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Posts posted by jaideeguy

  1. North and south Cebu island and the surrounding islands are great and plenty to chose from, but having been to Cebu City too many times, I would rate it only 2nd to Manila for filth, poverty, crime, scammers, costs, quality of food and accommodation ............but as mentioned, the Visayan women are the most beautiful in the country, if you like the Malaysian and Spanish mixes.

    my 2 pisos..........

  2. I buy 35% HCL at swimming pool shops and it can be used to clean toilets, tile and other stubborn calcium based stains. DO TAKE PROPER PRECAUTIONS, as it is dangerous stuff to work with. Use rubber gloves and a proper respirator and NEVER add water to acid.....................always add acid to water....................fumes can knock you out and damage your lungs.

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  3. I've tried them all over the years, from fancy espresso machines to simple drip coffee makers and always return to the kind that the OP was seeking. I used to find them at Rimping, but they were made from this brittle plastic that broke if dropped. I finally had my brother bring me a couple of the real original Melita brand cones that are made of a soft plastic that bounces when dropped.

    To save a little paper [and baht], you can gently rinse the filters out and get as many as 10 uses out of it. I also prefer using the round basket type of paper filters, as they are easier to rinse, but haven't found them here so I have friends schlep them over for me.

  4. Wow, lots of response yesterday, mostly positive with an exception of one idiot accusing me of going to be a welfare bum..............apparently you didn't read my OP, as I mentioned that I should have substantial savings to sponsor and can arrange a co-sponsor if needed. Also, I feel confident in getting my VA claim processed that should get me off poverty level with income. My wife is willing and able to go to work after stepping off the plane and we have jobs offered upon arrival, but I'll play tour guide and show her the island for a few weeks.

    Re: some of the input on going the tourist route, we've already committed [retained] a BKK attorney for the immigrant route that we feel comfortable with and will continue working with him. He'll take care of all the translating, advise us [so far, he's answered every phone call within 5 rings] and is located in the building across the street from the embassy.

    to gumball.............

    'My tax dollars will go directly to supporting you and your family.'

    My tax dollars too and my service to my country that gave me a fatal disease qualify me in my eyes.

    'You elected to retire early in life, and now do not have a penny to your name.'

    Wanna bet???

  5. Regarding medical needs here in LOS..............when you're young and healthy, the Thai system is quite affordable and decent quality for minor things, but as you age to the 'golden years' [over 65], the scales tip towards the US with the medical safety net.

    I've been able to self insure here for more than a decade, but some serious medical conditions are catching up with me @ 67years of age and the sad fact is that the Thai system is quite lacking as well as becoming more expensive when it comes to dealing with the elderly. I witnessed that with my Father's last 5 years ending in death with me caregiving him here and seeing the short comings of the system.

    Did you know that there are no geriatrics specialists here?? and no hospice for when 'the time comes'.

    My liver is compromised by hepatitis C and the new cures are not even known here and the system here is 10 to 20 years behind the west.

    Bottom line, LOS is a great country for the young, but is not the best place to be old and have a condition that requires the latest cutting edge meds tor tx, and not the best country to be in any kind of pain, where the only way to get the heavy duty pain meds is IN the hospital. None can be administered at home.

    • Like 1
  6. Assuming you were talking about the Jacksonville area, I just did a quick check on the area and found real estate prices quite low, but the weather channel says that it's hot and muggy.

    My quick check method is to locate a place on Craigslist and check housing prices, then a weather check to see if it is in my comfort zone of 70f to 80f. If it qualifies, then I investigate further...........population, Asian grocery stores, Thai restaurants [for the wife], school, crime rate and medical facilities.

    Having established that most on this thread are single and free to go anywhere they want [lucky dogs] and I'm [happily] encumbered with a Thai wife and kids, I may start another thread for any input from others like me.

  7. Have you ever lived in Texas?

    No, but I own rentals there. Spend a lot of time there.

    I'm still waiting for someone to come up with a better alternative for the returning expat on a budget, considering home costs, weather, etc.

    North East Florida

    No state tax, world class medical facilities, low crime, inexpensive real-estate,low property tax, property tax increase limited to 3% per year, warm weather, low energy costs, Lot's of fun places to visit. great fishing, ten min to beach, etc.

    Large Thai communities, Many asian markets, Good schools

    Sounds good, suggest a few places please.........

  8. Well, I got a bit overwhelmed by the paperwork and all the conflicting advise given me on this topic and decided to go with Ben Hart, an attorney in BKK after consulting with him by phone and his reasonable fee quotation for processing my family's visa and so far I'm quite pleased with his professionalism and quick replies to my many questions.

    I will post the results as they occur...............

  9. My house in CM has been on and off the market for 2+ years now and it seems like a buyer's market with so much other inventory on the market. It was suggested to me to try offering owner financing, which is a common practice in the US. I've done well with owner financing in receiving 10% interest on one house sale, but I have never heard of selling a house that way here in LOS.

    Is it done here??

    If so, then what % down payment and what % interest is normal for a residential house sale??

    And how to do a credit check as my house would appeal to a foreigner??

    Would assume that a knowledgeable local attorney would be needed to draw up a contract.

    Any input, experiences and/or suggestions appreciated

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  10. Just consulted with my friendly banker who altho is not a manager, she has run the show at our local BKK Bank and speaks excellent English. She says no problem in transfering my 800,000thb retirement funds back in US$ at the current rates - 20 satang/thb.

    As far as transferring larger amounts such as proceeds from a house sale, it's a bit complicated for me to do it, but no problem for a Thai national to transfer to a foreign bank but they will have to pay taxes on the money. Luckily I trust my wife........

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  11. Wife just read on her faithful facebook that the military round all the leaders up and hauled them away...................[hopefully in a small room with hammers for each one] and let them work it out for themselves. Hopefully it will be filmed for us to see at a later date.

    Makes me wonder if/or when they'll shut down the internet, which is much more dangerous than the propaganda TV.

  12. My family just got their passports up here in CM and there was a very long queue, but not that long. It seems that our yellow shirted friends have been occupying the BKK office and folks are having to go to the distant provinces to process their passports. Family got their queue card a little after 8am and were finished by noon.

    It seems that a lot of Thais are seeking passports.............wonder why??

  13. Get the missus to give a call to the store manager (not just the person who answers the phone).

    "Hello, I want ot buy chicken, what time do you sell chicken today?"

    If he doesn't t know what you're talking about tell him the story. It might change things.

    And while you have the manager on the phone, tell him to SHUT OFF THOSE DAMN SPEAKERS BLASTING NOISE FROM TESCO RADIO!!!........please

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