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Everything posted by PaulDee

  1. First I've learned of it as well. How can I arrange to attend in person? 🤪
  2. Yes! All twelve demand the change, and three went to far as to raise their fists!
  3. Sincere thanks to all for the pizza reviews. My favorite still is the Neapolitan pie (Margharita, of course) at HOP on Beach Road. That said, I must point out that I'm from New York and HOP almost has replicated NY pizza. With that thought in mind, it would be helpful if posters revealed where they grew up; it makes a big difference in pizza preferences/opinions. I'm off to sample Nickie's today! Baci Baci
  4. If you're in Pattaya, take the books to the next breakfast meeting of the Pattaya City Expats Club where the books will be made available free to members. As an alternative, take your books to Canterbury Tales (used book store) for a store credit. If you're not in Pattaya, check local listings for similar groups/stores.
  5. But now, WHAT?
  6. Thank you both for your comments. I will be visiting True this afternoon to arrange TV service. (Is access to Netflix included in the monthly fee?) And must I know what "2 Gbps up/down True" is before I commit?
  7. And yet, we stay...at least until the new and confusing tax regulations go into effect!????
  8. Yes!
  9. Try the Pizza Margharita at Hops, Beach Road, Pattaya. The best in Thailand.
  10. More and more lately. Good point.
  11. Since Pattaya Mail discontinued publication of Sophon Cable's TV schedule, I have sent several queries to both (P.M. and Sophon) asking for alternative sources of listings. No response from either. (No surprise there! TIT)
  12. I just asked that question of Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. They said they do not have the vaccine now. When they again have a supply, they will make a public announcement.
  13. PaulDee

    TV Listings?

    Where are listings for current TV offerings on Sophon? Pattaya Mail provides listings through the week of October 17 (and for YEARS past). The publication has not responded to my queries related to updated info. Same for Sophon.
  14. One more reason to quit smoking ☠️
  15. Check out Phyathai Hospital's year-end annual exam offerings available until 31 December 2022. The check up center is open seven days a week from 8 am. For more information, call Gavin Waddell--089 7500293. Or Email: [email protected] you can fit.pdfAll you can fit.pdf
  16. Need the fuzzies, too, for nips...and gays kissing.
  17. I asked that same question a month ago... and got the same answer ????
  18. Thank you, LongReach, For your excellent reply. I'll brush up on my Thai language skills and give the Vet a call. Paul
  19. Thank you, Jingthing, For posting that info. I got a new passport in the mail just last week and would have jumped at the opportunity to pay a local agent to handle it. The process in doing it myself was nerve-wracking and time consuming--including the need to drive to Naklua to pick up my new passport at the post office. I'll call that agent when I need my passport renewed...in 10 years. Thanks again, Paul
  20. Two months ago I installed a water heater with a plastic 'chamber.' Two days ago I replaced it with a unit that has copper because the plastic chamber melted, springing a leak. The unit I bought at Home Pro came with a free water filter that attached to the water heater.
  21. My site search led me right back here!
  22. Where/How do I find Plants, Pets & Vets in Thailand forum?
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