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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. I'd have thought you'd want to get your teeth out of it.
  2. If I wanted an argument in the car I'd bring my wife along.
  3. Thinking outside the box; connect a webcam to the router and point it at it. If it's working you'll be able to see the lights flashing. If it's not, then you won't see anything because the camera will be offline. In addition, many of these camera apps allow you to set it so it sends an alarm when the camera does go offline, so you'll know right away.
  4. Because, in the words of his ex Chief of Staff, he's scared s-less. "“He’s scared s—less,” Kelly told The Washington Post. “This is the way he compensates for that. He gives people the appearance he doesn’t care by doing this.” ... ... “For the first time in his life, it looks like he’s being held accountable,” Kelly told the Post." John Kelly: Trump is ‘scared s—less’ | The Hill
  5. Just a little update on the situation with my son because some of you have been pretty concerned. Thank you for that. He's taken going to jail pretty hard. He's refusing all food, he's swearing and screaming and is highly unpleasant with anyone who comes near him. He's graffitied the walls and is refusing to wear clothes. As a family we're pretty united in our decision never to play Monopoly with him ever again
  6. I once spent 10 days in the ICU of an upcountry public hospital here. They saved my life. The care I received was excellent, and, if I compare it with my brother's tale of his recent experience in an Australian public hospital, far better than he got. I've also had stays in three different upcountry private hospitals - including one for an operation, and was very happy with the way I was treated in those too.
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