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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. A little boy goes to his father and asks, “Daddy, how was I born?” The father answers, “Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your mum and I first got together in a chat room. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your mum and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, and googled each other. There your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said: 'You've got male!'”
  2. A lonely frog telephoned the Psychic Hotline and asked what his future holds. His Personal Psychic Advisor tells him: "You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you." The frog is thrilled, "This is great! "Will I meet her at a party?" he croaks. "No," says the psychic, "in biology class."
  3. Finally I have proof. The earth is 80% water, and none of it is carbonated. So that means the earth is flat.
  4. To prevent anyone from desecrating his grave, Rolf Harris has been buried at sea. The exact location is not yet known, but apparently it's between two little buoys.
  5. This year's Asthma Marathon will be held on the 3rd-4th-5th-6th-7th and 8th of July 2023.
  6. A woman was sure that her husband was cheating on her, and having an affair with the maid. So she laid down a trap. One evening she suddenly sent the maid home for the weekend and didn't tell the husband. That night when they went to bed, the husband gave the old story: Excuse me my dear, my stomach aches, and went to the bathroom. The wife promptly went into the maid's bed. She switched the lights off. When he came in silently, he wasted no time or words but quickly got on top of her... When he finished and was still panting, the wife said: "You didn't expect to find me in this bed, did you?" And then she switched on the light... "No madam," said the gardener.
  7. I see Zero return in continuing with this increasingly bombing topic, which is frankly nose diving in a downward spiral. To do so would just be plane suicide.
  8. ballpoint

    an awful day

    Domestic buffalo. 1.72m at shoulders, 1.1 tonne...
  9. Almost correct, just one word missing. Everything he did was far right.
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