. bye-bye, we found more reliable sources.

    And the Thais, will just as they did after the floods of 1942, 1995 and 2011 go in temple, continue to accept their 20-50 baht voting money ( and nobody will ask themselves why a politician is so eager to spend such a fortune to come on a "service-seat to the nation" ) , and nothing will change.

  19. I strongly believed freedom of speech to be very important

    but I dissagre with freedom of slander, freedom to encite

    violence (and those producers knew exatly what the airing

    of that movie would do).

    Even the best democracies don't allow freedom of inciting

    haterance or malicious attempts to destabalize institutions.

    Try denying the holocaust in Germany as example,

    The more freedom we want, the more security we lose and

    if we want security, we give up some of the freedom we have.

    Just can't have the penny and the bun.

    BUT.,.. that is NOT for any Government to take action, but to go to the COURT, who is in the "Free West" completely independant from any government. Something in NO islamic country is the case.

    So, if you believe it is slander, hurt you etc, bring the one who did it to you to the court.

    That's where we have these institutions for.

    Like: you donot like the pictures made of your wife, but especially publicized ?

    NOT your or any GOVERNMENT takes action, but youself by bringing the publicitor for a judge in court.

    And in the Western World, the wife/women has exactly the same powers as you. When she likes the pictures, you hardly can do anything anymore.

    Try that in the muslim world...

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