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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. I've seen guys selling them up and down Sukhumvit in the past, but now i have need to buy one they all dissapear!!

    I'm looking to buy one of those Latex Rubber Halloween type masks, does anyone know of a shop where i could get one?

    Thanks in Advance

  2. I need something new to play...

    I dont like FPS style games or any kinda 'twitch' game, i much prefer a good strategy (real time or turn based)

    I dont mind if its a MMO, offline or online multi-player, i dont mind if its historical, fantasy or sci-fi

    I'm a bit out of touch with whats good and whats cr@p these days, so any of you avid gamers got any suggestions for me?

  3. The whole Vampire Diaries and Twighlight angle on Vampires just doesnt work for me...

    Vampires walking around in the daylight? Vampires that glow a glittery gold in Daylight? C'mon, what next? Vampires that dont drink blood?

    Hollywood seems to be taking a more "Teen Romance" angle to the whole Vampire myth these days. Its like 90210 with fangs...

    Vampires are supposed to be Dark and Mysterious, Dangerous and Alluring, Seductive and Powerful, they are supposed to be drinking peoples blood, not drinking the blood of rats and small animals.

    I wish someone would give me a boat load of money, i would write and direct a Vampire Movie/TV series that would simply blow everyone away...

  4. Watch this name:

    Phongphat Chayaphan

    If he is involved in the police crackdown it is serious. I have known this man for over 8 years now. One of the few serious police officers in Thailand. When he was a Captain he went and arrested a corrupt general even though everyone told him not to. This man has huge balls and hates corruption.

    This was a serious raid.

    Good - then i hope we will see many more raids from this guy and his team

  5. We are allowed to have an opinion, but are we allowed to voice it? Not according to Mr. Suthep; he basically said that freedom of expression applies only to Thais, and that any foreigners engaging in political activity will be found and arrested.

    That's pretty scary language, from a guy I already thought to be as bad/scary as any of the old political dinosaurs.

    Your source?

  6. And what do you expect them to say?yellow,red whatever they r both as bad as each other.It's funny us foreigners here debating like we are political experts when it aint even our country and when most of us are just expats <deleted> .

    Unless i am mistaken, we are still allowed to have an opinion on such matters

  7. I read a similar report which said

    Veera Musigapong, a red-shirt leader, said the movement decided to postpone the rally because the government has decided to enforce the International Security Act during the celebrations of His Majesty the King's birthday. "In making such decision, the government showed that it has no maturity and is uncivilized so the red shirts would like to show responsibility by postponing the rally," Veera said.

    Do these guys actually beleive any of the c**p that comes out of their mouths?

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