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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. Little bump as i was told about this product and i am quite interested in it...

    with my desk at home begining to look like a External HDD factory, its time to find a more robust and tidier solution...

    i like the idea of a device that can manage torrent downloads, what alternatives are there? Anyone seen the Drobo's advertised/for sale in Thailand yet?

  2. I wonder if Thailand is reaching the "Tipping Point" as in the authorities are increasingly uncomfortable with the LOS's international reputation with respect to prostitution. Of course it could also just be an isolated case of some owner(s) not tendering the usual tea money to the proper persons.

    My gut tells me that the naughty night life scene may not be encouraged as in the past and only tolerated if it is more discreet.

    Time will tell :)

    Personally i think its just a 'storm in a teacup' - some bar owner p*ssed off the wrong copper or didnt pay his monthly tea money...

    ... if they were serious about it, the could easily arrest hundreds (or dare i say thousands) of 'working girls' In Patong, or even further south in Kata, Karon or Rawai

  3. I've never looked explicitly for an Unmodded box, but every store ive ever looked in sells them pre-modded

    I really think you will struggle to get an unmodded box.

    Singapore is your best bet to be honest, and with the low-cost airlines flying there (Air Asia, for instance) - it will be cheaper to fly there, buy it and fly back than it would be to import one, and it can be done in a day so no need to stay over night.

    On second thoughts, stick your head into I27 in MBK (4th floor) - hes one of the few legitimate stores that will not sell pirate cr@p - hes got a sister store in Singapore and he might be open to the possibility of importing one on your behalf... no idea of the costs however.

  4. Print screen button on your keyboard ??

    hit it, then open microsoft paint, click the edit button, scroll down press the paste button and voila...... do what you wanna do to the img then save it as a Jpeg.

    Pretty much what i do as well - no additional software required!

  5. Specifically, however, there are substantial numbers of khon Thai who are in too much in a hurry to travel A to B without focussing on social niceties e.g. queueing and deferring their rush onto transport to allow elderly, young or lady passengers to embark before said khun Thai - fair point?

    Agree whole heartedly, i also find the BTS pushers to be frustrating and sometimes very rude... but some peoples statements have gone beyond having a moan and are simply 'dam_n right insulting' - hence the public warning and call for calm :) I'm not going to name and shame, the offending posts have been removed already. :D

  6. I often just spread my arms a bit (elbows out) when people start pushing me or trying to push past me... on the same lines i will simply barge into people who are preventing me from getting off the train (i.e. standing in the middle of the doorway trying to get on the train without letting others off first) - whilst this is not the most polite approach, it certainly doesn't put anyone in danger of harm... altho i do get some dirty looks as my 100kgs blocks some little 50kg thai from rushing onto the train first :)

    I'm trying to picture what happened this morning, its kind of difficult to imagine someone pushing others before the train has even arrived at the platform...

  7. I'm getting bored with these Nation informercials on Thaksin. Yes we do get our news from other sources and not suprisingly they don't have them.

    Nobody forces you to read them... if your bored of them, just skip over them...

    ... or better yet, go find some interesting news to post, we have published out News Guidelines here. Providing you follow the guidelines and the news is related to Thailand, it will get pushed to the news section.

    Thaivisa is what you guys make it, dont sit there and do nothing except complain and moan that the news isnt interesting to you.

    Right - thanks for listening - back to the Topic at hand :)

  8. I didnt fill out one of the feedback forms because i did not have a pen in my pocket, and as the staff had already sworn at me when i asked about my food, i did not fancy being abused even further when asking for a pen. Plus had felt that if i filled out a feedback form with negative comments, the abusive swearing staff would have just thrown it in the bin anyway. :D

    This is by no means a personal attack on Kevin, it is an accurate account of my experience when i was there a few weeks ago. I'm sorry that some of you are offended because i had a bad experience and decided to share it.

    it really gets my goat when I see post like this whether it be this establishment or any other when a farang living in a foreign third world country gets all pissy over service

    Ahh i'm terribly sorry, but a farang in a 'third world country' (as you put it) isn't allowed to complain when the service and food he gets at a RESTAURANT isn't to his satisfaction... I will try to be more like you and just roll over and take abusive service staff and poor food as being acceptable because i am not in my home country :D

    If i am a customer in a SERVICE orientated venue, i expect reasonable SERVICE, and not to be sworn at, in Thai, by the staff when they obviously think i wont understand them and its perfectly ok to swear at customers because they wont understand. :D

    So because you (claim to) get many people give positive feedback that means the people who get bad service/have a negative experience should just <deleted> and take it, right? :D

    No wonder you *USED* to run a service orientated company (presumably no longer) :)

  9. I doesn't bother me that customers complain. I've spoken with the staff and tried to establish what happened and why, and I will try to ensure it doesn't happen again. I have a form on every table for people to leave their comments and the first page of the menu says "If you have a problem with any aspect of our service please don't hesitate to inform us."

    I would rather these incidents didn't occur, but if they do I'd like to know about it in order to rectify the problem.

    Oooh id forgotten about those feedback forms, yes an excellent idea... my only suggestion there would be to make sure pens/pencils are available for people to fill them out... we didnt have any on our table and i didnt want to annoy the Staff further by asking for something else :)

    But thanks Kevin, its refreshing to know that feedback, even negative, is taken well and will be used to improve service in the future!

  10. Hope the wifi is faster than the service. My BLT took over a 45 minutes to arrive, despite there were less than 10 people in the restaurant, and it arrived cold.

    The coffee tasted awful, served without milk/creamer, which i had to ask for... The Old Thai lady who appeared to be running the show constantly complained about how busy she was (10 customers in the bar - of which they had all already been served!!!) and then proceeded to mutter some pretty insulting Thai swear words when i reminded her i was still waiting for my sandwich 45 minutes after ordering it. I guess she didn't realize i speak pretty good Thai :)

    This was just after Christmas 2009, and to be frank, i've had better service and better food at the McDonalds across the street.

    Maybe next time i will choose a different venue for my mid-day breakfast!

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