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Posts posted by creck

  1. Many ‘ideas’ are awesome. Projects are often awesome in the beginning for the vision. But at the end for the difficulty of implementation, other unforeseen problems, the incredible and unexpected cost... A team of people with awesome ideas rarely works together well. But some creative partnerships have worked well in the past.

    Be warned, but also take heart. A leader with awesome ideas and a team that is enthused and willing to implement them can produce breathtaking effects. If you have leadership qualities and a vision that is well presented, it will work. You need production skills and money in your team. I certainly hope to see some wonderful results. For success, you need admirers in the public – that cannot be predicted.

  2. Thats going a bit over the top isnt it?

    I did see 1 police guy with a tape measure.

    I think no need to do that to the copper considering he got shot. The thiefs are caught on cctv and also had a gun and a bag off gold.

    Its just common sense who are the guilty ones here. Should the police man not shoot him back considering the thieft had a gun and was using it? Seems like in australia the police man would be too worried to shot because of all the potential problems he will face after opening fire.

    Trouble in western countries is they go to over the top so the guilty end up not guilty through nonsense .

    Not always too much or OTT. The problem to be avoided is that the guilty do not get away with crime just because it seems obvious who was in the ‘right’ (and wrong) One cannot decide quickly and without all the facts if a thorough investigation is needed or not. Really, that is only clear after the investigation, not before. One person’s view is always incomplete.

  3. This is <deleted>. If the OP kept up with the news in the UK they would know this wasn't true.

    Travel section?

    More like in the bin!

    Unfortunately this report by elliss is true!

    Heres a link to UK BBC News

    The planned Strike is on the 30th November, and Borders will be staffed by Civil Servants!


    F'kin hell.....!


    It will be hell! They will check every passport carefully; you can be sure of that. Take sandwiches and a flask of tea for the queues.

  4. On the tollway, both sides had an angry exchange of words after they refused to open a lane at the request of motorists. The melee began when a car tried to drive through the crowd of protesters, and one of the protesters climbed onto it and stomped on the windshield, before police separated both sides. One protester sustained injuries to his right wrist.


    Another protest was held at a section of a big-bag barrier near an Air Force unit. The protesters, numbering about 300, later breached a section despite some 500 police guarding of it, letting out a deluge of flood water.

    No arrests?

    Useless BIB.:angry:

    Unfortunately, those building the BBB and causing criminal damage to property and people’s health have long gone.

  5. Maybe Terminal 21 asked them to leave - waited - then called the cops. Or just called the cops.

    Maybe no WP and they argued with the cops

    Maybe they had no evidence that they were sending the money somewhere useful

    TIT don’t expect things to be rational.

    Maybe the cops were just being normal...

  6. I think there may be people who are confused about this. I don’t mean the people who have stopped coming, I mean the people who think visitors come to see the airport. They stay away because Thailand is flooded not because they think the airport is flooded. The fact that most of Thailand is now free from floods and many tourist areas in Bangkok are also dry – that is what visitors need to understand.

    BTW The idea that it is preserved as an escape route is a silly fantasy.

  7. I am reminded of a City Engineer in the UK who said after a bad flood (miniscule in comparison) that he had designed for ‘100 year floods’. Therefore he continued, you need not worry, it will not happen again in your life time. You guessed it; there was another within months! We in the department had thought it a little rash for a public statement to tempt fate so much. What will Fate do to us?

  8. What you suggest is what I hope. However, my agent has said they will give me a month, but how well she argued my case i don't know. EVA air in bangkok said I must talk to my agent. Actually I think they are the airlines agent always.

    I am looking to see if I can find the Chinese version will post if I find it.

    The English was on EVA's site, not associated with my ticket.

    I have found a Chinese version but it seems quite different to me. My wife was the one who spoke to the agent in Thai and on going over the conversation with her again I am now not worried; The reply from the agent was ‘one month OR yr money back’ which is not what I had understood before. So thanks a lot for yr help, it seems OK to me now

  9. What you suggest is what I hope. However, my agent has said they will give me a month, but how well she argued my case i don't know. EVA air in bangkok said I must talk to my agent. Actually I think they are the airlines agent always.

    I am looking to see if I can find the Chinese version will post if I find it.

    The English was on EVA's site, not associated with my ticket.

  10. I have an EVA air ticket for return BKK – LHR next week which I cannot use since I am in my house in Sai Mai and the roads are impassable in any reasonable way. (In any case the conditions of my family marooned on the top floor my house make it impossible for me to leave them for ten days) My agent did not answer my mails but in contact by phone she has told me that EVA air will allow me a month to reschedule my travel. I interpret the General Conditions of Travel to say that in the case of force majeure preventing travel on the booked date they will give me credit for future travel. However in the sentence are the words ‘of the period’; it is not clear what period these words refer to. They seem to refer to the non-refundable amount of the fare. I don’t see how that can have a period or where it might be stated.

    In reality, the force majeure will have a duration which is undefined but is estimated in Government announcements to be one month or more! It is clear and reasonable in this case that for the ticket to be useable that any period of restriction at all must start from when I can use the ticket. Indeed it just possible that the Period referred to in the conditions does refer to the period of the force majeure (for example, in the common case of illness it would also be reasonable).

    Does anybody have experience of this kind of problem? Is there any precedent that can guide me? Does anyone else have an EVA air ticket that they cannot use due to the flood situation in Bangkok? Or other airline similar.

    Extract of ‘GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE’ published by EVA airline.

    3.1.3 Some Tickets are sold at discounted fares which may be partially or completely non-refundable. You should choose the fare best suited to your needs. You may also wish to ensure that you have appropriate insurance to cover instances where you have to cancel your Ticket.

    3.1.4 If you have a Ticket, as described in 3.1.3 above, which is completely unused, and you are prevented from travelling due to Force Majeure, provided that you promptly advise us and furnish evidence of such Force Majeure, we will provide you with a credit of the period of the non-refundable amount of the fare, for future travel on us, subject to deduction of a reasonable administration fee.

  11. The Minister of Science may have a go at it. He could probably turn it into one big drainage pipe if that Chinese pump is big enough.


    Didn't Singapore (or KL?) build a big road tunnel that doubles as a drain during heavy rains / floods? They close down the road and open the flood gates, and the whole tunnel floods.

    It was KL. I think they claim it is unique. It has been used and seems to work. I've driven through it - it would make a huge (fast) drain.

  12. Posted Today, 06:18

    Sukhumbhand finds predictions of capital flooding 'inconceivable'

    “However, he admitted that these measures were not enough if the situation became critical, especially over the weekend.”

    Surely, he has the subject and object the wrong way round in this sentence. If his flood prevention measures are not enough then the situation will become critical.

    “He said ideally the flood barriers along Chao Phraya River should be raised by another 10 centimetres, but that would require another 10 million sandbags, which could not be obtained at this stage.”

    Understatement – what good English.

  13. A final look at the river outside our apartment in Bangplad, Charan Sanit Wong Soi 70/2 and I can see that the water level is about 10cm lower than 19:00. Went for a walk to Lotus at 20:00 and noticed that the water was coming out of the entrance to Bangkok Marina due to them refusing to have a flood wall built as it would ruin their "Marina". They have 1 boat....

    Talking to the government water worker pumping out our soi and he was furious about the lack of a flood wall next door. Didn't have the heart to tell him about the lack of boats.

    Good night all, be safe and try to play nice...I'm sure we're all trying to help more than the politicians are. We're all Bangkokians together, stand strong, stand together, stand proud, we WILL survive this year!

    Thanks for your info this evening.. Your point of view is unique and so important.

  14. You can also see that it's an almost smooth downwards slope from Sukhothai, through Bangkok, to the sea. :unsure:

    I do not believe that Sukhumvit – Lumpini – Silom are the highest points in Bangkok. The map suggests that there is about 12m rise between Queen Sirikit Centre and Sukhumvit Rd – I don’t remember any noticeable rise. The airports and parks are shown much lower than built up areas. Sukhumvit – Lumpini – Silom is the area with the most high rise buildings. Look at the difference between the left and right banks of the river – again the buildings are shown as higher ground. Satellite imagery interpreted by computer would have difficulty discerning the ground wouldn’t it?

  15. Let's see. A human being can last for three days with no water, and can last for three weeks with no food. So if this 4 to 6 weeks number is true, I sure as hell hope they have an intelligent plan to get water and food to all the stranded people.....

    i doubt 1 meter of water is going to stop anyone getting to 7/11

    What would the point be if it's closed? :blink:

    The 7/11 is just a name - they never close. All that will happen is that the dogs will sleep on top of the sandbags instead of across the door.

  16. I would be happy to cure him and any other pedo nonces hanging around these parts, but I can't guarantee they will enjoy my methods much........

    prevention always better than cure.

    If he has a record going back decades-WHY was he allowed a passport ??????,,,,,,,,,,,secret trip.............he should be monitored daily. There is no cure. my comment to this is outrageous HERE GOES---------------Give him access to pornography at his home--movies-pictures- to look at and satisfy himself, and a pain killer called tramadol, he will not get sexual feelings. This painkiller I got in Thailand for nerve pain-( and discovered it's other properties)

    Sounds like what you describe could be part of an aversion therapy. Don’t know if is Sex is too ’deep’ in the human person’s personality to change, but it might work. Several ‘pervs’ have reported they want to be ‘cured’.

    Maybe it needs to be combined with some positive encouragement in a better direction.

  17. I think most of the posts here have been spot on. The people of Bangkok should not be called names or blamed for the flooding up country. That flooding happened before the water reached Bangkok. Bangkok will hold some water but it will be insignificant for the presently flooded areas. The people in Bangkok were not on the streets protesting at the possibility of their floods they were around doing what they could to help the nation.

    The important thing is that the river level is as high as possible. I don’t think that has been done. Why was it possible to open sluice gates for Rangsit canal and reduce the flood threat in that area? Only possible if the river had spare capacity – if true (I don’t have information to be sure) then that is scandalous. I hope what is being proposed is to raise the level of the river as high as possible without regard to the flooding that it will cause. Only that way will we see the water from the whole nation escape.

    The decision to protect Bangkok was correct. More people live in the low lying areas of Bangkok than have been affected in the rest of the country. The area is full of computer centres and HQs that if incapacitated will paralyse the country. I hope that the time given to Bangkok so far has been used for building protection to the specific points that must be protected at all costs. That is hospitals, power stations, Computer centres...

    If not then there will be chaos.

  18. Wish Edward Lear to read this

    The Farang and 'wife' went to sea

    In a beautiful bright green condom

    He took his Thai honey

    And plenty of money, (of course)

    Wrapped up in a brand new french tickler

    The Farang looked up to the stars above,

    And sang to a small guitar,

    'O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love,

    What a beautiful Pussy you are,

    You are,

    You are!

    What a beautiful Pussy you are!'

    Now where's the bloody condom when you need it :lol:

    Love it - whenever I can get it

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