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Posts posted by nithisa78

  1. Pathetic trolling thread. OP sets up for a major whine under the guise of a faux innocent question and when at first he doesn't get what he wants he disagrees with the responders.

    You know what's coming mate ... if yer don't like it you can always etc

    Santisak I agree with you 100%. This is a blatant and obvious attempt by the Op to encourage Thai bashing. What on earth makes him think that the Thai Government owes him a better life. He must have an enormous ego.

    The Thai government is here for the benefit of the Thai people. Does he not understand that anything that is done to improve the lives of the Thai people indirectly also benefits him. If he has a Thai friend, gf or wife who gets paid for their rice crop then he also benefits. Oh but the Op just moans that it didn't benefit him directly and why should it. If the Government works on stamping out corruption does this not benefit him also. The Op seems to be blind to that fact.

    Why does Thailand owe him anything? Please don't say because of his contribution to the economy. Op your contribution to the economy is peanuts compared to the millions that can be obtained from increasing tourism from China even if you don't like these tourists. If your enormous ego thinks that you are entitled to the Thai Government making improvements just for you, you are sadly mistaken.

    You really need to pack up your enormous ego into 50 suitcases (if it will fit) and take it to another country where the Government will bow down to His Majesty Farang and do everything just for your benefit. I wish you and your ego good luck.

    What a jerk.

    Another sap who fell through the cracks.

  2. Hmm. I have explained several times, no such creature as HiSo. Though have a more clear understanding on the meaning, INSECURE.

    This isn't sociology, some people have just been in the heat too long. Ex-pats included. This is mental health issue. Re-tune the drama.

    Everybody sounds drunk at this altitude.

  3. too many things do not match...

    starting with the title "to stay in Thailand definitely at any age." => nothing is definitely for foreigners, as the extension of stay has to be renewed every year, no matter work, marriage, retirement

    second when you talk about "married to a Thai woman" => why go down all the hassle with company set-up and requirements for that? 400K on bank and some paperwork every year gives you the same "definite" stay as the work permit

    finally you write ". If the company need to hire That people to qualify you for the work permit, that is not a problem, working or not, getting paid or not." => this sounds pretty much like an illegal circumvention of the laws in order to get your WP and as Mario outlined, if immigration or labour departement checks on your company, the only "definite" you might see is the door of the holding cell at IDC...

    "Use your imagination.." => yep, do that and think about the consequences of setting up phony companies...

    Orange juice with the morning coffee.

    The original post , I don't think so. I want to do something legal, I hire a lawyer.

    Wherever I am in the world.

  4. You cannot practice Buddhism or anything else without motive.

    What motivates me not to follow Buddhism is because it's a complete waste of life.

    its science of the mind. so in order to understand and live it, one must have a mind.

    then; Practice mindfulness. Follow your heart.

  5. Wouldn't it just be less of a hassle to prepare a new component of the census package and capture this data amongst others they might be seeking rather than this patchy at best approach. Sure it won't identify individuals but it will permit a broader capture of data from which the entire government can develop policies and so on. It seems every week some department is going on a data hunt, time to get this organized.

    I don't know that much about it. Though any effort is appreciated.

    Why don't you step forward with your concept and see if you can help? It would be better for you than to criticize.

    You appear intelligent enough.

  6. This was a good read, nice way to start the day. Would have liked to hear something from ubonjoe. He always comes across pretty calm and sober. Clear thinker.

    It is all very subjective. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

    Practice mindfulness. Love one another, that is the river of life. Our eternal source.

    It is no sin to enjoy our lives. Help each other. No farangs, no Thais, the one race, the Human Race. Peace, peace, peace.

    A mind which is a light to itself needs no experience - JKOnline Daily Quotes

    A mind which is a light to itself needs no experience

    What an extraordinary thing meditation is. If there is any kind of compulsion, effort to make thought conform, imitate, then it becomes a wearisome burden. The silence which is desired ceases to be illuminating. If it is the pursuit of visions and experiences, then it leads to illusions and self-hypnosis. Only in the flowering of thought and so ending thought does meditation have significance. Thought can only flower in freedom, not in ever-widening patterns of knowledge. Knowledge may give newer experiences of greater sensation but a mind that is seeking experiences of any kind is immature. Maturity is the freedom from all experience; it is no longer under any influence to be or not to be.Maturity in meditation is the freeing of the mind from knowledge, for knowledge shapes and controls all experience. A mind which is a light to itself needs no experience. Immaturity is the craving for greater and wider experience. Meditation is the wandering through the world of knowledge and being free of it to enter into the unknown. - Krishnamurti, Krishnamurti Notebook,213

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