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Posts posted by ThaiBasil

  1. Honestly admitting I haven't personllay been in the situation I still want to place my thoughts on here on how I would try to solve the problem.

    I would try to take her back to her roots, as someone else said: take her to her friends n family (if she still has them) and take her to a familiair and safe place. I also would try to figure out what my exact place is in her "crazyness" (I mean what is she trying to say by attacking you with knives, it seems like a "get the hel_l away from me"). Is it better for her if I'd leave for a while, sending some money to the family to take care of her for a while? Hope it helps and good luck with it.

  2. If 40 baht is already a full meal for 2 or the grosseries at he local market or a big bottle of beer see how many times you can save 40 baht by not using the hot shower every day. This is the way my parents in law think!

    By the way my electric bill is about a 1,000 a month: that is 25 bottles of beer extra a month, lol!!!

  3. As I am not the only proud parent around here I thought it would be nice to have a hread where you can posts some pics of your baby in here. If you have some movies to show, thats fine too. Here are a couple of my son Jonah.







  4. The amount of outright and blatant brainwashing which goes on here under the guise of the ever elusive and most likely mythical thing known as "thai culture" is enough to wobble the mind.

    I have all too often seen thai parents forcing their children into wai'ing. Most of these children are so young they have no idea what they are doing, nor possess the motor skill development to carry out the maneuver. It is sad really.

    On the rare occasion I am wai'd; I discount it as a 'thai thing', and either nod back or totally ignore it.

    While off topic (yet still concerning the penchant for wais); my motto is' "wais are for thais", and in over 4 years here I've never wai'd a single person in this country, and probably never will. Of course not being enamored by, enchanted with, or endeared to either this country or its native inhabitants I choose to ignore most things the foreign wannabe-thai sock-puppet contingent tries to pawn off as thai culture.

    I also always cringe when I see what I call "wai-crazed foreigners". Anyone whose lived in thailand for any length of time has seen them too. They are the morons who are wai'ing the doormen, service staff in restaurants, go-go bar workers, limbless street beggars, and the occasional soi dog thrown in for good measure. I usually ask them; "Why wai, are you thai?"

    Great post. Watch out though for the "more Thai than Thais" brigade who will be along in a minute (if not already) to have you whipped on deck for daring to make such a statement.

    I don't wai either, didn't go in for the deep bowing nonsense in Japan either.

    As for blokes wiing go-go waitresses, then they have really lost the plot and a lot of so called "experienced" westerners actually know nothing. The same mob go down the sinsot and adopting all things Thai route, singularly failing to acknowledge that they are not Thai (at least in the real world).

    I wai because I want to show respect to the Thai people and their culture, not because I want to be Thai. It is their country so I am the one who needs to adapt and respect that! If I was in Japan I would bow for these same reasons.

    For the people in here who think it is to hard to do that: go back home where you can ignore everyone!!!!

  5. I only believe your point about drunk Thai people is a bit out of place. Have seen lots of fights between drunk thai teenagers and know of some thai men hitting their wives and children when drunk. I haven't heard this much about foreigners, but do believe they are more rude and impolite when drunk, but that is just personal experience.

    What I also find so graet about Thai people is that most of the day they are busy with everything besides their job. Food, house, garden, family, religion. Back home when I came back from work I just relaxed for at least an hour, cooked some food, watched tv, did some things I had to take care of and than went to bed, I need my time to be alone sometimes and able to relax.

  6. Thai Or Cambodian Girls? Is that all you think about the whole day? Go and get a job.

    Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish it's source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.

    Or it just dies from boredom: its all drained, no more love left.

  7. these you can try:

    - salads (many places offer both thai and foreign style salads

    - soups (spicy ones) especially Tom Yam

    - try the exotic fruits, many places offer fruit salads

    - down south the seafood is fantastic

    - stay away from BBQ's

    Ohw and thai sweets are not too bad compared to sweets back home as they often contain cocnut milk and fruits and sticky rice

  8. Again, what is is that you hope to achieve..what is it that you are after in this way??

    Everything comes at a price. But, sometimes what you have to pay is rewarded by what you learn along the way. As the OP is a young, immature person with little or no experience with women I don't give this relationship too much chance in lasting. But, if he accepts what happens as a learning process that we all go through then it is worth the ride. The only advice I would give is just don't spend more than you are willing to lose... emotionally or financially. I wish them both well as I do all young lovers.

    I guess he just wanted to share his story. I don't see the problem. I know it is a big abd busy forum but I have noticed that the word "troll" is quite popular in here.

    Back on topic. The OP made a choice and no matter if it is a good one or a bad one, he'll gain experience and come out of it as a bigger person. Now he has some more choices to make: continue, discontinue. go to Thailand, Australia or stay in Finland.

    If I were him I would just read the replies instead of replying on them cause some serious ones are actually good to keep in the back of his mind!

  9. been trying to think about this for last 2 days

    a friend is about to move to Thailand on a long term basis. Hes got a baby girl, about 1 or 2 years old, his wife will be coming with him.

    they have packed the usual basic things, clothes, books, and whatever else people do.

    he asked me what would be 'missing' / expensive in Thailand, that an expat/westerner might want to bring....

    I couldnt think of many things, everything seems to be available. I told him wine

    but need more ideas

    (they still have lots of space in what they are shipping over)

    so over to you?

    other alcoholic drinks? (he likes to have drinks and will be doing a fair bit of entertaining Im sure)

    female stuff?

    baby stuff?

    anything else? (but non perishable only)

    thanks everyone

    I'll go for "female stuff" (we suppose to choose from the options right??)

    on a more serious note: good cigars, good wine, good underwear ...... still haven't found these here yet !!! ohw and I got lots of gifts for my baby. Like stuff and baby songs I grew up with as well. Stuff they do not have in Thailand!!

  10. I know the road to Huay Sak lake has a couple of foreigners. I briefly met a guy from England (if I remember correctly) and know of a Scottish guy living on that nice hill overlooking the lake with his wife from China and a guy from England with a Thai wife who is a teacher and the French guy ruining the lake with his speedboat. That is about it.

    I live in Pah Kow (instead of right to the lake at the traffice light, left for about 2 minutes). Any farang neighbours???

  11. I lost 5kilos in thirty days.

    Wow that is a lot. Personally I do not believe in pills etc. to lose weight. Just in hard work and eating right. Last year when I was back home I watched what I ate, went to the gym about 3/4 times a week (just because I love it as well) and in stead of doing everything by motorbike I did everything by bycicle or by foot.

    I also made my own "fluid diet" for one month. I basically put fruits, milk, water, muesli (sometimes added some nuts or raisins) along with some creatine (powder for protein shakes) in a blender and made a 2 liter shake which I drank for breakfast and lunch. I watched what I ate for dinner (if it is nutricious, its no problem to take a second plate).

    I lost 7 kilos from 85 down to 78 (I am 1,85m) in less than 3 months. Here are some tips:

    1 small things make a difference. Take a glass of water instead of a coke. take the stairs instead of the elevator.

    2 after workout go to the sauna: good for muscles, good to relax and relief you from stress, good for blood flow, good to sweat (you lose weight from sauna too, but only temporary as it is the fluids you lose, drink water and you're right up there again).

    3 talk to the professionals at the gym to make a good workout! tell them your goals and the period wherein you want to acheive them.

    4 common mistake when doing situps: just do 8-12 heavy reps and very slowly instead of doing as many as you can (because that is not going to work). This will makes you stronger, slimmer and gives you a six pack.

    5 when u want to lose weight, do not only run on the threadmill, an allround body workout will make you lose weight too and will give your body more rest as you'll be doing one groups of muscles 1 day and another group another day (this way you will not end up sore everyday).

    6 if you don't have the discipline it helps to go with a buddy or set the evenings you are going (mon,wed,fri for inst.)

    7 Eat less food containing lots of carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, beans) and eat more fruits, veggies, fish (make sure you get your fual from somewhere, so it is not recommended not to eat bread, rice etc. at all) Don't eat less: eat good!!!

    8 Drink lots of water.

    9 It helps to not to drink, not to smoke, not to snack. Just replace them with sex in case you can't take it any longer, lol.

    10 Rest properly will get you more engery, better recovery and less stress.

    When you read them back, apart from the actual workout, they are all small and easy to do, but it takes discipline to stick with it. This is why people look for an easy way out such as extreme diets and pills.

  12. Congratulations!

    Prepare for the sleepless nights

    Prepare for the endless attention the little one needs (I am still surprised how a little baby can make all the adults around him soooooo tired sometimes and than wakes up happily if nothing ever happened again at 6:00, lol)

    Prepare to learn some Thai culture stuff involving babies (such as it is not good to show the baby itself in the mirror, can't walk beyond your own property with the baby after dark as it is not protected anymore by the small house "shrine" (forgot the word in thai, the small temple protecting your property and house from spirits etc.) and many more like these ....

  13. This is a funny thread, hope mine helps. To any Thais reading we are not criticising, it can be very amusing when these mistakes are made but the majority of us find it endearing rather than annoying. I must admit I would have been stumped with the 'whore dust' :)

    Travel agency has a big sign outside proudly announcing 'WE SPEAK ENGLISH'.

    Underneath that 'FARANG MELCOME'.

    Is there a trades description act in Thailand?

    You are absolutely right, it is not to ridicule the Thai people at all. The opposite: it is very lovely!!!

    (PS It is the other way around as well: just a minute ago I got laughed at very loudly by my gf, daughter and aunt because I pronounced something wrong)

  14. ...........yeah I know spelling mistakes abound........but its my day off and i am very tired...so to preempt the replies........and obvious jibes............I am very very very sorry!!!!!

    you are forgiven ................... this time ...... hahahaha .... when giving good advice, who cares about the spelling, as long as people get the message right??

  15. I know this story of a guy sitting on his motorbike (not driving) besides the road talking to his friend. Than he got hit by a car and had to go to the hospital for treatment. Later he was blamed because his motorbike wasn't registered correctly (you know the sticker you have to put on your motorbike each year). The guy wasn't even driving and still it was his fault!

    My point is: it can be worse if police finds a farang with a gun. Innocent or not, self defense or not, you'll never know.

  16. Guys this BBQ is serious. I don't have an exact date yet, since I have to find a JOB in Thailand first. Meanwhile this topic keeps here, so everybody will know about the party. And it's a good oppertunity for regular members of TV to have a chat in real life.

    Cool, where you gonna settle in Thailand? Chang Factory?

  17. You guys are so bad. Stop teasing the virgin Fin.

    Kaitchu has found real love. I am happy for you. Your story is so touching. I almost cry.

    So, DaleBlue, about dating websites ...... you only find "good Thai girls" on there, chai mai ?

    No, I did not say that.

    Like you, I was not impress at the beginning of the story and I though that he was scammed. But she have been with her in Finland for a period of time, he has found her to be the best thing it his life. Kaitchu should trust his instinct, and follow his feeling.

    If you this is girl is one of those you have in mind, don't you think Kaitchu would have detected it? Finn are not stupid.

    love can make a person blind .......

  18. The amount of outright and blatant brainwashing which goes on here under the guise of the ever elusive and most likely mythical thing known as "thai culture" is enough to wobble the mind.

    I have all too often seen thai parents forcing their children into wai'ing. Most of these children are so young they have no idea what they are doing, nor possess the motor skill development to carry out the maneuver. It is sad really.

    On the rare occasion I am wai'd; I discount it as a 'thai thing', and either nod back or totally ignore it.

    While off topic (yet still concerning the penchant for wais); my motto is' "wais are for thais", and in over 4 years here I've never wai'd a single person in this country, and probably never will. Of course not being enamored by, enchanted with, or endeared to either this country or its native inhabitants I choose to ignore most things the foreign wannabe-thai sock-puppet contingent tries to pawn off as thai culture.

    I also always cringe when I see what I call "wai-crazed foreigners". Anyone whose lived in thailand for any length of time has seen them too. They are the morons who are wai'ing the doormen, service staff in restaurants, go-go bar workers, limbless street beggars, and the occasional soi dog thrown in for good measure. I usually ask them; "Why wai, are you thai?"

    You are a guest in this country. It is not about "wannabe-thai sock-puppet" bullshit like you say, it is simply about respect. Is it so hard to give when received, why totally ignore it, as you write?

    I agree partly on your "wai-crazed foreigners-part" but better to wai too much than too little I guess.

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