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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. Should never censor things like this.

    We can not let oure freedom, lifestyle and humor been dictated by radical muslims.

    These so-called rebels are just puppy’s for the Islamic radical leaders that are seeking every opportunity to make a name as a strong man against western evil.

    This film was known in July already., But fanatic islamist did nothing, only organise terror again, to fall on 11 Sept. and around.

    When we in the Free West do NOT stand up, we will end like the Christians in the Middle East, be second rank citizens, and have to ear for our lives. The moslims even have a name for that: "Dhimmy" .

    Try to get a bible into Saudi Arabia. It will be confiscated and destructed. No same feelings to a Koran being destroyed, as the MUSLIMS have the direct thread to God Almighty and only THEY know HIS will.

    • Like 1
  2. USA citizens are often called "Americans", while in fact they are only living in a part of the Northern part of that continent.

    Why not Argentinians call themselves "Americans "?

    People from my country, Netherlands are even called "Dutch" what is in fact more the language-FAMILY which is spoken here : "Diets". We are often said coming from "Holland", what is only a part of the western area. like... calling Chiang Rai / Rayong / Nakhin Ratachima / Songkla people to be called "Ayuthians "

    What's in a name, especially given by another nation ?

    As long as it is friendly ment.. they are even allowed me to call me " Pui Pui "

  3. And then... VERY astonished, when aluminium contamination in rice product is MUCH higher as from others ( my Thai supplier: below detection limit of 1 mg/kg: These at least 30 - 67 - 180 times as high )

    Rice vermicelli = 90% rice flour, max 10 % water, no additives.

    What you think of the Thai rice from the same area, this rice flour is made of ?

    With some luck, you can "press a aluminium cooking pan out of it".

    AND THEN... VERY astonished when at aging life you get health problems.. like littlebit Alzheimer ? ?

    I stopped to import rice from Thailand, as till now, NOBODY even could show me any test reports of aluminium contamination in Thai rice. Maybe Buddha knows, what for a rubbish is in.

    Better buy rice from Italy and Spain, and with that I contribute help €uro to overcome the difficulties.

    Below EU food autorities border rejects from RASFF. Shipments refused by private buyers, nobody knows.

    border rejection 08/11/2011 2011.CFQ FI high content of aluminium (30 mg/kg - ppm) in vermicelli rice from Thailand

    border rejection 26/04/2011 2011.AWJ FI high content of aluminium (67 mg/kg dry matter) in rice noodles from Thailand

    border rejection 20/12/2010 2010.CGW FI high content of aluminium (180 mg/kg - ppm) in rice noodle from Thailand

    • Like 1
  4. the half kg rice story is plain silly....if that is a problem declare it as something different...even call it only "sample" would work. No one looks at small parcels, you could import half a kg plutonium....

    Sorry, but UPC as well as FedEx as DHL refused, even at Postoffice: refused. I even tried it as "wheat grain samples" at another posyoffice, but.. refused also.

    And as it does NOT go in an envelop ( all might go to one place), it must be a parcel, so inclusive documents. And that could be openen, as.. you can hear the rice go through the parcel.

    But.. problem solved. We use Basmati now. Even to send a sample to Vietnam goes withotu problems. And the cambodians want to gte rid of their Neang Mali too. Even at the other side of the Mekhong they grow the same seeds as what they call in TH: Hom Mali, so why to bother with Thailand anymore.

  5. When the EU finally is going to treat others the same as they treat us ?

    Imagine...tax on a bottle of wine: 19 % , compared with TH: 425 % total.

    Other foods from TH into here: 2.4-8,9% import duty, but.. EU foods imported into TH: 30-60%

    And.. I do not mention the environmental costs, waste recycling etc EU manufacturers have to do, whilie in TH it is dump it aside of next door.

    WHEN we would do so, the Euro deficit is solved in a few weeks.

    OK, countries like TH will be back 50 years of so.

  6. And.. if too much waste is dumped... a hand full of Thai Bahts work like a wet sponge, to wipe away too bad figures..

    And.. when at the end rice proves to be contaminated with.. for instance aluminium, and rice + its products like rice vermicelli are banned by the EU / USA etc, it is becasue of the bad farangs.., NEVER caused by the lazy and stupid Thais.

    First inspections and rejects at the EU ( Finland is responsable for this item ) Max tolerated: 10 mg/kg. Reality should be: < 0,5 mg/kg. Found: 180, so over 360 x the NORMAL SITUATION

    1) 20/12/2010 2010.CGW border rejection FINLAND from THAILAND high content of aluminium (180 mg/kg - ppm ) in rice noodle from Thailand

    2) 18/04/2011
    border rejection FINLAND high content of aluminium (67 mg/kg dry matter) in rice noodles from Thailand

    3) 01 Nov 2011 2011.CFQ – A border
    notification was sent by
    concerning high content of
    (30 mg/kg - ppm) in
    rice vermicelli
  7. And then the Thais are astonished there is aluminium pollution in their rice, probably coming out of polluted irrigation water over the fields, with results already several shipments of rice vermicelli are rejected by the EU food authorities.

    Till now only investigated in Finland. Just wait, and all their rice will fall under a ban.

    Of course the Italian and Spanish rice farmers, good for 80% of the EU rice consumption, will NOT cry for their competition, banned for the coming ? ? 25 years ??

    1) 20/12/2010 2010.CGW border rejection FINLAND from THAILAND high content of aluminium (180 mg/kg - ppm) in rice noodle from Thailand

    2) 18/04/2011
    border rejection FINLAND high content of aluminium (67 mg/kg dry matter) in rice noodles from Thailand

    3) 01 Nov 2011 2011.CFQ – A border
    notification was sent by
    concerning high content of
    (30 mg/kg - ppm) in
    rice vermicelli
  8. Here's a better idea... why not boot out all foreigners from Thailand entirely. Let's be rid of them for good!! Come on, who's with me? Let them take their 100's of billions of baht out our economy, let them close all their farrang stores and shops (KFC, Tesco-Lotus, 7-11, RedBull (oh wait, that's a Thai guy), which none of us ever use because we all go to the "thai" markets anyway) whose needs all that tax revenue anyway? Let those farrang sell all their assets such that the glut of supply dramatically lowers the value of all our assets, we don't care if our assets fall 20% to 30% in value. Let them take their billions of baht more of spending out of our shops, restaurants, bars, and hotels because Thailand does need their money! Let them leave us all alone as were were 600 years ago. We were much better off living in the dirt and the jungle. Long live King Naresuan!! blink.png

    That's why I left TH already in 2006 with nearly all my business.

    FED, FED, and FED up with such a lazy and stupid nation as Thailand.

    The only why Thais tolerate farangs, is to lose their money.

    As the MD of a VERY BIG EU company said in 1993 to me:

    Thai's are able for three jobs:

    -teacher, as need to be ahead 1/2 page of his students ( a Thai will NEVER ask his teacher anything)

    -soldier ( need no brain, only follow) or

    -farmer ( did this job alreadyt thousands of years and never learnt anything new )

    The rest is in the hands of Chinese.

    No, even for lady beer bar you have to tell exactly what you want, as have no idea how to improre their service for a bigger tip

    • Like 2
  9. Medical tourist: YES, I am one of them.

    I travel for business since 1993 to Thailand.

    Lower back pain since 1989.

    In 2001 a physiotherapy treatment in Bumrungrad (BRR)

    In 2010 it went really wrong with a new phenomenon: like I was standing on an electric wire / holding it in the hands. 2 months therapy in Netherlands (NL) , but no result. So, my family doctor wrote a referral for a neurologist in my home town hospital. Only, in Netherlands... there is not per immediate place, so I had to wait for 7 weeks ( I never succeeded to explain that in Asia: it hurts now, so I go to a hospital NOW, not 1-3 months later)

    As I had to go on business tour to Bangkok, I asked my health insurance co, if I was allowed to see a doctor in hospital B)angkok instead of A)mphya-NL.

    Per e-mail I got as answer: when it is NOT an emergency: pay there and declare your specified invoices here.

    So I did:

    Saturday 3 July I walked in BRR: as no appointment, I had to wait very long: 45 MINUTES, not as in NL: 45 DAYS for neurologist Dr Paisan, who found out in maybe 5 min I had to see his spine colleague, Dr Verapan. Appointment .. next Tuesday.

    During that consult: "I need a MRI scan < when are you ( patient) available?" "Dr, it hurts, so.. tonight 03:00 H". "Sorry, not possible, but Thursday morning, 04:30, you are the first and that day: come to see me."

    So, Thursday: "I need another MRI, so.. Friday, evening maybe 22:30-23:30h as you are the last; be flexible in time ! See you Monday ".

    ( In NL.. before 09:00 nothing is open and after 16:00h all closed, so you have to wait.,. 2-4 weeks !)

    Monday investigation, Tuesday 06:00 in hospital for treatment till 12:00h. Comment: this probably might not be sufficient, and we probably will see you back in 3-5 months for a spondylodese ( fixing of 3 back bones )

    8 days from start till finish and.. the FIRST doctor ever, who made a right diagnosis, as.. in Dec 2011 back in NL again wrong. I went with all Thai material to Belgium, where they did the already forecasted operations.

    Pain in a back muscle: first time in 12 years any doctor started a treatment which helped: Dr Wannee of BRR.

    But now.. the medical bills for my Dutch healthcare insurance VGZ:

    a) sorry, unknown hospital Bumrungrad

    B) sorry, the doctors are not qualified ( Dr Verapan demonstrates at several places in the world new technology, till even in Germany)

    c) cannot ready the invoices as are in Thai ( NOT, are bi-lingual: English + Thai, as you might expect from an international Thai hospital)

    d) invoices are not specified enough ( come on. till 30 positions, even a bunch of needles are mentioned of 120 THB )

    e) no medical reports available ( not correct, even with that other doctors could see, what was diagnosed and done)

    f) all doctors at BBR did “Inappropriate care” ( sorry, acc medical reports did EXACTLY the same as I found in over 30 websites of hospitals, inclusive Dutch Uni ). For me, this is defamation of the appropriate doctors, but.. NO response from PR-dept. of BRR hospital ( khun Palmy)

    So, I try the legal way to get my medical bills paid and asked my Dutch juridical assistance insurance for help.

    Also a Dutch TV program was interested in the case, IF.. they could get some video about the Thai hospital Bumrungrad. But despite asking, NO support from them.

    For me, Bumrungrad is FAR BETTER as any hospital I saw in Netherlands.

  10. Why a stupid Dutch falang has to tell Thais what to do ?

    The superior, all whisdom Thais did all possible already 1000 years ago, even before the Dutch started to build their dikes, and 1143 . ..were asked in what is now Hamburg-Bremen to build dikes.

    Just as after 1942 and 1995 the Thais have a MUCH better way: go in temple and pray to overcome their bad karma, as.. THAT is the only way.

    And the politicians.. as their bank accounts are not full yet, whoy to loose money in moving mud, stones, concrete structures etc for dikes along the rivers ?

  11. Could you ever trap a Thai politicien on telling the truth ?

    I still remember how often bird flue was over in TH, despite newspaper full with casualties.

    Or no flooding / flooding over its peak etc, with still expanding problems.

    Payment to the people in the hurt areas..

    Now Euro…

    Be wiser: Euro went down from 43,45 till now 38,55, with result all Thai products 13 % more expensive. Seafreight went up from US$ 650 per 20 ft till now US$1975. No Thai ever cares, as horizon of thinking ends at FOB.

    Many EU citizens in financial problems, so do not even THINK of holidays far away.

    Never a Thai politician who collapses under knowledge of the situation.

  12. As importer of foods into the EU, also coming from Thailand, I have to be extremely careful about (forbidden) additives, contaminations and pesticide residues.

    Thai ( and other S.E. Asian) manufacrtueres have a complete diferent understanding of what is allowed compared with European standards.

    For instance: peanuts might contain alftoxine. So, in EU: total of 4 types max 4 ppm.

    A Thai company, making coconut-peanut sauce, with 7.5 % peanuts in, received a level of ..7 ppm. Or in other words: for the total of the used peanuts: 100ppm, 25 times the max tolerated level in the EU. Company BRC -IFS-ISO certified, but.. as soon as the certifiers are gone, ZERO raw materials inspection.

    For Carbofuran the EU published a EU directive for that: nr 2006-4-ECof 26 Jan 2006. Depending where the pesticide residue is found, 0,02 mg/kg (ppm)

    Rice and rice vermicelli, wheat (instant) noodles are tolerated to have only 10 mg/kg aluminium in it ( probably coming from the soil it grew on). But.. Thai manufacturers with any idea ? ZERO.

    Risk assessment is based on tolerable weekly intake 1 mg/kg b.w. (European Food Safety Authority). In SCOFCAH an action limit of 10 ppm (in rice noodles) was agreed.= Health & Consumers Directorate-General EU

    Rice products Thai origin rejected and destructed at EU border:

    Border reject 01/11/2011 nr 2011.CFQ by Finland: high content of aluminium (30 mg/kg - ppm) in vermicelli rice from Thailand

    Border reject at 18/04/2011 nr 2011.AWJ by Finland: high content of aluminium (67 mg/kg dry matter) in rice noodles from Thailand

    Border reject 20/12/2010 nr 2010.CGW by Finland: high content of aluminium (180 mg/kg - ppm) in rice noodle from Thailand

    For the links: direct to the EU rapid alert system of the EU food autority

    How is the Thai rice, as rice vermicelli is made out of rice (90%) and water ( 10%), no additives ? ? Or .. is everybody eating aluminium without Thai rice industry interested do do anything at all ?

    • Like 1
  13. As importer of foods into the EU, also coming from Thailand, I have to be extremely careful about (forbidden) additives, contaminations and pesticide residues.

    Thai ( and other S.E. Asian) manufacrtueres have a complete diferent understanding of what is allowed compared with European standards.

    For instance: peanuts might contain alftoxine. So, in EU: total of 4 types max 4 ppm.

    A Thai company, making coconut-peanut sauce, with 7.5 % peanuts in, received a level of ..7 ppm. Or in other words: for the total of the used peanuts: 100ppm, 25 times the max tolerated level in the EU. Company BRC -IFS-ISO certified, but.. as soon as the certifiers are gone, ZERO raw materials inspection.

    For Carbofuran the EU published a EU directive for that: nr 2006-4-ECof 26 Jan 2006. Depending where the pesticide residue is found, 0,02 mg/kg (ppm)

    Rice and rice vermicelli, wheat (instant) noodles are tolerated to have only 10 mg/kg aluminium in it ( probably coming from the soil it grew on). But.. Thai manufacturers with any idea ? ZERO.

    Risk assessment is based on tolerable weekly intake 1 mg/kg b.w. (European Food Safety Authority). In SCOFCAH an action limit of 10 ppm (in rice noodles) was agreed.= Health & Consumers Directorate-General EU

    Rice products Thai origin rejected and destructed at EU border:

    Border reject 01/11/2011 nr 2011.CFQ by Finland: high content of aluminium (30 mg/kg - ppm) in vermicelli rice from Thailand

    Border reject at 18/04/2011 nr 2011.AWJ by Finland: high content of aluminium (67 mg/kg dry matter) in rice noodles from Thailand

    Border reject 20/12/2010 nr 2010.CGW by Finland: high content of aluminium (180 mg/kg - ppm) in rice noodle from Thailand

    For the links: direct to the EU rapid alert system of the EU food autority

    How is the Thai rice, as rice vermicelli is made out of rice (90%) and water ( 10%), no additives ? ? Or .. is everybody eating aluminium without Thai rice industry interested do do anything at all ?

    • Like 2
  14. Of course no worry for the rich of Thailand or those, who can lift tax payers money into theri own.

    But.. when the Europeans are going to be more carefull with their money, they will buy.. Greek/Italian/Spanish peaches/apricots instead of Thai mango's, will travel to close-bye tourist destinations and will postpone a lot of other purchases.

    Second: they will lower the prices (in US$ / THB) of their industrial goods, being more competative, like to Thai made products.

    To understand that, you even do not need European high school economics but for sure more as Thai Gov'mt grade.

  15. The Thais did just as much as after the floods of 1942 and 1995: go in temple and light candles. As in the many centuries before, as Thais cannot make a planning one day after "prung nee".

    I come from a country half under the sea and river levels: Netherlands. We here started to build dikes already in Roman times, 2000 years ago, with the real construction process around 1050. In 1143 our dikes boulders were asked to do the same in what is now the area around Bremen and Hamburg.

    No foreign powder pressesd the present government upon the Thais, so it is their own responsability. Next time, when you sell your vote for a 20 or even 50 THB, think of the damage these elected crooks could to to YOUR tax miney

  16. THIS is the reason why I will NEVER invest one single baht in Thailand. NEVER, NEVER and NEVER the locals can be trusted as are in for one thing only: get as much money out of your into their pocket. Ladies ( and boys) offering certain services is as standard in Pattaya as the weather is hot ( for a west-European). Only ONE reason the farang owner is busted: not enough t-money at the right spot.


  17. A yes/no answer is impossible, for me at least.

    When I first moved here then yes, I looked forward to integrating.

    Now, a few years later, I accept that this will not happen and am no longer interested in integrating - I just do my best to ensure that I am not disliked!

    From 1993 I tried to get integrated, in 2006 I gave up any hope for that. NEVER, NEVER and NEVER a farang will be accepted by a Thai as equal.

  18. First of all: Thai students are NOT taught to SPEAK English ( sorry, it is more Thailish, on its max: Thanglish) , but to TRANSLATE . No wonder as a Thai teacher is already happy to be his students a half page ahead. Never any questions asked, so.. no need to have any Enlish knowledge. Even when studied some time at a “Western” Uni, I wonder what they did there.

    Second: as others already wrote: “been taught to be "afraid of making mistakes and afraid of the unknown ever since the day they were born... brainwashed that mistakes and "losing face or admitting fault and accountability" is a disgrace to the Nation of Thailand... And if anyone finds a fault, they're being shot dead silenced...”

    Third: Always follow His Supreme Knowledge, His Neverlasting Inspiration, His Continuous Source of Whisdom, His Always Being the Ultimate Decision Maker, His Never Failing Supremacy, called: Zhe BOZZ. Never any own suggestion, initiative, even advise, forget asking any explanation. Not Knowing = losing face, so .. better sit on your hands, tape your mouth as ever asking anything.

    The day comes, waiting for a traffic light a Thai will ask me with which leg to start walking when green light is already on. In the meantime, the Chinese already crossed, found a map of the area, planned a trip for that day, gathered info for what is possible in the evening, got all info for hotels, and contacted all prospects to introduce for a visit.

    Fourth: For all Thais I got known since I started doing business with Thailand in 1976: the Thai time horizon ends after “Prung Nee”. What might happen next week or even further away…any critical path decision line.. beyond the sky.

    Fifth: the Thais are so convinced about their own superiority (means: do not have an idea, what is happening / available outside Thailand) they are completely neglecting other ideas.

    So, when anyone even got the idea of THINKING about hiring one from far away: what he/she can do better as a local around the corner ? None ? ? So, skip the idea !

    That’s why there are so many expats working in Thailand on decision levels, and nearly only Thai ladies married with farangs here in the “West”.

    • Like 2
  19. What a nonsense..

    I import already Thai food products since 1976 as employee and since 1994 in my own company.

    So much is deverted to other origins, like Sri Lanka, Philippines, Southern China, Vietnam, India...

    Yes, Thai export to the EU grows, but could be at least twice the size as it is now.

    Compare it with the size of total consumption into the EU, and.. ok, Thais will continue to sleep anyhow.

  20. Thai people must be very blessed with a government always speaking the truthg, warn in time, and do their upmost for the Thai nation.

    Only: abroad they are so very busy..

    I tried several times to contact the Thai agricultural attachee at the EU in Brussels, as importer of Thai food products, but.. since 1994... only an automatic receipt of message back. Never any relevant reply.

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