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Posts posted by jaideeguy

  1. So many opinions, so many criticisms, so many ''Xspurts''. I.ve raised and trained many dogs in my illustrious life, had only 1 dog that was intent on killing any and all chickens he could catch. Neighbors threatened to shoot him, the next time he killed one of their chickens. I had a lot of money tied up in this animal, so I did the grotesque and ''inhumane''thing. I took the last chicken he killed, and duct taped it to the back of his neck. I used enough duct tape to stick to him without being tight and come off. When the chicken had rotted, smelled so bad you couldnt get near the dog, and he had exhausted himself, daily trying to get that off of himself, and chicken parts were falling off, I finally cut the tape, wearing a mask and gloves, gave him baths with baking soda, vinegar, and shampoo. That dog, not only never went near a chicken again, if one just wandered in his direction, he would circle wide to avoid it. End of story.

    As the OP, my apologies for not replying to the so many suggestions while my internet was down. Lots of conflicting ideas and tend to lean towards the one above. He has not yet caught and killed a chicken....................it's just play for him and I've chased him off before anything but feathers were gone, but I've had dogs in the past that once they get a taste of a chicken, they don't stop.


    I've heard about that method before and so far, it sounds the most humane, but a bit smelly and miserable for those around him..

    Also, let me clarify my mistake in the OP. I should have said 60 lbs, not 60 kilos, but it's all muscle and he's still growing.

    thanks for all the feedback.............

  2. That would be an interesting tour company theme.

    Drive people around to eat exotic meals and drink moonshine.

    End up at the night safari for Tiger nuggets wrapped in bacon.

    Call it bizarre foods Chiang Mai etc.

    Does it already exist?

    Great idea, but it would be a smart to have anyone brave enough do do it to take an anti parasitic and maybe antibiotics before and after and have them sign a waiver of non responsibility to the 'tour company' and for sure, make sure they have designated drivers.

  3. Diall 006 then 1 then the number when using a cell phone.

    Thats how I did it yesterday. ( I am on true network) 1.5 baht per minute

    Thanks Charlie, I'll give that a try tomorrow morn, as all my contacts are sleeping now. Does that work on DTAC or is TRUE only??

    I did manage to find this on google http://www.cthai.com/ , where you can call US for under a THB per minute, but as far as I can see on their website, you have to pay with your credit card and you buy a card with credit and a pin number. Would give it a try if I could purchase it a shop. Anyone else try this??

  4. We have a 10+ month old mixed Thai breed dog that we keep in the confinement of our large fenced yard most of the day and give him [and us] a romp in the morning and once he gets out of the yard, he often bolts to our chickens until he catches one. This dog is only 60 kilos, but all muscle and uncontrollable and hyperactive.

    I say casteration may help calm him down, but the wife doesn't see it that way........................any other suggestions??

  5. just found this on google and it seemed to work,

    To call United States from Thailand, dial:
    001 - 1 - Area Code - Land Phone Number
    001 - 1 - 10 Digit Mobile Number

    but when I dialed it, I got their answering machine............left a short message and hung up..........less than a minute and cost about 20THB

    Not too cheap, so now asking if there are any of those discount discount calling cards like they have in the US for calling international at greatly discounted rates??

  6. Yeah, keep the 'money cows' drunk, happy and blind to what's really happening in this amazing Thailand. They will go home with a big party hangover and spread the word that military rule is no problem, you can still drink all night and get laid by girls half their age.

    • Like 1
  7. The men from Bergdahl's unit feel that he instructed the Taliban on tactics to make those IEDs more effective. They say that the IEDS were not very effective until he deserted and became much more so pretty much instantly. Giving away information that harmed his fellow soldiers would mean that he was a turncoat for sure and would make him responsible for many, many American deaths.

    If that allegation were proven true then we would indeed by dealing with something far more significant than desertion. All the more reason to get him back in a trade and debrief him

    To see just highly convoluted this can become, I highly recommend watching the fictional Israeli TV series "Prisoners of War", the subtitled version which can be found on ROKU in the US. This series was the basis for the popular US TV series "Homeland".

    This whole story seems to be developing into an episode of 'Homeland'. The physical resemblance of Bowe is so close to a younger Brodie and his parents look so much like Brodie and his wife. Lets just hope that they don't let him bet involved in politics.

  8. If there are any 'Homeland' fans out there, then you'll know what I mean in my topic title. Brodie was the lead character in the hit TV series 'homeland' that centered around a released POW after many years in captivity in the middle east and his adjustment to USA after all those years and the question as to weather he 'turned' into a spy.

    check this out and especially the resemblance in the photo of both Bowe and his wife.


    Seems like a scene from Homeland to me..............

  9. No Way Jose!! I won't even live in the same province as them and I made it clear in the beginning that was the way it would be and at first, the wife pouted, but now she is glad it's that way. We just have totally different lifestyles and so many problem$ will arise, especially since you are the falang paying the bills.

    • Like 1
  10. Makro also sells fresh cleaned garlic in the produce dept by the kilo and you just gave me an idea of buying a half kilo and run it thru the blender into a paste and store it in a jar in the fridge. Wonder if it will keep it's color and flavor?? Thanks for the idea.

  11. I think that I was one of the first to hook up to TOT's wi-net with the tower on Doi Saket about 2 years ago and finally I was getting what I was paying for...........screaming at10mb down and 1 mb up and I was a totally satisfied customer until about a month ago and it slowed to a crawl. Mostly the UP speeds have dropped to .1mb and the Down speeds dropped to average 3 mb on a good day.

    Been into the office several times and they send their lazy retarded monkeys out and say it's fixed..........but not.

    Just wondering if there are others getting their signal off the Doi Saket tower and having problems??

    Or, can anyone offer any other alternatives to TOT for decent speeds that will work with VOIP [skype and magicjack].

    seems like just another case of the internet vendor overselling their capacity to deliver.

  12. Just received mine this last week and will be in the mail asap. They keep sending mine to my former married name and I make a note to them to update it every time for a few years now and they don't seem to read the 'remarks' space. Now you have me scared to contact them in Manila to correct this small mistake, as I don't want to rock the boat..............

  13. harryfrompattaya [your name says it all].................my wife is not from Pattaya and what you are implying could be true with the girls you hang out with there. We've been happily married with children for 13 years.............the longest that I've ever been with a woman and I trust her all the way. She has had many opportunities to take a lot more from me and has shown me that she can be trusted more than I trust any other Thai. More than I can say for the white feminazi that I was previously married to........

    • Like 2
  14. There used to be a small Vietnamese restaurant in the old annex outside the Maechok plaza before the big remodel. It was located directly below the new 2nd floor VN restaurant and the owner was from VN, very friendly spoke excellent English and was a great cook.

    She expanded her operations and opened another restaurant in the Rimping by the river, but they both closed down and I wonder if she is still around and has another restaurant?? I really liked her food and friendliness. If anyone knows, please tell..............

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