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Posts posted by roamer

  1. Katoeys..or are the hooters authentic?

    The lady on the left is authentic. She is the mother of my good friends daughter, who is 14 years old. smile.png

    She also appears to have only one leg.

    Hmmm, thought it was the punters who were supposed to get legless in these places ?

  2. if your reason for goats milk is Allergies, then its not really an end-cure.

    if it is the allergy reason, then you should try your hardest to give up milk.

    milk is one of the biggest aggitators of adult humans.

    ok,, its got calcium.

    but calcium (for bones) is useless if you are not getting enough Vitamin D.

    theres plenty of calcium in dark green vegetables and plants. (where do you think the cows get it from??) smile.png

    anyway.. all the info is only if you are suffering from allergies.

    otherwise ignore wink.png

    though,, on a personal note: giving up milk will make you a healthier person.

    "but calcium (for bones) is useless if you are not getting enough Vitamin D."

    If you're living in LOS and not getting enough Vitamin D you should try getting out more.

  3. I have not, and will not visit the obviously commercial place.....to call it a temple, is an unfortunate and distasteful afront to the buddhist community of Thailand......

    Behave. Tens of 1000's of that Buddhist community visit it every month. I know that because unlike yourself I have watched them worshiping there. It was closed this weekend as it was hosting a meeting of monks from all over the country who obviously lack your sensitivities.

  4. The Junta has lost all credibility - silence everyone is their game and line their pockets while they have the chance

    Thomas Jefferson said what the PEOPLE need to do!!!! I'm glad I'm not Thai.

    Leaving the place is the best option.

    Fine for those who want to leave. For those who don't, the future is more about whether they will be given an option to stay.

  5. I think there is going to be closer scrutiny of all classes of people staying in Thailand.

    I believe there has already been a closer scrutiny of visas. Here in Chiang Mai they have been paying visits to more homes were the Visa is a marriage one. I think they will start to look closer at the monthly income for the permission to stay as well as the original retirement.also start checking in on the 800,000 baht bank deposits.

    I do not believe we have any thing to fear if we are following the rules. following the rules can make it more difficult for some who ignore some of them. I have heard that there are people who never do a 90 day silly as it is and at permission to stay time they just pay a 2,000 baht fine. Heard a rumor that fine had gone up to 4,000 baht. Like I said it is just a rumor.

    I think the present measures will pale into insignificance with a government that is increasingly anti-western.

  6. I came across it quite a bit in Bangkok. Just try walking around JJ Market with money flapping in your top pocket. You'll get stopped repeatedly by kind Thais telling you to please be careful.

    i had stopped to have a drink there, that place gets hot, and wandered away. 5 minutes later I was stopped by a couple of Thai girls waving my driving licence in my face and saying "we think this is you", and it was. Instantly hand went to pocket to find wallet missing and as I stood there open-mouthed they produced my wallet! I had failed to put it back in my pocket properly and it had dropped on the floor. They had taken my driving licence from it and scanned the local area to look for me. Money, credit cards, the works were in it. Refused to take a reward but finally accepted two mixed fruit shakes!

  7. Why would people want to unless they have time to waste, for me I would not have the time to do this so I would rather get there in a matter of hours by plane

    I don't get that you don't get it ? I'm almost geriatric by traveler standards and when I fly I often opt for business class to make it bearable. But how is this trip "wasted" time ? It would be uncomfortable, full of hassles and annoyances to say the least. It would also be awe inspiring, full of moments you will never regret and sights you could never imagine.

    Actually, I have also wasted time here because you won't get me either will you ?

  8. Evolution is not proven.

    We share DNA with almost every living creature, so that doesn't mean much.

    If you want to be evolved from monkeys, up to you.

    I prefer to believe,

    That I DEVOLVED from super intelligent aliens who crash landed their spaceship on the earth, and the exposed nuclear drive for the spaceship, corrupted their DNA producing humans. Different DNA damage from the radiation produced many other devolved species from the original alien stock (including many forms of apes).

    PS. just as much evidence for my silliness as your silliness.

    I prefer to believe that numerous "me's" exist in a multiverse.


  9. Given a choice between the " grandpa trying to dry hump a local bird in a micro-skirt with his trick hip while holding a pint of draft Guinness in one hand. " and " Lots of young Khao San refugees in fisherman's pants and hipster beards who haven't showered for a couple of days and who spend all night poncing cigarettes." I think I would rather stay home and read a book. The picture you have painted is all too graphic for me smile.png

  10. +1 for Charlie. International signed-for is still the best bet, but medications will set all sorts of flags.

    Can your medication (or a generic) be obtained here?

    If you post what it is them-as-knows will assist.

    Thanks for the reply Crossy. I have inquired about getting my medication in Bangkok , but it was not available, they have medication but not the same, and as I have been on this medication for nearly 20 years so don't really want to change.

    Still a little vague, as you talk about it being from your specialist and in limited quantities I'm assuming it is a prescription medication. Probably it's counterpart that is available in Bangkok is also prescription only ? Some medicines are permissible provided there is a doctors letter attached to the package. Others require a licence. It's a minefield and some medications that are OTC in the UK, codeine containing compounds etc are strictly illegal in Thailand and classed as a narcotic.

  11. The sketch looks nothing like a Turkish person, anyone who says it looks like Turk probably has never seen a Turk before.

    This is what a typical turk looks like.


    Didn't you describe yourself as typically Turkish looking in a previous post ? This was the Eurovision wally wasn't it ? I remember the comments that it was surprising that Turkey would choose someone of such err...whatever, to represent them given the fact it is not exactly a gay free zone.

  12. Wot is wrong with u people. He does look Turkish. Obviously u not travel very far.

    Not to a Turk maybe as a Turkish poster pointed out, but they would distinguish differently.

    The Uyghurs are a Eurasian (mixed ancestry) population with Eastern and Western Eurasian anthropometric and genetic traits. Uyghurs are thus one of the many populations of Central Eurasia that can be considered to be genetically related to European and East Asian populations.


    That is where I would be putting my money....

  13. If some Turk wanted to carry out a terrorist attack, they'd carry it out on Kurds, not Thais. I call this BS

    Scissors, duct tape, I have them at my home too.

    HERE IS WHY!!!

    For people that don't know, a few months ago Thailand deported several hundred refugees back to China and Turkey. They were hiding in Thailand, and were being held in camps to determine what to do with them. The press said they were sent back to China, but many were sent back to Turkey as well. The refugees claimed to be Turkish.

    From the beginning, I thought this bombing smelled like payback for sending their buddies back to the governments that were repressing them and probably sending them back to death or certain prison.

    If these are Turks,,,,,it is a direct result of those deportations.

    Here is your Turkey connection for you people that didn't follow the deportations....read this article. TURKEY is heavily involved.


    Stop shining a light on it and destroying all their theories!tongue.png

  14. They push package deals including hotel, and the prices aren't very good, and as stated the prices are in MYR. It appeared to me that they were affiliated, and I just checked their website (AA) and "GO" is listed at the bottom.

    Yes there is a little "expedia" logo at the bottom. What has riled me is , I have been a regular customer of air asia for about 8 years, littlerally hundreds of flights and they have allowed these pirates to attempt to get me to pay more than their own flight value

    Not exactly pirates, they are a joint venture between Air Asia & Expedia.


    Having said that, Expedia and Air Asia are an unholy alliance, sharpest operators in the business.

    You have to get a grip on yourself, being a "regular customer" counts for nothing in today's corporate world. Ever watched the TV series Dads Army? Mr Mainwaring wouldn't get to hold a janitors broom these days.

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