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Posts posted by rakchaingmai

  1. Does anyone know where i can get a big key rack made up i want about 50 hooks i have one now with about 25 hooks but it's now to small i got it made up in the sunday walking street market about 4 years ago but the guy is not there anymore.

    have asked my wife so many times but she don't seem to answer me or i never get a straight answer.

  2. it's up soi chang khain .

    get on huay kaew road get to dunkin donuts drive until you can do a u-turn when you see 7-11 on the road turn left up the soi next to it keep driving up the soi until you get to a small round a bout take the 2nd exit on the right and drive straight until you come to a sign on your right that says centre of the universe

  3. I found noi's place last night after searching for 2 years as he used to be on the university but one day just up sticks and didn't tell me .

    I was a very good customer of his and i was surprised how well he's english has got as i used to sit there and teach him.

    my wife was pregnant before and now we have a child nearly 2 years old so it was nice to catch up last night.

    The food is much better now then it was not that it wasn't good before because it was but it's just got 10 times better.

  4. Those elcheapo local made Sanyos and whirlpools do work....but insulation is bad and no thermostat....

    That's exactly the problem. I want an oven where I can slect a temperature and that is the temperature it will be (thermostatically controlled)! Not too much to ask really...

    My oven is so badly insulated that if you pull out the bottom tray you can see the floor... The net effect of the terrible insulation is that it seems to overcook the base of cakes before the top has browned. My mother, who is a very experienced home and commercial baker, has used lots of different ovens in her time but reckons mine is the winner in terms of being the worst oven she has ever used...

    If it's going to be 30,000 for a new oven I might have to try and pick-up a good second-hand one... :annoyed:

    I must have the same oven as you i think as mine does that also i bought like 4 years ago and i can never get it right seems to burn the bottoms of everything while the middle is still cold.

  5. Has anyone actually answered the original question here .

    there are loads of places here but the one i do know is down the road of mikes burger in town near spicy not sure of the road name the school is half way down that road on the right hand side.

    They don't do by the hour but they do a course for like 1400 baht or something like that it was a few years ago that my wife done it .

    There is a course on the outer ring road that they take you on you go round a few cones and do a hill stop.

  6. OK, as suggested I did a search of "khao soy". I found the three places below that got lots of praise. Can anyone give me good directions to them? Keep in mind we live in Bangkok not Chiang Mai so although we have been to CM a number of times we are still not real familiar with the city.

    1. Just Khao Soy

    2. Khao soy Lamduan

    3. Khao soy Samoe Jai

    4. Also mentioned was a place on the superhighway but no name given. The poster said there were many pics of Taksin in the restaurant.

    No. 4 is actually (I think that's the place you are referring to) right next to Khao Soy Lamduan in Faham and is much better than Lamduan. It is on the opposite side of the street just a few meters away from Lamduan.

    4. it's on the left before you turn down kwang sing road as you are going to mae rim.

  7. Behind the old siam t.v they have good khao soi it's not the spicy type like the thais like it but it's very good.

    The one on the superhighway is very good also but it is spicy it kind of blew my head off really but the taste was good .

  8. I'm 30 years old met my wife in thailand 7 years ago and i support the wife and 2 kids (1 mine) 1 previous marriage and we go though about 30,000 baht a month Most days we eat thai food but on a sunday we will go out and get some farrang food .

    I work here and only get 20,000 a month but i also have a business here but i am trying to build it up slowly so most of the income we get from that goes back into the business .

    been here for 4 years and just trying to get more income slowly hopefully in a fews years time it will pay off.

    it's nappies and milk that cost the most money which makro seems to be the best for us and i got school fees coming up next year for my daughter .

    so that will be the budget out the window.

  9. I put on my jogging bottoms and jacket last night all the farrangs at the gym were looking at me like what the h@ll is this guy doing wearing a jacket as most of them have just come over from abroad.

  10. There is a small sports shop just before the traffic lights near the three kings monument on the right hand side i would take a look in there they have many things for exercise and running.

    The prices are properly better then in the shopping centre's .

    If you want weight lifting stuff i do know a website thats in thailand they send the stuff up the next day pm for details.

  11. The blind massage in santitam sorry if i got the spelling wrong there is 2 good guys that work there chai wat and nom very very good and painful but thats the way i like my massages .

    it's 100 baht an hour for fan room and i think 130 for an air con room .

    Go past central going towards the city turn left at the first traffic lights just before you get to the little bridge turn left before it when you get up to the round a bout take the third exit look for the yellow sign on your left hand side.

    There is a place in mae rim i also know that help disabled people try to walk again it has a sauna there also and is in the middle of a field very relaxing sauna is 100 baht and massage 150 for an hour.

    if anyone wants details of the mae rim one just pm me as its quite difficult to explain.

  12. The queens restaurant at the bottom of doi sutep near the police station do a lovely pork steak and there salad's are amazing vegetables are from the royal project and the prices are reasonable .

    but for cheap and cheerful i like (pad see eel -rad na )the big thai noodles cooked with kale on kwang sing road just as you go over from the superhighway it's on the left hand side lots of thais there everyday 30 baht .

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