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Posts posted by creck

  1. 5 THINGS......To make sure you do




    DONT GO TO PATPONG (Tourist Trap)


    Have Fun and stay safe !:jap:

    Very good advice - very good

  2. Most of my close friends are Thai. I find them the most generous, gracious and kind people with no bias against foreigners. I guess you don't mix with the same class of Thais that I do. How many close Thai friends do you have?

    I have a good friend that was married for 18 years to a woman he obviously thought he knew. One night the sherrif arrived at his house around midnight and kicked him out. His wife had lied and claimed he beat her, and immediately started divorce proceedings. Several years later this poor bloke learned that his wife had told several friends that she was marrying this guy only until her extremely wealthy (as in million$) mother died. This was BEFORE she married him. He had no clue whatsoever, and though that their love was perfect. After waiting almost twenty years, she finally took matters into her own hands and suffocated her ninety-some year old mother. Two months later, she kicked herjhusband out and tried to get him jailed in order to avoid having to share the inheritance. In all that time nobody warned the poor jerk because they were all told a running stream of stories by the wife how bad he was to her, and so they all felt the bastard had it coming. Only years later, after the smoke finally cleared, and the ex-wife started showing her true colors did the reports slowly filter in to the husband.

    The moral of the story: Just because you live with someone for decades doesn't mean you know their heart. Just because a person smiles at you and says nice things, it doesn't mean that they don't have some deep resentments against you.

    I, too, believe I have wonderful, sincere Thai friends. But every once in a while something will happen that does show a somewhat "confused" attitude towards farang. Well, maybe schitzophrenic is a better word. On the one hand they often attribute almost superhuman powers to the farang, and other times they seem to feel utterly superiour and contemptuous. Most of the time, however, they seem like the nicest people in the world.

    Me, I'd be afraid to make an announcement about what is going on in someone else's heart, especially someone from such a different culture and socioeconomic background.

    I think this story shows that some women are never sincere. Maybe some men are similar. The important fact seems to be that he was rich enough. It could have been any nationality involved on either side. Just happened to have rather more possibility here in Thailand, that she was Thai and he foreign.

  3. Acid attacks (or industrial accident my ass!), another IED attack in Yala, murders of foreigners, weaseling politicians, cops who take bribes, Thacksin coming back, floods, bad drivers, xenophobia -on and on it goes. Gloom, despair and agony on me. I still recall why I came here, and I do not miss the mass shootings, kidnappings, rapes, gang-bangers, lying & gutless politicians, political correctness, high taxes and prices in America. $4/gal. gasoline, the Timothy McVeys, 55,000highway traffic deaths a year, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, greedy businessmen, the work-addicted.

    I know Thailand is not Utopia. But for me, the good still outweighs the bad. Like Lily Tomlin said: "You can't be too cynical. It is impossible to keep up."

    I hope including road traffic accident deaths in yr reason for coming to LOS was just laziness on yr part. True, USA is not nearly at the standards of the EU, (USA has about three times as many deaths/vehicle as the UK for example.) but Thailand has about one and a half times as many deaths/vehicle than in the USA. Useful link - www.advanceddrivers.com/info_80002.htm

  4. The caliber of the staff at an embassy is an indicator of the importance of the host country to the originating country. I would think that a Moslem Ambassador would be most useful in an Islamic country, he would be more in tune with the culture of that country. Having a Moslem dealing with mostly Christians in a Buddhist country, sounds like the classic square peg in the round hole.

    This is the most to the point, and sensible comment about the new Ambassador in this thread.

    Was he really the best man for the job? There are a lot of other factors of course, but this does seem to be important. Can he easily understand and empathise with the Thai/Buddhist attitudes he will find here? Some Muslims I have met have been the least flexible and understanding people; except maybe orthodox Jews.

    As for ‘The Report’ who trusts statistics? The FCO seem to.

  5. If you give more details you should get better answers.

    Fly with who ?


    to Which Airport.?

    Class of ticket

    can it be transferred/name changed?

    Date negociable?

    If not - date of arrival?

  6. I can say where there are some breakers yards. Never used them, cannot say about their business practice.

    Follow Soi Vacharaphol (pronounced Watcharapon) towards Sai Mai, right to the end and turn right. This is Thanon Phoem Sin. You want soi 41 - on your left. There are one or two here, for more choice continue through soi 41 and turn left at the end. Take the next soi on your left several breakers yards in here.

    For this area in Google maps search ‘Phoem sin,khlong thanon, sai mai’

    If you are on the Tollway and want to avoid Watcharapon take the exit after Watcharapon – exit for Sukhaphiban 5 (this is the new section of tollway). Turn left for Sai Mai. Phoem Sin is on your left (about soi 45) fork left under a pedestrian bridge. Phoem Sin Soi 41 will now be on your right.

  7. I totally disagree. No woman is going to stay with a man if he does not offer her money. That is because women have no sex drive.

    I cannot get through life without a bit of generalisation, prejudice, and other forms of categorising people. All this means is, that I accept that a lot of traits are common in one set of people and rare in another set. For example, I never met a European who enjoyed chicken’s feet for a snack. But I also accept that each person I observe/meet is unique and I may discover (and generally enjoy) this interesting facet of their personality before long.

    The thing I am worried about, is the poster who recons that Hollywood invented love 100 years ago! (They may have invented the sex symbol but not love) Books were written about love long before that. Mistrals were singing stories of love... I am sure that personal love is something that evolved to assist in the upbringing of human children. Generally, it holds a family together, increasing the chances of a successful new generation. Maybe part of it is learnt ‘socialised behaviour’ but, none the less real for that. I feel sorry for someone who has not felt it.

    I feel even more sorry for the Guy (?) who thinks women have no sex drive. That is not a generalisation I would make. I have enjoyed my life and sexy women have been a part of that. Sorry if that sounds like a boast, I believe it to be true generally, of most men.

  8. Why does everybody seem to be ignoring the arson over much of Bangkok following the army action? That was a riot; far more than the redshirt demonstration. No cctv/witnesses? No investigation? It did seem to be targeted and not a mob out of control. It was a very costly destruction; I have never heard of any action to find those responsible. – was there any?

  9. From what I understand all fruit juices are full of sugars? Fructose?

    Tipco is a 100% juice. Not from concentrate. So I imagine that would mean with no sugar added?

    However, you are better off drinking guava juice. Avoid orange and grapes if you want minimal sugar.

    Or go for real fruit rather than the juice.

    Or buy those freshly squeezed ones you get in stalls.

    Yea! Amazing – what's wrong with the street stalls that have piles of orange peels and no empty sugar packets?

  10. The capacity of a Blackhawk is 14 maximum, so 9 in the helicopter and 5 to pick up, would be pushing it, plus the TV Camera crews equipment and medical equipment required.

    Could be the TV reporters fault, but that is pure speculation. Why reporters travel in Military hardware is beyond me.

    RIP for those who died so tragically.

    Depends on the model. The PAVE can carry much more in terms of weight.


    'RIP'? Dying is the end – get used to it; isn’t that peace enough?

  11. I wonder what the monks think about all this.

    I mean the monks from Thailand and Cambodia. Aren't they supposed to worship the same things, and nationality is not supposed to some into the picture?

    Why don't the Buddhist monks from the two countries, and perhaps a few more, join together and make a plea to both governments to turn the entire area into a temple and sanctuary of truth, peace and knowledge; for all peoples to be welcome there.

    Make up the place real nice, with lovely landscaping and picturesque gardens and ponds and waterfalls, so that people can go there and find peace and solitude.

    Bury all the hatred, prejudice and racism under a higher power of love, unity, and the Buddhist way.

    Let the disputed land become a place where people and politicians can mingle and focus on mankind's future and getting along and being a better person.

    Let it be an example of how the better nature of mankind can overcome even the most stupid of obstacles.

    The rest of the world, including Thailand and Cambodia, can get along with or without this land. It's flat out silly; that's what it is.

    If it's supposed to be a religious thing, then let the monks tend to it, the people enjoy it, and keep the politicians out of it.

    Religion has no borders!

    Just an idea.

    Unfortunately, religion has little rationality or real view of the actual world we live in, either. In the real world, others, with lots of hidden agenda like money, political power, national prestige... etc, etc have the power and will, to stop this sort of solution. Even if it might be nice.

  12. Don't worry guys, remember when thasin started to get unpopular on thaivisa back in 2005 - we didn't have to wait long before there was a coup.

    then when PP won another big victory in 2007 (despite the generals changing the constitution to suit the Democrats) all the anti-thaksin posters were crying and moaning (much like today).

    What was it only a few months before samak went on a cooking show and the absoultely balanced and unbiased judiciary expelled him as PM. Remember how Thaivisa cheered at the extreme fairness of true justice.

    The Somchai the next primeminister was banned and the party banned, all your wishes came truue and the real rulers of Thailand - the military, judiciary and procteors of the realm, the Democrats were where they belong, in control.

    I wonder what it wil be this time to overturn the election. We know the constitution court is unbiased, it was proven by those youtube videos, discusssing how to keep the democrats in power.

    We know the prosecutors are unbiased, espically that one that brought the charge against Thaksin for signing the purchase paper of the land his wife bought: like that PAD member of the prosecution committe who, before he was chosen as a member was televised on the PAD stage saying Thasin is worse than Hitler. Like he said, after he was chosen "I just look at the facts and have no bias' And of course we should take him at face value.

    Anyway I expect the election results will be overturned within this year, just a matter of figuring out a convincing story and picking the right people to prosecute and..

    So cheer up, the democrats, PAD, and the army will soon be back, and corruption will be just as much as under Abhisit now (business says it has reached 30% of the govt. projects).

    Edit (text got left out!)

    So sad, So true

  13. I wish her the best but......

    The highlight of her education amounts to a four year degree from Kansas state.......(Go Hoosiers!)

    Her business experience amounts to various jobs in her brothers companies......

    I cant wait until she has to participate in world economic forums and help shape economic policy for southeast Asia, such an embarrassment for Thailand.

    (Of course, I'm American and we put Bush in the White House so Thailand does not have exclusivity in such things)

    Its too bad, the people of Thailand need/deserve a good strong leader more now than ever, maybe the incumbent couldn't get it done but I personally feel the country has taken a big step backwards in their selection of a PM.

    Never-the-less, this should send a strong message to the upper middle and elite class in Thailand, either you share the wealth and educate the masses or you will be run over by big red machine........

    Actually I think Reagan was the biggest mistake in the white house. How did he run the country? By using good advisers and admitting when he didn’t know what to do next. His problems came when he was face to face with other leaders, he made a big boboo.

    I expect Yingluck to be more or less the same but she is much brighter, younger. She will learn very quickly. As long as she keeps Taksin as only one piece of advice and not in control (which may be difficult) she could do very well. The four years of a taught masters degree (which I suppose it was) will tell.

    Certainly she has done well so far – I do not believe a pot plant could have done it.

  14. Of course they are quite clearly wrong. The temple obviously belongs to Cambodia. Once upon a time ago Thailand thought Angkor Wat was theirs in a place called Siem Reap.

    The temple cannot obviously belong to Cambodia. There is nothing to even suggest that. Topographically and by the treaty of 1907, it is in Thailand. Only an errored map and a legal technicality place it in Cambodia.

  15. Smoking used to be allowed on one side of the bar. Wife and I always sit the other side and very rarely were bothered.

    I think they now allow it just outside the pub entrance which is still inside the basment in an (evening closed) eating area of the hotel. Normally the large screen for popular sporting events is placed there.

  16. At the top of the page of this article are "Self Defense Tips." I have one; if you don't want to get robbed, mugged, scammed or beaten up, don't come to Thailand.

    Your comment really makes no sense

    I have no idea what you are talking about? I have come to Thailand many years and never i had these problems.

    Anyway maybe it is also the place where you are going and the people you deal with it

    Good reply.

    if you look long enough you will find

    "robbed, mugged, scammed or beaten up" stories for every country in the world.

  17. 1. You never do 90 day reports using 90 day visa entry. You seem to be talking about overstay.

    2. 20k max fine is for overstay - did you forget to leave after 90 days while on that multi entry visa? In that case you must leave (CW can only accept fine and arrest/deport you - they normally let you leave yourself if they believe you are honest).

    3. The fine for late 90 day address reporting (more than 7 days) is 2,000 baht if a simple misunderstanding. They can charge up to 5,000 baht by law however and there is a 200 baht per day until paid provision which AFAIK has not yet be defined or used but would appear to be if you are unable or refuse to pay.

    1 yes you must be right! I never got an extension of stay at end of my first 90 days. - shows how confused I was.

    2 Not exactly forget - it was just that my passport previously was always restamped by returning from working trips and I could ignore the short date in my passport.

    3 It all seems clear now - I must have sounded OK to the officer telling him I never used the entry stamp just the Visa date previously. He must have looked back in my passport and seen it was true.

    Thanks for making it clear. I was more lucky than I realised.

  18. Last year was the first time that I had been in Thailand without spending some time every couple months (or less) visiting some other country on business. I was now retired. When I realised that for the first time the encumbrance of 90 day reporting applied to me, I was already at the maximum of 20,000 THB fine. I decided that there was no advantage of sorting it out then, but left it and decided to go for my extension of stay and pay the fine in one hit at CW immigration at the end of my year. I had a one year multiple entry Non Imm. ‘O’ in my passport from KL.

    So as my year ran out, I prepared my papers for extension of stay as supporting a Thai wife and had 20,000 THB in my pocket. The officer in CW was quite quick and firm. I cannot take your fine he said, you must leave Thailand pay the fine, and come back. I was surprised since I was quite sure I had read of posters on TV paying the fine in CW. However, I know Thailand too well to argue and duly went on my Visa run.

    90 days later I return to CW to get my extension of stay, only my TM7 and the bank book had needed updating from the preparation I had made before. By chance it was the same officer. He leafed through the papers and said “you are over 65 and have more than 800,000 THB in the bank, you should use a retirement visa. It is easier for you and for me.” He handed back most of the papers and started to fill in another form for me. Explaining that he could issue on the same day and I would not have to wait 30 days for a stamp in my passport. I was not given a choice. He was right of course. In about 30 minutes we were out with a new whole year’s stay stamp in my passport.


    1. Do not expect to be able to pay an overstay fine at CW. I am not sure if it was just that officer or the fact that it was at maximum.

    2. The fine calculation has now changed – 5,000 baht for one day and 200 baht for each extra day not making a 90 day report. At least that is what the note now affixed to my passport says. Beware of a long overstay! After three months you are over 20,000 and it keeps going up. Is that a correct understanding?

    3. Don’t try to make a ‘Thai wife’ extension of stay if you qualify for a retirement extension. At least CW can’t be bothered with the hassle.

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