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Posts posted by roamer

  1. Be back home, where I will receive FREE healthcare, updated pension rises etc etc.

    Stuck here as an OAP, NO CHANCE.

    Stuck here without healthcare and no pension increase, no thanks, didnt pay my taxes and NI for nothing.

    Mother England will welcome me with both arms back to her bosom, Thailand offers?

    My father benefited from the "wonderful" care that the UK offers. For the last 10 years of his life he was stuck in a depressing care home, in the freezing cold, looked after by Eastern Europeans who couldn't give a damn. Even for that we had to pay thousands. But we did get an extra 1 pound a week on his pension. When you get old the NHS will not care either. Current policy is to deny older patients any water so they die of thirst as quickly as possible.

    No thanks, i would rather take my chances here.

    Couldn't agree more. Some people here with rose tinted glasses. Also have to say the care home situation will only get worse, many of the groups running them are in financial trouble. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/oct/31/care-homes-crisis-dwarf-steel-industry-problems-four-seasons-terra-firma

    Even if not at the care home stage you will find yourself at the back of the queue in a daily deteriorating health service being privatised faster than you can blink. It survives and handles acute cases as best it can but the chronic problems that come with age, future not rosy. Too many family members working in the NHS for me not to see the bigger picture, and most of them looking to take their skills overseas after the latest onslaught by the current government.

    " Mother England will welcome me with both arms back to her bosom,"

    Sorry pal, but if you believe that you're already in la-la land.

  2. Thank you for taking time to report your problem.

    DELETED. Two inhalers for me (to cure slight asthma problems) are already over 3.400 Baht.

    I was surprised to read that they were that costly in Thailand, if you are talking about Ventolin or generics etc.

  3. The OP and his wife are making their decision for themselves and their children.

    And as they say, having children changes everything.

    So we can expect single foreign men living in Thailand to have a different view.

    My best wishes to the OP and his family for the future.

    As many have said, putting everything else aside regarding Thailand, it is education that is the big driver for you. We made the same choice 12 years ago and it worked for us and our daughter. Over a similar period of time it is possible that Thailand would have become a basket case, recovered from being a basket case, progressed slowly, hosting UN peacekeeping forces, who knows?

    Nothing is forever, when the kids education is finished you decide whether or not to return.

    My concerns would be more about getting my kids an education in what is essentially a "dead" language in so many fields, business, science etc, French is definately in decline in it's international useage, I see many French graduates in stiff competition to do higher education courses at English speaking universities.

  4. Maybe you are being far-sighted ? While we can't know what the future holds, the odds do seem to be against Thailand going through it's present stage and emerging as a better place to live and bring up a family. More factions seeking power here than in Game of Thrones.

  5. No matter who started it and who should have walked away:

    Sucker punching the women right in the face and the kick to the head while she was trying to get up is entirely uncalled for.

    If there was an offense by one party, the other party is supposed to retaliate with equal amount of force. In this situation, the Thais clearly used excessive and unnecessary force.

    Btw, is there a death penalty in Thailand? Maybe public execution for people who do this might be a deterrent?

    Public executions also tend to deter tourists.smile.png

  6. Educational.

    Avoid confrontations whilst intoxicated with Thai people, if someone else can see this and understand it's better to walk away than this happening to you, the locals are not innocent but this could have been avoided. It's true people get drunk and full of themselves forgetting where they are then it all end in tears, I wish quick recovery your the family involved and the gang members PROPERLY dealt with. I don't wish to seem to black hearted but this can be seen as an education on how bad things can go wrong for you here. Take note if this surprised you.

    where is the evidence that this tourist family was intoxicated?

    No evidence, anymore than there is evidence their assailants were on yabba. Remove "intoxicated" though and it applies. We all know there are people out there, groups of them, that are more than prepared to give farangs a kicking. Expats, if wise, recognise the signs....tourists, well it's the land of smiles right ?

  7. At the very end of the video is the final indignity as once explained by an Thai ex-girlfriend. A Thai person would/should never step over any part of a seated or sprawled body from my hazy recollections. At least one of the gang does this - perhaps as a final insult?

    But regardless of the situation punching a guy from the flank is bad but hitting a woman and an old woman at that...Geez, very low.

    Only applies to Buddhists, and their handbag if female, you might be stepping over their Buddha. Feet, head etc. Same reason why you are stopped walking over a Sukhumvit footbridge should certain motorcades be passing underneath.

  8. After months of The Daily Mail being off the Black List, suddenly it seems the site is being censored again.

    it wouldn't surprise me in the least if those doing the censoring firmly believe that if they do this, and can'r see the reports in Thailand, then neither can the rest of the world either.

    Being carried in the Sun too.


    Lot more depth in this story as the Mail is trying to find out who the family is. Not a fan of either paper but they serve a purpose. Whats the betting TV appearances soon ? I'm as cynical as most of you about the Thai justice system, but I also believe you should follow the money and this sort of event causes a lot of damage to Thailand's image as a tourist destination. So did Ko Tao, but there are no Burmese suspects here, just Thai's and my betting is that they or their families don't have the influence that could buy off the swift justice and sentence the powers that be would be looking for to gain some credibility.

  9. There are no consequences, 500 baht fine each, and of you go ....

    Being taken up by the British press now, think that will be bringing down some pressure and also putting the Thai cops under the spotlight, a light that is starting to a little more intense these days. Not expecting miracles but can't hurt.


  10. " know it's only a small minority that think like this but bringing it over to oz and perhaps the uk ( to add to what is already there) is quite hurtful"

    Think you can leave the UK out of this, rarely see Thai guys drinking socially in bars here, though of course racists abound. Certainly could think of bars where ethnic minorities would probably be better off not going but hard to imagine a bar that welcomed Thai's but had a cold shoulder policy towards other ethnic groups. Might be an aussie thing ?

    Also have to admit I know a Wetherspoons in a shopping complex that closed down primarily because it attracted a lot of South Asian's that tended not to drink but took up a lot of table space with a couple of cokes between them.

  11. It was always going to be so. The Thai custom of cosmetic changes to situations like this rather than committed action is once again apparent.They don't seem able to grasp the concept that some countries or organisations actually do enforce legislation and not just pay lip service to it.

    Of course if all the fishermen painted their boats red or more than 5 of them assembled in one place they would all be hailed into port, that would be serious law-breaking.

  12. Look under a rock

    What makes people on this forum such massive c u n t s ? I have never seen anything like it on the internet. It's fascinating.

    To be fair, it was an attempt at humour with the Rosetta probe being hidden by a rock or overhang, pretty weak but harmless by the (admittedly low smile.png ) standards on this forum..

  13. Simple alternative and comparatively cheap, just buy bottled water.

    Bravo, then test the bottled water and its dirtier than TAP.

    Only Crystal is cleaner than tap, rest is 3-5times dirtier(singha/chang/nestle)

    I test them often and none of those companies are EVER close to terrible tap water.

    What is your definition of "dirtier" ? Certainly not it's normal definition. In the photo in your other post you are using a crude probe that measures total dissolved solids.

    Meaningless in this context. Personally I prefer to drink water that has mineral content, and taste, to a totally "clean" water that has no taste, ever drank distilled water ?

    Let's take Nestle who you have mentioned as an example, when they take municipal water it goes through a process that removes contaminents, chlorine, and it is then demineralised, so how come your Nestle water is "dirtier" according to your probe ? I'll tell you why, because they then reminerlise it, they do that to give it the taste that consumers prefer depending on the market they are operating in. Following that it will go through several other processes, filtation, UV, ozone etc.Standard procedures for any companies operating in this sector.

    Not sure what you are trying to tell us but "dirtier" isn't part of it.

    Those methods that they use remove all minerals, so why would they put minerals back in the water then filter all those minerals out again? You make 0 sense.

    I even stated that mineral water scores way way way lower than the big brands that should not have minerals.

    It's tap water left to rot in a dirty tank.

    And i guess the reason the scores of those companies on the ppm scale is close to undrinkable by the united nations is because they are good and clean?

    On the contrary I do make sense as does bubba's post above.

    " so why would they put minerals back in the water then filter all those minerals out again? You make 0 sense."

    Because the initial process removes minerals along with the contaminants.
    Maybe you might get the concept better with a flow chart. Or maybe not..........
  14. Simple alternative and comparatively cheap, just buy bottled water.

    Bravo, then test the bottled water and its dirtier than TAP.

    Only Crystal is cleaner than tap, rest is 3-5times dirtier(singha/chang/nestle)

    I test them often and none of those companies are EVER close to terrible tap water.

    What is your definition of "dirtier" ? Certainly not it's normal definition. In the photo in your other post you are using a crude probe that measures total dissolved solids.

    Meaningless in this context. Personally I prefer to drink water that has mineral content, and taste, to a totally "clean" water that has no taste, ever drank distilled water ?

    Let's take Nestle who you have mentioned as an example, when they take municipal water it goes through a process that removes contaminents, chlorine, and it is then demineralised, so how come your Nestle water is "dirtier" according to your probe ? I'll tell you why, because they then reminerlise it, they do that to give it the taste that consumers prefer depending on the market they are operating in. Following that it will go through several other processes, filtation, UV, ozone etc.Standard procedures for any companies operating in this sector.

    Not sure what you are trying to tell us but "dirtier" isn't part of it.

  15. The students opposed the 12-year free education stated in the draft saying it should be 15 years.

    Sometimes students feel that the world revolves around them.

    Surely 12 years free education is a good thing. Not satisfied, they want 15 years.

    Why not 20 years so as to cater for stupid students?

    Constructive criticism would be meaningful.

    Maybe they feel (like most people with a brain) that university education should be free, especially if it is to support useful degrees such as engineering, medical, sciences, brewing etc.

    Thailand might actually have more money to spend on things such as education if certain people weren't stuffing it into their greedy pockets through corruption or financing multi Billion baht losing vote buying schemes such as rice pledging and tablets for schools

    I would support these students if they were actually protesting a worthy cause like combating corruption

    Uh, I believe they already tried that and the dumbed down Thai populace didn't give a crap.

    And a lot of the populace that were not dumbed down feel too scared to give voice to their feelings.....walk a mile in their shoes.

  16. The students opposed the 12-year free education stated in the draft saying it should be 15 years.

    Sometimes students feel that the world revolves around them.

    Surely 12 years free education is a good thing. Not satisfied, they want 15 years.

    Why not 20 years so as to cater for stupid students?

    Constructive criticism would be meaningful.

    I'm guessing you don't know exactly what is going on here. I'll echo some of the other posters, but essentially instead of the state providing free education for 1st to 12th grade, the new constitution slashes the last 3 years off (10th-12th grade) and adds 3 for preschool, kindergarten. The article is mistaken when it says the students want 15 years. I haven't seen anything about demands being made for continuance of the present 12-year (1st - 12th grade) system AND 3 more years for preschool.

    Think about that. Which is more important?

    In preschool, your child plays blocks, eats snacks, runs around, takes a nap, then goes home at 12. Its dirt cheap

    The last three years of high school - you are taking high level classes, deciding what career path you want to take, and getting prepped for college. Now students will have to pay for it out of pocket.

    IMO, its simply a cost move. Preschool is a hundred times cheaper to pay for vs. high school and is a hundred times less important.

    And yet this comes at a time the education budget has been lifted to a massive 20% of GDP, far more than other Asean countries spend with far better results (Thailand being bottom of the pile). True, the focus of the new budget is to be spent on instilling "Thai values and morals" , therefore this makes sense. Start the propaganda at preschool, events here have shown that its far more difficult to reach 'em when they start showing independent thought patterns.

  17. Have been visiting Prachuap for 8 years and changes are certainly happening with number of new hotels going up and I lost count of 'Pizza' signs last time there but away from weekends (Bangkok invades) its still such a fabulous place to visit and so easy to find space on Ao Manao. Love getting up at crack of dawn and wandering the beachfront then stopping off for a helping those miniature doughnut things they sell at the market in front of the post office.

    Understand your Agoda comment but map confirms this is the new hotel in town I mentioned but shocked by the 5,500baht price tag.


    Hope the Italian place near the entrance to the airfield is still there when I get back in May.

    Just checked it out on Booking.com, 1350THB for a twin room for any dates I put in, bit of a difference from Agoda biggrin.png

    Edit. The 5500 THB was for a suite. Still works out a bit more expensive for a standard room than on Booking.com as Agoda prices don't include taxes.

  18. I stay in the Prachuap Beach Hotel which is smack bang in the middle of the beach road. Its about 900baht and if you stay on the 5th floor in high numbered room (508/509) youll wake up to fabulous views. Its basic but clean and worth the rent as walking distance to the seasiderestaurants (Maprow my favourite). There is a large hotel 2 streets back that was finished maybe a year ago but sorry dont recall the name but its towards the north end of town and likely features on Agoda.

    If you really want to splash out there are two hotels on the beach to the south of Ao Manao - drive straight through the airfield and hang left at the lights and you'll ome to a beach and hang right and the 2 hotels will be a km or so on your left. Not cheap and limited eateries at night but your call.

    Enjoy PKK

    Maprow my favourite too, great squid:-) Have to be careful when looking at hotels on Agoda as most of them are in PKK province rather than the city, if you're not careful you can find yourself 20k away from the city. I love the city, so relaxed, how long it will stay that way, who knows? Love the way it's inhabitants don't feel the need to tear around. Good place to leave Bangkok behind for a few days to recharge batteries.

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