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Everything posted by brommers

  1. It is all irrelevant. This ruling cadre arrived using guns, arrests, attitude adjustment and more violence against innocent citizens, and they will do whatever they think necessary to maintain their definition of public order. Covid provided them with a shield to hide behind and they will not give up the Emergency Decree even when the disease becomes endemic. They might delete it in its current format but it will reappear under another disguise because these rulers see that a future election will result in their demise, a situation they will not allow.
  2. This is the usual whistling in the dark from an incompetent ministry. As for the CCSA it is about time the medics were put back in their cage and returned to doing what they are trained for. What they are not is a lifestyle enforcer. As for a recovery of tourism, an eyelid flicker from a comatose patient is an improvement, and right now vast swathes of the tourism infrastructure are comatose but hasn't ever been afforded life support so any recovery is far from guaranteed and a long way off.
  3. It's about time these holier than thou medics were put back in their cages. They are here to treat sickness & injury, not to be policemen. Before long they will be visiting food shops and banning the sales of a myriad of food because it is fattening or too salty. Doctors are nothing more than service engineers on the human body who have been allowed to connthenpubkic into thinking they are god's.
  4. For sure the cops are busy trying to get their tea money. A venue I know was visited by a plain clothes ”officer" many days ago and offered anything up to 3 hours beyond the official closing time! And at least one venue in town is already paying a reputed 200 000 baht per month, which needs one heck of a lot of cold quot yai extra sales to cover that cost. It will be many moons before there are enough customers allowed into a bar to make it profitable. The current restrictions and added costs are making it marginal right now. Which is all part of the plan to starve the nightlife industry out of existence.
  5. The shop you are looking for is up the stairs not on the ground floor. He just worked on a Samsung tablet for me and it cost one tenth of what I was quoted by Samsung. And he kept in touch with me about progress.
  6. Got rid of my solar water heater array because it was difficult to control the temperature and promoted excessive algae growth. Replaced it with a heat pump which was more manageable. Siam Pool is probably the place to go for information and installation.
  7. A second vote for BeFixed in Meechok Plaza, 2nd floor adjacent to Rimping. Very obliging, not expensive and knows what he is doing.
  8. If we don't have to wear masks I will have to go back to trimming my nose hairs, shaving every day & brushing my teeth!
  9. Rimping Meechok have a cabinet of frozen meals that are made by Tulou. Not wildly expensive and pretty good quality.
  10. This is the Chiang Mai forum! My guess he is in or near that city.
  11. WHO is a creature of the establishment wherever it goes so it spends huge amounts of time licking the boots of self-agrandising despots. Anutin fits into their model very well. If WHO wanted to recognise those who really were effective in Thailand they would recognise the general population and most specifically the health workers who carried the real burden of care and vaccination. But of course we know that this would mean they had to mix with "little people" which of course does not suit their predilection to suck up to the power brokers.
  12. Forget about the changes because they still do not put Thailand on par with many other destinations. Look at the experience that tourist will have when they get here and it is not good. Bars forced to operate as restaurants and many restrictions on social distancing, dancing etc. Many businesses closed leaving ghost towns. And it's a long flight from the main markets in the Americas & Europe who have many better alternatives. And as for the new saviours India it remains to be seen if there is anything like a large volume wanting to visit. All in all this set of changes are really little more than tinkering at the margins.
  13. Oh, so the little loudmouth has been invisible for a few days and felt the need to see his face in the media & he comes back with precisely nothing of interest. Why is he even given a square centimetre of coverage of this drivel?
  14. What is this thread trying to say?. So you did a few things in life, so what?
  15. So the government is telling us not to gather in large numbers but it is also organising events to attract large numbers! I hope the hospitals will be tracking where people are infected and holding TAT responsible for every last case that is due to their stupid gatherings.
  16. Why would you expect a Scandinavian restaurant to produce a German dish? Norden is definitely a very good restaurant that I visit regularly but surely a German restaurant would be a more sensible choice, like Auf Der Au if it is still in business.
  17. If you are leaving your house empty for days you should do what my neighbour, a senior RTP member does. He leaves the light on permanently in his upstairs toilet! Now that's a smart idea.
  18. So they want to promote a sport that contributes hugely to brain damage amongst participants! Not surpring when you look at the average intellect of military top brass who are supposedly running this country.
  19. Pipper has been in Rimping for at least 5 years, in fragrances & fragrance free varieties. They also used to stock 7th Generation but seemingly no longer do so.
  20. Gosh, I can picture the many sleepless nights these officials are having in their search to take the correct decisions. Thailand awaits!
  21. As a billionaire it is easy for this dolt to tell businesses to be patient and wait another year. In another year there will have been more bankruptcies of businesses that have in no way contributed to the spreading of Covid because they are asking for an outdoor event where transmission is at a minimum. Singapore is able to hold a water war this year so why not Thailand? Only because those in power are intent on keeping their jackboots on the throats of the Thai people.
  22. Chiang Mai has cancelled the use of CM Chana as per a meeting on March 2nd. So no downloading and registration is required. It is possible that Vietjet have not yet been informed but you could refer them to the relevant article on the CM108 website, www.cm108.com. It is in Thai but you can get Google to translate it for you.
  23. Methinks that Uncle Sam had a word with Uncle Too and told him to remember that his is only holding on to the title of PM because the US has put no pressure on him to return the country to true democracy. But this could change very easily if Thailand goes soft on the war criminal Putin and his gang of oligarch louts.
  24. The DDC\CCSA are simply trying to create a fog of numbers that they can use to continue their stranglehold on Thai people. In Chiang Mai the current figures show that Covid has a lower rate of morbidity\mortality than does common influenza, and so the authorities will cease to issue daily numbers & only report every two weeks. The central government is terrified of losing its controls on the population because they know that very soon there will be a return to political demonstrations. So they will hide behind the health issue until there is the inevitable run up to a greatly needed election.
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