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Posts posted by roamer

  1. The Brexit is made by people over 45 Years like most posters here.

    The young people voted for the EU.

    Conclusion: Emotions win over facts. (or understanding of the facts,)

    Some of he old British people in Thailand will see the facts when they hav to go home

    because the Pound will go down 2o%.

    Rotten healthsystem, no Thai food they can afford, living in slums

    with the other million of British people who lost the job.

    But they will have the best music. British Bands working in the EU

    have no mork permit, but wonderful they can enjoy in pubs.

    I think you will find it's the euro that will sink as the implications of losing the EU's second largest contributer sinks in. And it will need a life jacket as people in Holland and the Nordic countries start campaigning for a referendum. I'll tell you something else; in France when the anti EU movement can find a more acceptable politician than Marine Le Pen to rally around you can kiss the EU goodbye.

  2. Oh I don't know:

    "Betting markets have swung sharply towards “remain”, and now imply around a 75% chance that Britain stays in. If the answer to the country’s biggest political question for a generation is indeed “Remain”, it will be a triumph of youthful optimism over the tyranny of the old". http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2016/06/britain-s-eu-referendum-0

    So the iPhone reins, UK social security reins, no worries we will be taken care of reins, what was WW2 reins..........

    If some of you want to be controlled by folk who are very different from you, do your thing.....Do not come back crying cos your toilet paper ain't good enough, that classic car in your garage must stay there and not be used on the road.....Mark my words.....

    But those EU nuts who control you drink cheaper wine, can retire before you, and are laughing at you for handing over huge amounts of your dosh to retire before you, drink cheaper wine and come into your coutry to work for sod all while you worry about your mortgage payment.....

    Rule yourself, take care of your UK family and not those who sponge from YOU..

    I would guess for young people today, those who have always known us to be a part of the Eu, the referendum and the thought of leaving might just be a little scary so there's one reason why I think they will vote as expected. The second is they are more flexible in their future thinking, not encumbered by the past and all that entails, probably more futuristic than you or me, certainly me anyway at my age.


    Those who are not sure are likely to vote on the side of caution.

    A couple of points. My daughter attends a top London university, she tells me that the majority of her classmates are remainers, mainly on the basis that they don't want to see their holiday pound plunge. However, she also tells me that most of them freely admit they might not be bothered to vote. Admittedly these are science/medical students, possibly the social studies students elsewhere may be engaged and more inclined to vote. An unknown.

    The weather in London and the south-east is awful. It's been said that many voters who want Brexit would be willing to crawl on hands and knees across broken glass to reach the polling stations. The forecasts are for more torrential rain tonight, this could affect those less commited on the remain side.

    It's all to play for, and while I agree the undecided are more likely to vote for the status quo I also wonder how many undecided will reach the polling booths.

    And todays figures from the ONS showing the UK population increased by another half million in 2015 won't help the remain side either.



  3. Here is an honest question, will a degree from Chula be recognized in the USA or Europe?

    Actually it functions best as springboard for a Masters degree at a good Western Uni. My daughter has several Thai's all doing similar and mostly from Chula at her UK university and that is ranked among the top ten in the world.

    I understand all the doubts and caveats surrounding the Thai system but you got to have a few brain cells to do as they are.

  4. Presumably, the percentage figures at the bottom are the relative components of the overall score.

    In which case, I have bad news.

    It only adds up to 90%.

    There's a certain inevitability to that. I suppose. Perhaps I got it wrong, yes, that'll be it...


    Go to the bottom of the class smile.png

    Academic reputation (30%)

    Employer reputation (20%)

    Faculty/student ratio (15%)

    Citations per paper (10%) and papers per faculty (10%)

    Staff with a PhD (5%)

    Proportion of international faculty (2.5%) and proportion of international students (2.5%)

    Proportion of inbound exchange students (2.5%) and proportion of outbound exchange students (2.5%)


  5. If a direct booking is cheaper than Agoda or one of the others they risk expulsion from that bookingsite.

    lol !!

    Unless you are in France where the practice has been declared illegal. Look forward, same will apply throughout Europe. Then it will become very hard to keep the same business model for Asia.

  6. More than 20 years after the worlds worst factory fire took place in Nakon Pathom where 188 people were killed and hundreds more seriously injured. Nothing changes. Still no effective fire laws, locked fire exits and no smoke detectors can be found everywhere in Thailand.


    In the above case one person was convicted and sentenced to 10 years, allegedly for starting the blaze with a discarded cigarette, a labourer, The 14 executives on trial were cleared of all charges. Nothing Changes

  7. Self-advantage is the only thing that matters here.

    If there is no self-advantage, there is no effort.

    If there is self-advantage, there are smiles, wais and friendliness.

    their version of charity is even based on it - making merit - giving so that they will receive in the future.

    Disgusting culture and society from top to bottom.

    " Self-advantage is the only thing that matters here."

    " Disgusting culture and society from top to bottom."

    Go home.

  8. "Inflammable substance" could have been water. FLAMMABLE substance eg gasoline, alcohol, will burn.

    No. They are synonyms meaning the exact same thing not antonyms of each other.


    adjective 1. capable of being set on fire; combustible; flammable.

    Flammable vs. inflammable

    There is no difference in meaning between flammable and inflammable. Both describe things that are capable of burning or easy to ignite, but in all modern varieties of English, flammable is preferred.


    The pedant is still at it, makes him happy I guess.

  9. I don't see how any liquid could explode with such veracity, it would need to be in a sealed pressurised container first before ignition and even then would be unlikely to expand with such energy and cause the injuries shown to those two people, to me this story doesn't make sense or seem remotely possible as described

    That's true of a liquid, the vapour of a liquid is another story.

    it is only the vapour that ignites, liquids need to be stored under pressure to turn to vapour, it is quite complicated and involves temperature as well, not getting into that - go look it up, a good place to start would be something we are all familiar - lighter gas which is a liquid stored under pressure until it hits atmosphere, the temp and pressure are linked, regardless I still don't see as stated above how this could happen the way it is described

    Really don't think I need to "look it up"...give me 250ml of a volatile highly inflammable liquid, diethyl ether for example, pour it into a dish and set light to it and it will burn away. Put the same amount into a 500 ml glass bottle and put a cigarette end into it and watch the result....personally I wouldn't.

  10. I don't see how any liquid could explode with such veracity, it would need to be in a sealed pressurised container first before ignition and even then would be unlikely to expand with such energy and cause the injuries shown to those two people, to me this story doesn't make sense or seem remotely possible as described

    That's true of a liquid, the vapour of a liquid is another story.

  11. It is not only Westerners to complain about rude behavior. I have close friends from China and Hong Kong. Some years back, they traveled a lot on business and noted how well-mannered most people were in western countries. One of them returned to Hong Kong on a flight that contained a small Chinese tour group. This was in the days before there was a lot of Chinese tour groups. He commented that he was very ashamed to be Chinese when he saw how they behaved.

    My friends from China had a lot of examples of behavior that just was not acceptable and some down right dangerous -- such as getting out of their seat before a plane had landed and get their bags and try to get to the door.

    I hope the Queen doesn't cop too much grief over her remarks.

    such as getting out of their seat before a plane had landed and get their bags and try to get to the door.

    I used to fly every couple of months into China. That is a hallmark of Chinese upon landing approach.

    It's when you see the pilot doing it that you should really start to worry.

  12. I worked with owls for years in California while doing wild life surveys.

    I once asked an authority on owls" what makes young owls leave their nest?"

    He said when the nest finally gets so infested with fleas, lice and yes aunts...they leave the nest.

    But that is a much better chance than it would have without you!

    So even owls suffer from all the relatives turning up in Thailand ?rolleyes.gif

  13. Why an I not surprised at this?

    The only one taht seems to be missing so far is "Boss" from the Red Bull empire and he may not even be in the country.

    Do they really believe that people will say "But he has joined the temple so we must forgive him".

    If it was my son or daughter he had killed I would hope that he would burn in hell for eternity.

    There is no hell. Only oblivion.

    And your proof is ? smile.png

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