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Everything posted by brommers

  1. I have drunk alcohol all my life and nothing is going to change my behaviour. Young people have brains and some education and are quite capable of making informed decisions, so these so-called scare labels bring nothing to the debate on the use of alcohol. Drawing parallels with cigarettes is erroneous because tobacco smoke was a problem for many who objected to passive smoking, my drinking affects no-one but me. The problem of alcohol related driving accidents is more a pedestrian issue than a driver one and scare labels will not address the inherent irresponsibility of the population. So get your nanny state out of my hair and spend time on educating children on social responsibility.
  2. Great, so we are trying to get into bed with three manufacurers that are hardly successful with EVs. Merc just announced it no longer plans to be totally electric by 2030 because sales of EVs is below forecast, VW has similar sales problems plus it's products are below par in all important electronics systems and BMW produce wildly expensive vehicles that are not reliable and appeal to only the top 2% of the market.
  3. There will be minimal reductions in booze prices because the increase in minimum wages will add to operating costs. So says my local bar owner.
  4. It is about time that COVID vaccine was as readily available as flu vaccine. There can be no reason to restrict it's availability. There is no was I am going to the inconvenient hospitals where it is available in Chiang Mai but I would happily combine it and pay for it along with my flu vaccination at the private clinic that I use.
  5. In the US there are many cases of solar panel installers going bankrupt recently, including some of the very largest. So the fact that a small manufacturer is in trouble is a knock on effect that will hit many more.
  6. Significant counterfeit operation! It is little more than a few sachets, plastic bowls and implements on a kitchen table. The RTP are not shy to wildly inflate their competence 555.
  7. Fine as sustainability may be the fact remains that the roads will still be littered with idiot songtaew drivers and the vehicle owner mafia will still prevent CM developing a decent public transport system. CMU should apply its vast intellect to getting rid of the old corruption and bringing in a truly effective multi modal transport network. Only then will this city be rid of the polluters and road hogs that clog our roads.
  8. Animals should not be kept in any form of captivity be it a zoo, a circus, a night safari or anything else. I visited the Night Safari years ago and left feeling depressed because of the condition of the animals. Not long after, some dolt involved in running the place even suggested that the restaurants should be serving "exotic" meats such as zebra! This place is a legacy of the initial Thaksin era and needs to be wipe off the face of the earth. Chiang Mai would be the better for its closure.
  9. Someone is smoking ganja! The figures, such as they are, show that global tourism trends have changed over the last 2 years and Thailand is no longer the Teflon Thailand of old. Themix of international travellers has been radically changed by eve ts like the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the sagging Chinese economy, and many other issues. Making ludicrous statents such as in this report merely highlights the naiveté of the author.
  10. Gasps and clutches pearls! When will I be able to buys these in Rimping stores?
  11. In pre pandemic times I had at least 4 US friends and 2 Brits spend 4 months here every year. In fact the Brits have a large house here, but not one of the has returned nor I tends to return. The reason is Pollution. They see no reason to spend many hours flying here only to have to breathe in the kind of muck that farmers and others pump into the air for month after month. So they are visiting countries nearer home, taking cruises and have no intention of holidaying here ever again.
  12. As ever the beribboned louts who have bribed their way to the top of the army show their immunity to any form of negative event. The whole top rank in this squad should be sacked not just the creep who assaulted the lady. Until the armed forces are rid of the incompetents who rule like gods institutions like the RTA, RTN and RTP will continue to behave like they are untouchable. The government needs to step in immediately but as we know there are too many old military types in power.
  13. Ever wonder why this type of monorail system is used by very few operators worldwide? There was already plenty of public complaint about the bumpy ride and the low capacity of the trains. And now kilometres of the live rail literally fall off and lie in the street! This whole operation should be closed until international experts have been brought in to conduct a real investigation, not the instant blame passin of some local loudmouth who says soil is the cause. Public lives are at risk here.
  14. O S Thai Visa, soi 6 Nimmanhaemin. Used them for years and always pleasantly efficient.
  15. The most potent soft power is when you tread on dog sh*t and it sticks to your shoe and the smell lingers.
  16. This will not create new significant business for bars and clubs because almost no one has unlimited spending money. Add to this the stipulations for bars etc to monitor customer sobriety, call friends or family to pick up drivers too drunk to drive, provide sobering up areas etc are simply ludicrous. Only RTP will gain by being given more opportunities to extract bribes from bars and their customers on top of the weekly payments they already demand. My partner will not stay open beyond 2 am because the staff deserve decent working hours and time to sleep after dealing with 8 hours of work and they are not going to be asked to act as surrogate police.
  17. Making bars into surrogate police merely hands a new tea money raising exercise to the real BiB who already extort huge amounts from the nighttime economy. And whoever thinks that bar staff will be able to discipline a drunken customer is dreaming. Who will pay the extra medical bills for staff injured by outraged customers? This whole thing is utterly ridiculous and my partner's bar will definitely not stay open till 4am to sell to the drunken dregs of society.
  18. Oops, someone has suddenly realised it is difficult to skimp off the usual "tea money" amount from e tickets, and the bosses will not be happy.
  19. No one pays real attention to the hyperventilating TAT spokespersons. Maybe it hits 25 million this year or maybe not. The real issue is that the Chinese do not want to visit, a 54000 person survey by Weibo shows that 85% of Chinese travellers do not want to visit SEA. Only 1% of Indians travel overseas but mostly for VFR, so that's not a promising market and most of the western countries have radically changed travel patterns with long haul like Thailand being low down on the list of destinations. Thailand is no longer the gilded child of tourism and is sinking into being a secondary destination.
  20. Surely Prayuth solved the problem years ago when he came here by private jet, flew by helicopter to an army base and handed out 100 firebeaters and some leaf blowers.!
  21. An increase in online searches does not translate to business. Since grovelling to China bookings have slumped and 10 Chinese airlines have halved flight plans because of poor bookings. This article is little more than an attempt to talk up a business that is experiencing zero positive result from visa free policies.
  22. Rotfl. Can anyone see the mafia that controls this industry being even one percent interested in pollution. The only thing they care about is ensuring that the city never has an effective public transport system that would wipe these leeches off the face of the earth.
  23. Merely words. It would be more effective if everyone was given a traditional paper fan and were told to stand outside at the same time and waft it around. No doubt that petrol powered giant fan at Thapae will make it's annual appearance too.
  24. Methinks someone thinks SGN is Singapore 555, when it is in fact for HCMC , assigned in the days when it was known as Saigon.
  25. Ha ha, how many people want the government to really know what their income is? And as for a spending boost to the economy, forget it. Most will take the opportunity to reduce their debts to money lenders so there will only be a boost to their bank accounts and not to spending on goods.
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