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Posts posted by BygonKeaw

  1. I strongly believe the storm clouds are quickly gathering for a financial crisis of gigantic proportions .much bigger than the banking crisis

    because it will be caused by world chaos.....................................

    Its not what people say- it is how they say it. This is not a stern " dont do it "............its more like a parent warning a child " dont you dare do that " !

    Don't surprise me with strike on Iran, Obama warns Netanyahu :)

    The message was said to have been conveyed to Mr Netanyahu after an earlier meeting in Washington at which an envoy representing the Israeli Prime Minister had discussed the US President's initiative to open dialogue with Tehran. That meeting was reportedly held with the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and the President's national security adviser, James Jones.

    The report by the paper's normally well informed diplomatic editor, Aluf Benn, pointed as a probable reason for US concern to Mr Netanyahu's pre-election pledge to do "whatever is necessary" to stop Iran acquiring nuclear weapons. It also cited his additional comment after taking office that "We will not allow Holocaust-deniers to carry out another holocaust."

    The Prime Minister's office declined to confirm the report last night.


    I am trying to join th dots here :-

    1. Ahmadinejad maybe crazy ( it has been reported even the Ayotollah thinks so ! ) but he firmly believes there must be bloodshed for the 12th Imam to return.

    " Rumours abound of Mr Ahmadinejad's devotion to the 12th Imam, and last year it was reported that he had persuaded his cabinet to sign a "contract" pledging themselves to work for his return"[/i]

    2. What is Israel going to do................take action because they " will not allow Holocaust-deniers to carry out another holocaust."

    3. It doesnt matter how successful or otherwise such a srtike by Israel would be against Iran - my concern then is how determined the Taliban would then be to take revenge against this strike against their Islamic brothers and to get hold of just one of those nuclear weapons in an already very fragile Pakistan ..........................?

    Then I think we will see total chaos on world markets................

    does anyone out there have similar concerns.?

    Its all part of the new world order. The world will get that crazy that we'll be crying out for what the waiting to offer us.

    Lets just hope the people wake up to there carefuly engineered plan before its all over.

    The funny thing is that these elites will probably have there own holocaust and wipe out 85% of the population and the rest will be microchiped

    Can someone please explain why the most powerful people in the world meet once or twice a year in a hotel secretly with no attention or coverage from the media?? Its called the bilderberg group, if you dont know about you best get to know.


    F@$K the private Federal reserve

  2. Hi Abrak,

    I agree, these dam_n green shoots shall be removed forthwith, they don't exist anyway....

    The term "unconventional" didn't come from me, but my understanding is that QE is the government buying assets with electronically issued money, thus increasing the money supply, but at least the government holds some assets at the end. Zimbabwe was simply printing physical money, which I think is a different kettle of smelly fish.

    Yes, I was totally UK oriented.

    The US, as issuer of USD debts and can simply print more USD to repay them. The open question is at what point do the creditors refuse to give more credit in USD and insist on say the Yuan, Euro or other currency as payment for goods or commodities? The problems of "holding too much USD debt to do this" is maybe currently being resolved as China buys up farmland in Africa, gold, and other commodities, presumably using its massive USD holdings. China is increasingly making noises that they do not like the current imbalance. The oil producers will not be happy settling in USDs if the USD is rapidly losing value. So the whole thing could possibly backfire, maybe one reason why Hillary Clinton went to China?

    So far only Japan, the UK and US have gone into Quantitative Easing. The Europeans have said they are about to, but there are several issues to be addressed before they can really start.

    I think that Brown has vastly overestimated the importance of the UK and GBP in the world, and that his devaluation of the GBP coupled with Quantitative Easing will send the UK economy further down.


    Just had an email from a friend and colleague I placed at the Olympic site in London. It reads as follows.

    "Everyone in Britain is under manic levels of depression with this recession we're in (many people worry for thier job security but think house price have hit bottom- v strange!), you're right to not miss it!


    Phil is a usually positive guy, although realistically (for Blightian's) bearish.

    Anecdotal but sets the mood of the nation.


    Thats funny cus i just had a email from a american feeling a bit depressed after he has had a long hard think. It reads as follow

    "Sadly we live in a country whose history is much like this current scandal. Our self image is a deception based on denial, cover ups, and delusion. We cannot progress unless we look ourselves in the mirror, not for a quick glance, but for a long and painful self inspection. They do not hate us because we are good. They hate us because we are a selfish and evil people consumed with our own comfort and drowning in the fetid smell of our own decay. We are a depraved, unproductive, and brutal empire on the brink of collapse. They hate us because they should and if they knew the whole truth, they would hate us even more."

  3. i read all the posts about the exchange rates here ,and the only thing i can deduce is that like the bankers who got us into this mess none of you ,or me have a clue its all just fancy guesswork.The only certainty is that nothing is certain.

    I myself believe that the mess that we're in has been manipulated into place.

    So therefore in my opinion i dont believe its fancy guess work, Infact i know its not.

    If you research down the correct path then you'll find out what the people that have orchestrated this mess's real agenda is.

    More . . .

    Go on . . .

    Pm me and ill direct you to everything you need to know about the so called secret agenda.

    To be honest there is to much to explain, better than you spend a few hours of documentaries and expand your mind to find out whats really going on who is really hiding behind the curtians.

    Once you have a basic understanding your realise why world affairs are currently happening, Yep it'll make u mad but also it should free yourself from future enslavery.

    btw its not such a big secret millions of people know what i do, The great thing is people are starting to wake up to this.

  4. i read all the posts about the exchange rates here ,and the only thing i can deduce is that like the bankers who got us into this mess none of you ,or me have a clue its all just fancy guesswork.The only certainty is that nothing is certain.

    I myself believe that the mess that we're in has been manipulated into place.

    So therefore in my opinion i dont believe its fancy guess work, Infact i know its not.

    If you research down the correct path then you'll find out what the people that have orchestrated this mess's real agenda is.

  5. Right then.

    I've updated my Household Budget spreadsheet.

    For 2 adults and a child living comfortable but basic in own home with no rent to pay it's around £7250 a year.

    See the summary page pdf attached.

    If anyone would like the full spreadsheet, which is useful, PM me.

    wow 720 baht on food per week??? thats shameful

    5000 baht to her mum and dad when your spending to little on yourself and kid?? thats scandless :)

  6. Well, if anyone really considers that the pound will not rise against the bt (save for short term corrections) then more fool them!

    Well maybe I'm a fool then because I see GBP strengthening marginally against THB in the short term but my medium and long term view is that GBP will weaken quite substantially and as discussed elsewhere in this forum previously, 35 Baht per GBP during the next five to seven years is entirely probable if not very likely. As for the poster who estimates 80 baht per Pound, do you have any logiv to support this claim and did you get confused when trying to post in the jokes section!

    No maybe about it. But go on give us your theory.

    Wow 35!!!!

    Guess you took the blue pills then!!

    Maybe the guy who predicted 80 can give you a few of his uppers.

    What a nut!

    In the next 5 - 7 years i predict one world currency with a one world central bank controlling the planet.

    Give it another 5 - 7 years and 85% of the planet will have been depopulated. Remaining 15% RFID chipped.

    So the real concern shouldnt be GBP - THB


  7. The U.K. economy is in better shape than the European Union. As with the dollar, the £ will recover...... to approx 63 Baht in the next 5 months as interest rates also rise within the U.K. to counteract inflation. With Spain, Ireland, Greece it will be at the expense of the Euro which can expect to see about September as 37/38 baht. Dollar still strong at 35/36... :D

    prophets are not an extinct species! :)

    prophets have never been but its not hard to predict the future if you educate yourself. :D

  8. This 'elite' that you talk about must be pretty incompetent if they've spent the history of mankind fighting for world empire but haven't yet managed to bring it about. What's so special about this year that it's going to happen?

    where did it say these elite have been fighting for the length of all mankind? I think it meant different elites have not these guys.

    well anyway i guess its part of history, people have always tried to rule the planet

    The difference with this one is its done in secrecy and whats in store wont be very nice.

    Research it for yourself, Research the bilderberg group for example.

    Educate yourself from both sides.

    Im here in peace and to awaken people hopefully.

    everyone is entitled to there opinion without being looked down upon.

  9. Start a poll!

    I will next time. Im just interested to know people thoughts.

    Do they know about it?

    if not why not?

    How will they react?

    How will they react if they learn everything has been manipulated (911,world ecomomic crisis, war on terror) to put about the new world goverment?

    Do they know the conseqences?

    Do they think its just a conspiracy?

    will it effect them still living in thailand?

    This is a open forum so im looking for a open response (i hope)

  10. Throughout the history of mankind, the elite have always fought for world empire. Now, using secrecy and international banking systems, they are making their final push for world government. Only an educated and informed public can stop them in their tracks.

    So there in there final push.....what u gonna do??

    will u fight for yourself or thailand? return home? accept it and become a slave???

    OR EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Whatever, but it was better for gays under Saddam. The crazy forces of radical Islam were under control under Saddam who was much more of a SECULAR leader.

    what the hel_l r u talking about u bloody lunatic?

    from every post i read of yours u seem to think you know everything when infact its quiet embarrasing reading your nonsense.

    wake up mate.

  12. why will it be amusing?

    I guess your to set in your/there way to seek the truth.

    God help us if this is how 99% of sheeple think.

    ps i like the way u picked the most pathetic video u could find with some guy sat in his bedroom.

    So you're not going to tell us then? You're no fun!

    BTW, I don't think "God" is going to solve global warming for us, do you?

    No need to solve a problem when there isnt one.

    god? u mean that guy who sits up there with a big beard looking after us all?

  13. global warming exposed in 10 minutes.



    Clearly an American right wing political piece. Not science and Americans know that the US right wing has had opposition to science as a core part of their ideology. I think the video may be from this right wing group: http://cei.org/

    Such groups are notoriously phobic about the US cooperating in any way with the international community of nations. They have nightmares about one world government, they are obsessed.

    This isn't a matter of a taxation discussion, its about the future of our species on this planet. The stuff in the video about the Nazis and eugenics was truly CREEPY. This is your best shot to counter Al Gore? AMAZING.

    It wasnt really a shot but take a look at this link because 30,000 scientists wanna take a shot at him.


    jingthing i suggest your research who really controls your country, i presume your american?

  14. someone is watching too much thai soaps

    remember that even in the soaps, which are mostly fictious, it never ends well

    is it thai culture? certainly not. all my life, Ive never heard or hear anyone being taught in school, at home, or in books, that its ok to cheat on your partner. or to lie.

    in fact those are 2 of the 5 sins according to buddhism. (more than 95% of people in thailand are buddhist) something that is taught to every child every day of school.

    having 2 wives husbands is in fact illegal in thailand

    and before anyone starts talking about me wearing rose-tinted glasses, well then my answer can only be that perhaps Im just not fortunate enough to :o know a majority of people like the OP's male friends?

    PS. just noticed Guesthouse put it more eloquently than me :D

    Yes mig thats right but please dont bring religion into it as we all know its a load of <deleted>!!!

    anyway over and out for the final time. lol

  15. Rather than try to guess how a Thai gets away with infidelity (with all the problems of trying to interpret a culture that already has you confused between what you are told is Thai culture and what actually goes on in Thai culture) why not take the easier route to finding out what you need to know and simply as anyone of the many foreigners in Thailand, who having found their perfect Thai woman nevertheless feel the need to play away from home.

    There's over sixty million Thai people, let's say 30 million Thai males and lets round that down to 20 million Thai male adults - Do you really believe there is a one size fits all answer to their behavior?

    The garbage that is spouted about Thai men by foreigners, or on TV ought to be consigned to where it belongs - back in the bar where it came from.

    Yes i agree thats y its embarrasing to be a farang sometimes.

    Stereotyping = small minds

    Keep watching television, reading papers and reading this website to keep your minds small.

    Over and out

  16. I am the owner of a small business, 6 full time staff - work permit, 1 year visa set up. A member of staff has sent in a sick note in which the Dr has given her 3 days sick leave 16th -18th. Someone has changed 18 to 28 and so extended the leave by a further 10 days. I have been to the hospital and have a photocopy of the original which as I suspected should be for 3 days. Staff gossip suggests she will return to work tomorrow -if she does what should my course of action be? I feel like giving her 10 days unpaid leave (given the current business climate I'm overstaffed and would welcome saving a bit of cash). I want to send a very clear message the other staff that this is unacceptable behaviour.

    If she takes the 13 days - do I have grounds for dismissal?

    Another question - I'm looking into the possibility of job sharing and have 2 full time staff share 1 job (each working 3 day weeks)

    Legal implications?



    so your business isnt doing to well?? no need to take it out on others!

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