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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Medvedev making more threats: "British officials are now a "legitimate military target" for Moscow, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday, responding to remarks from the U.K.'s foreign secretary that Ukraine has the right to strike military targets inside Russian territory... ... "The goofy officials of the UK, our eternal enemy, should remember that within the framework of the universally accepted international law which regulates modern warfare, including the Hague and Geneva Conventions with their additional protocols, their state can also be qualified as being at war," wrote Medvedev.". British Officials 'Legitimate' Russia Targets After Storm Shadow Strikes (newsweek.com)
  2. Pay attention folks, and look over here. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus. That is all.
  3. This will be interesting. The dirt he and Trump can fling at each other will be hilarious, and also possibly incriminating.
  4. It's an old chestnut that's often wheeled out by Thai bashers, when the exact opposite is the truth: "Thailand has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Netherlands to help tackle floods and water management". Thailand taps Dutch expertise to tackle Bangkok's flooding problem (nationthailand.com)
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