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Posts posted by ThaiBasil

  1. Document from US Embassy confirming that I was not married($), & translated into Thai.($)

    Unless it has changed, you also need to send it (Affirmation of freedom to marry) to Bangkok to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for certification. In my case, I just went to a translation office in Chiangmai, handed the Consulate letter to them and they knew what was necessary. They translated it, sent it to the MFA and within a week called me and informed it was ready. At that time it was about 1000 Baht and some change.

    If you are there yourself (at MFA) legalization of the document (Certificate of Capacity to Contract Marriage) costs 800 THB. Not sure how much it will be if you send it over.

  2. All really helpfull information. I am almost there as well but (stupidly I thought I had to do this one thing and I would be finished with the whole thing):

    I am a bit stuck at the Company Capital. Some months ago I went the office for a work permit for advice (Chiang Rai), there was only one person who could speak a bit english. He adviced me to bring the marriage documents and arrange a Non-B and then come back to sort out all the rest (company papers, contracts etc.).

    I arranged these two things and came back last Tuesday to get started on the rest. The english speaking person wasn't there and I had to deal with the head of the office. He wasn't helpfull at all as he didn't understand my business (real estate marketing) and he kept on saying that the capital needed to be 2 mill instead of 1 mill. But I am married to a Thai (he didn't see the documents, but kept saying it was 2 mill). He also said in Thai to my wife (who is the Director) that he doesn't worry about my company even if I had all the correct documents, simply because he didn't understand my work. So it seems like he doesn't want to help me. This is the way I set it up:

    - I am the only one actually working in the company, I just made my wife the director as there was not really another option to start a business.

    - Capital is 1 mill (I am planning to hire an accountant who can make it a Directors loan from the company, but still need to figure out a good accountant and the proper way to do this).

    - I am working at my home in my study, behind the computer (I have a baby so I want to stay here as much as possible and thought this was a pretty good option).

    What to do now? I can't arrange a 2 mill capital at this point (and don't want to) and don't want to bride the guy or work without a permit!

    bump -------- noone with advice??? nobody s been in a similar situation


  3. All really helpfull information. I am almost there as well but (stupidly I thought I had to do this one thing and I would be finished with the whole thing):

    I am a bit stuck at the Company Capital. Some months ago I went the office for a work permit for advice (Chiang Rai), there was only one person who could speak a bit english. He adviced me to bring the marriage documents and arrange a Non-B and then come back to sort out all the rest (company papers, contracts etc.).

    I arranged these two things and came back last Tuesday to get started on the rest. The english speaking person wasn't there and I had to deal with the head of the office. He wasn't helpfull at all as he didn't understand my business (real estate marketing) and he kept on saying that the capital needed to be 2 mill instead of 1 mill. But I am married to a Thai (he didn't see the documents, but kept saying it was 2 mill). He also said in Thai to my wife (who is the Director) that he doesn't worry about my company even if I had all the correct documents, simply because he didn't understand my work. So it seems like he doesn't want to help me. This is the way I set it up:

    - I am the only one actually working in the company, I just made my wife the director as there was not really another option to start a business.

    - Capital is 1 mill (I am planning to hire an accountant who can make it a Directors loan from the company, but still need to figure out a good accountant and the proper way to do this).

    - I am working at my home in my study, behind the computer (I have a baby so I want to stay here as much as possible and thought this was a pretty good option).

    What to do now? I can't arrange a 2 mill capital at this point (and don't want to) and don't want to bride the guy or work without a permit!

  4. Everyone got any further explainations?

    1. Rain water falling on your head will make you sick. (Apparently water from the sky is different from water from a tap that you might wash your head with).

    2. Never get your hair or nails cut on a Wednesday. ( No idea way not).

    3. Brooms must be stored bristle up and never bristle down. (If stored bristle down your money will fall out).

    4. Water tanks must be kept full. (This will ensure your wallet stays full of money).

    5. The entrance/exit of your house cannot point to the south. (you'd be walking into the Sun).

    I'm sure there are lots more, please post them.

    It is called "a common cold" and it happens sometimes when walking in the rain (yes even back home, I am not kidding)!!!

  5. Looking to stay in Samui for minimum 6 months towards the end of the year....

    spending hours looking online at potential places...... most of the ones i really like are around 30,000 Bht a month and my budget is 20,000 ...

    now i bet if i emailed them asking to have thier place for 20,000 they would probably tell me no chance....... but you think if i waited till i get out to samui and liturally turned up offering them 20,000 a month perhaps paying 6 months up front ..... you think i would be in with a shout ???

    what you guys honest opinion ??

    There is your problem. You just need to go there first, stay in a cheap and comfortbale place such as Mae Nam Resort (right on the beach) for a week and drive around the island looking arounbd for the place you want in the location you want (I always liked to stay at Baan Baithong in the old Monkey Theatre road as everything you need is nearby while staying in a nice and quiet place) for just 10,000 THB which can be cheaper if you stay longer indeed and pay up front to show you're not full of it!

  6. I intend to come to Chiang Rai in August, will stay close to the night market, but I know now is raining season, does it rain all day and night, if it is half day, at least I still have the other half to explore cr, residents please advice.

    Also. any comments on guesthouses like mae hong son or lotus, is it walking distance to the night market? Also, I will go to Mae Sai, Mae Salong and Chiang Khong, is it raining in these places too? :)

    It usually start raining late afternoon when it cools down a bit. But it can rain really hard in one place and just a mile down the road its dry and hot and sunny. So u'll never really know.

    Can't give advice regarding the guesthouses, but do have a friend who owns "Piman Inn" near the old airport (not too far from Nightplaza area). They have good prices (about 500 THB a night), pretty new fitness and swimming pool etc.

  7. 44 posts down and we still haven't been even close to come up with a good definition of "wealth". It is like asking a bunch of Isaan farmers to comment on quantum physics. "Hey, hand me that Mekong whiskey, and by the way what do you think about Heidelberg uncertainty principle, Schrödinger's dead cat and the tunnel effect?"...eh, more ice left?

    Lets face it, none of us are truly wealthy, so we don't really know how to define wealth. Mai pen rai, we are a happy bunch and know how to enjoy life. :D:D:)

    Everyone has its owns interpretation. As I said, mine is:

    You are wealthy when you are happy with waht you have!

    PS if you pass me the Mekong we can go a bit deeper into this subject, lol ..........

  8. I've been in Thailand for a while now and I generally have nothing bad to say about the beer that's available here. However, I often find myself craving to try a new variety, especially since most brands here are that of the lager variety. I've looked at places like HOBS (House of Beers) on Thong Lor before, but both times I went half the menu was crossed out and I had to settle for Stella Artois or Duvel, mind you both of which are good, but not really something you can't get somewhere else. Does anyone know if there's any more places like HOBS or restaurants/bars that serve unique beer unavailable at other locations? I'd be particularly interested in microbrewery beer from the US or Germany. Is it possible to import it directly from those countries without facing serious import duties and tax?

    Cheers :)

    Thanks a lot man, now I am craving for Stella and Duvel too ..........

  9. More and more it seems I see adults with their very young children here in Lamai. I suppose I can understand having your five-year-old or older along for the amusement of the adults (a five-year-old won't remember anything about the trip, except possibly a vague general memory at best -- a younger child will remember nothing), but bringing a baby seems insane.

    An infant or even a kid of two or three is a chore at the best of times, so why would you bring one along on a vacation clear across the globe? Have these people never hear of babysitters?

    Don't give me this, "They want to experience the holiday as a family" crap; it's easy to have a "holiday" for a day or so near your own home. Traveling on an airplane for hours with transfers and ultimately staying in a hotel or bungalow for days far from normal amenities with the constant attention a baby needs seems to defeat the purpose of a "vacation."

    A "holiday" is defined as a time when one does not work. Taking care of a small child or infant is work, no question.

    So why bring the baby along?

    PS -- This has nothing to do with "liking children or not"; it's a matter of R&R (Rest and relaxation/ rehabilitation/ recreation).

    Obviously you do not have children yourself, anywayzzzzz: Arj Barker (comedian) babies on flights video, it is hilarious:

  10. You know what makes me sick? ...Some handsome young dude with his arm around his pretty girlfriend.

    I'm just sick that I'm not young like him and I gotta wait another 4 months before I get my arm around one of my pretty young lady friends.

    Hey, I had to feed this bigoted troll also. :)

    First I though you were talking about me, but than again, my girlfriend isn't that pretty so must be someone else than, lol ......

  11. Experts seem to generally agree that to make it least confusing for a bilingual child, each parent should stick to one language. So the Thai parent should only speak Thai to the child and the foreign parent should only speak their native language to the child. It makes it easier for the child to differentiate between the languages.

    If the child is then exposed to a third language, for example in school, especially in the early years, it will also pick the language up with relative ease compared to learning it later in life.

    It is common for the child to develop their active vocabulary in all languages slower than a child that only learns one language, but parents often report that the child still understands all languages perfectly.

    The more the parents speak to the child, the more it can learn, so it would be beneficial to make an effort to speak a lot, speak clearly, and use many words. Some strategies to achieve this is narrating to the child what you are doing at the moment, speaking a lot with the child and reading books to the child.

    the book reqading advice is a really good tip. Now I have to find out where to buy english books and thai books. Thanks g00dgirl!!

  12. Check a hot spot like Phuket or Samui and ask that same question. Only add the word "beachfront" to your sentence thats all, hahaha ......

    That is true of course, but we really aren't talking of prime real estate taken up by wealthy Thais and rich farangs. The idea was for small Thai villages or the outskirts of bigger cities where the poorer people make their homes. The families I take care of live in Luk Kae in the province of Kanchanaburi, and the outskirts of Ubon Ratchathani. There are NO farangs within 10 kilometers of either area.

    Yes, I was just joking a bit (hence the "hahaha" at the end). Don't get me wrong I am doing a similar thing, but than with freinds and family of my gf.

  13. hmmmmm ........ the longer i stayed somewhere the more power I had to lower the price ..... but that wasn't exactly in your price range. 12,5% does seem a lot though, what are they using it for? maintenance? extra services or just pure profit?

  14. I knew a girl that was brought up with parents with different languages plus she learnt English. The family moved to Denamark when she was young and so she was brought up with 4 languages. She was fluent in none! She was most fluent in English but her writing skills were pretty bad in all 4 languages.

    I believe that all children can grow up with and become fluent in 2 languages, but more than that different children will have different abilities.

    Good question, I hope someone reads this with experience. I am trying to raise my son: Thai, English, Dutch. As we live in Thailand, Thai will simply be the language he will hear the most, after that it will be English and as I am from Holland I want him to learn the language as well.

    Hope somebody can give some advice or thoughts in here.

  15. Hi,

    Can you tell me what to think about when buying laminate floor ?

    It should me 12 mm ? What about Termites ? Water-resistant ?

    Do you think that laminate sold at homepro is good enough ? They also install it for free.

    Thanks for help.

    If you have a condo with a ground floor and second floor etc. I would say: tiles on ground floor and laminate on second (and above). Reason not to put laminate on ground floor is simply as it is closer to the dirt/soil so easier for termites. Most laminate already are anti-termite treated before sale (at least my experience). If you mean by condo that you are on the 12 floor of a huge building, you are probably ok regarding termites.

    Especially in the bedrooms it looks nice, don't need laminate really in your living as it get damaged quicker.

  16. Well it could have been me - my wife does look half my age but is actually only 10 years younger..... Don't think I could keep up with one that was really half my age... If it wasn't for the fear of death or poverty I might be convinced to give it a try however....

    If I am actually going with a lady half my age: I'll probably go to jail! Have to wait until I am at least 36 to do that, lol .......

  17. What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 72)

    1. Breathing

    2. Doesn't miss the toilet


    Most guys in their 30s can handle at least one of these. :)

    So you're saying that if I pee without spilling, I'll probably won't breath anymore???? Makes me scared as I am becoming 30 next month, wahahahaha ............ hopefully by than I start pissing next to it, lol ....

  18. I have been in thailand in the last 2 weeks and have seen old white men with thai ladies half their ages and has seen old european ladies who was dating young Turkish men in turkey in the past,

    All that make me ask myself this question: what kind of a mindset they are in while they embarke on that relationship??

    It is really a sicken image for me :) what is wrong with those people??

    I must say when I first saw this fat big man with one of these flower necklaces around his neck dancing (well at least he was trying) in a disco at 3 in the night with a cocktail in his hand surrounded by bar girls it made me a bit sick as well. But now I stay here longer I start thinking: if I am single at that age and have the money for a (well deserved) good time, it might be me dancing with all these bar girls ........

  19. I just read about the shooting incident on Phangan, I was shocked & surprised.

    Mafia is everywhere, but on a small island like Phangan...well it takes a lot of space.

    I wonder if this incident has effected the tourist flow.

    Especially on an isalnd like Phangan. Full Moon Party: lots of tourists each month, lot of money going around, lots of drugs and alcohol, lots of wasted people waiting to get cheated out of their money: the whole island screams: mafia!!! (still a nice place though, lol)

  20. Donate a small plot of land to the community for them to play those small games on - can't remember the name - where they throw the balls at the stick or the rings over the stick.

    I have seen many small communities gather at these places and play happily during the evening, socialising and having the odd beer together.

    That is a great idea, G54. But whose name would be on the ownership paper? It would have to be in the communities name so it didn't get stolen at a later date.

    Thanks :)

    I have seen it done but not exactly sure how. In the main I have seen some people build large houses and heard they donated a small strip of land for this type of purpose.

    I would presume they donate the land to the community via the Amphur or similar.

    I'll add it is great to see small projects like this that add to the community and you often see young and old participating in these games. A couple of benches and a few plastic chairs dotted about, people having food and drinks and you have a great atmosphere for little cost.

    I cannot see a small patch of land 5 metres wide * 10 metres long costing a great amount of money either.

    Check a hot spot like Phuket or Samui and ask that same question. Only add the word "beachfront" to your sentence thats all, hahaha ......

  21. Do it. I was in the same situation some 6 years ago. If you have enough money saved, or a pension to live on, then you can make it. My only regret is that I had not done this 30 years ago. The Thais do thinks somewhat differently than my home country, but that only makes daily life more interesting. After 30 years of marriage, I left all of my material things behind and came over to Thailand with only two suitcases of clothes. I now have a small new home upcountry that is paid for in full, a paid for motorcycle, a paid for 5 year old pickup, and no monthly debts other than elec., internet connection, satalite TV.

    It took me over 300 women before I found the one I am married to now.

    Whatever you do, do not fall for the first one. It canbe, and has been done many times,

    but keep your eyes wide open.

    the guy is banned for trolling ....... not sure if this topic is still worth anything ...

  22. My Mary Rose 2 years 2months another due in two weeks will post photos of her then. Nice to see so many happy looking children.

    Nice indeed, where is the snow picture taken, its a very lovely pic?

    Hi there we went to Sweden from Spain last winter for Christmas it was cool but the welcome hot.

    It looks beautiful. I remember last december in Thailand I saw on the news that there was ice in Phu Chi Fa mountain, Northern Thailand. When they showed it on the tv it was about a square foot of grass where you could see a small part which was a bit frozen, hahahaha ........ (okay its a bit off topic, lol)

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