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Posts posted by Dodobird

  1. I have been sending some stuff to Norway and tried this site which I think is useless. I am looking for another site and will post it here.

    Currently I am using this site to track my parcel to Norway Posten and it is very reliable.


    Hello Guys

    Does anybody know how to track a parcel from Thailand To Germany. As per the other posts its traceable until Swampy on the ThailandPost website.

    thx in advance

    If you send it by EMS try this link


  2. so....like it or not,

    it is Child abuse,

    it damages rather than "improves" children,

    Those who practice it either have behavioural problems of their own, or are perverts or of one kind or another

    Furthermore consider this - if they deal in such a physical manner with a child who has annoyed them what happens at the other end of the scale when they want to show a child affection?????????

    .....and those who "think' it "did them no harm" - think again - there have been people on this thread airing some dangerously unbalanced and deeply disturbing views on life experience and child care, not to mention practices on children that are ILLEGAL....both nationally and internationally.


  3. "Some of their accounts clearly show that Thai soldiers put civilian non-combatants, including journalists, in mortal danger and respected no rule of engagement," it said.

    Is was a civil war. All the people knew the risk when they enter the war zone.

    Please don't blame Mark's soldiers.

    Has it been declared?

    NO...but it has been declared that the Election commission had a strong case to take to the Constitutional court regarding the Dissolving of the Democratic party over the alleged receiving of 285 Mil Bht from a well known company,that i would perceive as not being in the rule book.

    Just another smoke N mirror.... :wai:

  4. I booked a flight on 17th June 2010 (1800pm flight from SIN-BKK on Saturday 26 June 2010.) and thereafter, I have been receiving daily "Flight Reminders" e-mails from Tiger Airlines. Wonderful….

    On 26 June 2010, I got to Budget Terminal (Singapore) with plenty of time to check in (because I didn't want to miss my flight!). See below…


    BE AWARE - Tiger Airways takes being on time seriously. Check-in opens 2 hours before departure. Make sure that you get to the check in desk well before 45 minutes prior to scheduled departure. If you miss that time you miss the flight.

    However, upon arrival, I was shocked when I look at the check-in-counter 9-10 display panel which shown the flight at 1800 had been retimed 'till 2000pm. I immediately approach an Indian lady (at counter 2) who was at that time seen frantically keying some messages on her mobile phone. In took more than 10 minutes before she look up at me with a very disgusting expression. I politely ask her why the flight was retimed to 2000? and why Tiger Airways did not updates the passenger about the changes as stated in the "Flight Reminder". She was kind of annoyed with the questions which may have been she gets this question all the time, and knows it sucks or she herself sucks.


    Remember to CHECK YOUR EMAIL REGULARLY. We may use this e-mail address to contact you about flight updates up to 12 hours before your first flight out.

    This is how she replied :-

    a) It is not my duty to explain to you about the changed, however, if you insist for an answer, you may call the "Hot Line" or write to the management directly.

    B) As for the "Flight Reminder", the airline will updates the passenger up to 12 hours before their first flight out and not otherwise…

    Apparently, not only are Tiger Airways staff rude and condescending, they refused to explain…Give this small fry a computer and counter and they behave as if they are lords.

    Irritated, I decided to call the hotline, but no one is answering. I patiently tried numerous times to no avail.

    Her flight was once again delayed departing Adelaide which meant she didn't end up getting home until 1am.The flight once again delayed departing from Singapore which mean I ended up arriving Bangkok at 2130pm (Thailand time) and another half an hour for immigration clearance, I came out at about 2200pm to meet my wife who fell asleep on the bench (tired and hungry) at the arrival hall.

    I just don't understand myself, I have heard terrible things about Tiger Airways and yet I stupidly decided to travel with them.

    • Like 1
  5. the red shirt are just trying to stop the democrats and the army robbing this country ... ow, you didn't know about the floods then ... of course not, they only have been going on for a decade, have affected about 25 million people - as in; the biggest problem for the country

    ow, and wasn't the project to stop the illegal wood cutting the last piece of legislation Thaksin got to sign? did you ever thought that maybe that's why the army took over ... to protect their interest in the illegal wood cutting, which has caused the floods (in case you didn't get that) ... or do you really think when the army took over they actually did that purely out of duty and for the country, do you really, really believe that? really?

    I'll tell you what i believe. The army defends the King. The red shirts defend Thaksin.

    Do you really, really believe that the red shirts give a hoot about anyone robbing this country when they are employed by a convicted robber themselves? Really?

    employ to be killed?

  6. Yeah, I'd like to know too but what is even more strange is I often find dogs trying to HUMP my leg. Its true, everywhere I go dogs hump my leg.

    Pity I don't have the same effect on the ladies :)

    female dogs hump...same effect :D

  7. Articles like this are written by those who don't really understand the basics of good journalism. A lot of Thais live in a fantasy world where what you see on television represents an absolute truth. All CNN, BBC and other news organisations did is report from the ground and present both sides of the argument. Because this balanced approach conflicts with simplistic absolute truth of good guys vs terrorists presented by the Thai media, a lot of Thais believe "The Truth" can be found on their little Thai television programmes and "Lies" is found on the "foreigner television".

    How contradictory. BBC and CNN did nothing of the sort. In fact, their entire coverage of the events in Bangkok were exclusively presented in a good guys (poor, unarmed freedom fighting farmers) vs. bad guys (corrupt, abusive, human rights violating, malicious and murdering everyone in sight military). It is pretty clear that you are fond of this biased view as well. BBC was more one sided than the N. Korean Dear Leader channel and couldn't have been further from the truth that was happening around us.

    They seem to have shockingly dropped this story off the map once:

    1. They set the city on fire, endangering the lives of thousands of people who live here, completely ignoring the heroic effort of the fire brigade and medics working through the night to prevent a completely horrific disaster from spreading.

    2. Numerous footage of red shirts with weapons of war firing into crowds and military surfaced.

    3. A plethora of IED's, grenades, guns and ammunition were found hidden around the site.

    4. Red shirt leaders were charged with terrorism.

    5. Car bombs, stolen ID's and credit cards were discovered around the protest site.

    I could go on, but the OP's article is spot on. I knew that BBC specifically pandered to bleeding heart liberals but I never would have thought that they would go this far. I can say with complete confidence that they are no where near a legitimate source of information.

    Never read about stolen ID's and credit cards were discovered around the protest site...source please!

    1,000 of ID Card in sewage lines. FOUND

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